163.17 Кб
# \
exec wish "$0" ${1+"$@"}

## tkcon.tcl
## Enhanced Tk Console, part of the VerTcl system
## Originally based off Brent Welch's Tcl Shell Widget
## (from "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk")
## Thanks to the following (among many) for early bug reports & code ideas:
## Steven Wahl <steven@indra.com>, Jan Nijtmans <nijtmans@nici.kun.nl>
## Crimmins <markcrim@umich.edu>, Wart <wart@ugcs.caltech.edu>
## Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Jeffrey Hobbs
## Initiated: Thu Aug 17 15:36:47 PDT 1995
## jeff.hobbs@acm.org, jeff@hobbs.org
## source standard_disclaimer.tcl
## source bourbon_ware.tcl

# Proxy support for retrieving the current version of Tkcon.
# Mon Jun 25 12:19:56 2001 - Pat Thoyts <Pat.Thoyts@bigfoot.com>
# In your tkcon.cfg or .tkconrc file put your proxy details into the
# `proxy' member of the `PRIV' array. e.g.:
#    set ::tkcon::PRIV(proxy) wwwproxy:8080
# If you want to be prompted for proxy authentication details (eg for
# an NT proxy server) make the second element of this variable non-nil - eg:
#    set ::tkcon::PRIV(proxy) {wwwproxy:8080 1}
# Or you can set the above variable from within tkcon by calling 
#    tkcon master set ::tkcon:PRIV(proxy) wwwproxy:8080

if {$tcl_version < 8.0} {
    return -code error "tkcon requires at least Tcl/Tk8"
} else {
    package require -exact Tk $tcl_version

catch {package require bogus-package-name}
foreach pkg [info loaded {}] {
    set file [lindex $pkg 0]
    set name [lindex $pkg 1]
    if {![catch {set version [package require $name]}]} {
	if {[string match {} [package ifneeded $name $version]]} {
	    package ifneeded $name $version [list load $file $name]
catch {unset pkg file name version}

# Tk 8.4 makes previously exposed stuff private.
# FIX: Update tkcon to not rely on the private Tk code.
if {![llength [info globals tkPriv]]} {
    ::tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateVariable tkPriv
foreach cmd {SetCursor UpDownLine Transpose ScrollPages} {
    if {![llength [info commands tkText$cmd]]} {
        ::tk::unsupported::ExposePrivateCommand tkText$cmd

# Initialize the ::tkcon namespace
namespace eval ::tkcon {
    variable VERSION "2.4"
    # The OPT variable is an array containing most of the optional
    # info to configure.  COLOR has the color data.
    variable OPT
    variable COLOR

    # PRIV is used for internal data that only tkcon should fiddle with.
    variable PRIV
    set PRIV(WWW) [info exists embed_args]

## ::tkcon::Init - inits tkcon
# Calls:	::tkcon::InitUI
# Outputs:	errors found in tkcon's resource file
proc ::tkcon::Init {args} {
    variable VERSION
    variable OPT
    variable COLOR
    variable PRIV
    global tcl_platform env tcl_interactive errorInfo

    set tcl_interactive 1
    set argc [llength $args]

    ## When setting up all the default values, we always check for
    ## prior existence.  This allows users who embed tkcon to modify
    ## the initial state before tkcon initializes itself.

    # bg == {} will get bg color from the main toplevel (in InitUI)
    foreach {key default} {
	bg		{}
	blink		\#FFFF00
	cursor		\#000000
	disabled	\#4D4D4D
	proc		\#008800
	var		\#FFC0D0
	prompt		\#8F4433
	stdin		\#000000
	stdout		\#0000FF
	stderr		\#FF0000
    } {
	if {![info exists COLOR($key)]} { set COLOR($key) $default }

    foreach {key default} {
	autoload	{}
	blinktime	500
	blinkrange	1
	buffer		512
	calcmode	0
	cols		80
	debugPrompt	{(level \#$level) debug [history nextid] > }
	dead		{}
	expandorder	{Pathname Variable Procname}
	font		{}
	history		48
	hoterrors	1
	library		{}
	lightbrace	1
	lightcmd	1
	maineval	{}
	maxmenu		15
	nontcl		0
	prompt1		{ignore this, it's set below}
	rows		20
	scrollypos	right
	showmenu	1
	showmultiple	1
	showstatusbar	0
	slaveeval	{}
	slaveexit	close
	subhistory	1
	gc-delay	60000
	gets		{congets}
	overrideexit	1
	usehistory	1

	exec		slave
    } {
	if {![info exists OPT($key)]} { set OPT($key) $default }

    foreach {key default} {
	app		{}
	appname		{}
	apptype		slave
	namesp		::
	cmd		{}
	cmdbuf		{}
	cmdsave		{}
	event		1
	deadapp		0
	deadsock	0
	debugging	0
	displayWin	.
	histid		0
	find		{}
	find,case	0
	find,reg	0
	errorInfo	{}
	protocol	exit
	showOnStartup	1
	slavealias	{ edit more less tkcon }
	slaveprocs	{
	    alias clear dir dump echo idebug lremove
	    tkcon_puts tkcon_gets observe observe_var unalias which what
	RCS		{RCS: @(#) $Id: tkcon.tcl,v 1.58 2002/10/08 18:51:00 hobbs Exp $}
	HEADURL		{http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/tkcon/tkcon/tkcon.tcl?rev=HEAD}
	docs		"http://tkcon.sourceforge.net/"
	email		{jeff@hobbs.org}
	root		.
    } {
	if {![info exists PRIV($key)]} { set PRIV($key) $default }
    set PRIV(version) $VERSION

    if {[info exists PRIV(name)]} {
	set title $PRIV(name)
    } else {
	# some main initialization occurs later in this proc,
	# to go after the UI init
	set MainInit 1
	set title Main

    ## If you set ::tkcon::OPT(exec) to {}, then instead of a multiple
    ## interp model, you get tkcon operating in the main interp by default.
    ## This can be useful when attaching to programs that like to operate
    ## in the main interpter (for example, based on special wish'es).
    ## You can set this from the command line with -exec ""
    ## A side effect is that all tkcon command line args will be used
    ## by the first console only.
    #set OPT(exec) {}

    if {$PRIV(WWW)} {
	lappend PRIV(slavealias) history
	set OPT(prompt1) {[history nextid] % }
    } else {
	lappend PRIV(slaveprocs) tcl_unknown unknown
	set OPT(prompt1) {([file tail [pwd]]) [history nextid] % }

    ## If we are using the default '.' toplevel, and there appear to be
    ## children of '.', then make sure we use a disassociated toplevel.
    if {$PRIV(root) == "." && [llength [winfo children .]]} {
	set PRIV(root) .tkcon

    ## Do platform specific configuration here, other than defaults
    ### Use tkcon.cfg filename for resource filename on non-unix systems
    ### Determine what directory the resource file should be in
    switch $tcl_platform(platform) {
	macintosh	{
	    if {![interp issafe]} {cd [file dirname [info script]]}
	    set envHome		PREF_FOLDER
	    set rcfile		tkcon.cfg
	    set histfile	tkcon.hst
	    catch {console hide}
	windows		{
	    set envHome		HOME
	    set rcfile		tkcon.cfg
	    set histfile	tkcon.hst
	unix		{
	    set envHome		HOME
	    set rcfile		.tkconrc
	    set histfile	.tkcon_history
    if {[info exists env($envHome)]} {
	set home $env($envHome)
	if {[file pathtype $home] == "volumerelative"} {
	    # Convert 'C:' to 'C:/' if necessary, innocuous otherwise
	    append home /
	if {![info exists PRIV(rcfile)]} {
	    set PRIV(rcfile)	[file join $home $rcfile]
	if {![info exists PRIV(histfile)]} {
	    set PRIV(histfile)	[file join $home $histfile]

    ## Handle command line arguments before sourcing resource file to
    ## find if resource file is being specified (let other args pass).
    if {[set i [lsearch -exact $args -rcfile]] != -1} {
	set PRIV(rcfile) [lindex $args [incr i]]

    if {!$PRIV(WWW) && [file exists $PRIV(rcfile)]} {
	set code [catch {uplevel \#0 [list source $PRIV(rcfile)]} err]

    if {[info exists env(TK_CON_LIBRARY)]} {
	lappend ::auto_path $env(TK_CON_LIBRARY)
    } else {
	lappend ::auto_path $OPT(library)

    if {![info exists ::tcl_pkgPath]} {
	set dir [file join [file dirname [info nameofexec]] lib]
	if {[llength [info commands @scope]]} {
	    set dir [file join $dir itcl]
	catch {source [file join $dir pkgIndex.tcl]}
    catch {tclPkgUnknown dummy-name dummy-version}

    ## Handle rest of command line arguments after sourcing resource file
    ## and slave is created, but before initializing UI or setting packages.
    set slaveargs {}
    set slavefiles {}
    set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
    for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
	set arg [lindex $args $i]
	if {[string match {-*} $arg]} {
	    set val [lindex $args [incr i]]
	    ## Handle arg based options
	    switch -glob -- $arg {
		-- - -argv - -args {
		    set argv [concat -- [lrange $argv $i end]]
		    set argc [llength $argv]
		-color-*	{ set COLOR([string range $arg 7 end]) $val }
		-exec		{ set OPT(exec) $val }
		-main - -e - -eval	{ append OPT(maineval) \n$val\n }
		-package - -load	{ lappend OPT(autoload) $val }
		-slave		{ append OPT(slaveeval) \n$val\n }
		-nontcl		{ set OPT(nontcl) [regexp -nocase $truth $val]}
		-root		{ set PRIV(root) $val }
		-font		{ set OPT(font) $val }
		-rcfile	{}
		default	{ lappend slaveargs $arg; incr i -1 }
	} elseif {[file isfile $arg]} {
	    lappend slavefiles $arg
	} else {
	    lappend slaveargs $arg

    ## Create slave executable
    if {[string compare {} $OPT(exec)]} {
	uplevel \#0 ::tkcon::InitSlave $OPT(exec) $slaveargs
    } else {
	set argc [llength $slaveargs]
	set args $slaveargs
	uplevel \#0 $slaveargs

    ## Attach to the slave, EvalAttached will then be effective
    Attach $PRIV(appname) $PRIV(apptype)
    InitUI $title

    ## swap puts and gets with the tkcon versions to make sure all
    ## input and output is handled by tkcon
    if {![catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts}]} {
	interp alias {} ::puts {} ::tkcon_puts
    if {($OPT(gets) != "") && ![catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets}]} {
	interp alias {} ::gets {} ::tkcon_gets

    EvalSlave history keep $OPT(history)
    if {[info exists MainInit]} {
	# Source history file only for the main console, as all slave
	# consoles will adopt from the main's history, but still
	# keep separate histories
	if {!$PRIV(WWW) && $OPT(usehistory) && [file exists $PRIV(histfile)]} {
	    puts -nonewline "loading history file ... "
	    # The history file is built to be loaded in and
	    # understood by tkcon
	    if {[catch {uplevel \#0 [list source $PRIV(histfile)]} herr]} {
		puts stderr "error:\n$herr"
		append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
	    set PRIV(event) [EvalSlave history nextid]
	    puts "[expr {$PRIV(event)-1}] events added"

    ## Autoload specified packages in slave
    set pkgs [EvalSlave package names]
    foreach pkg $OPT(autoload) {
	puts -nonewline "autoloading package \"$pkg\" ... "
	if {[lsearch -exact $pkgs $pkg]>-1} {
	    if {[catch {EvalSlave package require [list $pkg]} pkgerr]} {
		puts stderr "error:\n$pkgerr"
		append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
	    } else { puts "OK" }
	} else {
	    puts stderr "error: package does not exist"

    ## Evaluate maineval in slave
    if {[string compare {} $OPT(maineval)] && \
	    [catch {uplevel \#0 $OPT(maineval)} merr]} {
	puts stderr "error in eval:\n$merr"
	append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n

    ## Source extra command line argument files into slave executable
    foreach fn $slavefiles {
	puts -nonewline "slave sourcing \"$fn\" ... "
	if {[catch {EvalSlave source [list $fn]} fnerr]} {
	    puts stderr "error:\n$fnerr"
	    append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
	} else { puts "OK" }

    ## Evaluate slaveeval in slave
    if {[string compare {} $OPT(slaveeval)] && \
	    [catch {interp eval $OPT(exec) $OPT(slaveeval)} serr]} {
	puts stderr "error in slave eval:\n$serr"
	append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo\n
    ## Output any error/output that may have been returned from rcfile
    if {[info exists code] && $code && [string compare {} $err]} {
	puts stderr "error in $PRIV(rcfile):\n$err"
	append PRIV(errorInfo) $errorInfo
    if {[string compare {} $OPT(exec)]} {
	StateCheckpoint [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)] slave
    StateCheckpoint $PRIV(name) slave

    Prompt "$title console display active (Tcl$::tcl_patchLevel / Tk$::tk_patchLevel)\n"

