Official Dictionary of Unofficial English-Grant-Barrett-0071458042
(Aug. 2) “Victims Advocate Sees a Test Case in Inmate’s Artwork” (Int.)
! He wants to use the sales as the first test case of a state law against criminals profiteering from the marketing of personal artifacts, which range from artwork to hair strands. He refers to it such memorabilia as “murderabilia.”
Muzzie n. a nickname for a Muslim. Religion. This word is often, but not always, derogatory. It is not commonly used by North Americans.
1999 Guardian (U.K.) (June 4) “Forget the Cricket, All We Need Is a Decent Song,” p. 28 ! I’ve always been a great believer in having the odd Muslim in the side.... With their well-known religious what-have- yous, the Muzzies were put i/c car keys and the lads went through an entire season without one drink-driving conviction. 2000 Usenet: alt.atheism (Sept. 22) “Re: Sahih Bukhari” ! No thanks. I have very little respect for any woman who would cling to a belief that restricts herself to being a “2nd class citizen.” And I have even less respect for a man that would help them to do so. Eat more pork, you sadistic bastard. Plonk da Muzzie!!! 2003 (Australian Associated Press)
(Nov. 17) “Muslim Butcher Accused of Murder Was Taunted, Court Told” (in Melbourne) ! Shepparton Magistrates Court today heard Mohammed had been asked about bomb-making and taunted as a “Muzzie” by his co-workers.... Mr. Regan told the court it was the nature of the town to use nicknames and refer to the Halal butchers as “Muzzies.” 2004 Sports Illustrated (Sept. 27) “The 20 Great Tipping Points,” p. 114 ! The morning after he shook up the world, [Muhammad] Ali confirmed his affiliation with the Muzzies, as fight fans were calling them. 2005 Mark McBride The 6th Estate (Baton Rouge, La.) (Mar. 4) “Censorship and How New Journalism Can Fight It” (Int.)
! “Muzzie” as I understand it is the English/Aussie/Kiwi slang for Muslim. I’ve never seen it before or heard it, but I can find (it) now all over the usenet and the Yahoo comment boards.

naco adj. common, ordinary, plebeian, unfashionable, vulgar. Mexico. Pejorative. Slang. Spanish. United States.
1983 Oakland Ross Globe and Mail (Toronto, Can.) (Oct. 15) “A Festival Where Symbols of Whiteness Are Over-Rated,” p. P9 ! Middle-class Mexicans, she said, tend to use a single adjective to dismiss all that is perhaps most real and most wonderful about Mexican culture, simply because it is dark-complexioned and simply because it springs from the poor. The adjective is naco. Basically untranslatable, it means something like “vulgar.” 1992 Usenet: soc.culture.mexican (May 10) “Re: Racismo” ! Esto es muy triste, pues revela un complejo de inferioridad social. La mayoria de los latinoamericanos somos mestizos, pero preferimos a la gente con apariencia sajona. Acaso el desagradable termino peyorativo “naco” no se referia en su acepcion original a la gente de bajos recursos y de piel morena? He escuchado a varias personas hacer comentarios tales como “es bonita, nada mas que es prieta”, refiriendose a alguna muchacha, como si ser morena fuera un defecto. 2004 (NPR) (July 8) “Day to Day: It’s Hip to Be ‘Naco’ ” (Int.)
! In Great Britain, they’re known as “Kevins.” In the U.S., the words “nerd,” “redneck” and “cheesy” come to mind. For Mexicans, it’s “naco”—a term that covers everything from guys draped in gold chains to people who dance funny. Some Mexicans still find the word offensive. It was initially a derogatory term used to insult indigenous people and the poor. But for many, “naco” has morphed into a term that represents personal style—or lack thereof—rather than class or wealth. 2004 [elenamary] Daily Texican (Dallas, Tex.) (Nov. 23) “Cholo Word of the Day—Naco” (Int.) ! In México the word “Naco” is a racist term for an “indio,” thus not just “indio” but almost like saying “nigger.”.... I remember going to see “Y Tu mama tambien” with some Chilango friends of mine. They translated the word “naco” to “White-trash”; my friend brought up and noted that it was actually the opposite of White trash. “Opposite” was the word he used. Opposite because “naco” is someone who is very indigenous and indigenous as if it is a bad thing. My definition could be different in that my Spanish is Southern Mexican Spanish, not cholo Spanish, not Spanglish, and not big-city-pesudo-northern-Mexcio Guadalajara Spanish....
