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In their beginnings to ages before the goblins, who only widened them and

joined them up with passages, and the original owners are still there in odd

corners, slinking and nosing about.

Deep down here (здесь, глубоко внизу) by the dark water (у темной воды)

lived old Gollum (жил старый Голлум), a small slimy creature (небольшая

склизкая тварь). I don’t know where he came from (я не знаю, откуда он

появился), nor who or what he was (ни кем или чем он был). He was Gollum (он

был Голлумом) — as dark as darkness (таким же темным, как сама тьма),

except for two big round pale eyes (за исключением его двух больших круглых

бледных глаз) in his thin face (на его худой физиономии). He had a little boat (у

него была маленькая лодчонка), and he rowed about quite quietly on the lake (и

он греб на ней довольно тихо по озеру); for lake it was (так как это было

озеро), wide and deep and deadly cold (широкое и глубокое и смертельно

холодное). He paddled it with large feet (он греб на ней с помощью своих

больших ступней) dangling over the side (свободно свисающих через край),

but never a ripple did he make (но он никогда не создавал ряби на воде). Not he

(только не он). He was looking out of his pale lamp-like eyes (он высматривал

своими бледными гляделками: «похожими на светильники глазами»; lamp —

лампа, фонарь) for blind fish (слепых рыб), which he grabbed with his long

fingers (которых он хватал своими длинными пальцами) as quick as thinking

(быстрыми, как мысль). He liked meat too (мясо ему тоже нравилось). Goblin

he thought good (он считал гоблинов вкусными), when he could get it (когда он

мог добыть его); but he took care they never found him out (но он заботился о

том, чтобы они никогда его не обнаружили).

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row [rqV] paddle ['pxdl] dangling ['dxNglIN]

Deep down here by the dark water lived old Gollum, a small slimy creature.

I don’t know where he came from, nor who or what he was. He was Gollum

as dark as darkness, except for two big round pale eyes in his thin face. He

had a little boat, and he rowed about quite quietly on the lake; for lake it was,

wide and deep and deadly cold. He paddled it with large feet dangling over

the side, but never a ripple did he make. Not he. He was looking out of his pale

lamp-like eyes for blind fish, which he grabbed with his long fingers as quick

as thinking. He liked meat too. Goblin he thought good, when he could get it;

but he took care they never found him out.

He just throttled them from behind (он просто душил их со спины), if they ever

came down alone (если они когда-нибудь спускались одни = поодиночке)

anywhere near the edge of the water (где-то поблизости от края воды), while he

was prowling about (пока он рыскал поблизости). They very seldom did (они

очень редко /подходили/), for they had a feeling (так как у них было такое

чувство) that something unpleasant was lurking down there (что что-то

неприятное пряталось там, внизу), down at the very roots of the mountain

(внизу, у самого основания горы; root — корень; основание). They had come

on the lake (они вышли на это озеро), when they were tunnelling down long ago

(когда они прокладывали туннели, уже очень давно), and they found they could

go no further (и они обнаружили, что они не могут придвигаться дальше); so

there their road ended in that direction (и тогда их дорога в этом направлении

закончилась), and there was no reason to go that way (и не было никакой

причины ходить по этому пути) — unless the Great Goblin sent them (если

только Великий Гоблин не посылал их). Sometimes he took a fancy for fish

from the lake (иногда ему хотелось рыбки из этого озера; fancy — фантазия,

прихоть, вкус), and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back (и иногда ни

гоблин, ни рыба не возвращались).

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throttle ['TrOtl] prowl [praVl] lurking ['lq:kIN]

He just throttled them from behind, if they ever came down alone anywhere

near the edge of the water, while he was prowling about. They very seldom

did, for they had a feeling that something unpleasant was lurking down there,

down at the very roots of the mountain. They had come on the lake, when they

were tunnelling down long ago, and they found they could go no further; so

there their road ended in that direction, and there was no reason to go that

way — unless the Great Goblin sent them. Sometimes he took a fancy for fish

from the lake, and sometimes neither goblin nor fish came back.

Actually Gollum lived on a slimy island of rock (на самом деле, Голлум жил на

покрытом слизью скалистом острове) in the middle of the lake (посередине

озера). He was watching Bilbo now (теперь он наблюдал за Бильбо) from the

distance (с расстояния) with his pale eyes like telescopes (своими бледными

глазами, похожими на телескопы). Bilbo could not see him (Бильбо не мог его

видеть), but he was wondering a lot about Bilbo (но тот много размышлял о

Бильбо), for he could see (так как он видел) that he was no goblin at all (что это

был совсем не гоблин).