## ::tkcon::InitSlave - inits the slave by placing key procs and aliases in it
## It's arg[cv] are based on passed in options, while argv0 is the same as
## the master.  tcl_interactive is the same as the master as well.
# ARGS:	slave	- name of slave to init.  If it does not exist, it is created.
#	args	- args to pass to a slave as argv/argc
proc ::tkcon::InitSlave {slave args} {
    variable OPT
    variable COLOR
    variable PRIV
    global argv0 tcl_interactive tcl_library env auto_path

    if {[string match {} $slave]} {
	return -code error "Don't init the master interpreter, goofball"
    if {![interp exists $slave]} { interp create $slave }
    if {[interp eval $slave info command source] == ""} {
	$slave alias source SafeSource $slave
	$slave alias load SafeLoad $slave
	$slave alias open SafeOpen $slave
	$slave alias file file
	interp eval $slave [dump var -nocomplain tcl_library auto_path env]
	interp eval $slave { catch {source [file join $tcl_library init.tcl]} }
	interp eval $slave { catch unknown }
    $slave alias exit exit
    interp eval $slave {
	# Do package require before changing around puts/gets
	catch {package require bogus-package-name}
	catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts}
    foreach cmd $PRIV(slaveprocs) { $slave eval [dump proc $cmd] }
    foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) { $slave alias $cmd $cmd }
    interp alias $slave ::ls $slave ::dir -full
    interp alias $slave ::puts $slave ::tkcon_puts
    if {$OPT(gets) != ""} {
	interp eval $slave { catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets} }
	interp alias $slave ::gets $slave ::tkcon_gets
    if {[info exists argv0]} {interp eval $slave [list set argv0 $argv0]}
    interp eval $slave set tcl_interactive $tcl_interactive \; \
	    set auto_path [list $auto_path] \; \
	    set argc [llength $args] \; \
	    set argv  [list $args] \; {
	if {![llength [info command bgerror]]} {
	    proc bgerror err {
		global errorInfo
		set body [info body bgerror]
		rename ::bgerror {}
		if {[auto_load bgerror]} { return [bgerror $err] }
		proc bgerror err $body
		tkcon bgerror $err $errorInfo

    foreach pkg [lremove [package names] Tcl] {
	foreach v [package versions $pkg] {
	    interp eval $slave [list package ifneeded $pkg $v \
		    [package ifneeded $pkg $v]]

## ::tkcon::InitInterp - inits an interpreter by placing key
## procs and aliases in it.
# ARGS: name	- interp name
#	type	- interp type (slave|interp)
proc ::tkcon::InitInterp {name type} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    ## Don't allow messing up a local master interpreter
    if {[string match namespace $type] || ([string match slave $type] && \
	    [regexp {^([Mm]ain|Slave[0-9]+)$} $name])} return
    set old [Attach]
    set oldname $PRIV(namesp)
    catch {
	Attach $name $type
	EvalAttached { catch {rename ::puts ::tkcon_tcl_puts} }
	foreach cmd $PRIV(slaveprocs) { EvalAttached [dump proc $cmd] }
	switch -exact $type {
	    slave {
		foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) {
		    Main interp alias $name ::$cmd $PRIV(name) ::$cmd
	    interp {
		set thistkcon [tk appname]
		foreach cmd $PRIV(slavealias) {
		    EvalAttached "proc $cmd args { send [list $thistkcon] $cmd \$args }"
	## Catch in case it's a 7.4 (no 'interp alias') interp
	EvalAttached {
	    catch {interp alias {} ::ls {} ::dir -full}
	    if {[catch {interp alias {} ::puts {} ::tkcon_puts}]} {
		catch {rename ::tkcon_puts ::puts}
	if {$OPT(gets) != ""} {
	    EvalAttached {
		catch {rename ::gets ::tkcon_tcl_gets}
		if {[catch {interp alias {} ::gets {} ::tkcon_gets}]} {
		    catch {rename ::tkcon_gets ::gets}
    } {err}
    eval Attach $old
    AttachNamespace $oldname
    if {[string compare {} $err]} { return -code error $err }

## ::tkcon::InitUI - inits UI portion (console) of tkcon
## Creates all elements of the console window and sets up the text tags
# ARGS:	root	- widget pathname of the tkcon console root
#	title	- title for the console root and main (.) windows
# Calls:	::tkcon::InitMenus, ::tkcon::Prompt
proc ::tkcon::InitUI {title} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV
    variable COLOR

    set root $PRIV(root)
    if {[string match . $root]} { set w {} } else { set w [toplevel $root] }
    if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
	wm withdraw $root
	wm protocol $root WM_DELETE_WINDOW $PRIV(protocol)
    set PRIV(base) $w

    ## Text Console
    set PRIV(console) [set con $w.text]
    text $con -wrap char -yscrollcommand [list $w.sy set] \
	    -foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
	    -insertbackground $COLOR(cursor)
    $con mark set output 1.0
    $con mark set limit 1.0
    if {[string compare {} $COLOR(bg)]} {
	$con configure -background $COLOR(bg)
    set COLOR(bg) [$con cget -background]
    if {[string compare {} $OPT(font)]} {
	## Set user-requested font, if any
	$con configure -font $OPT(font)
    } elseif {[string compare unix $::tcl_platform(platform)]} {
	## otherwise make sure the font is monospace
	set font [$con cget -font]
	if {![font metrics $font -fixed]} {
	    font create tkconfixed -family Courier -size 12
	    $con configure -font tkconfixed
    } else {
	$con configure -font fixed
    set OPT(font) [$con cget -font]
    if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
	$con configure -setgrid 1 -width $OPT(cols) -height $OPT(rows)
    bindtags $con [list $con TkConsole TkConsolePost $root all]
    ## Menus
    ## catch against use in plugin
    if {[catch {menu $w.mbar} PRIV(menubar)]} {
	set PRIV(menubar) [frame $w.mbar -relief raised -bd 1]
    ## Scrollbar
    set PRIV(scrolly) [scrollbar $w.sy -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
	    -command [list $con yview]]

    InitMenus $PRIV(menubar) $title

    if {$OPT(showmenu)} {
	$root configure -menu $PRIV(menubar)
    pack $w.sy -side $OPT(scrollypos) -fill y
    pack $con -fill both -expand 1

    set PRIV(statusbar) [set sbar [frame $w.sbar]]
    label $sbar.attach -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w \
	    -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusAttach)
    label $sbar.mode -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w  \
	    -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusMode)
    label $sbar.cursor -relief sunken -bd 1 -anchor w -width 6 \
	    -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor)
    grid $sbar.attach $sbar.mode $sbar.cursor -sticky news -padx 1
    grid columnconfigure $sbar 0 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $sbar 1 -weight 1
    grid columnconfigure $sbar 2 -weight 0

    if {$OPT(showstatusbar)} {
	pack $sbar -side bottom -fill x -before $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly)

    foreach col {prompt stdout stderr stdin proc} {
	$con tag configure $col -foreground $COLOR($col)
    $con tag configure var -background $COLOR(var)
    $con tag raise sel
    $con tag configure blink -background $COLOR(blink)
    $con tag configure find -background $COLOR(blink)

    if {!$PRIV(WWW)} {
	wm title $root "tkcon $PRIV(version) $title"
	bind $con <Configure> {
	    scan [wm geometry [winfo toplevel %W]] "%%dx%%d" \
		    ::tkcon::OPT(cols) ::tkcon::OPT(rows)
	if {$PRIV(showOnStartup)} { wm deiconify $root }
    if {$PRIV(showOnStartup)} { focus -force $PRIV(console) }
    if {$OPT(gc-delay)} {
	after $OPT(gc-delay) ::tkcon::GarbageCollect

## ::tkcon::GarbageCollect - do various cleanup ops periodically to our setup
proc ::tkcon::GarbageCollect {} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    set w $PRIV(console)
    ## Remove error tags that no longer span anything
    ## Make sure the tag pattern matches the unique tag prefix
    foreach tag [$w tag names] {
	if {[string match _tag* $tag] && ![llength [$w tag ranges $tag]]} {
	    $w tag delete $tag
    if {$OPT(gc-delay)} {
	after $OPT(gc-delay) ::tkcon::GarbageCollect

## ::tkcon::Eval - evaluates commands input into console window
## This is the first stage of the evaluating commands in the console.
## They need to be broken up into consituent commands (by ::tkcon::CmdSep) in
## case a multiple commands were pasted in, then each is eval'ed (by
## ::tkcon::EvalCmd) in turn.  Any uncompleted command will not be eval'ed.
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
# Calls:	::tkcon::CmdGet, ::tkcon::CmdSep, ::tkcon::EvalCmd
proc ::tkcon::Eval {w} {
    set incomplete [CmdSep [CmdGet $w] cmds last]
    $w mark set insert end-1c
    $w insert end \n
    if {[llength $cmds]} {
	foreach c $cmds {EvalCmd $w $c}
	$w insert insert $last {}
    } elseif {!$incomplete} {
	EvalCmd $w $last
    $w see insert

## ::tkcon::EvalCmd - evaluates a single command, adding it to history
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
# 	cmd	- the command to evaluate
# Calls:	::tkcon::Prompt
# Outputs:	result of command to stdout (or stderr if error occured)
# Returns:	next event number
proc ::tkcon::EvalCmd {w cmd} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    $w mark set output end
    if {[string compare {} $cmd]} {
	set code 0
	if {$OPT(subhistory)} {
	    set ev [EvalSlave history nextid]
	    incr ev -1
	    if {[string match !! $cmd]} {
		set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
		if {!$code} {$w insert output $cmd\n stdin}
	    } elseif {[regexp {^!(.+)$} $cmd dummy event]} {
		## Check last event because history event is broken
		set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
		if {!$code && ![string match ${event}* $cmd]} {
		    set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $event} cmd]
		if {!$code} {$w insert output $cmd\n stdin}
	    } elseif {[regexp {^\^([^^]*)\^([^^]*)\^?$} $cmd dummy old new]} {
		set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} cmd]
		if {!$code} {
		    regsub -all -- $old $cmd $new cmd
		    $w insert output $cmd\n stdin
	    } elseif {$OPT(calcmode) && ![catch {expr $cmd} err]} {
		AddSlaveHistory $cmd
		set cmd $err
		set code -1
	if {$code} {
	    $w insert output $cmd\n stderr
	} else {
	    ## We are about to evaluate the command, so move the limit
	    ## mark to ensure that further <Return>s don't cause double
	    ## evaluation of this command - for cases like the command
	    ## has a vwait or something in it
	    $w mark set limit end
	    if {$OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]} {
		set code [catch {EvalSend $cmd} res]
		if {$code == 1} {
		    set PRIV(errorInfo) "Non-Tcl errorInfo not available"
	    } elseif {[string match socket $PRIV(apptype)]} {
		set code [catch {EvalSocket $cmd} res]
		if {$code == 1} {
		    set PRIV(errorInfo) "Socket-based errorInfo not available"
	    } else {
		set code [catch {EvalAttached $cmd} res]
		if {$code == 1} {
		    if {[catch {EvalAttached [list set errorInfo]} err]} {
			set PRIV(errorInfo) "Error getting errorInfo:\n$err"
		    } else {
			set PRIV(errorInfo) $err
	    AddSlaveHistory $cmd
	    if {$code} {
		if {$OPT(hoterrors)} {
		    set tag [UniqueTag $w]
		    $w insert output $res [list stderr $tag] \n stderr
		    $w tag bind $tag <Enter> \
			    [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
		    $w tag bind $tag <Leave> \
			    [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
		    $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> \
			    "if {!\[info exists tkPriv(mouseMoved)\] || !\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
			    {[list edit -attach [Attach] -type error -- $PRIV(errorInfo)]}"
		} else {
		    $w insert output $res\n stderr
	    } elseif {[string compare {} $res]} {
		$w insert output $res\n stdout
    set PRIV(event) [EvalSlave history nextid]

## ::tkcon::EvalSlave - evaluates the args in the associated slave
## args should be passed to this procedure like they would be at
## the command line (not like to 'eval').
# ARGS:	args	- the command and args to evaluate
proc ::tkcon::EvalSlave args {
    interp eval $::tkcon::OPT(exec) $args

## ::tkcon::EvalOther - evaluate a command in a foreign interp or slave
## without attaching to it.  No check for existence is made.
# ARGS:	app	- interp/slave name
#	type	- (slave|interp)
proc ::tkcon::EvalOther { app type args } {
    if {[string compare slave $type]==0} {
	return [Slave $app $args]
    } else {
	return [uplevel 1 send [list $app] $args]

## ::tkcon::AddSlaveHistory - 
## Command is added to history only if different from previous command.
## This also doesn't cause the history id to be incremented, although the
## command will be evaluated.
# ARGS: cmd	- command to add
proc ::tkcon::AddSlaveHistory cmd {
    set ev [EvalSlave history nextid]
    incr ev -1
    set code [catch {EvalSlave history event $ev} lastCmd]
    if {$code || [string compare $cmd $lastCmd]} {
	EvalSlave history add $cmd

## ::tkcon::EvalSend - sends the args to the attached interpreter
## Varies from 'send' by determining whether attachment is dead
## when an error is received
# ARGS:	cmd	- the command string to send across
# Returns:	the result of the command
proc ::tkcon::EvalSend cmd {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    if {$PRIV(deadapp)} {
	if {[lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $PRIV(app)]<0} {
	} else {
	    set PRIV(appname) [string range $PRIV(appname) 5 end]
	    set PRIV(deadapp) 0
	    Prompt "\n\"$PRIV(app)\" alive\n" [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
    set code [catch {send -displayof $PRIV(displayWin) $PRIV(app) $cmd} result]
    if {$code && [lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $PRIV(app)]<0} {
	## Interpreter disappeared
	if {[string compare leave $OPT(dead)] && \
		([string match ignore $OPT(dead)] || \
		[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).dead "Dead Attachment" \
		"\"$PRIV(app)\" appears to have died.\
		\nReturn to primary slave interpreter?" questhead 0 OK No])} {
	    set PRIV(appname) "DEAD:$PRIV(appname)"
	    set PRIV(deadapp) 1
	} else {
	    set err "Attached Tk interpreter \"$PRIV(app)\" died."
	    Attach {}
	    set PRIV(deadapp) 0
	    EvalSlave set errorInfo $err
	Prompt \n [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
    return -code $code $result

