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Gmail / 12.good school

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What from your point of view makes a good school?

The process of education is an imprint of the society we live in.

It's not so easy to give a direct answer to this question. First of all it should be mentioned that schools have for many years set out their purposes, often in clear and helpful statements of aims and objectives. But they have not always turned these into definite targets.

Certainly, it'll be quite a subjective view point if we judge schools only by its poor exam results. It's important to take into account the IQs and background of the pupils.

In Britain, for example, the factors showing the quality of the country's primary or secondary schools are called Performance Indicators, which will play a crucial part in education. They will enable heads, teachers, governors, as well as parents; decide whether a school is up to scratch. No doubt they should be neither overrated nor undervalued.

In my opinion those indicators that I'm going to mention make a school good enough:

-the proportion of leavers that go to university or college after this school

-the efficiency the school communicate with the parents

-the usage of the child-centered approach in teaching

-the way the school prevents bullying, vandalism'

-the high level of the quality of knowledge it gives pupils to prepare them for their future life and profession (children must be prepared for all aspects of their adult life-work, leisure, personal relationships, creative activities, coping with money matters, independence, parenthood)

—it's very good if school also provides an opportunity for teachers to have experience outside the world of college and school. They should work for a while at some other kind of job to see how the world of business and commerce differs from their own.

The quality of the school while accessing it:

-problem of discipline (truancy, bullying, graffiti)

-communication teachers-parents

-choice of the school(whether pupils change schools often)

-a good teaching stuff(devotion to the profession, professional qualities, teachers

must be knowledgeable, demanding, caring)

-a good atmosphere at school