I stand by my comment it is just as bad as the word “nigger,” in my Spanish. I did not grow-up in a chicano community nor in northern

natural capitalism
Mexico. In the Spanish of Mexico City and to the south of it, “Naco” is a terrible racist term. 2004 [Becky] Daily Texican (Dallas, Tex.) (Nov. 23) “Cholo Word of the Day—Naco” (Int.) ! In Mexico City, where I grew up, “naco” is not just racist, it’s classist and a pretty offensive term. Basically, anybody who is dark-skinned and/or poor may be termed a “naco.” I’ve even heard people refer to things as “nacadas” (i.e., someone who acts rudely does a “nacada,” or something that looks tacky is a “nacada”). It’s amazing the number of people I’ve heard use it in front of me when referring to someone else, but not dare use it to the person to whom they were referring. (It’s considered that offensive!)
natural capitalism n. an economic theory or practice that assigns a financial cost to the use, maintenance, abuse, or depletion of natural resources and ecosystems. Environment. Money & Finance.
1996 Robert Frenay Audubon (Jan. 11) “Butterflies and the Dismal Science,” vol. 98, no. 1, p. 86 ! In the effort to create a greener economic system, some theorists—starting with University of Florida zoologist C.S. Holling—are seeking to define an economic value for nature. Costanza describes what he calls natural capitalism, defining capital as “a stock that yields a flow of valuable goods or services into the future.” He says the yield of new trees or fish from parent stocks should be counted as “natural income” and the parent stock itself considered “natural capital.” 1999 Paul Hawken, Amory Lovins, L. Hunter Lovins Natural Capitalism: Creating the Next Industrial Revolution (Sept. 30), p. 3 ! Natural capitalism recognizes the critical interdependency between the production and use of human-made capital and the maintenance and supply of natural capital.... Natural capital, made up of resources, living systems, and ecosystem services. 2004
Rona Fried Tidepool (June 17) “A Business Built on Biomimicry” (Int.)
! Biomimicry and “Natural Capitalism” are other terms that describe a similar approach to creating products that work with nature.
neurodiversit y n. the whole of human mental or psychological neurological structures or behaviors, seen as not necessarily problematic, but as alternate, acceptable forms of human biology.
Health. Medical.
1998 Harvey Blume Atlantic (NYC) (Sept. 30) “Neurodiversity” (Int.)
! Neurodiversity may be every bit as crucial for the human race as biodiversity is for life in general. 1998 Usenet: alt.support.learningdisab (Dec. 29) “Neurodiversity Pride” ! Any thoughts on the idea of neurodiversity pride: that is, that those who are wired differently from what is considered the norm, are not BAD, or DISABLED and

don’t need “fixing,” but merely...different? 2004 Coventry Evening Telegraph (U.K.) (Jan. 14) “Open Meeting,” p. 15 ! The next meeting of the Coventry and Warwickshire Neurodiversity Group is on January 29 at 7:30pm.... Guest speaker Janet Taylor will talk about dyspraxia, a condition affecting movement and co-ordination. 2004
Amy Harmon N.Y. Times (May 9) “Neurodiversity Forever,” p. 4-1 ! But in a new kind of disabilities movement, many of those who deviate from the shrinking subset of neurologically “normal” want tolerance, not just of their diagnoses, but of their behavioral quirks. They say brain differences, like body differences, should be embraced, and argue for an acceptance of “neurodiversity.”
new shooter n. a horse entering a race, but one that has not been an active participant in the horse-racing circuit, particularly those races that include or lead up to one of the Triple Crown events; a newcomer or long shot. Animals. Gambling. Sports.
1981 Andrew Beyer @ Belmont, N.Y. Washington Post (June 6) “Belmont Stakes: The Third Jewel of the Triple Crown,” p. D1 !