## ::tkcon::EvalSocket - sends the string to an interpreter attached via
## a tcp/ip socket
## In the EvalSocket case, ::tkcon::PRIV(app) is the socket id
## Must determine whether socket is dead when an error is received
# ARGS:	cmd	- the data string to send across
# Returns:	the result of the command
proc ::tkcon::EvalSocket cmd {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV
    global tcl_version

    if {$PRIV(deadapp)} {
	if {![info exists PRIV(app)] || \
		[catch {eof $PRIV(app)} eof] || $eof} {
	} else {
	    set PRIV(appname) [string range $PRIV(appname) 5 end]
	    set PRIV(deadapp) 0
	    Prompt "\n\"$PRIV(app)\" alive\n" [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]
    # Sockets get \'s interpreted, so that users can
    # send things like \n\r or explicit hex values
    set cmd [subst -novariables -nocommands $cmd]
    #puts [list $PRIV(app) $cmd]
    set code [catch {puts $PRIV(app) $cmd ; flush $PRIV(app)} result]
    if {$code && [eof $PRIV(app)]} {
	## Interpreter died or disappeared
	puts "$code eof [eof $PRIV(app)]"
    return -code $code $result

## ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent - fileevent command for an interpreter attached
## via a tcp/ip socket
## Must determine whether socket is dead when an error is received
# ARGS:	args	- the args to send across
# Returns:	the result of the command
proc ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent {} {
    variable PRIV

    if {[gets $PRIV(app) line] == -1} {
	if {[eof $PRIV(app)]} {
    puts $line

## ::tkcon::EvalSocketClosed - takes care of handling a closed eval socket
# ARGS:	args	- the args to send across
# Returns:	the result of the command
proc ::tkcon::EvalSocketClosed {} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    catch {close $PRIV(app)}
    if {[string compare leave $OPT(dead)] && \
	    ([string match ignore $OPT(dead)] || \
	    [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).dead "Dead Attachment" \
	    "\"$PRIV(app)\" appears to have died.\
	    \nReturn to primary slave interpreter?" questhead 0 OK No])} {
	set PRIV(appname) "DEAD:$PRIV(appname)"
	set PRIV(deadapp) 1
    } else {
	set err "Attached Tk interpreter \"$PRIV(app)\" died."
	Attach {}
	set PRIV(deadapp) 0
	EvalSlave set errorInfo $err
    Prompt \n [CmdGet $PRIV(console)]

## ::tkcon::EvalNamespace - evaluates the args in a particular namespace
## This is an override for ::tkcon::EvalAttached for when the user wants
## to attach to a particular namespace of the attached interp
# ARGS:	attached	
#	namespace	the namespace to evaluate in
#	args		the args to evaluate
# RETURNS:	the result of the command
proc ::tkcon::EvalNamespace { attached namespace args } {
    if {[llength $args]} {
	uplevel \#0 $attached \
		[list [concat [list namespace eval $namespace] $args]]

## ::tkcon::Namespaces - return all the namespaces descendent from $ns
proc ::tkcon::Namespaces {{ns ::} {l {}}} {
    if {[string compare {} $ns]} { lappend l $ns }
    foreach i [EvalAttached [list namespace children $ns]] {
	set l [Namespaces $i $l]
    return $l

## ::tkcon::CmdGet - gets the current command from the console widget
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
# Returns:	text which compromises current command line
proc ::tkcon::CmdGet w {
    if {![llength [$w tag nextrange prompt limit end]]} {
	$w tag add stdin limit end-1c
	return [$w get limit end-1c]

## ::tkcon::CmdSep - separates multiple commands into a list and remainder
# ARGS:	cmd	- (possible) multiple command to separate
# 	list	- varname for the list of commands that were separated.
#	last	- varname of any remainder (like an incomplete final command).
#		If there is only one command, it's placed in this var.
# Returns:	constituent command info in varnames specified by list & rmd.
proc ::tkcon::CmdSep {cmd list last} {
    upvar 1 $list cmds $last inc
    set inc {}
    set cmds {}
    foreach c [split [string trimleft $cmd] \n] {
	if {[string compare $inc {}]} {
	    append inc \n$c
	} else {
	    append inc [string trimleft $c]
	if {[info complete $inc] && ![regexp {[^\\]\\$} $inc]} {
	    if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
	    set inc {}
    set i [string compare $inc {}]
    if {!$i && [string compare $cmds {}] && ![string match *\n $cmd]} {
	set inc [lindex $cmds end]
	set cmds [lreplace $cmds end end]
    return $i

## ::tkcon::CmdSplit - splits multiple commands into a list
# ARGS:	cmd	- (possible) multiple command to separate
# Returns:	constituent commands in a list
proc ::tkcon::CmdSplit {cmd} {
    set inc {}
    set cmds {}
    foreach cmd [split [string trimleft $cmd] \n] {
	if {[string compare {} $inc]} {
	    append inc \n$cmd
	} else {
	    append inc [string trimleft $cmd]
	if {[info complete $inc] && ![regexp {[^\\]\\$} $inc]} {
	    #set inc [string trimright $inc]
	    if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
	    set inc {}
    if {[regexp "^\[^#\]" $inc]} {lappend cmds $inc}
    return $cmds

## ::tkcon::UniqueTag - creates a uniquely named tag, reusing names
## Called by ::tkcon::EvalCmd
# ARGS:	w	- text widget
# Outputs:	tag name guaranteed unique in the widget
proc ::tkcon::UniqueTag {w} {
    set tags [$w tag names]
    set idx 0
    while {[lsearch -exact $tags _tag[incr idx]] != -1} {}
    return _tag$idx

## ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer - This limits the amount of data in the text widget
## Called by ::tkcon::Prompt and in tkcon proc buffer/console switch cases
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
#	size	- # of lines to constrain to
# Outputs:	may delete data in console widget
proc ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer {w size} {
    if {[$w index end] > $size} {
	$w delete 1.0 [expr {int([$w index end])-$size}].0

## ::tkcon::Prompt - displays the prompt in the console widget
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
# Outputs:	prompt (specified in ::tkcon::OPT(prompt1)) to console
proc ::tkcon::Prompt {{pre {}} {post {}} {prompt {}}} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    set w $PRIV(console)
    if {[string compare {} $pre]} { $w insert end $pre stdout }
    set i [$w index end-1c]
    if {!$OPT(showstatusbar)} {
	if {[string compare {} $PRIV(appname)]} {
	    $w insert end ">$PRIV(appname)< " prompt
	if {[string compare :: $PRIV(namesp)]} {
	    $w insert end "<$PRIV(namesp)> " prompt
    if {[string compare {} $prompt]} {
	$w insert end $prompt prompt
    } else {
	$w insert end [EvalSlave subst $OPT(prompt1)] prompt
    $w mark set output $i
    $w mark set insert end
    $w mark set limit insert
    $w mark gravity limit left
    if {[string compare {} $post]} { $w insert end $post stdin }
    ConstrainBuffer $w $OPT(buffer)
    set ::tkcon::PRIV(StatusCursor) [$w index insert]
    $w see end

## ::tkcon::About - gives about info for tkcon
proc ::tkcon::About {} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV
    variable COLOR

    set w $PRIV(base).about
    if {[winfo exists $w]} {
	wm deiconify $w
    } else {
	global tk_patchLevel tcl_patchLevel tcl_version
	toplevel $w
	wm title $w "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)"
	button $w.b -text Dismiss -command [list wm withdraw $w]
	text $w.text -height 9 -bd 1 -width 60 \
		-foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
		-background $COLOR(bg) \
		-font $OPT(font)
	pack $w.b -fill x -side bottom
	pack $w.text -fill both -side left -expand 1
	$w.text tag config center -justify center
	$w.text tag config title -justify center -font {Courier -18 bold}
	# strip down the RCS info displayed in the about box
	regexp {,v ([0-9\./: ]*)} $PRIV(RCS) -> RCS
	$w.text insert 1.0 "About tkcon v$PRIV(version)" title \
		"\n\nCopyright 1995-2002 Jeffrey Hobbs, $PRIV(email)\
		\nRelease Info: v$PRIV(version), CVS v$RCS\
		\nDocumentation available at:\n$PRIV(docs)\
		\nUsing: Tcl v$tcl_patchLevel / Tk v$tk_patchLevel" center
	$w.text config -state disabled

## ::tkcon::InitMenus - inits the menubar and popup for the console
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
proc ::tkcon::InitMenus {w title} {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV
    variable COLOR
    global tcl_platform

    if {[catch {menu $w.pop -tearoff 0}]} {
	label $w.label -text "Menus not available in plugin mode"
	pack $w.label
    menu $w.context -tearoff 0 -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)
    set PRIV(context) $w.context
    set PRIV(popup) $w.pop

    proc MenuButton {w m l} {
	$w add cascade -label $m -underline 0 -menu $w.$l
	return $w.$l

    foreach m [list File Console Edit Interp Prefs History Help] {
 	set l [string tolower $m]
 	MenuButton $w $m $l
 	$w.pop add cascade -label $m -underline 0 -menu $w.pop.$l

    ## File Menu
    foreach m [list [menu $w.file -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)] \
	    [menu $w.pop.file -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)]] {
	$m add command -label "Load File" -underline 0 -command ::tkcon::Load
	$m add cascade -label "Save ..."  -underline 0 -menu $m.save
	$m add separator
	$m add command -label "Quit" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-q -command exit

	## Save Menu
	set s $m.save
	menu $s -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0
	$s add command -label "All"	-underline 0 \
		-command {::tkcon::Save {} all}
	$s add command -label "History"	-underline 0 \
		-command {::tkcon::Save {} history}
	$s add command -label "Stdin"	-underline 3 \
		-command {::tkcon::Save {} stdin}
	$s add command -label "Stdout"	-underline 3 \
		-command {::tkcon::Save {} stdout}
	$s add command -label "Stderr"	-underline 3 \
		-command {::tkcon::Save {} stderr}

    ## Console Menu
    foreach m [list [menu $w.console -disabledfore $COLOR(disabled)] \
	    [menu $w.pop.console -disabledfore $COLOR(disabled)]] {
	$m add command -label "$title Console"	-state disabled
	$m add command -label "New Console"	-underline 0 -accel Ctrl-N \
		-command ::tkcon::New
	$m add command -label "Close Console"	-underline 0 -accel Ctrl-w \
		-command ::tkcon::Destroy
	$m add command -label "Clear Console"	-underline 1 -accel Ctrl-l \
		-command { clear; ::tkcon::Prompt }
	if {[string match unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
	    $m add separator
	    $m add command -label "Make Xauth Secure" -und 5 \
		    -command ::tkcon::XauthSecure
	$m add separator
	$m add cascade -label "Attach To ..."	-underline 0 -menu $m.attach

	## Attach Console Menu
	set sub [menu $m.attach -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled)]
	$sub add cascade -label "Interpreter"   -underline 0 -menu $sub.apps
	$sub add cascade -label "Namespace" -underline 1 -menu $sub.name
	$sub add cascade -label "Socket" -underline 1 -menu $sub.sock \
		-state [expr {([info tclversion] < 8.3)?"disabled":"normal"}]

	## Attach Console Menu
	menu $sub.apps -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
		-postcommand [list ::tkcon::AttachMenu $sub.apps]

	## Attach Namespace Menu
	menu $sub.name -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0 \
		-postcommand [list ::tkcon::NamespaceMenu $sub.name]

	if {$::tcl_version >= 8.3} {
	    # This uses [file channels] to create the menu, so we only
	    # want it for newer versions of Tcl.

