Official Dictionary of Unofficial English-Grant-Barrett-0071458042
site filled with all their products and handed it to its resellers. 2002
Darwin Holmstrom Harley-Davidson Century (Sept. 1), p. 370
! Another was a full-boat tour with the FLT fairing. 2003 Stephen J. Cannell Runaway Heart (July 11), p. 22 ! He picked one, wondering at the stupidity of having full-boat security and leaving such easy access through system defects. 2005 Melanie Asmar Concord Monitor (N.H.)
(May 8) “Hospitals Challenged Over Billing” (Int.) ! “These hospitals call themselves non-profit, but here they are charging people who can least afford it the full boat,” Grant said. “That doesn’t sound very charitable to me.”
full-gorilla adv. in baseball, aggressively or with the utmost force, especially in the phrase to go full gorilla. Also n. Sports.
1994 Michael Murphy Houston Chronicle (Tex.) (July 4) “Huisman Closes Book on Past,” p. 5 ! He was always the type of pitcher who went full-gorilla all the time.... He was always aggressive and went right after us. 2004 Ross Newman L.A. Times (Sept. 12) “Angels’ Rodriguez Is an Animated Special,” p. D4 ! In only his second full season in the majors, with a better concept of location and selection but still basically what pitching coach Bud Black calls “full gorilla” on every pitch, Rodriguez has set a club record for strikeouts by a reliever. 2005 Elliott Teaford Daily Breeze (Torrange, Calif.) (Aug. 5) “Angels Notebook: Washburn Placed on the 15-Day DL” (Int.) ! “He felt better but is not at a level where we can just turn him loose on Saturday,” Manager Mike Scioscia said of Washburn, who threw off a bullpen mound and said he felt only slight discomfort while going “full gorilla,” as he termed it.
fumblerooski n. in American football, a play in which the quarterback pretends to fumble and a teammate picks up the ball.
Sports. United States.
1984 Michael Wilbon @ Miami, Fla. Washington Post (D1) (Jan. 3) “Nebraska Falls, 31-30, on Day of Upsets” ! The play is called the “fumblerooski.” Steinkuhler picked up a deliberate fumble by Gill and ran around left end for the score that made it 17–7 with a minute still to play in the first quarter. 1988 Bruce Lowitt St. Petersburg Times
(Fla.) (Jan. 2) “It’s Hurricanes’ Season,” p. 1C ! Oklahoma’s second TD was a trick play—a “fumblerooski.” Quarterback Charles Thomp-
son laid the ball on the ground and All-America guard Mark Hutson picked it up and ran 29 yards for the score. 2004 Bruce Hooley Cleve-
land Plain Dealer (Ohio) (Nov. 20) “Gold Standard” (Int.) ! In more common parlance, the play was a “fumblerooski,” designed for center Joe Dooley to place the ball on the ground after touching it to quarterback Mike Tomczak’s hands.

fundagelical n. a fundamentalist or evangelical Christian; a person who evangelizes or espouses fundamentalist beliefs for any cause. Also adj. Derogatory. Religion. United States. [fundamentalist + evangelical] Usually derogatory.
1990 Usenet: soc.motss (Feb. 20) “Re: Queers and Jungle Coons”
! Actually, after the quake I kinda figured that the Christian Fundagelicals would jump all over this point. 1990 Usenet: soc.motss
(Sept. 20) “How Can We Trust the Christians?” ! I have come to the point, based on reports such as the one above, from regularly reading the postings in talk.religion.christian and talk.religion.miscellaneous as well as from watching the fundagelical programs on television that for me it is no longer possible to just oppose specific noxious positions taken by groups of Christians. 1999 Usenet: comp.lang.perl.misc
(Mar. 29) “Re: Why Do We Like Perl?” ! Plus the attitude of many of the regulars in this group is very “fundagelical”—anyone who doesn’t accept that perl is the one true language is a heretic, and you should never use anything other than perl regardless of the application.
