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KRUT II - Verb.doc
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Exercise 20 p. 62. Change the following sentences from direct into indirect speech,

1. He said: "It is haymaking time; and if you go to the collective farm to-morrow, the farmers will be working in the fields." 2. She said to me: "Go to the post-office now, as in half an hour they will be having a break and will be closing down for dinner." 3. The secretary said: "Go to the director and hand in your application now, as in some 15 minutes, when he. is having visitors, you won't be able to speak to him." 4. The typist said: "I am sure I shall be still typing your report if you come in an hour. Better come, say, in an hour and a half." 5. The young man said over the telephone: "I have got two tickets for to-night's performance; if you take a taxi, you will be here in no time. I shall be waiting at the entrance." 6. The instructor said: "At this time to-morrow the first group of tourists will be coming to our camp." 7. She asked: "Will you still be discussing my proposal if I come in half an hour?"

Exercise 21 p. 62. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the proper tense forms:

1. "Hush," (to say) Amelia when Dobbin (to enter) the room. His boots (to creak) and he (can) wake up little Georgy. In his arms he (to carry) a cargo of toys and (cannot) take Amelia's outstretched hand before he (to free) himself of the cargo. "I (to be) here to say good-bye, Amelia," (to say) Dobbin. "To-morrow at this time I (-to sail) across the Channel." Soon Dobbin's carriage (to run) along the drive, but Amelia (not to hear) the noise of the wheels. She (to look) at her sleeping son, who (to smile) in his sleep. 2. Lanny (to walk) along the road in the moonlight when Celia (to overtake) him. They (to start) running. Now she (to get) her second wind. Celia (to remember) the evening when they (to run) thus together for the last time to catch the last bus. And now they (to run) together for the last time to catch the train that (to take) her out of his life forever. "The train (to pass) the station in half an hour," Lanny (to say).

Exercise 22 p. 63. Translate into English using the Continuous tense forms.

1, Анна стояла на платформе. Мимо нее пробегали занесенные снегом люди, кричали разные голоса. Она уже хотела вернуться в вагон, но какой-то человек стал на ее пути. Она тотчас узнала Вронского. Я не знала, что вы едете. Зачем вы едете?” - “Зачем я еду? -- повторил он,, глядя ей прямо в глаза, — Вы знаете, я еду для того, чтобы быть там, где вы. Я буду сле­довать за вами везде, я не могу иначе”. 2. Миссис Чивли не просила, она ставила условия. “Завтра в это время я или буду слушать в парламенте вашу речь в пользу аргентинского канала, или весь свет будет знать, что вы из себя представляете”. 3. На крыльце сидела девочка лет девяти и сосредоточенно смотрела прямо перед собой. Она, казалось, не замечала, что ее маленький брат, который лежал рядом на ступеньке, громко кричал. По улице по направлению к дому ехала карета, которая и привлекла внимание девочки.


Exercise 23 p. 63. Replace the infinitives in brackets by the Present Indefinite or the Present Perfect. Translate into Russian.

1. As a rule I (to have) ham and eggs for breakfast, but this time I (to order) an omelette. 2. This is the house where I (to live), I (to live) here since childhood. 3. Once in a week I (to write) letters home, but I (not to write) one this week, so my next letter must be particularly long. 4. No wonder he (to look) tired after the strain under which he (to be) lately. 5. She just (to ask) a porter to carry her bags as they (to be) too heavy for her. 6. Where (to be) your monitor? —She (to go) to the library. 7. I regularly (to see) him every morning at the tram stop, but I (not to see) him these two or three days. 8. It (to be) cold in winter in Moscow, as a rule? — Yes, generally it (to be), but this winter (to be) exceptionally warm. 9. Why you (not to shave) this morning? — I (to shave) every other day. 10. I always (to want) to have a car of my own.

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