	    ## Attach Socket Menu
	    menu $sub.sock -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) -tearoff 0 \
		    -postcommand [list ::tkcon::SocketMenu $sub.sock]

	## Attach Display Menu
	if {![string compare "unix" $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
	    $sub add cascade -label "Display" -und 1 -menu $sub.disp
	    menu $sub.disp -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
		    -tearoff 0 \
		    -postcommand [list ::tkcon::DisplayMenu $sub.disp]

    ## Edit Menu
    set text $PRIV(console)
    foreach m [list [menu $w.edit] [menu $w.pop.edit]] {
	$m add command -label "Cut"   -underline 2 -accel Ctrl-x \
		-command [list ::tkcon::Cut $text]
	$m add command -label "Copy"  -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-c \
		-command [list ::tkcon::Copy $text]
	$m add command -label "Paste" -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-v \
		 -command [list ::tkcon::Paste $text]
	$m add separator
	$m add command -label "Find"  -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-F \
		-command [list ::tkcon::FindBox $text]

    ## Interp Menu
    foreach m [list $w.interp $w.pop.interp] {
	menu $m -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
		-postcommand [list ::tkcon::InterpMenu $m]

    ## Prefs Menu
    foreach m [list [menu $w.prefs] [menu $w.pop.prefs]] {
	$m add check -label "Brace Highlighting" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(lightbrace)
	$m add check -label "Command Highlighting" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(lightcmd)
	$m add check -label "History Substitution" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(subhistory)
	$m add check -label "Hot Errors" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(hoterrors)
	$m add check -label "Non-Tcl Attachments" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(nontcl)
	$m add check -label "Calculator Mode" \
		-underline 1 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(calcmode)
	$m add check -label "Show Multiple Matches" \
		-underline 0 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showmultiple)
	$m add check -label "Show Menubar" \
		-underline 5 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showmenu) \
		-command {$::tkcon::PRIV(root) configure -menu [expr \
		{$::tkcon::OPT(showmenu) ? $::tkcon::PRIV(menubar) : {}}]}
	$m add check -label "Show Statusbar" \
		-underline 5 -variable ::tkcon::OPT(showstatusbar) \
		-command {
	    if {$::tkcon::OPT(showstatusbar)} {
		pack $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar) -side bottom -fill x \
			-before $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly)
	    } else { pack forget $::tkcon::PRIV(statusbar) }
	$m add cascade -label "Scrollbar" -underline 2 -menu $m.scroll

	## Scrollbar Menu
	set m [menu $m.scroll -tearoff 0]
	$m add radio -label "Left" -value left \
		-variable ::tkcon::OPT(scrollypos) \
		-command { pack config $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly) -side left }
	$m add radio -label "Right" -value right \
		-variable ::tkcon::OPT(scrollypos) \
		-command { pack config $::tkcon::PRIV(scrolly) -side right }

    ## History Menu
    foreach m [list $w.history $w.pop.history] {
	menu $m -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
		-postcommand [list ::tkcon::HistoryMenu $m]

    ## Help Menu
    foreach m [list [menu $w.help] [menu $w.pop.help]] {
	$m add command -label "About " -underline 0 -accel Ctrl-A \
		-command ::tkcon::About
	$m add command -label "Retrieve Latest Version" -underline 0 \
		-command ::tkcon::Retrieve

## ::tkcon::HistoryMenu - dynamically build the menu for attached interpreters
# ARGS:	m	- menu widget
proc ::tkcon::HistoryMenu m {
    variable PRIV

    if {![winfo exists $m]} return
    set id [EvalSlave history nextid]
    if {$PRIV(histid)==$id} return
    set PRIV(histid) $id
    $m delete 0 end
    while {($id>1) && ($id>$PRIV(histid)-10) && \
	    ![catch {EvalSlave history event [incr id -1]} tmp]} {
	set lbl $tmp
	if {[string len $lbl]>32} { set lbl [string range $tmp 0 28]... }
	$m add command -label "$id: $lbl" -command "
	$::tkcon::PRIV(console) delete limit end
	$::tkcon::PRIV(console) insert limit [list $tmp]
	$::tkcon::PRIV(console) see end
	::tkcon::Eval $::tkcon::PRIV(console)"

## ::tkcon::InterpMenu - dynamically build the menu for attached interpreters
# ARGS:	w	- menu widget
proc ::tkcon::InterpMenu w {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV
    variable COLOR

    if {![winfo exists $w]} return
    $w delete 0 end
    foreach {app type} [Attach] break
    $w add command -label "[string toupper $type]: $app" -state disabled
    if {($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $type]) || $PRIV(deadapp)} {
	$w add separator
	$w add command -state disabled -label "Communication disabled to"
	$w add command -state disabled -label "dead or non-Tcl interps"

    ## Show Last Error
    $w add separator
    $w add command -label "Show Last Error" \
	    -command [list tkcon error $app $type]

    ## Packages Cascaded Menu
    $w add separator
    $w add cascade -label Packages -underline 0 -menu $w.pkg
    set m $w.pkg
    if {![winfo exists $m]} {
	menu $m -tearoff no -disabledforeground $COLOR(disabled) \
		-postcommand [list ::tkcon::PkgMenu $m $app $type]

    ## State Checkpoint/Revert
    $w add separator
    $w add command -label "Checkpoint State" \
	    -command [list ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint $app $type]
    $w add command -label "Revert State" \
	    -command [list ::tkcon::StateRevert $app $type]
    $w add command -label "View State Change" \
	    -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type]

    ## Init Interp
    $w add separator
    $w add command -label "Send tkcon Commands" \
	    -command [list ::tkcon::InitInterp $app $type]

## ::tkcon::PkgMenu - fill in  in the applications sub-menu
## with a list of all the applications that currently exist.
proc ::tkcon::PkgMenu {m app type} {
    # just in case stuff has been added to the auto_path
    # we have to make sure that the errorInfo doesn't get screwed up
    EvalAttached {
	set __tkcon_error $errorInfo
	catch {package require bogus-package-name}
	set errorInfo ${__tkcon_error}
	unset __tkcon_error
    $m delete 0 end
    foreach pkg [EvalAttached [list info loaded {}]] {
	set loaded([lindex $pkg 1]) [package provide $pkg]
    foreach pkg [lremove [EvalAttached {package names}] Tcl] {
	set version [EvalAttached [list package provide $pkg]]
	if {[string compare {} $version]} {
	    set loaded($pkg) $version
	} elseif {![info exists loaded($pkg)]} {
	    set loadable($pkg) [list package require $pkg]
    foreach pkg [EvalAttached {info loaded}] {
	set pkg [lindex $pkg 1]
	if {![info exists loaded($pkg)] && ![info exists loadable($pkg)]} {
	    set loadable($pkg) [list load {} $pkg]
    set npkg 0
    foreach pkg [lsort -dictionary [array names loadable]] {
	foreach v [EvalAttached [list package version $pkg]] {
	    set brkcol [expr {([incr npkg]%23)==0}]
	    $m add command -label "Load $pkg ($v)" -command \
		    "::tkcon::EvalOther [list $app] $type $loadable($pkg) $v" \
		    -columnbreak $brkcol
    if {[info exists loaded] && [info exists loadable]} {
	$m add separator
    foreach pkg [lsort -dictionary [array names loaded]] {
	set brkcol [expr {([incr npkg]%23)==0}]
	$m add command -label "${pkg}$loaded($pkg) Loaded" -state disabled \
		    -columnbreak $brkcol

## ::tkcon::AttachMenu - fill in  in the applications sub-menu
## with a list of all the applications that currently exist.
proc ::tkcon::AttachMenu m {
    variable OPT
    variable PRIV

    array set interps [set tmp [Interps]]
    foreach {i j} $tmp { set tknames($j) {} }

    $m delete 0 end
    set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}
    $m add radio -label {None (use local slave) } -accel Ctrl-1 \
	    -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) \
	    -value [concat $::tkcon::PRIV(name) $::tkcon::OPT(exec)] \
	    -command "::tkcon::Attach {}; $cmd"
    $m add separator
    $m add command -label "Foreign Tk Interpreters" -state disabled
    foreach i [lsort [lremove [winfo interps] [array names tknames]]] {
	$m add radio -label $i -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
		-command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] interp; $cmd"
    $m add separator

    $m add command -label "tkcon Interpreters" -state disabled
    foreach i [lsort [array names interps]] {
	if {[string match {} $interps($i)]} { set interps($i) "no Tk" }
	if {[regexp {^Slave[0-9]+} $i]} {
	    set opts [list -label "$i ($interps($i))" \
		    -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
		    -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] slave; $cmd"]
	    if {[string match $PRIV(name) $i]} {
		append opts " -accel Ctrl-2"
	    eval $m add radio $opts
	} else {
	    set name [concat Main $i]
	    if {[string match Main $name]} {
		$m add radio -label "$name ($interps($i))" -accel Ctrl-3 \
			-variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value Main \
			-command "::tkcon::Attach [list $name] slave; $cmd"
	    } else {
		$m add radio -label "$name ($interps($i))" \
			-variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
			-command "::tkcon::Attach [list $name] slave; $cmd"

## Displays Cascaded Menu
proc ::tkcon::DisplayMenu m {
    $m delete 0 end
    set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}

    $m add command -label "New Display" -command ::tkcon::NewDisplay
    foreach disp [Display] {
	$m add separator
	$m add command -label $disp -state disabled
	set res [Display $disp]
	set win [lindex $res 0]
	foreach i [lsort [lindex $res 1]] {
	    $m add radio -label $i -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $i \
		    -command "::tkcon::Attach [list $i] [list dpy:$win]; $cmd"

## Sockets Cascaded Menu
proc ::tkcon::SocketMenu m {
    $m delete 0 end
    set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}

    $m add command -label "Create Connection" \
	    -command "::tkcon::NewSocket; $cmd"
    foreach sock [file channels sock*] {
	$m add radio -label $sock -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(app) -value $sock \
		-command "::tkcon::Attach $sock socket; $cmd"

## Namepaces Cascaded Menu
proc ::tkcon::NamespaceMenu m {
    variable PRIV
    variable OPT

    $m delete 0 end
    if {($PRIV(deadapp) || [string match socket $PRIV(apptype)] || \
	    ($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]))} {
	$m add command -label "No Namespaces" -state disabled

    ## Same command as for ::tkcon::AttachMenu items
    set cmd {::tkcon::Prompt \n [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]}

    set names [lsort [Namespaces ::]]
    if {[llength $names] > $OPT(maxmenu)} {
	$m add command -label "Attached to $PRIV(namesp)" -state disabled
	$m add command -label "List Namespaces" \
		-command [list ::tkcon::NamespacesList $names]
    } else {
	foreach i $names {
	    if {[string match :: $i]} {
		$m add radio -label "Main" -value $i \
			-variable ::tkcon::PRIV(namesp) \
			-command "::tkcon::AttachNamespace [list $i]; $cmd"
	    } else {
		$m add radio -label $i -value $i \
			-variable ::tkcon::PRIV(namesp) \
			-command "::tkcon::AttachNamespace [list $i]; $cmd"

## Namepaces List 
proc ::tkcon::NamespacesList {names} {
    variable PRIV

    set f $PRIV(base).namespaces
    catch {destroy $f}
    toplevel $f
    listbox $f.names -width 30 -height 15 -selectmode single \
	    -yscrollcommand [list $f.scrollv set] \
	    -xscrollcommand [list $f.scrollh set]
    scrollbar $f.scrollv -command [list $f.names yview]
    scrollbar $f.scrollh -command [list $f.names xview] -orient horizontal
    frame $f.buttons
    button $f.cancel -text "Cancel" -command [list destroy $f]

    grid $f.names $f.scrollv -sticky nesw
    grid $f.scrollh -sticky ew
    grid $f.buttons -sticky nesw
    grid $f.cancel -in $f.buttons -pady 6

    grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
    grid rowconfigure $f  0 -weight 1
    #fill the listbox
    foreach i $names {
	if {[string match :: $i]} {
	    $f.names insert 0 Main
	} else {
	    $f.names insert end $i
    bind $f.names <Double-1> {
	## Catch in case the namespace disappeared on us
	catch { ::tkcon::AttachNamespace [%W get [%W nearest %y]] }
	::tkcon::Prompt "\n" [::tkcon::CmdGet $::tkcon::PRIV(console)]
	destroy [winfo toplevel %W]

# ::tkcon::XauthSecure --
#   This removes all the names in the xhost list, and secures
#   the display for Tk send commands.  Of course, this prevents
#   what might have been otherwise allowable X connections
# Arguments:
#   none
# Results:
#   Returns nothing
proc ::tkcon::XauthSecure {} {
    global tcl_platform

    if {[string compare unix $tcl_platform(platform)]} {
	# This makes no sense outside of Unix
    set hosts [exec xhost]
    # the first line is info only
    foreach host [lrange [split $hosts \n] 1 end] {
	exec xhost -$host
    exec xhost -
    tk_messageBox -title "Xhost secured" -message "Xhost secured" -icon info

## ::tkcon::FindBox - creates minimal dialog interface to ::tkcon::Find
# ARGS:	w	- text widget
#	str	- optional seed string for ::tkcon::PRIV(find)
proc ::tkcon::FindBox {w {str {}}} {
    variable PRIV

    set base $PRIV(base).find
    if {![winfo exists $base]} {
	toplevel $base
	wm withdraw $base
	wm title $base "tkcon Find"

	pack [frame $base.f] -fill x -expand 1
	label $base.f.l -text "Find:"
	entry $base.f.e -textvariable ::tkcon::PRIV(find)
	pack [frame $base.opt] -fill x
	checkbutton $base.opt.c -text "Case Sensitive" \
		-variable ::tkcon::PRIV(find,case)
	checkbutton $base.opt.r -text "Use Regexp" -variable ::tkcon::PRIV(find,reg)
	pack $base.f.l -side left
	pack $base.f.e $base.opt.c $base.opt.r -side left -fill both -expand 1
	pack [frame $base.sep -bd 2 -relief sunken -height 4] -fill x
	pack [frame $base.btn] -fill both
	button $base.btn.fnd -text "Find" -width 6
	button $base.btn.clr -text "Clear" -width 6
	button $base.btn.dis -text "Dismiss" -width 6
	eval pack [winfo children $base.btn] -padx 4 -pady 2 \
		-side left -fill both

	focus $base.f.e

	bind $base.f.e <Return> [list $base.btn.fnd invoke]
	bind $base.f.e <Escape> [list $base.btn.dis invoke]
    $base.btn.fnd config -command "::tkcon::Find [list $w] \$::tkcon::PRIV(find) \
	    -case \$::tkcon::PRIV(find,case) -reg \$::tkcon::PRIV(find,reg)"
    $base.btn.clr config -command "
    [list $w] tag remove find 1.0 end
    set ::tkcon::PRIV(find) {}
    $base.btn.dis config -command "
    [list $w] tag remove find 1.0 end
    wm withdraw [list $base]
    if {[string compare {} $str]} {
	set PRIV(find) $str
	$base.btn.fnd invoke

    if {[string compare normal [wm state $base]]} {
	wm deiconify $base
    } else { raise $base }
    $base.f.e select range 0 end