Sometimes, the Triple Crown horses are ambushed by a fresh new shooter in the Belmont. Stage Door Johnny peaked just at the right time to defeat Forward Pass in 1966. Coastal blossomed late and upset Spectacular Bid two years ago. 1997 Jay Privman @ Lexington, Ky. N.Y. Times (Apr. 13) “...and His Archrival, Pulpit, Will Be There Waiting,” p. 8-2 ! It was a new race over a new track, and there were several new shooters trying to knock him off. But none of Pulpit’s potential problems materialized. It was as if divine intervention was bestowed upon the colt, who resurrected his standing among the nation’s leading 3- year-olds with an emphatic victory today in the Blue Grass Stakes at Keeneland Race Course. 1998 Ron Indrisano @ Baltimore, Md. Boston Globe (May 13) “ ‘Charlie’ ” Is Withdrawn; Lukas Adds a Rabbit to Field,” p. D8 ! My horse is fine, 100 percent, and he’s going to stay fine because I’m going to take care of him. If I had run him one more time, I’d have to turn him out. Now when Real Quiet goes to the shelf for a post-Triple Crown break, I’ll have a new shooter. 2004 Bill Christine @ Baltimore L.A. Times (May 15) “Spoilers Aren’t Just in Rearview” (Int.) ! In Preakness parlance, they are the “new shooters”—horses who miss the Kentucky Derby but show up two weeks later at Pimlico, hoping to spoil a Triple Crown bid.
nicca n. a black person; an African-American; vocative equivalent to man, dude, buddy. Black English. Hip-Hop. Slang. United States.
[From the colloquial nigga, nigger, probably due to a transition to a more closed velar sound, from g to k, but also possibly an

Nintendo slider
intentional misspelling intended to foil keyword-based content filters.]
1999 Usenet: rec.music.hip-hop (May 20) “Re: The Best in Hip Hop One Hit Wonders...” ! Ed is my nicca 4 life i love that critter. 2003
Mr. Oysterhead totally un-inspired (Aug. 9) “Oh Siht in the Middle of
Bashin Sumone...Well Just See for Yourself” (Int.) ! Tell Devon and Bran i say “wut up niccas” and...uhh...yeah that be it. 2004 [gnosis]
UK Urban Music Forum (Aug. 13) “King of Advanced: Butta v Gnosis” (Int.) ! I just hopped on the employment train, so I been a busy ass nicca. 2004 *muah* (Aug. 27) “iF yUh FeEliN’ l1kE a PiMp. NiCcA gO n BrUsH yO sHoUlDeRz oFf!!” (Int.) (title).
Nintendo slider n. in baseball, a pitch that breaks unexpectedly over the plate, as if remotely controlled. Slang. Sports. United States.
1997 David Ginsburg @ Seattle, Wash. (AP) (Oct. 1) “Orioles Do a Shuffle for Matchup with Johnson” ! He’s 6-foot-10, has a 97 mph fastball from the side and has a Nintendo slider. 2002 Jim Cour @ Seattle Olympian (Olympia, Wash.) (July 6) “M’s Get
Slammed” (Int.) ! “He’s got the Nintendo slider,” [Torii] Hunter said of [Jeff] Nelson. “I wasn’t trying to swing for the fence. I made contact and the ball went out. I don’t know how.” [2003 Patrick Reusse
Star Tribune (Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.) (Apr. 5) “Full House Sees Team Miles Off Its Game,” p. 1C ! Fiore relieved some of the Dome’s congestion by surrendering a three-run homer to Wells in the seventh. It came off Fiore’s palm ball. “That’s like a Nintendo pitch,” Wells said. “He lets it go, and it just stops.”] 2004 Scott Merkin
MLB.com (May 6) “Wunsch Out to Prove His Worth” (Int.) ! It makes it a little easier to get right-handers out when you have more velocity, but when the velocity is lower, you throw a little more junk. Right now, my slider is working well. It looked like a Nintendo slider with the way it was breaking Wednesday. 2004 Jim Souhan Star Tribune
(Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.) (Oct. 5) “Pitching: Nathan vs. Santana” (Int.) ! In baseball parlance, a “Nintendo slider” is one that breaks as if controlled by a joystick.
ninth island n. Las Vegas; (occas.) any place outside of Hawaii with a large number of Hawaiians. Colloquial. Hawaii. Nevada. United States. [Reference to the large number of Hawaiians who

have relocated to Las Vegas. Eight major islands make up the state of Hawaii.]
1996 Usenet: alt.culture.hawaii (June 9) “14 More Days!” ! Leaving Santa Cruz (Hawaii’s 9th Island) Sat. the 23rd to stay over night near the airport. 2000 Ronelle Botwinik Las Vegas Review-Journal (Jan. 27) “Activities and Events in Las Vegas,” p. 2E ! A lecture on “Hawaiian Spirituality on the Ninth Island” will be presented from 5 to 9 p.m. Saturday at Spring Valley Library, 4280 S. Jones Blvd. (391-7416).