2003 Brian Heath heathbar66.livejournal.com (Akron, Ohio) (Dec. 13) “Saturday Morning Thoughts...” (Int.) ! I was channel-surfing past some religious shows on TV today—and I realize that a lot of fundagelical preachers love to use the Book of Revelation as a tool to try scaring people.
futsal n. an organized form of indoor soccer. Spanish. Sports. [Spanish fútbol ‘football; soccer’ (or Portuguese futebol) + sala ‘(large) room’ (or Portuguese salão)]
1987 Johnny Warren Sun Herald (Australia) (Sept. 20) “‘Pay-Up’ Blitz on NSL Clubs,” p. 83 ! Like most South Americans, the Uruguayan midfield genius played Futsal (or Indoor Soccer) ONLY until the age of 17. 1991 Usenet: rec.sport.soccer (June 21) “World Cup of FUT-SAL (Minisoccer)” ! Portugal is the new World Champion of Fut-Sal (minisoccer). 2004 Christopher L. Gasper @ Middleton, Mass. Boston Globe (Dec. 12) “Turning Soccer Inside Out” (Int.) ! Short for futbol sala—loosely translated as indoor soccer—futsal is played in soccercrazed countries all over the world. It is hailed as a teaching tool that develops players’ technical and tactical abilities by forcing them to maneuver and make decisions in confined space.

gamer n. in sports, a committed or exceptional player. Sports. United States. [Probably from adj. form of game, ‘willing; committed (to an undertaking or idea).’] This is a different sense from gamer ‘a person who plays (video) games’ and the much older and perhaps archaic sense ‘a person who participates in sports.’
1978 Thomas Boswell @ Philadelphia, Pa. Washington Post (Aug. 20) “Joyful Blue Humining, Eyes 2nd Young Award,” p. D1 ! “Blue’s such a damn good battler, the way he puts his heart and soul into it, that he really impresses me,” said Philadelphia slugger Mike Schmidt. “He’s a gamer,” Schmidt added. 1982 Joe Goddard Oklahoma City Times
(Jan. 8) “Bowa Trade Rumors Include Former 89ers” ! Sure, I’d take Larry in a minute. He’s a gamer, a winner. 2001 Tom Shael Omaha World-Herald (Neb.) (Oct. 29) “Solich, Huskers Really Special,” p. 1C
! He runs. He throws. He catches. What Crouch showed them is that he’s a gamer, and maybe this is the year a gamer wins. 2004 Kelly Candaele N.Y. Times (Oct. 17) “Caminiti Was a Gamer Who Played Hard Even When Hurt” (Int.) ! Ken Caminiti’s fellow players called him a gamer. In professional baseball parlance, that is someone who plays through pain when injured, someone who is willing to do whatever it takes to win.
gank v. to rob, rip off, or con (someone). Crime & Prisons. Drugs. Slang. United States.
1989 Karen Dillon Chicago Tribune (July 19) “Youths Get 79 Years for Beating Elderly,” p. C10 ! In their confession to police, the two youths said they would go “make a run” or “gank an o.g.,” which means they would drive around until they spotted an elderly woman, usually at a bank or shopping center or near a school. 1990 Alan Gottleib Denver Post (Colo.) (July 8) “One Sibling Resists Entangling Net, Sets Eyes on College, Future,” p. 13A ! “Base had just ganked a tweaker,” James said—conned a crack addict out of her money. 1991 John M. McGuire St. Louis Post-Dispatch Everyday Magazine (Mo.) (July 8) “The New Breed Young St. Louis Cops Look for Seasoning, Respect—and Yogurt,” p. 1D ! “Don’t gank me,” Kelly says. As a verb, Kelly later explains, “gank” means “to chump you, or play you for a fool.” 1991
Ken Kolker Grand Rapids Press (Mich.) (Nov. 27) “Hickman Tells of Plan to Sell Fake Cocaine to Undercover Agent” ! Hickman said he

and Maurice Pointer planned to “gank”—the street term for rob—the
undercover agent, posing as a customer, by selling him fake cocaine for $28,000 on April 8 on the MSU campus in East Lansing. 1994
Ron Stallworth (Congressional Testimony) (Feb. 23) “Influence of Lyrics on Children” ! Let him think he’s gettin’ over while I gank him for his riches robbin’, stealin’, killin’ at will—. 1994 Mary Carole McCauley
Milwaukee Journal (Wisc.) (June 24) “Petition Sheds Light on Events of Slaying, But Motive Is Murky,” p. B3 ! One told the others, “Let’s gank him,” which the 17-year-old understood to mean that he wanted to rob Eshman.