Gollum got into his boat (Голлум забрался в свою лодку) and shot off from the

island (и оттолкнулся от острова; to shoot (shot) — стрелять; бросаться,

бежать, мчаться), while Bilbo was sitting on the brink (в то время как Бильбо

сидел на крутом берегу) altogether flummoxed (одновременно сбитый с толку)

and at the end of his way and his wits (и потерявший свою дорогу и в

растерянности; way — путь, wits — ум, разум). Suddenly up came Gollum

(внезапно подплыл Голлум) and whispered (и прошептал) and hissed (и


“Bless us (честное слово: «благослови нас») and splash us (чтоб мне

плюхнуться: «обрызгай нас»), my precioussss (мой драгоценный; precioussss =

Мультиязыковой проект Ильи Франка



precious)! I guess it’s a choice feast (я полагаю, что это отборное угощение;

feast — пир, банкет); at least a tasty morsel it’d make us, gollum (по меньшей

мере, это будет для нас лакомым кусочком, голлум; to make — делать,

изготавливать, составлять)!” And when he said gollum (и когда он произнес

"голлум") he made a horrible swallowing noise in his throat (он произвел

ужасный сглатывающий звук в своем горле). That is how he got his name (вот

так он и получил свое имя), though he always called himself ‘my precious’ (хотя

он сам всегда называл себя "мой драгоценный").

telescope ['telIskqVp] flummox ['flAmqks] hiss [hIs] morsel ['mO:s(q)l]

precious ['preSqs]

Actually Gollum lived on a slimy island of rock in the middle of the lake. He

was watching Bilbo now from the distance with his pale eyes like telescopes.

Bilbo could not see him, but he was wondering a lot about Bilbo, for he could

see that he was no goblin at all.

Gollum got into his boat and shot off from the island, while Bilbo was sitting

on the brink altogether flummoxed and at the end of his way and his wits.

Suddenly up came Gollum and whispered and hissed:

Bless us and splash us, my precioussss! I guess it’s a choice feast; at least a

tasty morsel it’d make us, gollum!” And when he said gollum he made a

horrible swallowing noise in his throat. That is how he got his name, though

he always called himself ‘my precious.’

The hobbit jumped nearly out of his skin (хоббит подскочил: «почти что

выскочил из своей кожи») when the hiss came in his ears (когда это шипение

достигло его ушей), and he suddenly saw the pale eyes (и внезапно он увидел

бледные глаза) sticking out at him (уставившиеся на него; to stick — втыкать,

вонзать, высовывать).

“Who are you (кто ты такой)?” he said (сказал он), thrusting his dagger in front

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of him (резко выставив свой кинжал перед собой; to thrust — толкать,

совать, наносить удар).

“What iss he, my preciouss (что он такое, мой драгоценный)?” whispered

Gollum (прошептал Голлум) (who always spoke to himself (который всегда

говорил сам с собой) through never having anyone else to speak to (так как у

него не было никого, с кем еще поговорить). This is what he had come to find

out (именно за этим он и пришел сюда выяснить), for he was not really very

hungry at the moment (так как он не был очень-то голоден в данный момент),

only curious (только любопытен); otherwise he would have grabbed first (в

противном случае он бы сперва схватил) and whispered afterwards (и только

потом прошептал).

“I am Mr. Bilbo Baggins (я мистер Бильбо Бэггинс). I have lost the dwarves (я

потерял гномов; to lose) and I have lost the wizard (и я потерял волшебника),

and I don’t know where I am (и я не знаю, где я); and I don’t want to know (и я

не хочу этого знать), if only I can get away (если я смогу выбраться отсюда).”

“What’s he got in his handses (что это он держит в своих рукаххх)?” said

Gollum (сказал Голлум), looking at the sword (глядя на меч), which he did not

quite like (и который ему не очень-то понравился).

“A sword (меч), a blade which came out of Gondolin (клинок, который

изготовили в Гондолине; to come out — появляться, приходить)!”

thrusting ['TrAstIN] curious ['kjV(q)rIqs] whisper ['wIspq]

The hobbit jumped nearly out of his skin when the hiss came in his ears, and

he suddenly saw the pale eyes sticking out at him. “Who are you?” he said,

thrusting his dagger in front of him.

What iss he, my preciouss?” whispered Gollum (who always spoke to

himself through never having anyone else to speak to). This is what he had

come to find out, for he was not really very hungry at the moment, only

curious; otherwise he would have grabbed first and whispered afterwards. “I

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am Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I have lost the dwarves and I have lost the wizard, and

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