7.09 Кб
Tina(n) Tina(n)

Toolbox for analysis of Petri nets and Time Petri nets, including:
nd - Net editor and Graphic interface for tools
tina - Reachability analysis tool
struct - Structural analysis tool

nd [-help] [-ag | -at | -ng | -nt] [file]
tina [-help]
[-C(|k|b) | -R | -V | -V(o|f|l) tlist | -P |
-Q(p|b|h) | -W | -Wm | -S | -Sa | -A]
[-s n] [-c n] [-b n] [-t s] [-s n] [-m n]
[-v | -q | -a] [-g]
struct [-help] [-t s] [-v | -q]

nd (netDraw) embeds editors for graphic and textual net descriptions and
automata descriptions. Applications tina and struct may be invoked
directly, or from nd (buttom "tools") when editing a net. When invoked
directly, they operate as filters : they read the description of a Petri
net or Time Petri net in textual (.net format) or graphical form (.ndr for-
mat of files produced by nd) on their standard input, and print their
results on their standard output.

nd :

-help Recalls options.

-ag | -at | -ng | -nt

Selection of initial editing mode if no file is loaded. With -ag
(resp. -at), edits an automaton in graphic (resp. textual) form. With
-ng (resp. -nt), edits a Time Petri net in graphic (resp. textual)

The editing mode of nd is determined by:
- its default value (-ng),
- superseded by the value found in the setup file, if any,
- superseded by the command line argument, if any,
- superseded by the mode determined from the contents of the file loaded, if any.

The file being loaded, if it exist (it must be in one of the above formats),
or a filename in which the item being edited is saved.

tina, struct :

-help Recalls options.

Operating mode options:

-C | -Ck | -Cb

Build the Coverability Graph of a Petri net (untimed, of with temporal
information discarded). Three heuristics are proposed:
-Cb is as fast as -R below if the net is actually bounded, but may be
very slow if it is not;
-Ck implements a heuristic closer to the original Karp and Miller
method, it may be very slow if the net is actually bounded, but
unboundedness is detected as early as possible;
-C lies somewhere in between, both for bounded and unbounded nets. It
behaves like -Cb until an unbounded marking is found, after which it
behaves like -Ck.

Builds the marking reachability graph of a Petri net (untimed, or with
temporal information discarded).

-V -Vo tlist | -Vf tlist | -Vl tlist

Builds the Covering Step Graph of a Petri net, according to the
technique of Vernadat/Azema/Michel. tlist is the list of observable
transitions (if all are observable, then -V(o|f|l) is eqv to -R):
-V preserves deadlocks;
-Vo tlist preserves observational equivalence wrt transitions in tlist;
-Vf tlist preserves failure equivalence;
-Vl tlist preserves linear time temporal properties;

Builds the partial marking graph of a Petri net, according to the
persistent sets technique. The heuristic retained is to minimize local

-Qp | -Qb | -Qh

Builds the partial marking graph of a Petri net. Combine the
persistent sets (-P) and covering steps (-V) methods. Several
heuristics are available:
-Qp maximizes size of steps;
-Qb steps minimizing branching, like -P;
-Qh largest conflict-free steps, a trade off between -Qp and -Qb.

Build the state class graph of a Time Petri net, according to the
technique of Berthomieu/Menasche. The state class graph preserves
linear temporal properties. If no temporal information is specified,
or if all transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -W is silently
replaced by -R.

As -W, except interprets multi-enabledness of transitions.

Build the state class graph of a Time Petri net, using strong class
equivalence. If no temporal information is specified, or if all
transitions bear interval [0,w[, then -S is silently replaced by -R.

As -S, except signals non atomic state classes.

Build the atomic state class graph of a Time Petri net. The atomic
state class graph preserves branching temporal properties. If no
temporal information is specified, or if all transitions bear interval
[0,w[, then -A is silently replaced by -R.

Stopping test and limits flags:

-s n
Stopping test for the boundedness property.
-s 0 : none, use limit option(s) to ensure termination
-s 1 : Karp and Miller condition (default)
-s 2 : -s 1 + inclusion of firing domains
-s 3 : -s 2 + saturation of transitions following
places with increasing markings (see documents).
With option -R, conditions -s 2 and -s 3 are equivalent to -s 1
With option -C, no stopping test is necessary.

-c n Bound on the number of markings to enumerate (none if n=0).

-b n Bound on the marking of each place (none if n=0).

-t n Bound on duration of enumeration (none if n=0).

-m n Bound on multi-enabledness of transitions (none if n=0).

-v | -q | -a
Output format selection :
-v : textual output, prints full results
-q : textual output, prints a summary of results
-a : automaton output, results is the description of an automaton
in .aut format, directly readable by e.g. aldebaran.

Other flags:

-g Disables liveness analysis (if not -a or -C).

Default options are :

nd -ng buffer.ndr

tina -W -s 1 -c 0 -t 0 -b 0 -m 0 -v

struct -t 0 -v

File nets/FORMATS specifies syntax of .net and .ndr net description files.

tina -q < nets/ifip.ndr
tina -s 2 < nets/abp.net > abp.tina-W
tina -R -q < nets/ifip.ndr > ifip.tina-R
tina -a < nets/ifip.ndr > ifip.aut
struct < nets/ifip.ndr > ifip.struct

Bernard Berthomieu, LAAS/CNRS, 2000-2001, Bernard.Berthomieu@laas.fr.

Tina Tools Version 2.1.14 1

Соседние файлы в папке doc