gank n. fake illegal drugs sold as real. Crime & Prisons. Drugs. Slang. United States.
1996 Regina Akers Kansas City Star (Kan., Mo.) (Jan. 19) “Drug Dens Are Closed in KCK,” p. C2 ! Some involved retaliation for previous killings, others involved dealers seeking revenge on customers who did not pay, and some were reprisals from customers who purchased “gank,” a slang term for fake drugs. 1997 Joy Powell World-Herald
(Omaha, Neb.) (July 27) “Big Plans, No Patience James Burnett Let Ambition Turn to Greed” ! Distributors became upset at him for selling “gank”—bad crack. 2004 Tim Hahn Erie Times-News (Pa.)
(Apr. 16) “Police Arrest 10 in Neighborhood Sweep” (Int.) ! Duane Beason, 35, of the 200 block of West 18th Street, was charged after police accused him of trying to sell undercover officers “gank,” a street term for something that looks like drugs but isn’t, at the intersection of East Seventh and Wallace streets.
ganny n. marijuana from Afghanistan. Drugs. Slang.
1999 [hikchik@bellsouth.com] Stoner’s Pot Palace (Sept. 2) “Guestbook” (Int.) ! Favourite Strain (of weed?): ganny. *1999
[sous420@hotmail.com] The SouS Spot (N.H.) (Dec. 19) “Prices in Your Area” (Int.) ! If you have a price for weed in your area send it to me and I will post it here.... Ganny: 30/60. 2002 Usenet: rec.music
.artists.kings-x (June 7) “Re: Rush” ! On side 2 the song TRAIN TO BANGKOK he speaks about the sweet Jamaican pipe dreams, golden Acapulco nights and the fragrance of Afghanistan (we now call “skunk” we once called “ganny” short for Afghanistan). What a cool
[oxsan] Asylum (July 1) “Asylum Forums: Oxsan’s Word Fun” (Int.) ! According to Dr. [Ebenezer Cobham] Brewer a “ganny” is a portion of cannabis from Afghanistan. 2005 [stutteringgypsy]
! We all have heard the slang terms for pot or whatever but we had never heard of “ganny.” *2005 Probert Encyclopedia (Feb. 14) (Int.)
! Ganny is British slang for Afghani cannabis.

gap out
gap out v. to become distracted; to space out. [Likely directly related to to gape ‘to stare at with the mouth open.’]
