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Вариант 3 Направление подготовки: «Государственное и муниципальное управление»

Группа 18201.270

Группа 18201.272 СПО

Направление подготовки: Менеджмент


Группа 14201.272 СПО

Направление подготовки: «Экономика»

Группа 26201.270

Группа 26201.272 СПО

1. Дополните предложения, используя прилагательные в сравнительной или превосходной степени. Запишите и письменно переведите предложения.

We had a great holiday. It was one of the ...holidays we've ever had. (enjoyable)

The United States is very large but Canada is ...(large)

What's ...river in the world? (long)

It was an awful day. It was ...day of my life. (bad)

What is ...sport in your country? (popular)

2. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Indefinite/ Present Continuous).

' ...(you/listen) to the radio every day?' 'No, just occasionally.'

The River Nile ...(flow) into the Mediterranean.

Look at the river. It ...(flow) very fast today - much faster than usual.

'How is your English?' 'Not bad. It ...(improve) slowly.'

Ron is in London at the moment. He ...(stay) at the Park Hotel. He ...(always/stay) there when he's in London.

Normally I ...(finish) work at 5.00, but this week I ...(work) until 6.00 to earn a bit more money.

3. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Future Indefinite/ Present Continuous).

Ann isn't free on Saturday. She ....(work)

I ...to a party tomorrow night. Would you like to come too? (go)

I think Jane ...the job. She has a lot of experience. (get)

A: Have you decided where to go for your holidays? b: Yes, we ...to Italy. (go)

There's no need to be afraid of the dog. It ...you. (not hurt)

4. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Continuous/Past Indefinite).

Jane ... (wait) for me when I... (arrive).

How fast ...(you/drive) when the accident ...(happen)?

We were in a very difficult position. We ...(not/know) what to do.

I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last ... (see) him, he ...(try) to find a job in London.

I ...(walk) along the street when suddenly I ...(hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ...(follow) me. I was frightened and I ... (start) to run.

5. Составьте и запишите вопросы из слов в скобках, используя грамматическое время Present Perfect. Письменно переведите предложения.




(ever/speak / famous person?)

(always / live / in this town?)

6. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Present Perfect/Past Indefinite).

I did German at school but I ...most of it. (forget)

I meant to phone Diane last night but I ...forget)

'Is Helen still here?' 'No, she ...out.' (just/go)

Ann ...me her address but I'm afraid I ...it. (give, lose)

Where's my bike? It ...outside the house. It ...! (be, disappear)

7. Употребите глагол из скобок в нужной форме (Past Perfect /Past Indefinite).

'Was Tom at the party when you arrived?' 'No, he ...(go) home.'

I felt very tired when I got home, so I ...(go) straight to bed.

The house was very quiet when I got home. Everybody ...(go) to bed.

Sorry I'm late. The car ...(break) down on my way here.

We were driving along the road when we ...(see) a car which ... (break) down, so we ...(stop) to see if we could help.

8. Употребите модальные глаголы can, may, must, need там, где необходимо.

Sandra ...drive but she hasn't got a car.

What are you doing for your holidays? I haven't decided yet. I ...go to Ireland.

Whatever you do you ...not touch that switch. It's very dangerous.

I understand the situation perfectly. You ...not tell further.

Congratulations on passing your exam. You ...be very pleased.

9. Употребите местоимения much, many, a lot of там, это где необходимо.

Sue drinks ...tea.

We'll have to hurry. We haven't got ...time.

Did it cost ...to repair the car?

I don't know ...people in that town.

They've got so ...money they don't know what to do with it.

10. Перепишите и письменно переведите текст. Сделайте лексико-грамматический анализ текста: 1) Выпишите прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, переведите их на русский язык. 2) Подчеркните предложения во временных группах Perfect. 3) Подчеркните предложения, где употребляются модальные глаголы can, may, must, have to.

The world's longest mail run

Every Saturday morning a small plane flies from Port Augusta on the South Australian coast into the outback. It carries letters and parcels to people who live in the loneliest and most dangerous part of Australia. Writer Dan Middleton hitched a lift on the world's longest mail run.