## ::tkcon::Find - searches in text widget $w for $str and highlights it
## If $str is empty, it just deletes any highlighting
# ARGS: w	- text widget
#	str	- string to search for
#	-case	TCL_BOOLEAN	whether to be case sensitive	DEFAULT: 0
#	-regexp	TCL_BOOLEAN	whether to use $str as pattern	DEFAULT: 0
proc ::tkcon::Find {w str args} {
    $w tag remove find 1.0 end
    set truth {^(1|yes|true|on)$}
    set opts  {}
    foreach {key val} $args {
	switch -glob -- $key {
	    -c* { if {[regexp -nocase $truth $val]} { set case 1 } }
	    -r* { if {[regexp -nocase $truth $val]} { lappend opts -regexp } }
	    default { return -code error "Unknown option $key" }
    if {![info exists case]} { lappend opts -nocase }
    if {[string match {} $str]} return
    $w mark set findmark 1.0
    while {[string compare {} [set ix [eval $w search $opts -count numc -- \
	    [list $str] findmark end]]]} {
	$w tag add find $ix ${ix}+${numc}c
	$w mark set findmark ${ix}+1c
    $w tag configure find -background $::tkcon::COLOR(blink)
    catch {$w see find.first}
    return [expr {[llength [$w tag ranges find]]/2}]

## ::tkcon::Attach - called to attach tkcon to an interpreter
# ARGS:	name	- application name to which tkcon sends commands
#		  This is either a slave interperter name or tk appname.
#	type	- (slave|interp) type of interpreter we're attaching to
#		  slave means it's a tkcon interpreter
#		  interp means we'll need to 'send' to it.
# Results:	::tkcon::EvalAttached is recreated to evaluate in the
#		appropriate interpreter
proc ::tkcon::Attach {{name <NONE>} {type slave}} {
    variable PRIV
    variable OPT

    if {[llength [info level 0]] == 1} {
	# no args were specified, return the attach info instead
	if {[string match {} $PRIV(appname)]} {
	    return [list [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)] $PRIV(apptype)]
	} else {
	    return [list $PRIV(appname) $PRIV(apptype)]
    set path [concat $PRIV(name) $OPT(exec)]

    set PRIV(displayWin) .
    if {[string match namespace $type]} {
	return [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::AttachNamespace $name]
    } elseif {[string match dpy:* $type]} {
	set PRIV(displayWin) [string range $type 4 end]
    } elseif {[string match sock* $type]} {
	global tcl_version
	if {[catch {eof $name} res]} {
	    return -code error "No known channel \"$name\""
	} elseif {$res} {
	    catch {close $name}
	    return -code error "Channel \"$name\" returned EOF"
	set app $name
	set type socket
    } elseif {[string compare {} $name]} {
	array set interps [Interps]
	if {[string match {[Mm]ain} [lindex $name 0]]} {
	    set name [lrange $name 1 end]
	if {[string match $path $name]} {
	    set name {}
	    set app $path
	    set type slave
	} elseif {[info exists interps($name)]} {
	    if {[string match {} $name]} { set name Main; set app Main }
	    set type slave
	} elseif {[interp exists $name]} {
	    set name [concat $PRIV(name) $name]
	    set type slave
	} elseif {[interp exists [concat $OPT(exec) $name]]} {
	    set name [concat $path $name]
	    set type slave
	} elseif {[lsearch -exact [winfo interps] $name] > -1} {
	    if {[EvalSlave info exists tk_library] \
		    && [string match $name [EvalSlave tk appname]]} {
		set name {}
		set app $path
		set type slave
	    } elseif {[set i [lsearch -exact \
		    [Main set ::tkcon::PRIV(interps)] $name]] != -1} {
		set name [lindex [Main set ::tkcon::PRIV(slaves)] $i]
		if {[string match {[Mm]ain} $name]} { set app Main }
		set type slave
	    } else {
		set type interp
	} else {
	    return -code error "No known interpreter \"$name\""
    } else {
	set app $path
    if {![info exists app]} { set app $name }
    array set PRIV [list app $app appname $name apptype $type deadapp 0]

    ## ::tkcon::EvalAttached - evaluates the args in the attached interp
    ## args should be passed to this procedure as if they were being
    ## passed to the 'eval' procedure.  This procedure is dynamic to
    ## ensure evaluation occurs in the right interp.
    # ARGS:	args	- the command and args to evaluate
    switch -glob -- $type {
	slave {
	    if {[string match {} $name]} {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
			::tkcon::EvalSlave uplevel \#0
	    } elseif {[string match Main $PRIV(app)]} {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::Main
	    } elseif {[string match $PRIV(name) $PRIV(app)]} {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} uplevel \#0
	    } else {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
			::tkcon::Slave $::tkcon::PRIV(app)
	sock* {
	    interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} \
		    ::tkcon::EvalSlave uplevel \#0
	    # The file event will just puts whatever data is found
	    # into the interpreter
	    fconfigure $name -buffering line -blocking 0
	    fileevent $name readable ::tkcon::EvalSocketEvent
	dpy:* -
	interp {
	    if {$OPT(nontcl)} {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalSlave
		set PRIV(namesp) ::
	    } else {
		interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalSend
	default {
	    return -code error "[lindex [info level 0] 0] did not specify\
		    a valid type: must be slave or interp"
    if {[string match slave $type] || \
	    (!$OPT(nontcl) && [regexp {^(interp|dpy)} $type])} {
	set PRIV(namesp) ::
    set PRIV(StatusAttach) "$PRIV(app) ($PRIV(apptype))"

## ::tkcon::AttachNamespace - called to attach tkcon to a namespace
# ARGS:	name	- namespace name in which tkcon should eval commands
# Results:	::tkcon::EvalAttached will be modified
proc ::tkcon::AttachNamespace { name } {
    variable PRIV
    variable OPT

    if {($OPT(nontcl) && [string match interp $PRIV(apptype)]) \
	    || [string match socket $PRIV(apptype)] \
	    || $PRIV(deadapp)} {
	return -code error "can't attach to namespace in attached environment"
    if {[string match Main $name]} {set name ::}
    if {[string compare {} $name] && \
	    [lsearch [Namespaces ::] $name] == -1} {
	return -code error "No known namespace \"$name\""
    if {[regexp {^(|::)$} $name]} {
	## If name=={} || ::, we want the primary namespace
	set alias [interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached]
	if {[string match ::tkcon::EvalNamespace* $alias]} {
	    eval [list interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {}] \
		    [lindex $alias 1]
	set name ::
    } else {
	interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached {} ::tkcon::EvalNamespace \
		[interp alias {} ::tkcon::EvalAttached] [list $name]
    set PRIV(namesp) $name
    set PRIV(StatusAttach) "$PRIV(app) $PRIV(namesp) ($PRIV(apptype))"

## ::tkcon::NewSocket - called to create a socket to connect to
# ARGS:	none
# Results:	It will create a socket, and attach if requested
proc ::tkcon::NewSocket {} {
    variable PRIV

    set t $PRIV(base).newsock
    if {![winfo exists $t]} {
	toplevel $t
	wm withdraw $t
	wm title $t "tkcon Create Socket"
	label $t.lhost -text "Host: "
	entry $t.host -width 20
	label $t.lport -text "Port: "
	entry $t.port -width 4
	button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
	bind $t.host <Return> [list focus $t.port]
	bind $t.port <Return> [list focus $t.ok]
	bind $t.ok   <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
	grid $t.lhost $t.host $t.lport $t.port -sticky ew
	grid $t.ok	-	-	-	 -sticky ew
	grid columnconfig $t 1 -weight 1
	grid rowconfigure $t 1 -weight 1
	wm transient $t $PRIV(root)
	wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
		reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
		screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
    #$t.host delete 0 end
    #$t.port delete 0 end
    wm deiconify $t
    raise $t
    grab $t
    focus $t.host
    vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
    grab release $t
    wm withdraw $t
    set host [$t.host get]
    set port [$t.port get]
    if {$host == ""} { return }
    if {[catch {
	set sock [socket $host $port]
    } err]} {
	tk_messageBox -title "Socket Connection Error" \
		-message "Unable to connect to \"$host:$port\":\n$err" \
		-icon error -type ok
    } else {
	Attach $sock socket

## ::tkcon::Load - sources a file into the console
## The file is actually sourced in the currently attached's interp
# ARGS:	fn	- (optional) filename to source in
# Returns:	selected filename ({} if nothing was selected)
proc ::tkcon::Load { {fn ""} } {
    set types {
	{{Tcl Files}	{.tcl .tk}}
	{{Text Files}	{.txt}}
	{{All Files}	*}
    if {
	[string match {} $fn] &&
	([catch {tk_getOpenFile -filetypes $types \
	    -title "Source File"} fn] || [string match {} $fn])
    } { return }
    EvalAttached [list source $fn]

## ::tkcon::Save - saves the console or other widget buffer to a file
## This does not eval in a slave because it's not necessary
# ARGS:	w	- console text widget
# 	fn	- (optional) filename to save to
proc ::tkcon::Save { {fn ""} {type ""} {opt ""} {mode w} } {
    variable PRIV

    if {![regexp -nocase {^(all|history|stdin|stdout|stderr|widget)$} $type]} {
	array set s { 0 All 1 History 2 Stdin 3 Stdout 4 Stderr 5 Cancel }
	## Allow user to specify what kind of stuff to save
	set type [tk_dialog $PRIV(base).savetype "Save Type" \
		"What part of the text do you want to save?" \
		questhead 0 $s(0) $s(1) $s(2) $s(3) $s(4) $s(5)]
	if {$type == 5 || $type == -1} return
	set type $s($type)
    if {[string match {} $fn]} {
	set types {
	    {{Tcl Files}	{.tcl .tk}}
	    {{Text Files}	{.txt}}
	    {{All Files}	*}
	if {[catch {tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .tcl -filetypes $types \
		-title "Save $type"} fn] || [string match {} $fn]} return
    set type [string tolower $type]
    switch $type {
	stdin -	stdout - stderr {
	    set data {}
	    foreach {first last} [$PRIV(console) tag ranges $type] {
		lappend data [$PRIV(console) get $first $last]
	    set data [join $data \n]
	history		{ set data [tkcon history] }
	all - default	{ set data [$PRIV(console) get 1.0 end-1c] }
	widget		{
	    set data [$opt get 1.0 end-1c]
    if {[catch {open $fn $mode} fid]} {
	return -code error "Save Error: Unable to open '$fn' for writing\n$fid"
    puts -nonewline $fid $data
    close $fid

## ::tkcon::MainInit
## This is only called for the main interpreter to include certain procs
## that we don't want to include (or rather, just alias) in slave interps.
proc ::tkcon::MainInit {} {
    variable PRIV
    variable OPT

    if {![info exists PRIV(slaves)]} {
	array set PRIV [list slave 0 slaves Main name {} \
		interps [list [tk appname]]]
    interp alias {} ::tkcon::Main {} ::tkcon::InterpEval Main
    interp alias {} ::tkcon::Slave {} ::tkcon::InterpEval

    proc ::tkcon::GetSlaveNum {} {
	set i -1
	while {[interp exists Slave[incr i]]} {
	    # oh my god, an empty loop!
	return $i

    ## ::tkcon::New - create new console window
    ## Creates a slave interpreter and sources in this script.
    ## All other interpreters also get a command to eval function in the
    ## new interpreter.
    proc ::tkcon::New {} {
	variable PRIV
	global argv0 argc argv

	set tmp [interp create Slave[GetSlaveNum]]
	lappend PRIV(slaves) $tmp
	load {} Tk $tmp
	# If we have tbcload, then that should be autoloaded into slaves.
	set idx [lsearch [info loaded] "* Tbcload"]
	if {$idx != -1} { catch {load {} Tbcload $tmp} }
	lappend PRIV(interps) [$tmp eval [list tk appname \
		"[tk appname] $tmp"]]
	if {[info exist argv0]} {$tmp eval [list set argv0 $argv0]}
	$tmp eval set argc $argc
	$tmp eval [list set argv $argv]
	$tmp eval [list namespace eval ::tkcon {}]
	$tmp eval [list set ::tkcon::PRIV(name) $tmp]
	$tmp eval [list set ::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT)]
	$tmp alias exit				::tkcon::Exit $tmp
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::Destroy		::tkcon::Destroy $tmp
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::New			::tkcon::New
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::Main		::tkcon::InterpEval Main
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::Slave		::tkcon::InterpEval
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::Interps		::tkcon::Interps
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::NewDisplay		::tkcon::NewDisplay
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::Display		::tkcon::Display
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint	::tkcon::StateCheckpoint
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCleanup	::tkcon::StateCleanup
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::StateCompare	::tkcon::StateCompare
	$tmp alias ::tkcon::StateRevert		::tkcon::StateRevert
	$tmp eval {
	    if [catch {source -rsrc tkcon}] { source $::tkcon::PRIV(SCRIPT) }
	return $tmp

    ## ::tkcon::Exit - full exit OR destroy slave console
    ## This proc should only be called in the main interpreter from a slave.
    ## The master determines whether we do a full exit or just kill the slave.
    proc ::tkcon::Exit {slave args} {
	variable PRIV
	variable OPT

