.docNovosibirsk is situated on the great Siberian river Ob. Its foundation is associated with the name of the well-known Russian writer and engineer N. Garin-Mikhailovsky. In 1893 he began to build the Trans-Siberian railway bridge across the Ob.
Novosibirsk nowadays is a giant city, one of the largest in Russia.
Novosibirsk is an important industrial center. Our plants and factories produce different equipment, TV and radio sets and so on.
Our сity is the Largest railway junction in the eastern part of Russia; it has 2 airports, a river port, a bus station. It is the first town in this part of the country which has an underground railway, opened in 1986.
Today Novosibirsk is a big scientific, cultural and education center. There are more then 20 higher schools (state and non-state), about 60 special technical schools and colleges, more the 200 secondary schools in Novosibirsk now. It has 6 theaters, including the Opera and Ballet Theater, a philharmonic society, a symphony orchestra, the Art Gallery with a collection of icons, paintings and sculptures, a choreographic and a theatrical school, music schools, more than 800 libraries, the largest of which is the State Scientific and technical Public Library, opened in 1966.
Our city is famous for its Akademgorodok, situated on the coast of the man made Ob Sea. It is the centre of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of sciences, famous throughout the world. Its scientists work at 20 research institutes.
The city is still growing and becoming more beautiful with every passing day.