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The Complete Guide To The TOEFL Test

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Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 37

'Y Sample Item

You will hear:

Ml: Would you like to join us on Sunday? We're going to go on a picnic at the lake.

Fl: I'd love to, but I have a test Monday, and I have to get ready for it.

M2: What will the woman probably do on Sunday?

You will read:

(A)Study for a test.

(B)Go on a picnic.

(C)Take an exam.

(D)Join a club.

The man invites the woman to come to a picnic. The woman says that she'd love to go, but that she must study for a test she is taking Monday. (If the woman had accepted the man's invitation, Choice (B) would have been correct.) A

C) Offers

These are proposals to help someone or allow someone to do something. Either speaker in the dialog may make an offer.

Let me ...

Can I ...

Shall I ...

May I ...

Would you like me to .. .

Should I ...

Do you want me to .. .

I could ...

That would be nice.

I don't think so.

Yes, please.

I'm afraid not.

Please do.

That won't be necessary.

Sure, thanks.

Thanks anyway.


Please don't.


38 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

~Sample Item

You will hear:

Fl: Should I make reservations for dinner Friday night? M1: Thanks anyway, but I've already made them.

M2: What does the man mean?

You will read:

CA) He can't go to dinner Friday night.

CB) Reservations won't be required.

CC) He made reservations earlier.

CD) He'd like the woman to make reservations.

The woman offers to make reservations, but the man replies that he's already made


D) Requests

To make a request is to ask someone to do something, or to ask for help or information.

Would you .. .

Will you ...

Could you/I .. .

May I ...

Do you mind if ...

Can you/l ...

Would you mind if ...


I'd be glad to.

Sorry, but ...

I'd be delighted.

I'm afraid not.

Sure thing.

I'd like to, but ...


I wish I could, but ...

Why not?

*Actually, I do/would.

If you want to.

*I'm afraid I do/would.

If you'd like.

,.As a matter of fact, I do/would.

You bet.


*Not at all.


*Of course not.


*Responses for "Do you mind if ..." or "Would you mind if ...")


Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 39

... Sample Item


You will hear: Ml:

I have to make one more phone call before I go.


Take your time. Would you just lock the office door when you finish?


What does the woman want the man to do?

You will read:

(A)Lock the office.

(B)Finish his phone call quickly.

(C)Tell her what time it is.

(D)Look up a phone number.

The woman requests that the man lock up the office. .A.

Exercise 7.1

Focus: Identifying suggestions, invitations, offers, and requests and responses to them.

Directions: Listen to the following dialogs. Decide which ofthe two choices best completes the sentence, and mark the appropriate space. The first one is done as an example.

l1li))) Now start the audio.

1.The man is ...

~CA) declining an offer __ CB) making a suggestion

2.The woman is ...

__ CA) accepting an invitation __ CB) making an offer

3.The woman is ...

__ CA) declining an offer __ CB) making a suggestion

4.Mark is ...

__ CA) rejecting a request __ CB) agreeing to a request

5.The woman is ...

___ CA) giving an invitation __ CB) making a suggestion

6.The man is ...

__ CA) agreeing to a request

--(B) turning down an offer

7.Ed is probably going to ...

__ CA) receive a suggestion __ CB) make an offer

8.The woman is ...

__ CA) suggesting a solution

--(B) offering help

9.Cynthia is ...

10.The woman is ...

___ CA) declining an offer

___ CB) making a request

11.The man will probably ...

___ (A) do what the woman suggests

___ CB) turn down the woman's invitation

12.Bob is ...

___ CA) agreeing to an offer

___ CB) refusing a request

13.The man is ...

___ CA) making a suggestion

___ CB) accepting an invitation

14. The man is ...

___ CA) requesting that the man do something

___ CB) giving the woman a suggestion

15.Paul is ...

___ CA) rejecting a suggestion

___ CB) agreeing with a suggestion

16.James tells the woman that ...

___ CA) he can't accept her invitation

___ CB) he'd enjoy another sandwich

__ CA) giving an invitation -- (B) accepting an offer

40 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

Exercise 7.2

Focus: Listening to dialogs involving suggestions, invitations, offers, and requests, and answering questions about them.

Directions: Listen to the t()lIowing dialogs. Decide which choice-(A), (B), or (C)-best answers the question about the dialogs, and mark the appropriate answer. The first one is done as an example.

__ i)) Now start the audio.

1.__ (A) He would like a cigarette.

___ (B) The woman can smoke if she likes. ~ (C) He doesn't want the woman to smoke.

2.____ (A) The man wears it quite often. __ (B) It needs to be cleaned.

