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  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A 62-year-old woman was first seen in the clinic on April 1956. For about one year she had experienced vague episodic upper abdominal pains. She said that on several occasions the pain had awakened her from a sound sleep and was relieved only by ingestion of food.

Abdominal examination revealed moderate tenderness in the right hypochondric region. No abdominal masses were palpable.

Routine laboratory examinations were within normal limits.

Cholecystography revealed multiple calculi. The upper gastrointestinal roentgenologic examination was normal.

The surgeon said the operation was indispensable. As the patient refused to be operated on, the surgeon sent her for a course of treatment at the out-patient department. She returned for cholecystomy in a month after having been treated in the out-patient department with no relief of symptoms. Then the operation was performed; it was successful and the patient’s postoperative course was uneventful.

Indispensable - жизненнонеобходима

  1. Найди эквиваленты следующих слов в тексте.

  1. Боли в животе

  2. Хирург

  3. Курс лечения

  4. Амбулаторное отделение

  5. Без осложнений.

  1. Напиши эссе о своем городе\ селе (5-10 предложений).

  1. Придумай пропущенные в диалоге реплики. Прочитай диалог в паре с преподавателем.

A.: Hello?

B.: Carmen? Is that you? Are you OK?

A.: ……………………

B.: you too? Ahchoo!

A.: Bless you.

B.:………………….. . Do you have a fever?

B.: ……………………

A.: You should just take two aspirins and go to bed. You’ll feel better in the morning.

B.: I hope so. ……………………

5.Выполни грамматический тест (выбери пропущенное слово):

1). My boy-friend is the … person in the world. (good, better, best)

2). … smoke, it`s very harmful! (no, don`t, not)

3). Pete … an exellent bike. (have, has, is)

ГАОУ СПО НСО «Искитимский медицинский техникум»

Дисциплина Английский язык

Специальность 060101 Лечебное дело

Рассмотрено на Протокол №________

заседании ЦМК

общеобразовательных от______________2013


Председатель комиссии


Билет №8.

  1. Сделай литературный перевод текста профессиональной направленности.


A thirty-one-year old man was admitted to the hospital on October 16, 1949, with a massive recurrence of incisional hernia in the right lower portion of the abdomen which was the size of two fists.

The patient said that in 1945 he had been operated upon the perforated suppurative appendicitis with consequent prolonged drainage. Later on he suffered from an incisional hernia at the site of appendectomy.

On examination a massive recurrence of the right lower incisional hernia was found. The patient had been having attacks of intestinal strangulation which could be relieved by manual manipulation.

An operation was performed on October 18, 1949. The postoperative course was uneventful and the patient was discharged six days thereafter.

Follow-up examinations up to 1958 have revealed a firm and well reinforced operated area. The patient has returned to work and has remained free from subjective symptoms.

Recurrence – повторение

incisional hernia –инцизионная грыжа

strangulation - спазм

  1. Составь из слов предложения.

1). Suffered, hernia, abdomen, lower, right, of the, portion, a patient, in the.

2). The operation, the doctor, in, performed, 1949, successfully.