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1Reviews and everything / Monster Children Rendering

31.74 Кб

Alex Kvartalny @ flamedragon27.blogspot.com

Group 501

Rendering of the Article The Monster Children

The article being rendered is The Monster Children.

The theme of the article is changes in child-parent relationships.

Its message is that parents are to blame for children going bad.

At the very beginning of The Monster Children the author introduces the reader to a story of a rabbit that he or she uses allegorically to show that unattended children are likely to grow into monsters, thus establishing a link with the title of the article. He later tells the reader about a movie where the devil was personified by a child. He continues saying that parents have been killing their children for a while now for different reasons, but now he sees a change in parents’ motivation. There is an obvious change in a child’s attitude towards their parents from the new generation of kids. The author provides the evidence to show that now children are worse than they used to be by saying that there is ‘a growing antichild sentiment’ and telling the reader about mothers who wouldn’t want to have children again and who, instead of boasting about their kids, complain about them.

Another message that despite the surroundings a child grows up in parents should have at least some control over what kind of person their kid will be is in the spotlight.

The author concludes the article by saying that no matter how complicated the reasons for a child going bad are parents should not shy away from their kids and send as much love to them as possible.

The idea of innate evil in children is far from being new and is probably most vividly described in The Lord of the Flies by William Golding. I agree with the author that negligence of behalf of parents can lead to children becoming monsters and in order to prevent that from happening mothers and fathers should participate in the lives of their kids proactively and send them as much love as they can.


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