'It was 8.30 am and 30 C when we took off from Port Augusta. It was hot and it was going to get hotter as we headed towards the great Australian outback.

For hours we flew across the bush, landing every now and then at a cattle station or a small town. In places the landscape looked exactly like the moon, and was just as empty. Some cattle stations, with their small homes in the middle of nowhere, seemed like the loneliest places on earth.

Our last stop was at Birdsville, a small town on the edge of the desert. After Birdsville, you are literally 'on your own'. The town has a population of 70, and in the summer the temperature reaches an incredible 50 C. But this doesn't seem to worry the local people. The people I talked to were proud of Birdsville, with its primary school, its pub and its Flying Doctor service. Many of them worked for the cattle stations in the area.

After Birdsville we headed back to Port Augusta and civilisation. The mail run had been an exciting experience. The dry, beautiful landscapes, the wide open spaces and the interesting people are just some of the things that make the Australian outback unique.'


Text 1. The History Of The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games were originally an ancient Greek religious festival in honour of Zeus, held in Olympia near Mount Olympus, the mythical home of the gods. An athletic festival with competitions in music and poetry was held every four years on the island of Peplos in Southern Greece. The period between the games was called an Olympiad.

The initial date for the beginning of the Games was 776 B.C. They were held every four years, in the middle of the summer, and lasted five days; the main condition of the festival was that there should be peace throughout Greece. The festival became a symbol of peace and friendship.

The ceremonies included contests in oratory, poetry, music and art, as well as in athletic skills like wrestling, boxing, horse and chariot racing, throwing the javelin and running.

The Olympic Games were an exclusively male festival, open to young men from all the Greek cities. Women were not allowed to compete in the Olympic Games, or even to attend and watch them, though there are legends of girls having done so in disguise. The winners were given laurel wreaths in the temple of Zeus. To be a victor in the classical Olympic Games was a great honour not only for the athlete but for his city too.

The Olympic Games were held for nearly twelve centuries. Factionalism and controversies over the status of competitors became so fierce and disruptive in later years that the Games were finally abolished by the Roman Emperor Theodosius in 392 A.D. as a disturbance of Roman peace.

The Olympic Games were revived only at the end of 19-th century due to Baron Pierre de Coubertin. In 1894 he addressed the International Congress of Athletes and pointed out the importance of sports in the peoples' life.

The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896 to signify the succession of the tradition. In 1896 311 athletes, competing in nine sports represented 13 countries in the Olympic Games. Since then, except in 1916, 1940 and 1944, the Olympic Games have been held every leap-year in different countries of the world. The International Olympic Committee is responsible for the programme, the number of participants, and the city-host for the Games.

At first the modern Games were limited to men. Women first competed in the Games in 1910, playing golf, but real women's participation only began in Paris in 1924 with the inclusion of women's athletics in the programme. In recent Olympiads the women's programme has been greatly extended.

Winter sports were brought into the Olympic programme through the organization of special Winter Games, first held in France at Chamonix in 1924, with competitions in ice hockey, speed skating, figure skating and skiing. These are still the basic events of the winter programme, with the addition of bobsleigh and toboggan races.

Each Olympiad the size of the Olympic Games has been growing in the scale of competition, number of competitors, and size of the audience watching them.

Nowadays the Olympic Games have become a wonderful tradition which helps to bring people closer together.

Text 2. It's All In Your Genes

What colour hair have you got? Is it straight, wavy or curly? What colour are your eyes? Why are some people tall and slim while others are short and stocky? It's all in your genes. Each person on this planet is unique, because everyone has got a different combination of genes. These are contained in the DNA structure. Your genes determine your general shape and size, the colour of your skin, eyes and hair, the shape of your face, nose, ears, mouth and teeth.

For every part of your body you have got two genes. You inherit one from your mother and one from your father. One of the two genes is dominant, but you can pass either gene on to your children. Look at this couple, for example. The man and the woman both carry a gene for blue eyes and a gene for brown eyes, which they have inherited from their own parents, but they have both got brown eyes, because the brown gene is always dominant.