__ (C) The man should wear it.

3 . _ (A)

Make more popcorn.


_ (B)

Go to another theater.


__ (C) Buy some popcorn.


_ (A)

She could plan the trip.


_ (B)

She may not feel well.


_ (C)

She can go on the class trip.


.__ (A)

He doesn't want more coffee.


_ (B)

He doesn't want to use his credit card.


_ (C)

He'd like to make coffee.

6 . _ (A)

She doesn't think it's warm.

____ (B) She'll open the window herself. __ (C) She wants the window closed.

7._ .__ (A) The soup is more expensive than sandwiches.

___ (B) She doesn't know what kind of soup there is.

___ (C) The man might enjoy some soup.

8.___ (A) The kitchen also needs cleaning.

___ (B) The living room doesn't have to be cleaned.

___ (C) The man shouldn't do the cleaning.

9._____ (A) Go with her to the registrar's office.

_____ (B) Help her find her way to the registrar's office.

____ (C) Tell her where to get her own map.

10. . _ (A) Work on their chemistry homework.

___ (B) Have breakfast.

____ (C) Stop studying for a little while.

11.____ (A) Buy a new toaster.

___ (B) Replace her old shoes.

___ (C) Have repairs done.

12.___ (A) He'd like her to go away.

___ (B) She can read his magazine.

___ (C) He hasn't finished reading.

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 41

13._____ (A) Get an antique desk.

_____ (B) Buy a new computer.

_____ (C) Sit down and get to work.

14.____ (A) He's already passed the test.

.___ (B) He doesn't like to study at the library.

___ (C) He doesn't plan to study tonight.

15.___ (A) He hasn't seen the letters.

___ (B) He doesn't know the right answers.

___ (C) He doesn't want to respond to the letters.

16.___ (A) She wants to go even though it's raining.

___ (B) She can't come to lunch today. __ (C) She'll pay for their lunch.

42 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension




A) Contradictions

These involve the second speaker correcting what the first speaker says, as in the samples below:

T Sample Items

You will hear:

Fl: Amy didn't work overtime last week.

M1: As a matter of fact, she did.

M2: What does the man say about Amy?

You will read:

(A)She is always late for work.

(B)She never works overtime.

(C)She worked extra hours last week.

(D)She hasn't had her job very long.

The man's emphatic use of the auxiliary verb did shows that he is contradicting what the woman said.

You will hear:

MI: Martin always talks about how he loves to dance.

F1: Yes, but you don't see him out on the dance floor very often, do you?

M2: What does the woman say about Martin?

You will read:

(A)He is an excellent dancer.

(B)He doesn't like dancing very much.

(C)He doesn't talk about dancing very often.

(D)He goes dancing four times a week.

The woman's use of the word but and the tag question (" ... do you?") suggests that she doesn't believe that Martin really loves to dance.

You will hear:

FI: All of the students voted for the proposal to expand the Student Council.

MI: Well, most of them did, anyway. M2: What does the man mean?

You will read:

(A)All of the students voted.

(B)Some of the students opposed the proposal.

(C)The proposal was defeated.

(D)The Student Council voted.

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 43

The man says that most of the students voted for the proposal, contradicting the idea that all of them did. Therefore, some of the students must have opposed the proposal.

In some dialogs, such as the third Sample Item, the second speaker does not completely contradict what the first speaker says but rather limits the first speaker's idea....

B) Assumptions

These are the beliefs that one speaker has until he or she receives information from a second speaker. You will generally hear dialogs involving assumptions near the end of PartA. These questions are considered difficult, but once you understand how they work and practice answering them, you should find them no more difficult than any other type of question. In this type of dialog, the first speaker makes a statement. The second speaker is surprised because the first statement contradicts what he or she believes to be true. The second speaker's response often begins with the word "Oh" and ends with the phrase" ... after all." The answer to assumption questions is the reverse of what the second speaker thinks, and so what is "true" according to the first speaker is not the correct choice.

... Sample Item

You will hear:

Fl: No, Judy's not here right now. She's at her economics class. Ml: Oh, so she decided to take that course after all.

M2: What had the man assumed about Judy?

You will read:

(A)She wouldn't take the course.

(B)She had already completed that course.

(C)She was busy studying economics.

(D)She wouldn't find economics difficult.

The man is surprised that Judy is in economics class because he thought that she had decided not to take the course. Therefore, he had obviously assumed that Judy was not going to take the course before he spoke to the woman. ...

C) Questions

The second speaker in a dialog sometimes asks about what the first speaker says. The third speaker then asks what the second speaker wants to know.

... Sample Item

You will hear:

Fl: Professor Petrakis said that MarkTwain was his favorite writer. M1: When did he say that?

