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Complex with the gerund

The gerund modified by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case forms a gerundial complex. The relation between the nominal and verbal parts of the complex is that of secondary subject and secondary predicate.

I insist on Mary's (her) going there.

Mary's (her) going - is a gerundial complex.

Such constructions may have the function of:

1) a subject

Your going there won't help much.

2) a predicative

The most awful thing was my going there.

3) an object

Do you mind my opening the window?

He'll insist on Tom's coming some other time.

4) an attribute

I don't like the idea of our living here.

5) an adverbial modifier

If the noun which precedes the gerund cannot be used in the possessive case the common case is used.

I knew nothing about the window being open.

In Modern English there is a tendency to use the common case with nouns and the objective case of personal pronouns.

Do you mind him opening the window.

The ing-form when preceded by a noun in the objective case has a pronoun in the objective case has a function intermediate between that of the present participle and the gerund. Such an ing-form may be called a half-gerund.

I rely on him (John) doing it in time.

The gerund and t he verbal noun

In English besides the gerund which is half-verb, half-noun, there is a pure verbal noun ending in -ing.

The main points of difference between the gerund and the verbal noun are as follows:


  1. has a double character-

nominal and verbal

  1. has no plural form

  1. has tense and voice forms

  1. has no article

  1. may be modified by an adverb Writing quickly tires by hand.

  1. may have a direst object

We should avoid injuring the feelings of others.

Verbal Noun

1) has only a nominal character

2) may be used in the plural All these comings and goings disturb me.

3) has neither tense nor voice


4) may have an article

She gave the room a good


5) may be modified by an adjective

Where a quick thinking was required he was the first.

6) may have a prepositional object (of)

The reading of the book took him two hours.

The gerund and the infinitive compared

1) with the verbs expressing feelings and attitudes (to like, to love, to prefer, to hate...) the gerund expresses a more general or a habitual action than the infinitive.

I hate interrupting people.

I hate to interrupt you, but I have to.

2) when the verbs to remember, to forget, to regret are followed by the gerund, priority is expressed and the infinitive expresses a future or simultaneous action.

I remember going to visit her.

I remember to do this exercise.

3) after "to stop" the gerund is used when it suggests the end of the action denoted by the gerund; the infinitive is used as an adverbial modifier of purpose.

Stop smoking!

He stopped to talk to his friend.

4) when the gerund is used after the verbs to deserve, to require, to need, to want (=to need) it has a passive meaning. When the infinitive is used after "need" active meaning is expressed.

The grass needs cutting.

I need to clear my mind.

5) to go on + gerund suggests the continuation of the action denoted by the gerund and forms part of compound verbal predicate; the infinitive points out a new stage in the sequence of actions.

I wouldn't go on thinking about it.

He welcomed the new pupils and went on to explain the school regulations.

6) to try + gerund expresses the idea of experiment

I can't unlock the door.

Try turning the key the other way. (Make the experiment and see what happens).

To try + infinitive expresses the idea of possibility or impossibility.

Try to learn this long poem.

7) used to + infinitive expresses a past habit.

I used to go there when I was a child.

to be/become/get + gerund means to be/become/get accustomed.

I'm used to living in a hot climate.

8) to be afraid of+ gerund expresses an action which the subject fears may happen.

She didn 't tell him because she was afraid of upsetting him.

to be afraid + infinitive means that the subject is/was too frightened to perform the action.

She was afraid to protest (so she kept quiet).

9) "to agree" takes the infinitive.

Tom agreed to wait a week, but Bill refused to wait another day.

To agree to +possessive pronoun+gerund

He agreed to my leaving early on Friday.

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