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BE-19. p.73.”Market&Price”, pp. 74-76. ”The Relationship between Price and Quantity Demanded”.

I.Find the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations, use them in the sentences of your own.

1.скоропортящиеся товары-


3.кривая спроса-

4.дополняющие товары-

5.субсидия, дотация-

6.переключиться на-

7.пособие по безработице-

8.работающий не по найму-

Give the synonyms to the words (+sentences)

1.to set a price-


II.Agree or disagree with the statements:

1.The demand for any product establishes the price.

2.The price of goods and services is the most essential factor influencing the demand for them.

3.If the price for goods and services falls, it will cause the fall of demand.

4.The demand for a product is determined by price only.

5.The demand for goods and services may depend on demand for some other goods and services.

6.Fluctuating of real income doesn`t affect the demand for goods and services.

7.If real incomes rise, people tend to buy more necessities (essential products).

8.The government can cause the fluctuation of demand, too.

III. Answer the questions:

1.How can market be defined? What types of market can be distinguished?

2.What is the effective demand?

3.What is the relationship between the price of the product and the demand for it?

4.How can tastes and fashions impact on the demand?

5.What goods and services are called “complementary”?

6.What is the affect of real income on demand?

7.By what means can governments influence household`s demand?

8.How do you understand that a person`s cultural background can influence his demand?

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