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American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms

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From time to time, now and then, as in Nell has been known to eat meat on occasion. This usage, first in the form of upon occasion, replaced by occasion about 1600.

on one hand

hand. see ON THE ONE HAND.

on one's

hand. In addition to the following idioms beginning with ON ONE'S, also see under ON


on one's account


on one's behalf

hand. see IN BEHALF OF.

on one's best behavior Also, on one's good behavior. Very polite, as in Mother told the children to be on their best behavior during Grandma's visit, or The whole staff were on their good behavior while the client inspected the premises. [Late 1600s]

on one's doorstep

hand. see AT ONE'S DOOR.

on one's ear

hand. see SET ON ONE'S EAR.

on oneself


on one's feet

hand. In addition to the idiom (see the next entry) ON ONE'S FEET, also see DEAD ON



on one's feet

1. Standing, as in I'm tired?

I've been on my feet all day. [Mid-1400s] Also see GET TO ONE'S FEET. 2. Also, back on

the antonym, see

one's feet. Healthy, returned to good health, as in I hope you get back on your feet very soon.

[c. 1800]

on one's good behavior


on one's guard

hand. see under OFF GUARD.

on one's hands

1. In one's possession or care, often as a responsibility, as in As long as she had three children on her hands she couldn't get very much accomplished, or They had two houses on their hands because they hadn't sold the first before having to move. This term was first recorded in 1528. For

OFF ONE'S HANDS. 2. time on one's hands. Time in which one has nothing necessary to do, free time, as in She has a lot of time on her hands now that the kids have moved out. Also see IN ONE'S HANDS.

on one's head Also, on one's own head. As one's responsibility or fault, as in If the police catch you speeding it's on your own head. This idiom, dating from the 1300s, conjures up the image of blame or guilt falling on someone's head. Also see OFF ONE'S HEAD.

on one's heels

hand. see AT ONE'S HEELS.

on one's high horse

In an arrogant or condescending manner. For example, When they started talking about music, David got on his high horse and said that classical music was only fit for museums and archives.

This expression, alluding to the use of tall horses by high-ranking persons, dates from the late 1700s. Similarly, off one's high horse means "less arrogantly, more humbly," as in I wish she'd get off her high horse and be more friendly. It dates from the early 1900s, but is heard less often today.

on one's home ground

Where one has the advantage of familiarity. For example, Teams generally find it easier to win on their home ground, or The candidate from Maine was speaking on his home ground.

on one's honor

Entrusted to behave honorably and honestly without supervision. For example, The students were on their honor not to consult notes during the exam. Originally alluding to a solemn oath, this idiom dates from the mid-1400s.

on one's last legs

Extremely tired, close to collapsing, as in We've been cleaning house all day and I'm on my last legs. This hyperbolic expression originally meant "close to dying," and in John Ray's 1678 proverb collection it was transferred to being bankrupt. Soon afterward it was applied to the end of one's resources, physical or otherwise. It is sometimes applied to things, as in That furnace is on its last legs.

on one's mind Also, on the brain. In one's thoughts, preoccupying one. For example, The book prize has been on my mind, but I haven't been able to discuss it with you. It is often put as have something on one's mind (or the brain) meaning "be preoccupied with something," as in I didn't mean to be rude; I just have a lot on my mind right now, or John has nothing but girls on the brain. [Mid-1800s]

on one's own

1. By one's own efforts or resources, as in He built the entire addition on his own. [Mid-1900s] 2. Responsible for oneself, independent of outside help or control, as in Dave moved out last fall; he's on his own now. [Mid-1900s]

on one's own account Also, on one's own hook or initiative. For oneself; also, by one's

own efforts, as in I've gone into business on my own account, or He called the police on his own hook, or She went job-hunting on her own initiative. The first term, first recorded in 1801, transfers the financial sense of account to one's own interest or risk. The hook variant, a colloquialism, was first recorded in 1812 and the precise analogy is unclear. The second variant, using initiative in the sense of "enterprise," was first recorded in 1858.

on one's own time

During non-working hours, especially when one is not being paid. For example, Marcia wrote poetry evenings and weekends, on her own time. This expression implies that the time one spends working for someone else is no longer one's possession.

on one's part

hand. see FOR ONE'S PART.