2000 Usenet: alt.music.hawaiian (Mar. 4) “Fiji Ticket Giveaway...”
! Aloha2go.com aims to make Vegas the REAL 9th Island by bringing you the Best bands from back home. 2002 Bruce Dunford @ Honolulu, Hawaii (AP) (May 8) “Hawaii Governor Slips Off to Las Vegas to Promote Hawaii Products Expo” ! Gov. Ben Cayetano has slipped off to Las Vegas to participate in the kickoff of the Great Ninth Island Expo, a three-day event to display made-in-Hawaii gifts and products.
2003 Irene Lechowitzky San Diego Union-Tribune (Calif.) (Oct. 12) “Hawaiians Flock to California Hotel for Island Comforts in the Desert,” p. D1 ! “It’s poi,” he laughed. This was one of the reasons Bob came to the California Hotel, aka Hawaii’s ninth island. “Try some? The saimin noodles are also good.” 2004 Ken Ritter @ Las Vegas, Nev. (AP) (Nov. 23) “Vegas Becoming Hawaii’s ‘Ninth Island’ ” (Int.) ! Joel and Melodi Kekauoha began hearing the term “ninth island” when their flight from Honolulu descended over the Nevada desert toward the lights of the Las Vegas Strip. They learned the meaning later that morning, when they bumped into a neighbor from their hometown of Kaneohe, which is on Oahu, one of Hawaii’s eight islands. Suddenly, Las Vegas seemed awfully familiar.
Nolly wood n. the Nigerian film industry. Entertainment. Nigeria.
[Patterned after Hollywood (the American film industry), Bollywood (the Indian film industry), and Lollywood (the Pakistani film industry).]
2002 Norimitsu Onishi @ Lagos, Nigeria N.Y. Times (Sept. 16) “Step Aside, L.A. and Bombay, for Nollywood,” p. 11 (title). 2005 Innocent Nwobodo Daily Champion (Lagos, Nigeria) (Mar. 16) “On Nollywood Films in Ghana” (Int.) ! Bad news, in the newsman’s parlance, is good news. Not for Nollywood, the alias for Nigeria’s home video industry, which was recently hit by bad weather in nearby Ghana.
non-paper n. an off-the-record or unofficial presentation of (government) policy. Jargon. Politics.
1980 Joseph Joffe @ Hamburg Christian Science Monitor (Feb. 28) “Willy Brandt: Go-between in US-Soviet Dispute?” ! The SPD sources

also confirmed that Soviet Ambassador Semyonov did deliver a “nonpaper” (diplomatic jargon for an unofficial message) in early February that hinted at a message of mediation. 1984 Times (London, Eng.) (Mar. 7) “A Two-Day Meeting of EEC Farm Ministers in Brussels Yesterday Failed to Make an Agreement on the Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy,” p. 6 ! M. Michel Rocard, the French Minister, yesterday returned to Paris to discuss the summit with President Mitterrand. He will also be opening a “non paper,” setting out the position, which will be put to the council. 2004 Rajeev Sharma, Girja Shankar Kaura @ New Delhi Tribune (Chandigarh, India) (Sept. 10) “Dixit, Aziz Hold Secret Talks in Delhi” (Int.) ! It is understood that British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw had given a non-paper on Kashmir problem to the Indian and Pakistani leaderships when he visited the subcontinent in the first week of February this year. In diplomatic parlance, a “non-paper” is used when a government is conveying a point to other government/governments or state actors while keeping nothing on record.
noodle v. to hunt bare-handed in water for fish or turtles. Sports. United States.
