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Test 6

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Test 6. (LESSON 6)

Task 1. Fill in the gaps with missing words:

  1. The primary _______ of resume is to arouse the reader’s interest to the applicant.

  2. The document must be _____ and to the ______.

  3. One should include only ________ information.

  4. Your resume and _______ letter must ______ the employer’s perspective.

  5. You should point the position you are ________ for, your __________, professional _____, work ________ and other accomplishments.

  6. Resume may include _____________ information such as hobbies, health and foreign ______.

  7. Your resume should not _______ one page.

  8. In the letter of application or ______ letter one should explain the _______ why he or she wants to get the __________.

  9. For that purpose it is ________ to highlight your ________ and _____________.

Task 2. Translate into English the following sentences:

  1. Она ознакомилась с документами, а затем позвонила Робинсону.

  2. Каково ваше семейное положение?

  3. Какие у вас обязанности в компании?

  4. Можете ли вы работать в стрессовой обстановке?

  5. Диану приняли на временную работу на испытательный срок продолжительностью 6 месяцев.

  6. Мы сообщим вам о своем решение в течение следующей недели.

  7. Ваша зарплата будет зависеть напрямую от показателей вашей работы.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with an appropriate word or word combination:

  1. What can I do _______ you?

  2. What _______ are you looking for?

  3. The company invited Diana to an _______.

  4. The salary will depend on your __________.

  5. Please ______ in the application form.

  6. Have you got any __________ in advertising campaign?

  7. Find my resume enclosed ________the letter.

  8. Can you work ______ pressure?

  9. Can you tell me what your strengths and ________are?

  10. Your ad reads “attractive salary and _______ __________”.

  11. It is not easy to _______ with your accountant.

  12. Neatness is _________ here.

  13. I have acquired some __________ in team working.

  14. I haven’t filled in the _____________ form yet.+

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