on one's say-so

According to one's authority, as in I'm reorganizing the files on the boss's say-so, or You can skip the exam? On whose say-so? The noun say-so, dating from about 1630, originally meant simply "saying something," that is, an assertion (without authority or proof). By the early 1800s it had acquired its present meaning.

on one's shoulders

As one's responsibility, as in The king carries his entire country on his shoulders, or The success of the conference rests on Nancy's shoulders. This metaphoric use of shoulders as the burden-bearing part of the body dates from the late 1300s.

on one's soapbox

Expressing one's views passionately or self-importantly, as in Dexter can't resist getting on his soapbox about school expenditures. This expression comes from the literal use of a soapbox as an improvised platform for a speaker, usually outdoors. [Mid-1600s]

on one's tail


on one's toes

Alert, ready to act, as in Orchestra players must be on their toes all the time, so as not to miss an entrance. This metaphoric expression probably alludes to boxers or runners who must be on their toes in order to move or start quickly. It gained currency with Richard Rodgers' and Lorenz Hart's extremely popular musical, On Your Toes (1936). [Early 1900s]

on one's uppers

Poor, in reduced circumstances, as in as in The Smiths try to hide the fact that they're on their uppers. First recorded in 1886, this metaphoric term alludes to having worn out the soles of one's shoes so badly that only the top portions remain.

on one's way

1. See ON THE WAY. 2. Also, be on one's way. Leave, get going, as in "On your way," said the officer, trying to move the crowd, or It's been a wonderful party but we must be on our way now. [Early 1900s]

on order

Requested but not yet delivered, as in Our new sofa is on order. This term is always used for goods of some kind, the noun order having been used in the sense of "a commission for goods" since the early 1800s.

on pain of Also, under pain of. Subject to the penalty of a specific punishment. For example,

The air traffic controllers knew that going on strike was on pain of losing their jobs. At one time this idiom often invoked death as the penalty, a usage that is largely hyperbolic today, as in We'd better be back on time, under pain of death. [Late 1300s]

on paper

In theory, hypothetically, as in Considering casualties, on paper the Americans won the Vietnam War, or They are a good team on paper but not so in the field. This metaphoric expression contrasts something written down with concrete reality. [Late 1700s]

on pins and needles

Nervously anxious, as in He was on pins and needles, waiting for the

test results. The graphic expression pins and needles for the tingling sensation experienced in

recovering from numbness was transferred to a feeling of marked mental uneasiness about 1800.

on principle

1.On moral or ethical grounds. As James Russell Lowell wrote about Alexander Pope in 1871, "There was a time when I could not read Pope, but disliked him on principle." [First half of 1800s]

2.According to a fixed rule or practice. For example, The police were locking up the demonstrators on principle. [First half of 1800s] 3. on general principle. For no special reason, in general, as in

Dean won't touch broccoli on general principle. [First half of 1800s]

on purpose

1. Deliberately, intentionally, as in He left the photo out of the story on purpose. Shakespeare's use of this idiom was among the earliest; it appears in The Comedy of Errors (4:3): "On purpose shut the doors against his way." 2. accidentally on purpose. Seemingly accidentally but actually deliberately, as in She stepped on his foot accidentally on purpose. This generally jocular phrase was first recorded in 1862.

on record

hand. see GO ON RECORD.

on relief Also, on welfare; on the dole. Receiving public financial assistance, as in Half the people in this town are on relief, or Don hated the idea of going on welfare. The first two terms originated in the United States in the 1930s, when government assistance of this kind was first instituted. On the dole, used mainly in Britain but occasionally in America, dates from the 1920s, although the use of dole for a charitable gift dates from about 1200.

on request

When asked for, as in The agreement states that the rights on this book revert to the author on request.

[c. 1800] Also see BY REQUEST.

on sale

At a reduced price, as in These rugs have been on sale for a month. The use of sale for disposing of goods at lowered prices dates from about 1860.

on schedule

At the announced or expected time, as in Her first baby arrived right on schedule. Originally alluding to published railroad timetables, this expression dates from the late 1800s.

on second thought

Resulting from a revised opinion or change of mind, as in I thought I'd go to the movies, but on second thought I'd rather stay home. Similarly, have second thoughts means "change one's mind," as in I've had second thoughts about moving to Florida. This idiom alludes to ideas that come later. [Mid-1600s]

on sight Also, at sight. Immediately upon seeing, as in The soldiers threatened to shoot looters on sight, or He's able to multiply those three-digit figures at sight. [Second half of 1400s]

on someone's

hand. In addition to the following idioms beginning with ON SOMEONE'S, also see under


on someone's back Also, on someone's case. hand. See under OFF SOMEONE'S


on someone's coattails Also, on the coattails of. Owing to another person's popularity or merits. For example, He won the cabinet post by hanging on the senator's coattails, or He was elected to office on the coattails of the governor.