1916 Fort Wayne Daily News (Ind.) (Aug. 18) “ ‘Noodling’ Is the Newest Way to Fish” (in Kansas City, Mo.), p. 21 ! “Noodling” is only possible in rocky streams, where ledges project into the water. 1938
Progress-Review (La Porte City, Iowa) (Sept. 8) “Noodling,” p. 6
! Down in Kansas they have “noodlers.”...Iowa also agrees that “noodling” is the lowest and most despicable method of fishing. It is prevalent in all parts of the state, particularly during the catfish spawning season. 1968 Hank Kozloski News Journal (Mansfield, Ohio) (Jan. 14) “Ohio Scene: There’s More Hunting,” p. 8 ! For the fishermen, they can whet their fishing appetites watching Frank Davis and son, Jon, catching large catfish and noodling for turtles. 1982 Daily Oklahoman (Oklahoma City) (May 11) “Warnings Issued After 3 State Fishermen Drown” ! Sheriff Thomas Johnstone said Hargraves was noodling (attempting to catch fish bare-handed) when he apparently stepped into a deep hole in Salt Fork River. 2004 Patrick Joseph
Kansas City Star (Kan., Mo.) (Aug. 1) “Some Fishermen Think Outside the Tackle Box” (Int.) ! If blasting away at fish strikes some as crude, it’s nothing next to noodling. Variously known as hand grabbing, hogging, grabbling, stumping and dogging (depending on what part of the country you’re in), noodling, as they call it in Texas and Oklahoma, does away with all artifice—rod, reel, line and hook—and uses only the bare hand instead. For bait, there is nothing but the noodler’s own fingers, which are wagged enticingly in front of promising catfish holes. 2004 Scott Charton @ Columbia, Mo. Boston.com (Dec. 28)

nuclear option
“Missouri Approves Fishing with Bare Hands” (Int.) ! Known variously as noodling or hogging, handfishing has long been a misdemeanor punishable by fines, because state officials fear it depletes breedingage catfish.
noofter n. a homosexual. Derogatory. Sexuality. Slang. United Kingdom. [Popularized by the British television program “Only Fools and Horses,” first broadcast in 1981. Possibly a blend of nance or nancy and poofter.]
1992 Independent (U.K.) (Dec. 19) “After the Courses, the Horses,” p. 14 ! For “Only Fools and Horses,” John Sullivan replaced the expletives of south London with a rich invented argot. Jason reveled in it, and, in a neat example of reality reflecting art, made words such as dipstick, noofter and lovely jubbly part of a real-life wide boy’s vocabulary. 2001
Live Aboard” ! If I’m a “plonker” then you are a “pukka noofter”!
2001 Frank O’Donnell Scotsman (Scotland) (June 21) “Hearts Acts to Have Bigoted Web site Shut” ! There was also a section on the web site called Noofters, which was said to stand for “Nasty Odur (sic) Obese Fenian Timmy Eejit Rubbish Scum.” 2003 [Jeef]
OfficialSpin.com (Nov. 13) “Re: Is Prince Charles Gay?” (Int.) ! Prince charle is noofter and should not be alowed within a mile of the brittish throne. 2004 Tom Lappin Scotsman (Scotland) (Aug. 2) “Getting Old Can Be a Bit of a Drama” (Int.) ! Ray asks him pretty soon after they meet whether Jim is a “noofter.”...Jim thinks he rather might be, but the writer’s deft plot spine concentrates on Ray gradually coming around to the idea that he might be as well. A homosexual affair between a couple of geriatrics across the class barrier isn’t entirely easy territory for any dramatist.
nuclear option n. especially in politics, an action of last resort; in recent years in the United States, an extreme method of overcoming a filibuster related to the confirmation of judicial nominees. Politics. This term was not coined by U.S. Senator Trent Lott. According to William Safire, the term goes at least back to the Richard Nixon presidency, when he heard it for the first time from Nixon’s Chief of Staff, Bob Haldeman.
1986 Richard Thomson Times (London, Eng.) (Nov. 12) “Collier Case Seen as Shot Across Bows of Would-Be Rule Breakers” ! Morgan Grenfell chose the “nuclear option” and asked Mr. Collier to resign. There is, of course, a range of lesser sanctions appropriate to lesser misdemeanors. 1998 Liam Halligan Financial Times (U.K.) (Mar. 10) “MPs Propose Abolition of Ancient Commons Rituals,” p. 8 ! One Conservative MP, fresh from helping to “talk out” a bill to outlaw fox-

hunting last Friday, said the convention was only one of a number of ways to “filibuster” legislation. “ ‘I spy’ is the nuclear option,” he said. “But members intent on frustrating a bill can still deliberately table numerous amendments, or shuffle extremely slowly through the voting lobbies.” 2003 Charles Hurt Washington Times (D.C.) (Mar. 28) “Senate Panel OKs Owen for Judgeship,” p. A6 ! Republicans have hinted ominously to some “nuclear” option for breaking the judicial logjam some time after Easter. 2004 James D. Besser Jewish Week
(N.Y.) (Dec. 31) “Judicial Wars Redux” (Int.) ! The nuclear option is Washington parlance for the threat by Senate Republican leaders to change the rules to prevent filibusters on judicial nominations.
numptorium n. the building used by the Scottish Parliament at Holyrood, or by extension, the parliament itself. Politics. Scotland. [Scots numpty ‘a stupid person’ + Latin -orium ‘a building or place where an activity occurs or a (type of) thing is located.’]