1997 Usenet: rec.aquaria.freshwater.goldfish (Sept. 11) “Re: GF: Gill Mites-Reply” ! “Also can’t find much on gill mites in my books = what exactly are they?” “There is no such thing, that is why you can’t find it. I’m sure the store owner just gapped out for a second when telling about gill mites as well*probably meaning to say flukes.” 1997
Dave Perkins @ Halifax, N.S. Toronto Star (C8) (Nov. 9) “Skate Results Show Perfection Needed to Win at Nagano” ! Look at Kwan last night. She is as wonderful an athlete as it gets, but she had a so-so (for her) performance, gapping out and falling down in the final 10 seconds. 1998 Usenet: alt.folklore.ghost-stories (Nov. 12) “Re: Very Strange” ! I’ve gone back and there is no way to get to that other road from the road that I was on. So, it wasn’t really that I just gapped out and was down the street past my exit. I was actually on another road parallel to the one I was on. I don’t know how to describe how strange it was. [1999 Usenet: alt.thanatos (June 8) “Re: Part 2—Wanna Look at the Boat?” ! I was drunk enough that time was “gapping out” on me: I’d come to and not remember what had happened for the last ten minutes or so.] 1999 Usenet: alt.drugs.pot (Oct. 13) “Fucking Cops” ! Steve (my friend) rolled up the joint while I was on look-out, and doing a rather half assed job because I was gapping out all the time. 2004 Murray Waldren, Douglas Coupland Australian (Sydney) (Dec. 4) “Doug Day Afternoon” (Int.) ! As for his latest book, he mentions casually, “for better or worse I’ve done so little press on it so far that I don’t have any script prepared, so when I gap out, it’s a real gap out....” I hope this is merely a “random thread,” as he calls it when a thought-line peters out—and which, as the dusk slowly darkens into night, become more and more prevalent.
gasser n. a sprint, usually run in series as a form of athletic conditioning. Sports.
1973 Chicago Tribune (C2) (July 24) “Csonka Says He’ll Be Ready” (in Miami, Fla.) ! After testing his pulled thigh muscle in a morning workout and running the gassers [a series of all-out 40-yard sprints] that conclude each morning’s chores in the home of the World Champions, Csonka told a writer: “I’ll play in the All-Star game.” 1987
Tommy C. Simmons Baton Rouge State Times (La.) (Aug. 24) “What Good Is Football? Moms Share Their Views,” p. 1C ! “Gassers, what’s a gasser?” the football player’s Mom asked her son. “Oh, don’t worry about it, Mom. It’s just part of conditioning—some sprint work we have to do.” 1995 Madeleine Blais In These Girls, Hope Is a Muscle
(Jan. 1), p. 100 (Jan. 1, 1996) ! Coach Moyer planned to run a tight ship this year. Dire visions of “suicides,” also known as “gassers” and

“back-and-downs,” sprang up in the heads of the Hurricane hopefuls.
2005 Andrew Mikula @ Palm Coast News-Journal (Daytona Beach, Fla.) (Aug. 3) “Start of Season Brings Rigors, Benefits of Two-a-Day Practices for Bulldogs” (Int.) ! Campana and the other assistant coaches are running the 40-yard wind sprints, not-so-affectionately known as “gassers” among the players.... Players have to run 10 times for 40 yards at full sprint and woe to the player who holds his head down or puts his hands on his hips during the momentary periods of rest between the sprints.
gay church n. jocularly, a gym. Gay. Popularized by, if not originated by, the American television sitcom “Will & Grace.” Occasionally, in various nonce uses as in the 2004 citation, the term is applied to other places or activities stereotypically associated with homosexuals.
2001 James Burrows ”Will & Grace” (television series) (Dec. 6) “Stakin’ Care of Business” ! Don’t lie. Not here. This is a gym. This is—this is gay church. 2001 Usenet: misc.writing (Dec. 11) “Re: Ok, Hugh. You Asked for It. Guns” ! The other night on “Will & Grace” a guy chastised another guy for acting up in the gym. He told him “You can’t do that at a gym. Gym is like gay church.” [2004 Traveling Spotlight (Cleveland, Ohio) (June 14) “I’ve Been Bad...Very Bad!” (Int.)
! But instead of going to Catholic church, I attend the gay church, the hair salon. Hell hath no fury like a hairdresser.] 2005 [Christian] Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Association (Univ. of Nottingham, U.K.)
(Feb. 21) “Sport?” (Int.) ! Worry not, after all they do call gyms “gay church.” 2005 Christopher Stone AfterElton.com (July 11) “30 Days: A Straight Man Visits the Castro” (Int.) ! Ryan’s first full day starts with a visit to the gym, or “gay church,” as he calls it.
gbege n. an act of (vengeful) violence. Crime & Prisons. Nigeria.
