Laboratory work 1
Vowels: [], [], []
Consonants: [], [b], [f], [v], [t], [d], [s], [z], [m], [n]
A. Ear-training and Pronunciation Practice
Listen to the target sounds on their own and repeat them after the speaker.
// |
/p/ |
/f/ |
/t/ |
/s/ |
/m/ |
// |
/b/ |
/v/ |
/d/ |
/z/ |
/n/ |
Listen to the vowel [] between the target consonants in the following words. Repeat them after the speaker.
sp |
tp |
ft |
fst |
ms |
st |
dd |
fn |
bt |
mst |
\s |
\vzt |
\mnt |
Listen to the vowel [] after and between the target consonants in the following words. Repeat them after the speaker.
t |
d |
s |
b |
p |
v |
n |
\ |
\v |
\ndd |
Compare the length of the vowel [] before a voiced and voiceless consonant in the following words.
p - p |
s - s |
f - ft |
- |
Compare the vowels [] and [] in the following pairs of words. Think of the meaning of the words in each pair.
bt - bt |
ft - ft |
st - st |
Study the spelling and pronunciation of the following words and work out the rules of letter-sound correlation for the vowels [] and [].
sin [sn] - scene [si:n] |
dip [dp] - deep [di:p] |
pit [pt] – Pete [pi:t] |
knit [nt] - neat [ni:t] |
bid [bd] - bead [bi:d] |
did [dd] – deed [di:d] |
piece [pi:s] |
peace [pi:s] |
sieve [sv] |
B. Auditory Test
You will hear 2 speakers pronouncing 6 pairs of words. If you hear the same word twice, write S (same). If you hear two different words, write D (different).
1________ |
2________ |
3________ |
4________ |
5________ |
6________ |
Listen and circle the word you hear.
Sit or seat? Do you want to sit / a seat?
Niece or knees? What’s wrong with your niece / knees today?
Peace or peas? I just want some peace / peas, please.
Complete this conversation using the words you hear.
SID: Alice’s (1)__________ (2) ________ nice.
JOE: Her (3) ___________ (4) ________ nice.
SID: I’m not talking about her (5) ________, I’m talking about her (6)_________.
Laboratory work 2
Vowels: [e], []
Consonants: [k], [g], [h], [j]
A. Ear-training and Pronunciation Practice
Listen to the target sounds on their own and repeat them after the speaker.
/e/ |
// |
/k/ |
/g/ |
/h/ |
/j/ |
Practice the following words with the target consonants before or after the vowels [], []
a) in initial position in a word:
k |
kp |
km |
kd |
kz |
ht |
ht |
kt |
b) in final position in a word:
pk |
pk |
sk |
bg |
pg |
Compare the pronunciation of the voiced consonants [g], [d], [z] at the beginning and at the end of a word.
bg - \bg |
pg - \fg |
fd - \ndd |
kz - \z |
Listen and try to notice the difference between the front vowels [] and [e] in the following pairs of words. Repeat the words after the speaker.
dd - ded |
st - set |
bt - bet |
ms - mes |
Listen to the target vowel [e] in the words below and repeat them after the speaker.
em |
met |
den |
best |
en |
vet |
ten |
vest |
Compare the length of the vowel [e] before voiced and voiceless consonants a in monosyllabic and polysyllabic words and repeat them after the speaker.
eg - ef |
zed - jet |
hed - get |
send - sent |
men - \men |
bet - \bet |
sent - \sent |
Listen and try to notice the difference between the front vowels [e] and [] in the following pairs of words. Repeat the words after the speaker.
bet - bd |
pen - pn |
men - mn |
set - st |
sed - sd |
hed -hd |
ges - gs |
Listen to the target vowel [] in the words below and repeat them after the speaker.
d |
tp |
bd |
md |
ft |
kp |
hm |
hd |
sd |
bg |
bk |
mp |
gp |
kn |
hz |
ht |
Listen and repeat the words below. Observe “fricative plosion” at the juncture of plosives with the fricative [s].
a) at the end of a word
eks |
mks |
mkst |
sks |
kts |
mts |
kps |
p\hps |
b) within a word
\mks |
\skst |
\tks |
Study the spelling and pronunciation of the following words and work out the rules of letter-sound correlation for the vowel [e] and []:
man [mn] |
men [men] |
many [\men] |
said [sed] |
sad [sd] |
dead [ded] |
B. Auditory Test
You will hear 2 speakers pronouncing 10 pairs of words. If you hear the same word twice, write S (same). If you hear two different words, write D (different).
1 ________ |
2 ________ |
3 ________ |
4 ________ |
5 ________ |
6 ________ |
7 ________ |
8 _______ |
9 ________ |
10 _______ |
Listen and circle the word you hear.
Man or men? Did you see the man / men?
Man or men? Talk to the man / men.
Pan or pen? Have you got a pan / pen I could borrow?
Bag or back? My bag’s / back’s wet.
Complete this conversation using the words you hear.
SID: My wife’s left me. Yes, she took the (1) _________ and drove off. JOE: What did she want the (2) _________ for? SID: I said (3) ___________, you know, a kind of vehicle. JOE: Oh, I see: (4) _____________ with a (5)_______, not (6) __________ with an (7) __________! |