In this ideal example the couple have two sons and two daughters and each one has received one of the four possible combinations of the parents' genes. As we can see, one of them is blue-eyed and the other three have got brown eyes, but three of them carry a blue gene.

A gene can stay hidden in a family for generations. For example, the second daughter is married. Her husband's eyes are brown, but he also carries a blue gene. This couple has got four children and each child has got a different combination of the parents' genes. So one child has got blue eyes, although her parents and grandparents have all got brown eyes.

Knowledge about genes has been used since the eighteenth century to improve plants and animals. Scientists and farmers select the best possible specimens to breed from. In this way they have been able to produce bigger fruit and vegetables, animals that produce more meat, kinds of wheat or rice that are more resistant to disease, and so on. This is known as selective breeding.

Now scientists can actually identify the genes for particular characteristics. In the new science of genetic engineering, genes can be removed, added or replaced to produce the characteristics that --we want. New and better plants and animals will be produced by genetic engineering. Will we be able to design the perfect human being, too? 'Nobody's perfect', we say. Perhaps one day everyone will be.

Text 3. The Americans And Computers

This new servant of man is only about twenty-five years old, but it has already changed the lives of more that 200 million Americans. Wherever the citizen turns, he finds a computer working. It helps him make long-distance and local telephone calls.

Computers are also used when one reserves space on an airplane. Walk into airline office. Before selling you a ticket, the reservation clerk uses machine to record information about where you want to go and the flight number of the plane that will take you to your destination. This information is sent instantly to a central computer that may be many kilometres away from the airline office. Within seconds, the computer informs the clerk whether or not there is space for you on that plane.

Such reservation systems are now in increasing use. They are also employed by hotels, by companies that rent cars, and by offices that sell tickets to theatres and sport events. The computer not only determines what seats are available at what prices, but it also prints the tickets at the same time.

When you buy an automobile, a factory process, that is controlled by a computer, enables you to obtain a car with your own choice of colors and special features in just a few weeks' time. In medical laboratories, computers have reduced the errors in testing, and they have saved doctors countless hours of work. Before long, medical histories of all Americans will be kept in "computer banks". If a person becomes ill far from his home, local doctors will be able to get his medical record immediately. In science, the computer has performed in minutes experiments which would have required thousands of hours of work by human hands and minds.

More and more Americans use computers in their daily lives. In some American schools, for example, young children are being taught by computers for part of the school day.

The use of computers in schools has worried some Americans. There are those who fear it will remove the human element from teacher-student relationship. Some teachers fear that computers will take their jobs. On the other hand, there are educators who consider computers a valuable means of freeing teachers from the more boring and tiring tasks, enabling them to spend more time with individual students.

In education, as in business and industry, science and medicine, computers play an important part in almost every type of operation. The future will bring major advances in computer technology and applications, which will aid man in his efforts to improve his world.

Text 4. Plastic Money

Plastic money is the name given to all types of plastic money, which are used in place of cash. There are different names for these cards but in general they have two main purposes: to enable people to obtain cash; or to make payments without using cash or cheques.

Banks now make available to their customers a single card which does three things: it guarantees cheques; it obtains cash from automatic machines, and it pays for goods. The fourth use of the plastic card is to give customers credit when they purchase goods or services.

Credit cards are issued by credit card companies such as Access, MasterCard, Visa, American Express. Some others are owned by banks. There are debit cards and credit cards.

The latest development of the plastic money is the Smart Card.

Cash dispenser, automatic teller machine, are some of the names given to machines from which customers can withdraw money from their bank accounts, using their cash cards. They can do this at any branch of their bank and the branches of other banks that are linked to their bank.

With the cash card, customers also receive a PIN or a personal identification number which they should memorize. When using the dispenser, customers insert their card and key the PIN number in it. By following a clear set of instructions which appear on video screen, they can withdraw cash up to a certain limit, check the balance of their account or deposit money.

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