2004 FACTNet Message Board (May 1) “Religious Cults and Sects: Nigerian Student Cults: PC Will Forever Reign” (Int.) ! any gbege na yawago bring out blud, like they say odas is odas, blud 4 blud [laugh],...we go strikewith tha might of korofo. 2004 Bobson Gbinije
Daily Champion (Lagos, Nigeria) (May 20) “Killing the Renaissance in Delta State” (Int.) ! The word gbege is a neologism for violent response. When Uvwie youths go out to collect development levies and you refuse to pay they resort to violence (gbege).
gedunk n. ice cream, a dessert, a snack, or any easy-to-consume food; a store, mess hall, or other place where such treats are bought or eaten. Also geedunk, gedonk, geedonk. Food & Drink. Military. In the 1925 citation to gedunk, meaning ‘to dunk (food),’

is just one of many uses of the term in a regular reader-con- tributed humorous column, where it was something of a running gag. It is contemporary with and probably related to the gedunk sundaes that appeared in the comic strip “Harold Teen” by Carl Ed, who, in turn, is probably the popularizer of gedunk. The later uses of this term are strongly associated with the Navy.
1925 Chicago Daily Tribune (Jan. 21) “A Line o’ Type or Two,” p. 8
! Not once did the gedunked part sever its connection with the ungedunked part and fall geplatsch into the coffee. 1926 E.A. Edmonds
Chicago Daily Tribune (Mar. 10) “Gedunk Sundaes,” p. 8 ! You possess one comic feature that is changing the habits of the nation. I refer to Harold Teen and his Gedunk sundae. I have two children, a boy and a girl, now of high school age, and I have spent many a painstaking hour teaching them correct table manners. Their conduct was above reproach until the notorious Gedunk sundae made its appearance.
1982 Richard Harrington Washington Post (Apr. 8) “Circus!,” p. B1
! You could pack any doubts about the wonderfulness of the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus into a toy poodle’s knapsack and still have plenty of room for cotton candy and other spectator geedunks. 1984 Omaha World-Herald (Neb.) (Feb. 15) “Memories Kindled by Ship’s Rebirth” (in Iowa) ! We had about four barber chairs, a clothing store, a “Geedunk,” that’s an ice-cream store, our own laundry and water system. 1993 Lewis Shiner Glimpses: A Novel (July 1), p. 47 ! The rest of the day I just hung around the geedunk, you know, the PX. 1996 James Patterson The Thomas Berryman Number
(Apr. 1), p. 33 ! I put cream and raw sugar in my coffee. All motions. I wasn’t going to drink the muddy geedunk. It reminded me of the Mississippi River. 1996 Ben Bradlee A Good Life (Sept. 11), p. 65
! Then we would ask the carrier to send over all the geedunk (ice cream) they had. 2000 Sean Clancy, Barbara D. Livingston Saratoga Days (Aug. 15), p. 182 ! A geedunk stand (that’s a term my father uses for quick food stores). 2001 Joy Waldron Jasper, James P. Delgado, Jim Adams USS Arizona (Nov. 15), p. 54 ! It depended on where you were and what your uniform was, what you could do. It wasn’t too bad a life. We’d go down to the ice cream parlor and get a gee- dunk—a pint of ice cream—and go to the movies. 2003 Robert McKenna Dictionary of Nautical Literacy (June 23), p. 136 ! geedunk, naval term for dessert, candy, junk food, or a place to buy same.
2004 Jim Kinney Saratogian (Saratoga Springs, N.Y.) (Sept. 16) “Sub Grub Was Never Gourmet” (Int.) ! Ron Phelix, a sub vet from the Malone area, raved about the food on the USS Skipjack from 1960 to

ghetto pass
’64. He said they had “geedunks,” a slang term for doughnuts and cinnamon buns, each night at midnight.
