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Lesson 6

Ex. 1*. Read and try to translate the following words without a dictionary:

Component Fractional

Distillation Analyse

Temperature Argon

Proportion Dioxide

Formula Elementary

Ex. 2*. Translate the words with the same root:

To dissolve, soluble, solution, solubility.

To mix, mixing, mixture.

To use, use, usage, useful, useless.

To differ, difference, different.

Ex. 3*. Find nouns corresponding to the following verbs: compose, dissolve, elevate, mix, distil, differ.

Ex. 4*. Give antonyms to the following words: cold, large, rich, different, active, absent, complex, far.

Ex. 5*. Check up if you remember the following verbs: warm, contain, vary, separate, dissolve, change, make up, occur, be present, indicate, evaporate, burn, freeze, combine, form.

Ex. 6. Read and translate the sentences. Remember the meaning of the following words:

Due to - благодаря, обязан

Either - любой

Either... or - или ... или

Too - также, слишком

Those (of) - те, слово-заменитель ранее упомянутого существительного

  1. Oxidation may be either slow or rapid.

  2. The conductivity is mainly due to free electrons.

  3. The proportion of oxygen in air is known too.

  4. Molecule of solids are more concentrated than those of gases.

  5. The concentration of oxygen is too high to use it for breathing.

  6. Molecules of lihgt gases are quicker than those of denser gases.

  7. Carbon unites with iron due to the chemical affinity characteristic of these groups of elements.

  8. Acids may be either gases, liquids or solids.

  9. This method of purification is too complex.

  10. Either of the methods described will give the desired results.

Ex. 7. Refresh your grammar. Remember the Adverbial Clauses of Condition.

Translate the sentences.

  1. If a gas were colourless, we would not notice its formation.

  2. If a substance passed from the solid state directly to the vapour state, this change would be called sublimation.

  3. If a substance changes from one state into another, its energy content will change too.

  4. We should have a btained better results if we had used some other material.

  5. The liquid in the test-tube change its colour if they raised the temperature.

Ex. 8. Read and translate the text.


One can prove in several ways that air is not a chemical compound, but a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen with small amounts of other gases.

Ordinary air contains nearly constant proportions of three elementary substances, namely nitrogen 75, 4 per cent, oxygen 23,2 per cent and argon 1,2 per cent by weight. It also contains small proportions of several inactive gases and some proportions of carbon dioxide, water vapour and dust. The composition of air varies slightly with elevation, being a little richer in oxygen and pooper in nitrogen at sea level than at elevations of a few miles. If it were a single compound, it would have definite composition by weight.

Air is readily separated into its components by fractional distillation of liquid air. If it were a compound, it would all distil over in a single fraction at a definite temperature.

The air that surrounds us is about one fifth oxygen by volume. When cold water is slowly warmed, we see bubbles of "dissolved air" coming out of the solution. If we analyze such bubbles, we shall find that they are about one third oxygen by volume. The change in composition is due to the difference in the solubility of the gases that make up the mixture known as air. If air were a single compound, the bubbles that escape from the solution would have the same composition as those of the undissolved air.

The density and physical properties of air are precisely those that would be inferred from the proportions and physical properties of its component gases. If a chemical change occured in mixing these gases to form air, there would be either a change in properties or a change in volume.

No chemical formula can be written that would exactly show the proportions in which nitrogen and oxygen are present in air. The nearest simple formula would be N40, but this would indicate far too great a density for air, and the proportion of oxygen in air is slightly greater than this formula indicates.

Ex. 9. Find the Russian equivalents to the English words:

  1. volume ` а) изменять

  2. weight б) пузырек

  3. compound в) указывать

  4. warm г) объем

  5. change д) смесь

  6. mixture е) количество

  7. bubble ж) соединение

  8. density з) вес

  9. indicate и) плотность

  10. aniount к) нагревать

Ex. 10. Fill the sentences the missing words:

components, amounts, to separate, mixture, chemical compound, bubbles, density.

  1. We know that air is not a ...

  2. When water boils we see ... of "dissolved air".

  3. Air is a ... of nitrogen and oxygen with small... of other gases.

  4. Fractional distillation is used ... air into its...

  5. The formula N40 indicates far too great a ... for air.

Ex. 11. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is air?

  2. What is the composition of air?

  3. Under what conditions is air richer in oxygen and poorer in nitrogen?

  4. In what way is air separated into its components?

Ex. 12. Read and translate the text without a dictionary.


The physical properties of air were studied long before its chemical properties. Aristotle considered that air was a material substance which possessed weight; another Greek scientist described some experiments which were made in order to prove that air is a material substance. For example, he said that"

if we invert the open end of a vessel, having only one opening, in water, the water will entei if a hole were made in the upper part of the vessel, water comes in and air comes out,

If we placed one hand over a opening we feel a stream of wind which is moving air".

In 1774 the French scientist Lavoisier made a large number of experiments in order to prove the thesis that when metals are heated in air, the increase in weight is due to fixation of the air by the metal.

However, it was the famous Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov who had come to the same conclusion in 1756, i.e. eighteen years before Lavoisier.

Words to the text:

  1. Prove - доказывать

  2. Invert - переворачивать

  3. Fixation - зд. поглощение

  4. To come to the conclusion - прийти к заключению

Ex. 12. Make up a plan to these two texts.

Ex. 13. Summarize the general ideas developed in these two texts.