This expression, with its graphic image, dates from the mid-1800s, when coats with tails were in fashion.

on someone's nerves


on someone's side

In support of someone's views or interests, as in I'm glad you're on my side in this debate, or With the Canadians on our side, we should be able to persuade the Mexicans of a North American policy.


on speaking terms

1. Friendly enough to exchange superficial remarks, as in We're on speaking terms with the new neighbors. 2. Ready and willing to communicate, not alienated or estranged. For example, We are on speaking terms again after the quarrel. Both senses of this idiom commonly occur in the negative, as in Brett and his brother haven't been on speaking terms for years. The idiom was first recorded in 1786.

on spec

Done on a speculative basis; with no assurance of profit. For example, We didn't design our house; the builder built it on spec. The use of spec as an abbreviation for speculation dates from the late 1700s.

on standby

Ready and waiting, as in We've got three more painters on standby. This expression originated in the navy in the 1940s, where it referred to someone being ready to come on duty as soon as required. From about 1960 it began to be widely used in aviation for a passenger waiting to take the first available seat on a full flight.

on strike

Engaged in a work stoppage, as in The auto workers were on strike for the entire summer. The use of strike for a concerted labor stoppage undertaken to gain concessions from employers dates from the early 1800s. Today it is also used more loosely, as in Where washing dishes is concerned, Mom has announced that she's on strike. Also see GO OUT, def. 4.

on sufferance

Barely tolerated; agreed to but unwillingly. For example, They rarely put a non-academic on the panel, so obviously I was there on sufferance. This expression uses sufferance in the sense of "toleration," a usage obsolete except in this idiom. [Mid-1500s]

on tap

Available for immediate use, ready, as in We have two more trumpeters on tap for the parade. This metaphoric expression alludes to a beverage such as beer that is ready to be drawn from a cask. [Mid1800s]

on target

Completely accurate, wholly valid, as in Our cost estimates were right on target, or His criticisms were on target. This seemingly old expression dates only from the mid-1900s, and the colloquial use of target for a goal one wishes to achieve dates from about 1940.

on tenterhooks

In a state of painful suspense, as in We were on tenterhooks all through the game, hoping against hope that our team would win. This expression alludes to hooks that formerly were used to hold newly woven cloth that was being stretched on a frame. Their name has long survived this method of manufacture. [Mid-1700s]

on the air

hand. see under OFF THE AIR.

on the alert

Watchful, fully prepared, as in The inspectors are always on the alert for a manufacturing error.

[Late 1700s]

on the average

As a rule, usually, as in On the average, about 15 percent of the freshmen class will drop out before graduation. This expression uses average in the sense of "a norm or standard." [First half of 1700s]

on the ball, be Also, have something on the ball. Be especially capable or efficient, as in

These programmers really have a lot on the ball. This term originated in baseball, where it was used for throwing a pitch with exceptional speed, spin, or some other deceptive motion. [Slang; early 1900s]

on the bandwagon, get Also, climb or hop or jump on the bandwagon. Join a cause or

movement, as in More and more people are getting on the bandwagon to denounce cigarette

smoking. This expression alludes to a horse-drawn wagon carrying a brass band, used to accompany candidates on campaign tours in the second half of the 1800s. By about 1900 it was extended to supporting a campaign or other cause.

on the barrel


on the beam

hand. see under OFF THE BEAM.

on the bench

1. Presiding as judge in a law court, as in Lawyers are very careful when Judge Brown is on the bench. This usage alludes to the seat occupied by a judge. [Late 1200s] 2. Waiting for a chance to participate; also, removed from participation. For example, Mary complained that all her colleagues were going to the sales conference while she was left on the bench. This usage comes from baseball and other sports, where players not deemed ready or competent to play sit on a bench watching the game. [Early 1900s]

on the blink Also, on the bum or fritz. Malfunctioning, out of order, broken, as in The TV is on the blink again, or You drive?

