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01 - слова

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Brand-easy recognizable product.

Advertising-the activity, when company shows the best qualities of their product, by using different sources of information.

Marketing-the process of planning, designing, pricing, promoting and distributing ideas, goods, services.

Brand(product) manager- the person, responsible, for promoting company’s goods in different countries.

Sales outlets - the place where company can distribute and sell their products.

Needs - is something that is necessary to satisfy for person to live.

Research and development – the process of getting important information, and using it to evolve the company.

Product- a commodity manufactured by a company to sell it and satisfy customers needs.

Price - is the quantity of payment, which is given for the product.

Place – the area which is the most suitable for selling output.

Promotion- is the all activities supporting the sale of a product, including advertising.

Marketing mix – the main components on which marketing is based.

Company’s product range – the rank of the goods, which company manages to produce.

Top-end (upmarket,upscale) – the best quality and expensive goods.

Mid-range – products, which is not luxury, but also not as cheap as low-end goods.

downmarket (bottom-end,downscale)- the cheapest commodities.

Entry-level product – affordable product, aimed to catch the attention of a customer for the first time.

To Launch - to release new product on the market.

Buying behavior - is the decision processes and acts of people involved in buying and using products

Segment – the target audience of some product .

Key players – the major companies on their market share.

Pricing – the process, when company due to their policy, set the prices for their product or groups of products.

Mark –up - is the difference between the cost of a good or service and its selling price.

Profit margins - It measures how much out of every dollar of sales a company actually keeps in earnings.

Price wars – situation when several competing companies change their prices to take the segment.

Distribution channels - Chain of organizations, each passing the product down the chain to the next organization.

Wholesalers(distributor) - is defined as the sale of goods or merchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial, institutional, or other professional business users.

Reseller(retailer) - is a company or individual entrepreneur that purchases goods or services with the intention of reselling them for higher price, rather than consuming or using them.

Sales force - the division of a business that's responsible for selling certain products or services.

Direct mail - Form of advertising using the mail as its form of distribution.

Packaging – is a technology of incasing the product for distribution, storage, sale, and use.

Industrial marketing – is the marketing of industrial goods and services from one business to another.

Business-to-business marketing - is the marketing of goods and services to businesses in order to keep those companies operating.

Consumer marketing –marketing of the goods, due to research about customers preferences.

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