Generation E n. a comparatively younger generation to which certain traits are attributed. [generation + entitlement, entitled, or electronic]
1996 John Rosemund Buffalo News (N.Y.) (Dec. 15) “Yes—Hurt Your Child’s Feelings” ! Jurists tell me that all too often today’s young people think breaking the law is a big deal only if they lack the money to hire the best attorneys. This isn’t Generation X. This is Generation E, for entitled. 2000 Shabnam Minwalla @ Mumbai, India Times of India (Sept. 10) “Tomorrow’s Technology—Honey, I Shrunk the PC” ! While members of Generation E may take these gizmos for granted, anybody who has been acquainted with the mammoth mainframes of yore is bound to be rattled by such relentless miniaturization. 2004
Federal Information & News Dispatch (Washington, D.C.) (May 19) “Voice of America Press Releases and Documents” ! Some people call these Internet do-it-yourselfers Generation C, for the creative content they put on the Net. Or citizen media, meaning they’re average people offering their work to the world. Another name is Generation E for entitled, because these folks feel they have just as much right as established writers or musicians or filmmakers to be heard. 2004 Jill Matthews @ Montgomery, N.J. Princeton Packet (N.J.) (June 22) “Montgomery Graduates Bid Adieu to the ‘Wonder Years’ They’ve Shared” (Int.) ! “It is disturbing to me that you are sometimes referred to as Generation E—Entitlement,” said Linda Romano. “While you are always, always loved, you are never entitled.”
get brain v. to receive fellatio. Sexuality. Slang.
1998 The LOX Money, Power & Respect (song) (Jan. 13) “Get This $” (Int.) ! Hotter in the club getting brain from a diva. 1999 Usenet: alt.rap (Apr. 2) “Re: Getting Brain” ! G’tting’ brain is getting your dick sucked. 1999 Usenet: rec.music.hip-hop (Apr. 4) “Re: Getting Brain”
! If you get brain that means a female is sucking your penis. 2000
Usenet: rec.music.hip-hop (Oct. 18) “Re: How Come?” ! I’ve found that on some high school shit, it was much easier to fuck than to get brain.... I’m telling you, I’ve had broads...give me quality, 4 mic brain surgery. 2004 N.Y. Daily News (Nov. 5) “Bus Ban on Sex Ads” (Int.) !
Kids say “get brain” does not mean smarts. It’s slang for oral sex.
ghetto pass n. figurative or literal approval from black Americans or the hip-hop music community (of a non-black person or a nowsuccessful black person); the street cred of someone known for

ghost soldier
keeping it real. Hip-Hop. United States. [This term was popularized by, if not coined in, the song “True to the Game” from the 1991 album Death Certificate by the hip-hop performer Ice Cube.]
1991 Ice Cube Death Certificate (song) (Nov. 5) “True to the Game”
! House nigga scum/Give something back to the place where you made it from/Before you end up broke/Fuck around and get your ghetto pass revoked. 1993 Vahe Gregorian St. Louis Post-Dispatch
(Mo.) (June 14) “Open-Field Hits: Cox Tackles Tough Subjects,” p. 3C !
It’s like Ice Cube says: “You’re going to get your ghetto pass revoked.”
1994 Paul Beatty Next: Young American Writers on the New Generation (May 1), p. 48 ! Born and raised in the ’hood, Todd didn’t need a Ghetto Pass or a black Family Circle Seal of Approval. 1995 Rebecca Edby Walker To Be Real (Oct. 1), p. 128 ! The first time I saw Latifah in person, I left my feminism and classical political theory class early so that I could hear her speak over the electric fence between a (white) feminism that many Harvard students and faculty wanted to hear her advocate, and a (black) womanism that the nebulous B-Boy council and many black students needed her to defend so that she could retain her ghetto pass. 1997 Usenet: rec.music.hip-hop (Mar. 11) ! I never thought Ice Cube would give up his Ghetto Pass. 2004
Brian Smith Metro Times (Detroit, Mich.) (Dec. 12) “Champ’s Town” (Int.) ! We gave Kid Rock his ghetto pass. We’re black, all about the love.
ghost soldier n. a soldier who is enlisted or placed on active duty but does not serve; a fake name listed as an active-duty soldier.