our car's on the bum. The first of these slangy expressions dates from the late 1800s and possibly alludes to an electric light that flickers on and off (''blinks"); the second, from the same period, possibly is derived from bum in the sense of "a contemptible person"; the third, fritz, dating from about 1900, is of unknown origin.

on the block

1. put or go on the block. Offer for sale, as in These paintings will all be put on the block. This usage alludes to the auction block, the platform from which the auctioneer sells, so called since the mid1800s. 2. put one's head on the block. Take a great risk, make oneself vulnerable, as in I'm not going to put my head on the block just to save her reputation. This usage alludes to the executioner's block, on which victims are beheaded, so called since the mid-1500s.

on the brain

hand. see ON ONE'S MIND.

on the bum

hand. see under ON THE BLINK.

on the button

Exactly right, precisely, as in Her review of the book was right on the button, or We're supposed to be there at six o'clock on the button. This term may come from boxing, where a punch on the

button means "a punch on the chin." [Colloquial; c. 1900] Also see ON THE DOT.

on the carpet


on the chance that

On the possibility that, as in I came early on the chance that we might have time to chat. This phrase uses chance in the sense of "a possibility or probability for some event," a usage dating from the late 1700s. It is sometimes put as on the off chance, meaning "on the slight but unlikely possibility," as in I came late on the off chance that I could avoid Thomas. The addition of off in the sense of "remote" dates from the mid-1800s.

on the cheap

Economically, at very little cost, as in We're traveling around Europe on the cheap. [Colloquial; mid1800s]

on the chin

hand. see TAKE IT ON THE CHIN.

on the contrary

It's the opposite, as in Is his shoulder hurting??

On the contrary, it's all better, or We thought you didn't like opera.?

On the contrary, I love it. This phrase, at first put as by or for or in the contrary, dates from the late 1300s; on has been used since the mid-1800s.

on the cuff

1. On credit, as in He tried to hire a detective on the cuff. It is sometimes put as put on the cuff, meaning "extend credit to," as in They asked to be put on the cuff until they got their monthly check. This usage prob

ably alludes to the practice of recording bar tabs on the bartender's cuff. Also see OFF THE

CUFF. [Slang; 1920s] 2. Free of charge, as in We hope these drinks are on the cuff. [Slang; 1920s] Also see ON THE HOUSE.

on the defensive

Prepared for withstanding aggression or attack, as in The debate team's plan was to keep their opponents on the defensive, or This teacher put students on the defensive about their mistakes.

[c. 1600]

on the dot

Exactly on time, as in We had to be there at eight on the dot. The dot in this idiom is the mark

appearing on the face of a watch or clock indicating the time in question. It may come from the earlier to a dot, meaning "exactly" since the early 1700s but no longer heard today. [c. 1900] Also


on the double

Very quickly, as in You'd better get here on the double. This expression, also put as at the double, came from the military, where it means "double time"?

that is, marching twice as fast as normally. [Early 1800s]

on the edge

1. In a precarious position; also, in a state of keen excitement, as from danger or risk. For example, When the stock market crashed, their whole future was on the edge, or Skydivers obviously must enjoy living on the edge. 2. on the edge of. On the point of doing something, as in He was on the edge of winning the election when the sex scandal broke. [c. 1600] Both def. 1 and 2 allude to the danger of falling over the edge of a precipice.

on the eve of

Just prior to, as in On the eve of the conference the main speaker backed out. This expression uses eve, literally "the night before," more loosely. [Late 1700s]

on the face of it

Seemingly, based on available evidence, as in On the face of it this project should break even in six months. This idiom uses face in the sense of "a superficial view." [Early 1700s]

on the fence, be Also, straddle the fence. Be undecided, not committed, as in I don't know if I'll move there; I'm still on the fence, or He's straddling the fence about the merger. This picturesque expression, with its implication that one can jump to either side, at first was applied mainly to political commitments. [Early 1800s]

on the fly

In a hurry, on the run, as in I picked up some groceries on the fly The transfer of this expression, which literally means "in midair or in flight," dates from the mid-1800s.

on the fritz

hand. see under ON THE BLINK.

on the go

In constant activity, very busy, as in I'm exhausted?

I've been on the go since eight this morning. [Mid1800s]

on the heels of Also, hard on the heels of. Directly behind, immediately following, as in Mom's birthday comes on the heels of Mother's Day, or Hard on the heels of the flood there was a tornado. The hard in the variant acts as an intensifier, giving it the sense of "close on the heels of".

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