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методичка по неличным формам глаголов.doc
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Test yourself

1. Find the correct translation for the Participle form in bold.

1.The woman standing at the window is my elder sister.

А стоящая

В стоявшая

С постояв

D стоя

2. Yesterday we received a letter sent by Mr. Gordon on the 5 of March.

А послав

В посланное

С пославшего

D посылающий

3. The girl writing something at the desk near the blackboard is my cousin.

А написав

В написавшая

С пишущая

D будучи пишущей

4. This is my neighbour living next door to me.

А живший

В прожив

С живущий

D проживая

5. In the Local Lore Museum I saw a book written seven hundred years ago.

А написанную

В написавшую

С будучи написанной

D написав

6. Travelling in Europe he saw a lot of places of interest.

А путешествующий

В путешествуя

С будучи путешествующим

D пропутешествовав

7. When crossing the street, first look to the left.

А переходящий

В переходя

С будучи переходящим

D перейдя

8. While reading this book, I had to use the dictionary very often.

А прочитав

В читая

С читающий

D прочитанная

9. Knowing the subject well the student was not afraid of the coming exam.

А познав

В знающий

С зная

D знавший

10.Being busy the manager could not receive me.

А занят

В занятой

С будучи занятым

D бывший занятым

2. Fill in the correct form of the Infinitive.

1. I am awfully glad __________ you.

A to be meeting

В to have been met

С to have met

D to be met

2. your phonetics you should record yourself and analyze your speech.

A to be improved

В to improve

С to have improved

D to be improving

3. This is the book ______ during the summer holidays.

A to be reading

В to have been reading

С to read

D to be read

4. Sorry you in this disagreeable situation.

A to have placed

В to be placed

С to place

D to be placing

5. I am very happy the pleasure of making your acquaintance.

A to be having

В to have had

С to have been having

D to have

6. by such a good specialist was a great advantage.

A to instruct

В to be instructing

С to be instructed

D to have been instructed

7. I am sorry you waiting.

A to have kept

В to be kept

С to have been kept

D to have been keeping

8. was his greatest pleasure.

A to have played chess

В to play chess

С to be playing chess

D to have been playing chess

9. The child did not like .

A to be washing

В to have been washing

С to have washed

D to be washed

10. I am sorry your mood.

A to be spoilt

В to have spoilt

С to have been spoilt

D to be spoiling