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6. Analyze growing antagonism between the North and the South. Examine the chief events of the Civil war, its consequences.

American life was characterized by a growing conflict between the Northern and Southern states. There were millions of black people who were slaves, they exceeded the whites in number. There was a growing rift between the free labour economy of the Northern states and the slave-based plantation economy of the South. In 1808 Congress outlawed the importation of slaves. In 1820,Southern and Northern politicians disputed the issue of whether slavery would be legal in the new western territories Missouri and the Arkansas territory, but it was banned everywhere west and north of Missouri.

Then the western expansion was furthered in 1848 when the USA settled a long-standing border dispute with Canada taking over the southern half of the Oregon Country. Thus America became a truly continental power, stretching from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. In 1850 California was admitted as a free state. Congress passed the Fugitive Slave Act which permitted Southerners to recapture slaves who had escaped to the free states.

In 1854 the old issue of slavery in the territories of Kansas and Nebraska was renewed and the quarrel became more bitter. Under the terms of the Missouri Compromise of 1820,the entire region was closed to slavery. In 1857 the Supreme Court passed a decision which denied blacks the rights of American citizens and legalized slavery in the western territories. The country was dramatically moving towards Civil War.

The Republican Party was formed in 1854 as anti-slavery party. It united the industrialist of the North, the free farmers and many inhabitants of the towns. Abraham Lincoln became a leading figure in the party. In 1848 Lincoln was elected a member of Congress. And then in 1860 he won the popular vote and became president of the USA.

On March 4,1861 Abraham Lincoln was swarn in as president of the USA. In his inaugural address, he refused to recognize the secession and appealed to the South to restore the union. But the South turned deaf ears and on April 12 the Civil War(1861-1865) began when the Southerners opened fire on the Federal troops stationed at Fort Sumter in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina. A war had begun in which more Americans would die than in any other conflict before or since. The Northern Army had the support of the industrial north and the people who were against slavery. The main task were to keep the country together and to abolish slavery. On January 1,1863,he issued the Emancipation Proclamation, which granted freedom to all slaves. The Southern army or the Confederates won some battles at the beginning of the war, but soon the situation changed. In the summer of 1863 their commander General Lee marched north into Pennsylvania. He met the Union army at Gettysburg, and the greatest battle on American territory took place. After three days of fighting the Confederates were defeated. The northern army took control of the Mississippi Valley and cut the Confederacy in two. In 1864,a Union army under General Sherman marched into the South winning many important victories. General Grant, who commanded another army of the North was also successful in Virginia against General Lee. On April 9,1865 General Lee surrendered to General Grand at Appomattox, and soon all the other forces of the South surrendered. The Civil War was over. It was the most dramatic war on the territory of the USA. America lost more soldiers in this war than in any other-635,000 killed on both sides. It put an end to slavery, which was abolished by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution in 1965.It is also decided forever that the USA is a single united nation.

The victory of the North contributed to the further development of the United States. The country began to make great progress in the development of industry, trade, agriculture. More and more immigrants began to come to America. In the countryside the settlers could easily get land and start farming. Capitalism began to make rapid progress

7. How and when American constitution was adopted. What caused the necessity of the bill of rights? Explain what is meant by a “strict division or separation of powers” under the Constitution. Outline the structure of the American Constitution.

The US, having won its independence, began to develop rapidly. The population was almost rural. Most people lived isolated, with poor books, schools. But the immigrants from the Old World came in great numbers. The government supported them. The Industrial revolution began to make progress. Massachusetts and Rhode Island: textile; Connecticut: tinware and clocks; New York, Pennsylvania: paper, glass, iron. The US was second in shipping after Britain. Political changes aimed at consolidating of central gov-t. The country was governed by Articles of Confederation acc. to which Congress could not make laws or raise taxes. There was no permanent executive or federal judiciary. To this purpose, in May 1787,a convention met in Philadelphia to revise the Articles of Confederation. The delegates, headed by G.Wash., Benj.Franklin, James Madison drafted a new Constitution, which established a strong federal gov-t, gave executive power to an elected president and provided for a Supreme Court. Also it established the principle of checks and balances. The Constitution was ratified in 1789.30 Aprile,1789-G.Washington was unanimously chosen president. He served for 2 terms. He organized a national gov-t, developed politics for settlement, stabilized the admission of 3 new states: Vermont(1791),Kentucky(1792),Tennessee(1796)

Bill of rights!

A major conflict took place between the Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton and the Democratic Republicans led by Thomas Jefferson. It concerned the power of the central gov-t. The F-ts favored a strong central gov-t and expressed the interests of the rich and prosperous classes. D Rep-ns defended the rights of the individual states and appealed to the small farmers. Many Americans feared that a powerful central gov-t would violate the basic liberties of the American people and therefore in 1791,the Congress added the first 10 amendments to the Constitution-the Bill of rights, which guaranteed freedom of speech, the right of citizens to bear arms, protection against illegal house searches, the right to a fairy trial by jury and protection against cruel and unusual punishments. Today 27 amendments.1791-G.Wash.retired and was succeeded by John Adams, his vice president.