	## Slave interpreter exit request
	if {[string match exit $OPT(slaveexit)]} {
	    ## Only exit if it specifically is stated to do so
	    uplevel 1 exit $args
	## Otherwise we will delete the slave interp and associated data
	set name [InterpEval $slave]
	set PRIV(interps) [lremove $PRIV(interps) [list $name]]
	set PRIV(slaves)  [lremove $PRIV(slaves) [list $slave]]
	interp delete $slave
	StateCleanup $slave

    ## ::tkcon::Destroy - destroy console window
    ## This proc should only be called by the main interpreter.  If it is
    ## called from there, it will ask before exiting tkcon.  All others
    ## (slaves) will just have their slave interpreter deleted, closing them.
    proc ::tkcon::Destroy {{slave {}}} {
	variable PRIV

	if {[string match {} $slave]} {
	    ## Main interpreter close request
	    if {[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).destroyme {Quit tkcon?} \
		    {Closing the Main console will quit tkcon} \
		    warning 0 "Don't Quit" "Quit tkcon"]} exit
	} else {
	    ## Slave interpreter close request
	    set name [InterpEval $slave]
	    set PRIV(interps) [lremove $PRIV(interps) [list $name]]
	    set PRIV(slaves)  [lremove $PRIV(slaves) [list $slave]]
	    interp delete $slave
	StateCleanup $slave

    if {$OPT(overrideexit)} {
	## We want to do a couple things before exiting...
	if {[catch {rename ::exit ::tkcon::FinalExit} err]} {
	    puts stderr "tkcon might panic:\n$err"
	proc ::exit args {
	    if {$::tkcon::OPT(usehistory)} {
		if {[catch {open $::tkcon::PRIV(histfile) w} fid]} {
		    puts stderr "unable to save history file:\n$fid"
		    # pause a moment, because we are about to die finally...
		    after 1000
		} else {
		    set max [::tkcon::EvalSlave history nextid]
		    set id [expr {$max - $::tkcon::OPT(history)}]
		    if {$id < 1} { set id 1 }
		    ## FIX: This puts history in backwards!!
		    while {($id < $max) && ![catch \
			    {::tkcon::EvalSlave history event $id} cmd]} {
			if {[string compare {} $cmd]} {
			    puts $fid "::tkcon::EvalSlave\
				    history add [list $cmd]"
			incr id
		    close $fid
	    uplevel 1 ::tkcon::FinalExit $args

    ## ::tkcon::InterpEval - passes evaluation to another named interpreter
    ## If the interpreter is named, but no args are given, it returns the
    ## [tk appname] of that interps master (not the associated eval slave).
    proc ::tkcon::InterpEval {{slave {}} args} {
	variable PRIV

	if {[llength [info level 0]] == 1} {
	    # no args given
	    return $PRIV(slaves)
	} elseif {[string match {[Mm]ain} $slave]} {
	    set slave {}
	if {[llength $args]} {
	    return [interp eval $slave uplevel \#0 $args]
	} else {
	    return [interp eval $slave tk appname]

    proc ::tkcon::Interps {{ls {}} {interp {}}} {
	if {[string match {} $interp]} {
	    lappend ls {} [tk appname]
	foreach i [interp slaves $interp] {
	    if {[string compare {} $interp]} { set i "$interp $i" }
	    if {[string compare {} [interp eval $i package provide Tk]]} {
		lappend ls $i [interp eval $i tk appname]
	    } else {
		lappend ls $i {}
	    set ls [Interps $ls $i]
	return $ls

    proc ::tkcon::Display {{disp {}}} {
	variable DISP

	set res {}
	if {$disp != ""} {
	    if {![info exists DISP($disp)]} { return }
	    return [list $DISP($disp) [winfo interps -displayof $DISP($disp)]]
	return [lsort -dictionary [array names DISP]]

    proc ::tkcon::NewDisplay {} {
	variable PRIV
	variable DISP

	set t $PRIV(base).newdisp
	if {![winfo exists $t]} {
	    toplevel $t
	    wm withdraw $t
	    wm title $t "tkcon Attach to Display"
	    label $t.gets -text "New Display: "
	    entry $t.data -width 32
	    button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
	    bind $t.data <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
	    bind $t.ok   <Return> [list $t.ok invoke]
	    grid $t.gets $t.data -sticky ew
	    grid $t.ok   -	 -sticky ew
	    grid columnconfig $t 1 -weight 1
	    grid rowconfigure $t 1 -weight 1
	    wm transient $t $PRIV(root)
	    wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
		    reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
		    screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
	$t.data delete 0 end
	wm deiconify $t
	raise $t
	grab $t
	focus $t.data
	vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
	grab release $t
	wm withdraw $t
	set disp [$t.data get]
	if {$disp == ""} { return }
	regsub -all {\.} [string tolower $disp] ! dt
	set dt $PRIV(base).$dt
	destroy $dt
	if {[catch {
	    toplevel $dt -screen $disp
	    set interps [winfo interps -displayof $dt]
	    if {![llength $interps]} {
		error "No other Tk interpreters on $disp"
	    send -displayof $dt [lindex $interps 0] [list info tclversion]
	} err]} {
	    global env
	    if {[info exists env(DISPLAY)]} {
		set myd $env(DISPLAY)
	    } else {
		set myd "myDisplay:0"
	    tk_messageBox -title "Display Connection Error" \
		    -message "Unable to connect to \"$disp\":\n$err\
		    \nMake sure you have xauth-based permissions\
		    (xauth add $myd . `mcookie`), and xhost is disabled\
		    (xhost -) on \"$disp\"" \
		    -icon error -type ok
	    destroy $dt
	set DISP($disp) $dt
	wm withdraw $dt
	bind $dt <Destroy> [subst {catch {unset ::tkcon::DISP($disp)}}]
	tk_messageBox -title "$disp Connection" \
		-message "Connected to \"$disp\", found:\n[join $interps \n]" \
		-type ok

    ## The following state checkpoint/revert procedures are very sketchy
    ## and prone to problems.  They do not track modifications to currently
    ## existing procedures/variables, and they can really screw things up
    ## if you load in libraries (especially Tk) between checkpoint and
    ## revert.  Only with this knowledge in mind should you use these.

    ## ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint - checkpoints the current state of the system
    ## This allows you to return to this state with ::tkcon::StateRevert
    # ARGS:
    proc ::tkcon::StateCheckpoint {app type} {
	variable CPS
	variable PRIV

	if {[info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)] && \
		[tk_dialog $PRIV(base).warning "Overwrite Previous State?" \
		"Are you sure you want to lose previously checkpointed\
		state of $type \"$app\"?" questhead 1 "Do It" "Cancel"]} return
	set CPS($type,$app,cmd) [EvalOther $app $type info commands *]
	set CPS($type,$app,var) [EvalOther $app $type info vars *]

    ## ::tkcon::StateCompare - compare two states and output difference
    # ARGS:
    proc ::tkcon::StateCompare {app type {verbose 0}} {
	variable CPS
	variable PRIV
	variable OPT
	variable COLOR

	if {![info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)]} {
	    return -code error \
		    "No previously checkpointed state for $type \"$app\""
	set w $PRIV(base).compare
	if {[winfo exists $w]} {
	    $w.text config -state normal
	    $w.text delete 1.0 end
	} else {
	    toplevel $w
	    frame $w.btn
	    scrollbar $w.sy -takefocus 0 -bd 1 -command [list $w.text yview]
	    text $w.text -yscrollcommand [list $w.sy set] -height 12 \
		    -foreground $COLOR(stdin) \
		    -background $COLOR(bg) \
		    -insertbackground $COLOR(cursor) \
		    -font $OPT(font)
	    pack $w.btn -side bottom -fill x
	    pack $w.sy -side right -fill y
	    pack $w.text -fill both -expand 1
	    button $w.btn.close -text "Dismiss" -width 11 \
		    -command [list destroy $w]
	    button $w.btn.check  -text "Recheckpoint" -width 11
	    button $w.btn.revert -text "Revert" -width 11
	    button $w.btn.expand -text "Verbose" -width 11
	    button $w.btn.update -text "Update" -width 11
	    pack $w.btn.check $w.btn.revert $w.btn.expand $w.btn.update \
		    $w.btn.close -side left -fill x -padx 4 -pady 2 -expand 1
	    $w.text tag config red -foreground red
	wm title $w "Compare State: $type [list $app]"

	$w.btn.check config \
		-command "::tkcon::StateCheckpoint [list $app] $type; \
		::tkcon::StateCompare [list $app] $type $verbose"
	$w.btn.revert config \
		-command "::tkcon::StateRevert [list $app] $type; \
		::tkcon::StateCompare [list $app] $type $verbose"
	$w.btn.update config -command [info level 0]
	if {$verbose} {
	    $w.btn.expand config -text Brief \
		    -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type 0]
	} else {
	    $w.btn.expand config -text Verbose \
		    -command [list ::tkcon::StateCompare $app $type 1]
	## Don't allow verbose mode unless 'dump' exists in $app
	## We're assuming this is tkcon's dump command
	set hasdump [llength [EvalOther $app $type info commands dump]]
	if {$hasdump} {
	    $w.btn.expand config -state normal
	} else {
	    $w.btn.expand config -state disabled

	set cmds [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info commands *] \
	set vars [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info vars *] \

	if {$hasdump && $verbose} {
	    set cmds [EvalOther $app $type eval dump c -nocomplain $cmds]
	    set vars [EvalOther $app $type eval dump v -nocomplain $vars]
	$w.text insert 1.0 "NEW COMMANDS IN \"$app\":\n" red \
		$cmds {} "\n\nNEW VARIABLES IN \"$app\":\n" red $vars {}

	raise $w
	$w.text config -state disabled

    ## ::tkcon::StateRevert - reverts interpreter to previous state
    # ARGS:
    proc ::tkcon::StateRevert {app type} {
	variable CPS
	variable PRIV

	if {![info exists CPS($type,$app,cmd)]} {
	    return -code error \
		    "No previously checkpointed state for $type \"$app\""
	if {![tk_dialog $PRIV(base).warning "Revert State?" \
		"Are you sure you want to revert the state in $type \"$app\"?"\
		questhead 1 "Do It" "Cancel"]} {
	    foreach i [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info commands *] \
		    $CPS($type,$app,cmd)] {
		catch {EvalOther $app $type rename $i {}}
	    foreach i [lremove [EvalOther $app $type info vars *] \
		    $CPS($type,$app,var)] {
		catch {EvalOther $app $type unset $i}

    ## ::tkcon::StateCleanup - cleans up state information in master array
    proc ::tkcon::StateCleanup {args} {
	variable CPS

	if {![llength $args]} {
	    foreach state [array names CPS slave,*] {
		if {![interp exists [string range $state 6 end]]} {
		    unset CPS($state)
	} else {
	    set app  [lindex $args 0]
	    set type [lindex $args 1]
	    if {[regexp {^(|slave)$} $type]} {
		foreach state [array names CPS "slave,$app\[, \]*"] {
		    if {![interp exists [string range $state 6 end]]} {
			unset CPS($state)
	    } else {
		catch {unset CPS($type,$app)}

## ::tkcon::Event - get history event, search if string != {}
## look forward (next) if $int>0, otherwise look back (prev)
# ARGS:	W	- console widget
proc ::tkcon::Event {int {str {}}} {
    if {!$int} return

    variable PRIV
    set w $PRIV(console)

    set nextid [EvalSlave history nextid]
    if {[string compare {} $str]} {
	## String is not empty, do an event search
	set event $PRIV(event)
	if {$int < 0 && $event == $nextid} { set PRIV(cmdbuf) $str }
	set len [string len $PRIV(cmdbuf)]
	incr len -1
	if {$int > 0} {
	    ## Search history forward
	    while {$event < $nextid} {
		if {[incr event] == $nextid} {
		    $w delete limit end
		    $w insert limit $PRIV(cmdbuf)
		} elseif {
		    ![catch {EvalSlave history event $event} res] &&
		    [set p [string first $PRIV(cmdbuf) $res]] > -1
		} {
		    set p2 [expr {$p + [string length $PRIV(cmdbuf)]}]
		    $w delete limit end
		    $w insert limit $res
		    Blink $w "limit + $p c" "limit + $p2 c"
	    set PRIV(event) $event
	} else {
	    ## Search history reverse
	    while {![catch {EvalSlave history event [incr event -1]} res]} {
		if {[set p [string first $PRIV(cmdbuf) $res]] > -1} {
		    set p2 [expr {$p + [string length $PRIV(cmdbuf)]}]
		    $w delete limit end
		    $w insert limit $res
		    set PRIV(event) $event
		    Blink $w "limit + $p c" "limit + $p2 c"
    } else {
	## String is empty, just get next/prev event
	if {$int > 0} {
	    ## Goto next command in history
	    if {$PRIV(event) < $nextid} {
		$w delete limit end
		if {[incr PRIV(event)] == $nextid} {
		    $w insert limit $PRIV(cmdbuf)
		} else {
		    $w insert limit [EvalSlave history event $PRIV(event)]
	} else {
	    ## Goto previous command in history
	    if {$PRIV(event) == $nextid} {
		set PRIV(cmdbuf) [CmdGet $w]
	    if {[catch {EvalSlave history event [incr PRIV(event) -1]} res]} {
		incr PRIV(event)
	    } else {
		$w delete limit end
		$w insert limit $res
    $w mark set insert end
    $w see end

## ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight - magic error highlighting
## beware: voodoo included
proc ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight w {
    variable COLOR

    ## do voodoo here
    set app [Attach]
    # we have to pull the text out, because text regexps are screwed on \n's.
    set info [$w get 1.0 end-1c]
    # Check for specific line error in a proc
    set exp(proc) "\"(\[^\"\]+)\"\n\[\t \]+\\\(procedure \"(\[^\"\]+)\""
    # Check for too few args to a proc
    set exp(param) "parameter \"(\[^\"\]+)\" to \"(\[^\"\]+)\""
    set start 1.0
    while {
	[regexp -indices -- $exp(proc) $info junk what cmd] ||
	[regexp -indices -- $exp(param) $info junk what cmd]
    } {
	foreach {w0 w1} $what {c0 c1} $cmd {break}
	set what [string range $info $w0 $w1]
	set cmd  [string range $info $c0 $c1]
	if {[string match *::* $cmd]} {
	    set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app namespace eval \
		    [list [namespace qualifiers $cmd] \
		    [list info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]]]
	} else {
	    set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app info procs [list $cmd]]
	if {[llength $res]==1} {
	    set tag [UniqueTag $w]
	    $w tag add $tag $start+${c0}c $start+1c+${c1}c
	    $w tag configure $tag -foreground $COLOR(stdout)
	    $w tag bind $tag <Enter> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
	    $w tag bind $tag <Leave> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
	    $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> "if {!\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
		    {[list edit -attach $app -type proc -find $what -- $cmd]}"
	set info [string range $info $c1 end]
	set start [$w index $start+${c1}c]
    ## Next stage, check for procs that start a line
    set start 1.0
    set exp(cmd) "^\"\[^\" \t\n\]+"
    while {
	[string compare {} [set ix \
		[$w search -regexp -count numc -- $exp(cmd) $start end]]]
    } {
	set start [$w index $ix+${numc}c]
	# +1c to avoid the first quote
	set cmd [$w get $ix+1c $start]
	if {[string match *::* $cmd]} {
	    set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app namespace eval \
		    [list [namespace qualifiers $cmd] \
		    [list info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]]]
	} else {
	    set res [uplevel 1 ::tkcon::EvalOther $app info procs [list $cmd]]
	if {[llength $res]==1} {
	    set tag [UniqueTag $w]
	    $w tag add $tag $ix+1c $start
	    $w tag configure $tag -foreground $COLOR(proc)
	    $w tag bind $tag <Enter> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 1]
	    $w tag bind $tag <Leave> [list $w tag configure $tag -under 0]
	    $w tag bind $tag <ButtonRelease-1> "if {!\$tkPriv(mouseMoved)} \
		    {[list edit -attach $app -type proc -- $cmd]}"

## tkcon - command that allows control over the console
## This always exists in the main interpreter, and is aliased into
## other connected interpreters
# ARGS:	totally variable, see internal comments
proc tkcon {cmd args} {
    variable ::tkcon::PRIV
    variable ::tkcon::OPT
    global errorInfo

    switch -glob -- $cmd {
	buf* {
	    ## 'buffer' Sets/Query the buffer size
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		if {[regexp {^[1-9][0-9]*$} $args]} {
		    set OPT(buffer) $args
		    # catch in case the console doesn't exist yet
		    catch {::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $PRIV(console) \
		} else {
		    return -code error "buffer must be a valid integer"
	    return $OPT(buffer)
	bg* {
	    ## 'bgerror' Brings up an error dialog
	    set errorInfo [lindex $args 1]
	    bgerror [lindex $args 0]
	cl* {
	    ## 'close' Closes the console
	cons* {
	    ## 'console' - passes the args to the text widget of the console.
	    set result [uplevel 1 $PRIV(console) $args]
	    ::tkcon::ConstrainBuffer $PRIV(console) \
	    return $result
	congets {
	    ## 'congets' a replacement for [gets stdin]
	    # Use the 'gets' alias of 'tkcon_gets' command instead of
	    # calling the *get* methods directly for best compatability
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		return -code error "wrong # args: must be \"tkcon congets\""
	    tkcon show
	    set old [bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>>]
	    bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> { set ::tkcon::PRIV(wait) 0 }
	    set w $PRIV(console)
	    # Make sure to move the limit to get the right data
	    $w mark set insert end
	    $w mark set limit insert
	    $w see end
	    vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
	    set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
	    $w insert end \n
	    bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> $old
	    return $line
	getc* {
	    ## 'getcommand' a replacement for [gets stdin]
	    ## This forces a complete command to be input though
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		return -code error "wrong # args: must be \"tkcon getcommand\""
	    tkcon show
	    set old [bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>>]
	    bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> { set ::tkcon::PRIV(wait) 0 }
	    set w $PRIV(console)
	    # Make sure to move the limit to get the right data
	    $w mark set insert end
	    $w mark set limit insert
	    $w see end
	    vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
	    set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
	    $w insert end \n
	    while {![info complete $line] || [regexp {[^\\]\\$} $line]} {
		vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(wait)
		set line [::tkcon::CmdGet $w]
		$w insert end \n
		$w see end
	    bind TkConsole <<TkCon_Eval>> $old
	    return $line
	get - gets {
	    ## 'gets' - a replacement for [gets stdin]
	    ## This pops up a text widget to be used for stdin (local grabbed)
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		return -code error "wrong # args: should be \"tkcon gets\""
	    set t $PRIV(base).gets
	    if {![winfo exists $t]} {
		toplevel $t
		wm withdraw $t
		wm title $t "tkcon gets stdin request"
		label $t.gets -text "\"gets stdin\" request:"
		text $t.data -width 32 -height 5 -wrap none \
			-xscrollcommand [list $t.sx set] \
			-yscrollcommand [list $t.sy set]
		scrollbar $t.sx -orient h -takefocus 0 -highlightthick 0 \
			-command [list $t.data xview]
		scrollbar $t.sy -orient v -takefocus 0 -highlightthick 0 \
			-command [list $t.data yview]
		button $t.ok -text "OK" -command {set ::tkcon::PRIV(grab) 1}
		bind $t.ok <Return> { %W invoke }
		grid $t.gets -		-sticky ew
		grid $t.data $t.sy	-sticky news
		grid $t.sx		-sticky ew
		grid $t.ok   -		-sticky ew
		grid columnconfig $t 0 -weight 1
		grid rowconfig    $t 1 -weight 1
		wm transient $t $PRIV(root)
		wm geometry $t +[expr {([winfo screenwidth $t]-[winfo \
			reqwidth $t]) / 2}]+[expr {([winfo \
			screenheight $t]-[winfo reqheight $t]) / 2}]
	    $t.data delete 1.0 end
	    wm deiconify $t
	    raise $t
	    grab $t
	    focus $t.data
	    vwait ::tkcon::PRIV(grab)
	    grab release $t
	    wm withdraw $t
	    return [$t.data get 1.0 end-1c]
	err* {
	    ## Outputs stack caused by last error.
	    ## error handling with pizazz (but with pizza would be nice too)
	    if {[llength $args]==2} {
		set app  [lindex $args 0]
		set type [lindex $args 1]
		if {[catch {::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type set errorInfo} info]} {
		    set info "error getting info from $type $app:\n$info"
	    } else {
		set info $PRIV(errorInfo)
	    if {[string match {} $info]} { set info "errorInfo empty" }
	    ## If args is empty, the -attach switch just ignores it
	    edit -attach $args -type error -- $info
	fi* {
	    ## 'find' string
	    ::tkcon::Find $PRIV(console) $args
	fo* {
	    ## 'font' ?fontname? - gets/sets the font of the console
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		if {[info exists PRIV(console)] && \
			[winfo exists $PRIV(console)]} {
		    $PRIV(console) config -font $args
		    set OPT(font) [$PRIV(console) cget -font]
		} else {
		    set OPT(font) $args
	    return $OPT(font)
	hid* - with* {
	    ## 'hide' 'withdraw' - hides the console.
	    if {[info exists PRIV(root)] && [winfo exists $PRIV(root)]} {
		wm withdraw $PRIV(root)
	his* {
	    ## 'history'
	    set sub {\2}
	    if {[string match -new* $args]} { append sub "\n"}
	    set h [::tkcon::EvalSlave history]
	    regsub -all "( *\[0-9\]+  |\t)(\[^\n\]*\n?)" $h $sub h
	    return $h
	ico* {
	    ## 'iconify' - iconifies the console with 'iconify'.
	    if {[info exists PRIV(root)] && [winfo exists $PRIV(root)]} {
		wm iconify $PRIV(root)
	mas* - eval {
	    ## 'master' - evals contents in master interpreter
	    uplevel \#0 $args
	set {
	    ## 'set' - set (or get, or unset) simple vars (not whole arrays)
	    ## from the master console interpreter
	    ## possible formats:
	    ##    tkcon set <var>
	    ##    tkcon set <var> <value>
	    ##    tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> w
	    ##    tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> u
	    ##    tkcon set <var> <interp> <var1> <var2> r
	    if {[llength $args]==5} {
		## This is for use w/ 'tkcon upvar' and only works with slaves
		foreach {var i var1 var2 op} $args break
		if {[string compare {} $var2]} { append var1 "($var2)" }
		switch $op {
		    u { uplevel \#0 [list unset $var] }
		    w {
			return [uplevel \#0 [list set $var \
				[interp eval $i [list set $var1]]]]
		    r {
			return [interp eval $i [list set $var1 \
				[uplevel \#0 [list set $var]]]]
	    } elseif {[llength $args] == 1} {
		upvar \#0 [lindex $args 0] var
		if {[array exists var]} {
		    return [array get var]
		} else {
		    return $var
	    return [uplevel \#0 set $args]
	append {
	    ## Modify a var in the master environment using append
	    return [uplevel \#0 append $args]
	lappend {
	    ## Modify a var in the master environment using lappend
	    return [uplevel \#0 lappend $args]
	sh* - dei* {
	    ## 'show|deiconify' - deiconifies the console.
	    if {![info exists PRIV(root)]} {
		set PRIV(showOnStartup) 0
		set PRIV(root) .tkcon
		set OPT(exec) ""
	    if {![winfo exists $PRIV(root)]} {
	    wm deiconify $PRIV(root)
	    raise $PRIV(root)
	    focus -force $PRIV(console)
	ti* {
	    ## 'title' ?title? - gets/sets the console's title
	    if {[llength $args]} {
		return [wm title $PRIV(root) [join $args]]
	    } else {
		return [wm title $PRIV(root)]
	upv* {
	    ## 'upvar' masterVar slaveVar
	    ## link slave variable slaveVar to the master variable masterVar
	    ## only works masters<->slave
	    set masterVar [lindex $args 0]
	    set slaveVar  [lindex $args 1]
	    if {[info exists $masterVar]} {
		interp eval $OPT(exec) \
			[list set $slaveVar [set $masterVar]]
	    } else {
		catch {interp eval $OPT(exec) [list unset $slaveVar]}
	    interp eval $OPT(exec) \
		    [list trace variable $slaveVar rwu \
		    [list tkcon set $masterVar $OPT(exec)]]
	v* {
	    return $PRIV(version)
	default {
	    ## tries to determine if the command exists, otherwise throws error
	    set new ::tkcon::[string toupper \
		    [string index $cmd 0]][string range $cmd 1 end]
	    if {[llength [info command $new]]} {
		uplevel \#0 $new $args
	    } else {
		return -code error "bad option \"$cmd\": must be\
			[join [lsort [list attach close console destroy \
			font hide iconify load main master new save show \
			slave deiconify version title bgerror]] {, }]"

## Some procedures to make up for lack of built-in shell commands

## tkcon_puts -
## This allows me to capture all stdout/stderr to the console window
## This will be renamed to 'puts' at the appropriate time during init
# ARGS:	same as usual	
# Outputs:	the string with a color-coded text tag
proc tkcon_puts args {
    set len [llength $args]
    foreach {arg1 arg2 arg3} $args { break }

    if {$len == 1} {
	tkcon console insert output "$arg1\n" stdout
    } elseif {$len == 2} {
	if {![string compare $arg1 -nonewline]} {
	    tkcon console insert output $arg2 stdout
	} elseif {![string compare $arg1 stdout] \
		|| ![string compare $arg1 stderr]} {
	    tkcon console insert output "$arg2\n" $arg1
	} else {
	    set len 0
    } elseif {$len == 3} {
	if {![string compare $arg1 -nonewline] \
		&& (![string compare $arg2 stdout] \
		|| ![string compare $arg2 stderr])} {
	    tkcon console insert output $arg3 $arg2
	} elseif {(![string compare $arg1 stdout] \
		|| ![string compare $arg1 stderr]) \
		&& ![string compare $arg3 nonewline]} {
	    tkcon console insert output $arg2 $arg1
	} else {
	    set len 0
    } else {
	set len 0

    ## $len == 0 means it wasn't handled by tkcon above.
    if {$len == 0} {
	global errorCode errorInfo
	if {[catch "tkcon_tcl_puts $args" msg]} {
	    regsub tkcon_tcl_puts $msg puts msg
	    regsub -all tkcon_tcl_puts $errorInfo puts errorInfo
	    return -code error $msg
	return $msg

    ## WARNING: This update should behave well because it uses idletasks,
    ## however, if there are weird looping problems with events, or
    ## hanging in waits, try commenting this out.
    if {$len} {
	tkcon console see output
	update idletasks