2004 Scotsman (Scotland) (Oct. 18) “Hickey; Hickey,” p. 17 ! A prize of a year’s supply of the full proceedings of the Scottish Parliament is on offer for the best term for the Holyrood Reichstag. So far, I can reveal two short-listed terms “Auld Drearie” and “The Numptorium.” My old chum, Sir Taggart Kilbirnie of that Ilk, suggests that the latter would make the present regime a “Numptocracy”! 2004 Jason Allardyce Sunday Times (London, Eng.) (Nov. 7) “Holyrood ‘Numpties Are Worse Than Cuba,’ ” p. 13 ! A leading British economist has dismissed the Scottish parliament as a glorified town hall that promotes policies which are more zealously socialist than those of the hardline communist government of Cuba. John Blundell, director-general of the Institute of Economic Affairs, says that Holyrood is a “numptorium” that should be converted into a museum. 2005 George Kere-
! My nomination for new word of 2004 goes to “numptorium,” coined by our own Peter Clarke, and meaning “a political assembly or parliament building staffed by politicians of a low average IQ, or possessed of venal interests.”
nut up v. to become bold, courageous, or forthright; to SACK UP, man up. Slang.
1999 Usenet: alt.tv.angel (Nov. 25) “Re: Last Night’s Ep—Is this Angel or Star Trek?” ! Who ripped off who? Did anyone complain? Nut up or shut up. 1999 Usenet: rec.sport.pro-wrestling (Nov. 26) “Re: New Here...” ! That’s quite a while to lurk...why’d you decide to nut up now? 2004 Craigslist (Oct. 4) “Warning: This Post Could Piss You Off” (in San Francisco) (Int.) ! Children: Nut up, get out on the blacktop, and throw that dodgeball back at that little shit harder than he threw it at you.

olf n. a scientific measure of indoor odor intensity. Science. [olfaction unit. Coined by Danish scientist P.O. Fanger in 1987.]
1991 Jonathan M. Samet Indoor Air Pollution (June 1), p. 360 ! Using an odor panel as a subjective instrument, Fanger (1987) defined the olf (abbreviation for olfaction unit) as the emission rate of bioeffluents from a standard sedentary person in thermal comfort. 2002
Jeremy Colls Air Pollution (Oct. 1), p. 341 ! A smoker has been reported as being about six olf even when not actually smoking.
on (one’s) bicycle adj. in boxing, constantly moving around a ring (to avoid an opponent). Sports.
1979 Globe and Mail (Toronto, Can.) (Nov. 26) “Weaver Defeats LeDoux” (in Bloomington, Minn.), p. S20 ! We came out here (in the 12th) and Weaver was on his bicycle, dancing around. 1996 W.H. Stickney, Jr. Houston Chronicle (June 24) “Nunn Takes His Time, Defeats Armenta,” p. 11 ! Capitalizing on the expansive 18-foot ring, Sullivan got on her bicycle for the entire fight to avoid the power and hand speed of Zamarron, who trains in the same Austin gym. 2003
Tim Smith N.Y. Daily News (Sept. 21) “Win Despite Boo Byrds,” p. 81
! In the 12th round it looked like Oquendo had hit Byrd with a clean right and knocked him to the canvas, but referee Eddie Cotton ruled it a slip. Perhaps thinking he had the bout sewn up, Oquendo got on his bicycle briefly. 2004 Jim Kernaghan London Free Press (Ontario, Can.) (Sept. 11) “Lady Boxer Will Hang Up Her Gloves” (Int.) ! She never got on her bicycle, as they say in ring parlance about excessively defensive fighters, during her boxing career.
187 n. a homicide. California. Jargon. Police. Slang. United States.
[From section 187-199 of the California penal code, which relates to murder.] Also attrib.
1993 Jeff Schnaufer L.A. Times (May 13) “Police See Deadly Message in T-Shirt,” p. 3 ! While the literal translation of the shirt is the police code for homicide (“187”) followed by gang slang for police (“hudda”), many Valley police, school officials and gang experts see it another way: “Murder a Cop.” 2004 Ryan Wolf KGBT-TV (Harlingen, Tex.) (Apr. 29) “School Fights Lead to Arrest of Students” (Int.) ! She later added, the students in question write “187” about him. It’s street