1926 Helena Independent (Mont.) (Apr. 21) “Convicted But Not Dishonored,” p. 4 ! Butler is not out of the army officially, but he is morally and mentally. He is a thing apart. He will be a “ghost” soldier, more dead in army circles than any who fell in Flanders field. 1972
Fox Butterfield @ Datdo, South Vietnam N.Y. Times (June 112) “Battle for Datdo Tests Local Vietnamese Leadership” ! There were no regular South Vietnamese Army units station in Phuoctuy, and the province grew rich on “ghost soldiers,” phony names on the military roster.
2004 Michael Gilbert News Tribune (Tacoma, Wash.) (June 19) “Troops Bask in Bush’s Praise” (Int.) ! The phrase “ghost soldiers” has a negative connotation in Army parlance—a reference to the administrative practice of filling units with names on paper, but not actual able-bodied soldiers.

gleek v. squirting liquid (including saliva) through the teeth or from under the tongue; less commonly, squirting saliva directly from the saliva glands or expelling liquid through the sinuses. This is not the same as the Shakespearean gleek, which means ‘to trick; to make a gibe or jest (at a person).’ There is a similar word, gleet, ‘to discharge pus (from the body); to ooze.’ But it is not in current usage and there appears to be no provable connection with gleek.
1988 James. E. Van Horn Gettysburg Times (Pa.) (Feb. 3) “Early Teen Years Can Be Difficult,” p. 5B ! “Gleeking” is the act of making saliva shoot through the space between the two front teeth. You’re “gleeked” if you get hit!...Boys, I’m told, partake in this wintertime sport, but not many girls. While older youth can partake, most gleeking is done by 12to 14-year-olds. 1993 Herald-Journal (Syracuse, N.Y.) (Feb. 15) “Principal Cracks Down on Spitting” (in Burrillville, R.I.), p. B2 ! He has also felt the gleekers’ wrath.... Gleeking is a style of spitting that has captured the imagination of many boys at the 713-student school.
1995 Usenet: talk.bizarre (Feb. 7) “Wason” ! Some people can gleek at will, that little trick of spraying saliva out of your pores with your mouth open. 1995 Usenet: rec.martial-arts (May 23) “Re: Finger in the Eyes?” ! I saw a guy on David Letterman snort milk up his nose and squirt it out his tear ducts. Given the fact that most kids have access to milk at the age when they like to gross people out it should be common to see kids gleeking milk out their eye sockets according to the above logic, but to date I’ve only witnessed this one instance of elactulation. 2000 [Martin] Robot Lounge (Nov. 14) “Pen Flicking” (Int.) ! Where I come from, gleeking was called glicking. Maybe the SoCal dialect? No, I never mastered the art, but I didn’t try that hard, either. 2004 Paul Davidson Words for My Enjoyment (Mar. 11) “Throat Scratching and Gleek” (Int.) ! What is gleeking? It is when you can spray a stream of liquid from underneath your tongue. Sometimes, you may have done it by accident while eating a sour candy—liquid does a quick spray from underneath your tongue. But I can do it on command. And the stream goes as high as 4 feet over my head, as far as 10 feet. 2004 Lori Bradley A.D.D. (Another Dissertation Distraction) (Oct. 20) “I’d Like to Teach the World to Gleek...in Perfect...Harmony? Blech.” (Int.) ! You CAN shoot pure saliva...from under your tongues. Keep at it and one day all your snargling (gleeking/lurching) dreams will come true.