Under the Constitution power was divided among the three brunches of the national government: legislative (the Congress), executive (the President) and judicial (the Supreme Court). Each was given its own authority to prevent abuse of power. These three brunches watch over each other. This watching over is known as the system of checks and balances. That way no single brunch becomes too powerful.

This system gives each brunch the means to restrain the other two. For example the President has the power to veto acts passed by Congress, but the Congress may override the veto by a two-thirds majority. But the Supreme Court has the power to declare acts of Congress or President to be illegal if they are in conflict with Constitution.

The structure of the Constitution

The Constitution of the US consists of the Preamble, 7 Articles and 27 Amendments.

The document begins with the Preamble. It holds in its words the hopes and dreams of the delegates to the convention, a justification for what they had done.

The Preamble is followed by 7 articles.

Article 1, 2 and 3 of the Constitution describe how the members of the three branches of the federal government are chosen, how long they shall serve and what qualifications they must have for office.

Article 4 of the Constitution outlines the relationship between states and between the federal government and the states.

Article 5 provides for making changes or amendments to the Constitution.

Article 6 establishes that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land to which all judges and federal and state officers are bound.

Article7 sets forth the manner in which the Constitution was to be adopted.

8. Explain the structure of the Congress – the supreme legislative body. Discuss the election of Senators and Representatives and whom they represent. Examine the main functions of the Congress, the process of passing a bill. Comment on how changes in the Constitution are made.

The Congress consists of 2 houses:

  • The upper chamber – the Senate

  • The lower chamber – the House of Representatives (HP)

The life of any Congress lasts for only 2 years. Originally every Congress would open on the 1st Monday of December, but it has changed – only odd numbers of the year, the 3d of January. Originally the Congress was to be elected by the state legislative bodies, but the 14th amendment gave this right to the Am. people.

Congress, the legislative branch of the federal government, is made up of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state. One third of the Senators are elected every two years for six-year terms of office. The Senators represent all of the people in a state and their interests.

The House has 435 members. They are elected every two years for two-year terms. They represent the population of "congressional districts" into which each state is divided. The number of Representatives from each state is based upon its population. For instance, California, the state with the largest population, has 45 Representatives, while Delaware has one. There is no limit to the number of terms a Senator or a Representative may serve.

Powers given to the Congress by the Constitution:

  1. To borrow money, collect taxies, regulate trade

  2. To establish inferior courts

  3. To raise the army and navy

  4. To declare war

  5. To establish the Post Office

  6. To make law

The process of passing a bill

Stage 1: introduction. The bill must be introduced to the House. There a member drops his proposal into a “hopper”. In the Senate a member drops a proposal either to the Senate Club or speaks from the floor. A bill can be introduce by a Congressman, Chairman Committee, administration or it can be co-sponsored by several committee members (sponsor- автор законопроекта). A bill supported either by the chairman or the administration has better chances to become law.

Stage 2: the bill goes to a committee. There are 38 permanent committees in the Congress(34 – to the House; 4 – to the Senate). Chairman Committees are extremely influential.

Stage 3: if they decide to consider the bill, it goes to the subcommittee. They may kill it, but if they approve of it they will hold hearings. The purpose of the hearing is not only to obtain information, but also to test public opinion. After the hearings the bill goes back to the subcommittee for debate and introducing amendments.

Stage 4: general debate, mark-up session – members express their opinion.

Stage 5: the bill goes to the Full Committee – they debate the bill + the financial vote is taken (a clean bill – entirely changed by amendments). Sometimes there are reports in favor or against the bill. Then it goes back to the respective chamber – the House or the Senate which resolves itself into the Committee of the Whole.

Final stage: the whole business is considered by the Rule’s Committee (only in the HP). They limit debate to 1-2 hours. Any member speaks no more than 5 minutes. When the bill is passed it goes to the Senate. But the procedure will be a bit easier since every senator has the right to debate the bill without any committee. Senators can talk as long as they wish. The speeches of the senators may not be the topic of discussion.

Article Five describes the process necessary to amend the Constitution. It establishes two methods of proposing amendments: by Congress or by a national convention requested by the states. Under the first method, Congress can propose an amendment by a two-thirds vote (of a quorum, not necessarily of the entire body) of the Senate and of the House of Representatives. Under the second method, two-thirds (2/3) of the state legislatures may convene and "apply" to Congress to hold a national convention, whereupon Congress must call such a convention for the purpose of considering amendments. As of 2007, only the first method (proposal by Congress) has been used. Once proposed—whether submitted by Congress or by a national convention—amendments must then be ratified by three-fourths (3/4) of the states to take effect. Article Five gives Congress the option of requiring ratification by state legislatures or by special conventions assembled in the states. The convention method of ratification has been used only once (to approve the 21st Amendment). Article Five currently places only one limitation on the amending power—that no amendment can deprive a state of its equal representation in the Senate without that state's consent.