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контрольное задание по английскому языку..doc
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4.1. In a small shop a sales person often ….

a) is the manager of it

B) has to prepare balance sheets

c) has to perform other duties besides selling

4.2. One advantage of door-to-door selling is that … .

a) the salesman can demonstrate his articles and show how they work

b) the salesman can demonstrate his articles and ask a higher price

c) the salesman can demonstrate his articles and get orders

4.3. The wholesale merchant buys goods from the manufacturer in large whole lots

and … .

a) sells them in a retail store

b) sells these large whole lots to individual retail businesses

c) sells them in small lots to retail businesses

4.4. Agents only combine retailers' orders for the manufacturer and arrange for …

a) shipment directly from the manufacturer to the wholesale merchant

b) shipment directly from the manufacturer to the retailer

c) shipment directly from the manufacturer to the intermediary

4.5. There are other types of selling, such as … .

a) the selling of health, insurance plans, stocks

b) the selling of flats, precious metals

c) the selling of raw materials and minerals