## tkcon_gets -
## This allows me to capture all stdin input without needing to stdin
## This will be renamed to 'gets' at the appropriate time during init
# ARGS:		same as gets	
# Outputs:	same as gets
proc tkcon_gets args {
    set len [llength $args]
    if {$len != 1 && $len != 2} {
	return -code error \
		"wrong # args: should be \"gets channelId ?varName?\""
    if {[string compare stdin [lindex $args 0]]} {
	return [uplevel 1 tkcon_tcl_gets $args]
    set gtype [tkcon set ::tkcon::OPT(gets)]
    if {$gtype == ""} { set gtype congets }
    set data [tkcon $gtype]
    if {$len == 2} {
	upvar 1 [lindex $args 1] var
	set var $data
	return [string length $data]
    return $data

## edit - opens a file/proc/var for reading/editing
# Arguments:
#   type	proc/file/var
#   what	the actual name of the item
# Returns:	nothing
proc edit {args} {
    array set opts {-find {} -type {} -attach {}}
    while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
	switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
	    -f*	{ set opts(-find) [lindex $args 1] }
	    -a*	{ set opts(-attach) [lindex $args 1] }
	    -t*	{ set opts(-type) [lindex $args 1] }
	    --	{ set args [lreplace $args 0 0]; break }
	    default {return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
	set args [lreplace $args 0 1]
    # determine who we are dealing with
    if {[llength $opts(-attach)]} {
	foreach {app type} $opts(-attach) {break}
    } else {
	foreach {app type} [tkcon attach] {break}

    set word [lindex $args 0]
    if {[string match {} $opts(-type)]} {
	if {[llength [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type info commands [list $word]]]} {
	    set opts(-type) "proc"
	} elseif {[llength [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type info vars [list $word]]]} {
	    set opts(-type) "var"
	} elseif {[::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type file isfile [list $word]]} {
	    set opts(-type) "file"
    if {[string compare $opts(-type) {}]} {
	# Create unique edit window toplevel
	set w $::tkcon::PRIV(base).__edit
	set i 0
	while {[winfo exists $w[incr i]]} {}
	append w $i
	toplevel $w
	wm withdraw $w
	if {[string length $word] > 12} {
	    wm title $w "tkcon Edit: [string range $word 0 9]..."
	} else {
	    wm title $w "tkcon Edit: $word"

	text $w.text -wrap none \
		-xscrollcommand [list $w.sx set] \
		-yscrollcommand [list $w.sy set] \
		-foreground $::tkcon::COLOR(stdin) \
		-background $::tkcon::COLOR(bg) \
		-insertbackground $::tkcon::COLOR(cursor) \
		-font $::tkcon::OPT(font)
	scrollbar $w.sx -orient h -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
		-command [list $w.text xview]
	scrollbar $w.sy -orient v -takefocus 0 -bd 1 \
		-command [list $w.text yview]

	set menu [menu $w.mbar]
	$w configure -menu $menu

	## File Menu
	set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu File file]]
	$m add command -label "Save As..."  -underline 0 \
		-command [list ::tkcon::Save {} widget $w.text]
	$m add command -label "Append To..."  -underline 0 \
		-command [list ::tkcon::Save {} widget $w.text a+]
	$m add separator
	$m add command -label "Dismiss" -underline 0 -accel "Ctrl-w" \
		-command [list destroy $w]
	bind $w <Control-w>			[list destroy $w]
	bind $w <$::tkcon::PRIV(meta)-w>	[list destroy $w]

	## Edit Menu
	set text $w.text
	set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu Edit edit]]
	$m add command -label "Cut"   -under 2 \
		-command [list tk_textCut $text]
	$m add command -label "Copy"  -under 0 \
		-command [list tk_textCopy $text]
	$m add command -label "Paste" -under 0 \
		-command [list tk_textPaste $text]
	$m add separator
	$m add command -label "Find" -under 0 \
		-command [list ::tkcon::FindBox $text]

	## Send To Menu
	set m [menu [::tkcon::MenuButton $menu "Send To..." send]]
	$m add command -label "Send To $app" -underline 0 \
		-command "::tkcon::EvalOther [list $app] $type \
		eval \[$w.text get 1.0 end-1c\]"
	set other [tkcon attach]
	if {[string compare $other [list $app $type]]} {
	    $m add command -label "Send To [lindex $other 0]" \
		    -command "::tkcon::EvalOther $other \
		    eval \[$w.text get 1.0 end-1c\]"

	grid $w.text - $w.sy -sticky news
	grid $w.sx - -sticky ew
	grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
	grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
	grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
    } else {
	return -code error "unrecognized type '$word'"
    switch -glob -- $opts(-type) {
	proc*	{
	    $w.text insert 1.0 \
		    [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type dump proc [list $word]]
	var*	{
	    $w.text insert 1.0 \
		    [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type dump var [list $word]]
	file	{
	    $w.text insert 1.0 [::tkcon::EvalOther $app $type eval \
		    [subst -nocommands {
		set __tkcon(fid) [open $word r]
		set __tkcon(data) [read \$__tkcon(fid)]
		close \$__tkcon(fid)
		after 1000 unset __tkcon
		return \$__tkcon(data)
	error*	{
	    $w.text insert 1.0 [join $args \n]
	    ::tkcon::ErrorHighlight $w.text
	default	{
	    $w.text insert 1.0 [join $args \n]
    wm deiconify $w
    focus $w.text
    if {[string compare $opts(-find) {}]} {
	::tkcon::Find $w.text $opts(-find) -case 1
interp alias {} ::more {} ::edit
interp alias {} ::less {} ::edit

## echo
## Relaxes the one string restriction of 'puts'
# ARGS:	any number of strings to output to stdout
proc echo args { puts stdout [concat $args] }

## clear - clears the buffer of the console (not the history though)
## This is executed in the parent interpreter
proc clear {{pcnt 100}} {
    if {![regexp {^[0-9]*$} $pcnt] || $pcnt < 1 || $pcnt > 100} {
	return -code error \
		"invalid percentage to clear: must be 1-100 (100 default)"
    } elseif {$pcnt == 100} {
	tkcon console delete 1.0 end
    } else {
	set tmp [expr {$pcnt/100.0*[tkcon console index end]}]
	tkcon console delete 1.0 "$tmp linestart"

## alias - akin to the csh alias command
## If called with no args, then it dumps out all current aliases
## If called with one arg, returns the alias of that arg (or {} if none)
# ARGS:	newcmd	- (optional) command to bind alias to
# 	args	- command and args being aliased
proc alias {{newcmd {}} args} {
    if {[string match {} $newcmd]} {
	set res {}
	foreach a [interp aliases] {
	    lappend res [list $a -> [interp alias {} $a]]
	return [join $res \n]
    } elseif {![llength $args]} {
	interp alias {} $newcmd
    } else {
	eval interp alias [list {} $newcmd {}] $args

## unalias - unaliases an alias'ed command
# ARGS:	cmd	- command to unbind as an alias
proc unalias {cmd} {
    interp alias {} $cmd {}

## dump - outputs variables/procedure/widget info in source'able form.
## Accepts glob style pattern matching for the names
# ARGS:	type	- type of thing to dump: must be variable, procedure, widget
# OPTS: -nocomplain
#		don't complain if no items of the specified type are found
#	-filter pattern
#		specifies a glob filter pattern to be used by the variable
#		method as an array filter pattern (it filters down for
#		nested elements) and in the widget method as a config
#		option filter pattern
#	--	forcibly ends options recognition
# Returns:	the values of the requested items in a 'source'able form
proc dump {type args} {
    set whine 1
    set code  ok
    if {![llength $args]} {
	## If no args, assume they gave us something to dump and
	## we'll try anything
	set args $type
	set type any
    while {[string match -* [lindex $args 0]]} {
	switch -glob -- [lindex $args 0] {
	    -n* { set whine 0; set args [lreplace $args 0 0] }
	    -f* { set fltr [lindex $args 1]; set args [lreplace $args 0 1] }
	    --  { set args [lreplace $args 0 0]; break }
	    default {return -code error "unknown option \"[lindex $args 0]\""}
    if {$whine && ![llength $args]} {
	return -code error "wrong \# args: [lindex [info level 0] 0] type\
		?-nocomplain? ?-filter pattern? ?--? pattern ?pattern ...?"
    set res {}
    switch -glob -- $type {
	c* {
	    # command
	    # outputs commands by figuring out, as well as possible, what it is
	    # this does not attempt to auto-load anything
	    foreach arg $args {
		if {[llength [set cmds [info commands $arg]]]} {
		    foreach cmd [lsort $cmds] {
			if {[lsearch -exact [interp aliases] $cmd] > -1} {
			    append res "\#\# ALIAS:   $cmd =>\
				    [interp alias {} $cmd]\n"
			} elseif {
			    [llength [info procs $cmd]] ||
			    ([string match *::* $cmd] &&
			    [llength [namespace eval [namespace qual $cmd] \
				    info procs [namespace tail $cmd]]])
			} {
			    if {[catch {dump p -- $cmd} msg] && $whine} {
				set code error
			    append res $msg\n
			} else {
			    append res "\#\# COMMAND: $cmd\n"
		} elseif {$whine} {
		    append res "\#\# No known command $arg\n"
		    set code error
	v* {
	    # variable
	    # outputs variables value(s), whether array or simple.
	    if {![info exists fltr]} { set fltr * }
	    foreach arg $args {
		if {![llength [set vars [uplevel 1 info vars [list $arg]]]]} {
		    if {[uplevel 1 info exists $arg]} {
			set vars $arg
		    } elseif {$whine} {
			append res "\#\# No known variable $arg\n"
			set code error
		    } else { continue }
		foreach var [lsort $vars] {
		    if {[uplevel 1 [list info locals $var]] == ""} {
			# use the proper scope of the var, but namespace which
			# won't id locals or some upvar'ed vars correctly
			set new [uplevel 1 \
				[list namespace which -variable $var]]
			if {$new != ""} {
			    set var $new
		    upvar 1 $var v
		    if {[array exists v] || [catch {string length $v}]} {
			set nst {}
			append res "array set [list $var] \{\n"
			if {[array size v]} {
			    foreach i \
				    [lsort -dictionary [array names v $fltr]] {
				upvar 0 v\($i\) __a
				if {[array exists __a]} {
				    append nst "\#\# NESTED ARRAY ELEM: $i\n"
				    append nst "upvar 0 [list $var\($i\)] __a;\
					    [dump v -filter $fltr __a]\n"
				} else {
				    append res "    [list $i]\t[list $v($i)]\n"
			} else {
			    ## empty array
			    append res "    empty array\n"
			    if {$var == ""} {
				append nst "unset (empty)\n"
			    } else {
				append nst "unset [list $var](empty)\n"
			append res "\}\n$nst"
		    } else {
			append res [list set $var $v]\n
	p* {
	    # procedure
	    foreach arg $args {
		if {
		    ![llength [set procs [info proc $arg]]] &&
		    ([string match *::* $arg] &&
		    [llength [set ps [namespace eval \
			    [namespace qualifier $arg] \
			    info procs [namespace tail $arg]]]])
		} {
		    set procs {}
		    set namesp [namespace qualifier $arg]
		    foreach p $ps {
			lappend procs ${namesp}::$p
		if {[llength $procs]} {
		    foreach p [lsort $procs] {
			set as {}
			foreach a [info args $p] {
			    if {[info default $p $a tmp]} {
				lappend as [list $a $tmp]
			    } else {
				lappend as $a
			append res [list proc $p $as [info body $p]]\n
		} elseif {$whine} {
		    append res "\#\# No known proc $arg\n"
		    set code error
	w* {
	    # widget
	    ## The user should have Tk loaded
	    if {![llength [info command winfo]]} {
		return -code error "winfo not present, cannot dump widgets"
	    if {![info exists fltr]} { set fltr .* }
	    foreach arg $args {
		if {[llength [set ws [info command $arg]]]} {
		    foreach w [lsort $ws] {
			if {[winfo exists $w]} {
			    if {[catch {$w configure} cfg]} {
				append res "\#\# Widget $w\
					does not support configure method"
				set code error
			    } else {
				append res "\#\# [winfo class $w]\
					$w\n$w configure"
				foreach c $cfg {
				    if {[llength $c] != 5} continue
				    ## Check to see that the option does
				    ## not match the default, then check
				    ## the item against the user filter
				    if {[string compare [lindex $c 3] \
					    [lindex $c 4]] && \
					    [regexp -nocase -- $fltr $c]} {
					append res " \\\n\t[list [lindex $c 0]\
						[lindex $c 4]]"
				append res \n
		} elseif {$whine} {
		    append res "\#\# No known widget $arg\n"
		    set code error
	a* {
	    ## see if we recognize it, other complain
	    if {[regexp {(var|com|proc|widget)} \
		    [set types [uplevel 1 what $args]]]} {
		foreach type $types {
		    if {[regexp {(var|com|proc|widget)} $type]} {
			append res "[uplevel 1 dump $type $args]\n"
	    } else {
		set res "dump was unable to resolve type for \"$args\""
		set code error
	default {
	    return -code error "bad [lindex [info level 0] 0] option\
		    \"$type\": must be variable, command, procedure,\
		    or widget"
    return -code $code [string trimright $res \n]

## idebug - interactive debugger
# idebug body ?level?
#	Prints out the body of the command (if it is a procedure) at the
#	specified level.  <i>level</i> defaults to the current level.
# idebug break
#	Creates a breakpoint within a pr
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