M2: What does the man want to know?

44 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension

You will read:

(A)When Mark Twain lived.

(B)What the professor said about Mark Twain.

(C)When the professor made his remark.

(D)What books Mark Twain wrote.

The man asks when Professor Petrakis called Mark Twain his favorite author. ...

Two question phrases that may give you trouble are What . .. for? and How come . .. ? Both mean

Why ... ?

Exercise 8

Focus: Answering questions about dialogs involving contradictions, assumptions, and questions.

Directions: Listen to the following dialogs. Decide which one of the answer choices-(A), (B), or

(C)-is correct, and mark the appropriate answer. The ftrst one is done as an example.

-4))) Now start the audio.

1.___ (A) Ginny is deftnitely coming to dinner.

___ (B) Ginny likes ftsh better than chicken. ~ (C) Ginny likes chicken.

2.__ (A) She had already moved.

___ (B) She hadn't found a new apartment yet.

___ (C) She'd already made an appointment.

3.___ (A) What the man's name is.

___ (B) Who told the man to see the dean. __ (C) Who the dean is.

4.___ (A) He wants to take part in the election.

___ (B) He's not interested in running for offtce.

___ (C) He wants to get more facts from the president.

5.__ (A) She couldn't type very fast.

___ (B) She had already finished the ftnal draft.

___ (C) She hadn't completed the research.

6.___ (A) He doesn't really like horseback riding. __ (B) He rides horses whenever possible.

___ (C) He doesn't talk about riding very much.

7.___ (A) When his insurance agent called.

___ (B) What his insurance agent wanted.

___ (C) What time he should return the call.

8.__ (A) He was working full time.

___ (B) He was eating in the cafeteria.

___ (C) He didn't want a job.

9.__ (A) When they returned.

_ i_ (B) How long their hike was. __ (C) Where they hiked.

Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension 45

10.__ (A) He thinks the clothes are expensive.

____ (B) He doesn't think the clothes are very nice.

______ (C) He thinks the woman is being unreasonable.

11.____ (A) Where the meeting will be held.




When the meeting will start.


._ (C) Where the recreation center will be built.

12 .... _._ (A) Joy did not want to study abroad.


. ___ (B) The overseas program had been canceled.


__ (C) Joy would study overseas sooner than next year.


___ (A) If the party was at Ben's house.


____ (B) What time the party ended.


____ (C) If the man enjoyed the party.

! 1..


(A) All of Ted's answers were incorrect.



_ (B)

Most of the problems were done correctly.



_ (C) Ted doesn't have to solve the problems.



_ (A) How she got to the grocery store.



(B) Why she went to the grocery store.



(C) How much she paid for groceries.



_ (A)

Robin's brother didn't help her get a job.


__ (B) Robin didn't get a job.


__ (C) Robin was able to help her brother.


__ (A) The flashlight had needed batteries.


__.__ (B) There had been some other problem with the flashlight .


._.__. _ (C) The woman hadn't changed the batteries.

1R. ____ (A) Professor Brennon surely won't lead the seminar.


___ .. (B) Professor Brennon's permission is not required.



(C) The woman doesn't need to take the seminar.


_ . _ (A) Why Steve is in the Pacific Northwest.


_ ....._


How long Steve has been traveliri'g.



(C) When Steve will return from his trip.


__ .._


It hadn't been released yet.



(B) It wouldn't be very good.

__ (C) It can no longer be considered new.

46 Section 1 • Guide to Listening Comprehension




A) Questions About Activities

These questions follow dialogs that involve people talking about what they are doing. They are a kind of inference question because the activity itself is not mentioned in the dialog. Instead, you must determine the activity from the special vocabulary used by the speakers.

T Sample Item

You will hear:

Fl: Is there room for that box up there?

Ml: I can fit it in the trunk. And this suitcase should fit in the back seat.

M2: What are the speakers probably doing?

You will read:

(A)Boarding an airplane.

(B)Unpacking a box.

(C)Loading a car.

(D)Buying a suitcase.

The words box, trunk, suitcase, and back seat all indicate that the speakers are

putting things into a car. ....

B) Questions About Plans

These questions follow dialogs in which two speakers discuss what one or both of them are going to do in the future.

T Sample Item

You will hear:

F1: Are you going to go to Boston with Michael this summer?

M1: Wish I could, but if I want to graduate next year, I've got to stay here and take a couple classes.

M2: What does the man plan to do this summer?

You will read:


(B)Attend classes.

(C)Visit Michael.

(D)Go to Boston.

The man indicates that he must stay where he is and take classes in order to graduate

next year. ....

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