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Oxford Thesaurus - An A-Z Dictionary Of Synonyms

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treatment n. 1 Often, treatment of. behaviour (towards), conduct (towards), action (towards), handling (of), care (of), management (of), dealing(s) (with), manipulation (of), reception (of); usage (of): I am not accustomed to such rude treatment. Your treatment of our customers must be more courteous, Miss Davidson. 2 therapy, care, curing, remedying, healing: They received extensive medical treatment for the injuries they had sustained.


n. pact, agreement, alliance, concordat, entente, covenant,

deal, contract, compact, accord: They entered into a treaty not

to violate each other's borders.


v. 1 quiver, shake, quake, shiver, shudder, quaver, quail;

vibrate, rock: Her first big role and she was trembling like a leaf! The earth trembled as the tanks rolled past.

--n. 2 quiver, shake, quake, shiver, shudder, quaver, tremor; vibration: There was a little tremble, and then the building collapsed.

tremulous adj. 1 trembling, a-tremble, quivering, shaking, quaking, shivering, shuddering, quavering, hesitant, wavering, unsure, unsteady, faltering, doubtful, nervous, shaky, palpitating, jumpy, Colloq jittery: His tremulous hands revealed just how apprehensive he was. 2 timid, shy, bashful, anxious, worried, timorous, fearful, afraid, frightened, scared: I cannot remember when I felt so tremulous before meeting someone.

trenchant adj. cutting, keen, acute, sharp, pointed, poignant, penetrating, incisive, biting, mordant, mordacious, sarcastic, bitter, acerbic, acid, vitriolic, tart, acrid, acrimonious, acidulous, corrosive, caustic: The critics dismissed the play with a few trenchant remarks.

trend n. 1 tendency, leaning, bias, bent, drift, course, inclination, direction: The trend seems to be towards shorter skirts. 2 fashion, style, vogue, mode, look, rage, Colloq fad, craze, thing: Why is she so compulsive about keeping up with the latest trends?

--v. 3 tend, lean, be biased, bend, drift, incline, veer, turn, swing, shift, head: At the convention, the party leaders

trended more to the left of centre.

trendy adj. 1 fashionable, stylish, … la mode, modern, up to date, up to the minute, in vogue, voguish, all the rage, Slang hot, now, with it, groovy, in the groove, in, flash: Sibyl travels with

that trendy set from Belgravia.

--n. 2 show-off, clothes-horse, coxcomb, exhibitionist, Slang Brit pseud, grandstander: Don't you just hate those trendies down at Cole's wine bar?

trial n. 1 test, testing, experiment, proof, try-out, trying out, trial run, examination, check, checking, Colloq dry run: The trials of the new life-jackets are to be conducted soon. 2 hearing, enquiry or inquiry, examination, inquisition, litigation, judicial proceeding, lawsuit, contest: Throughout the trial, the accused protested his innocence. 3 try, attempt, endeavour, effort, venture, essay, Colloq go, shot, stab, fling, whirl, crack, whack: This was their first trial at climbing the north face. 4 trouble, affliction, tribulation, hardship, adversity, suffering, grief, woe, misery, distress, bad or hard

luck, misfortune, hard times: Mona acknowledged the trial of having ten children and no husband. 5 nuisance, irritation, bother, bane, annoyance, pest, irritant, thorn in the flesh or side, US bur or burr under the saddle, Colloq plague, hassle, pain (in the neck), headache, Taboo slang pain in the Brit arse or US ass: William, who is full of mischief, is a constant trial to his mother.

--adj. 6 sample, experimental, exploratory, provisional, probationary, tentative, conditional, pilot: Will you consider a trial subscription to Verbatim, The Language Quarterly?

tribe n. race, stock, strain, nation, breed, people, seed, (ethnic) group, gens, clan, blood, pedigree, family, sept, dynasty, house; caste, class: It was important in that society to marry someone from the same tribe.

tribunal n. court (of justice), bar, bench, judiciary, Inquisition, Star Chamber: Should he be tried before a judicial tribunal or pilloried by the tribunal of public opinion?

tributary n. branch, offshoot, streamlet, feeder, brook, rivulet, run,

rill, runnel, runlet, streamlet, Scots and No. Eng. burn, No. Eng. beck, US creek, NE US kill: The Teviot is one of the tributaries of the Tweed.

tribute n. 1 honour, homage, recognition, celebration, respect, esteem, testimonial, compliment, encomium, acknowledgement, acclaim, acclamation, commendation, praise, kudos, laudation, panegyric, eulogy, glorification, exaltation: No greater tribute could be bestowed than recognition by one's fellows. 2 tax, exaction, impost, duty, excise, levy, dues, assessment, tariff, charge, surcharge, payment, contribution, offering, gift; ransom; tithe, Peter's or Peter pence: In exchange for their freedom, the king demanded an annual tribute of a thousand oxen.

trick n. 1 ruse, artifice, device, stratagem, wile, deception, manoeuvre, deceit, fraud, hoax, imposture, intrigue, machination, conspiracy, subterfuge, dodge, confidence trick, sham, Slang con: The government's 'dirty tricks squad' perpetrated crimes against their political adversaries. 2 prank, frolic, antic, (practical) joke, hoax, tomfoolery, antic, caper, jape; sport, horseplay, mischief; Scots cantrip, Colloq leg-pull, gag, shenanigans, US dido: The boys meant no harm, they're just up to their tricks. 3 art, knack, technique,

skill, secret, gift, ability, Colloq hang: He has developed the trick of persuading people to buy life insurance. 4 Usually, no mean trick. feat, accomplishment, deed: It was no mean trick to train a cat to fetch his slippers. 5 sleight of hand,

legerdemain, magic, stunt: I have taught him all the tricks I know. 6 trait, characteristic, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, eccentricity, quirk, practice, habit, mannerism, crotchet, weakness, foible: He has an odd trick of winking while giving a sly smile. 7 do the trick. work, answer, fulfil the need,

suffice, be effective, solve or take care of the problem, do or accomplish the necessary, US turn the trick, Colloq fill the bill: Replacing the battery cable did the trick.

--v. 8 fool, hoodwink, dupe, mislead, outwit, outmanoeuvre, deceive, misguide, misinform, gull, bilk, cheat, defraud, cozen, take in, swindle, humbug, Colloq bamboozle, take, put something over on (someone), pull the wool over (someone's) eyes, Brit gammon, Slang rook: I knew I had been tricked when I missed my wallet. For years the couple made a living tricking tourists out

of their money. She tricked me into taking her to dinner.

--adj. 9 See tricky, 3, below.

trickery n. chicanery, deception, deceit, guile, shrewdness, craftiness, slyness, shiftiness, evasiveness, artfulness, artifice, craft, imposture, swindling, knavery, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, cheating, Colloq hanky-panky, skulduggery, funny or monkey business, jiggery-pokery: He separated her from her money by trickery.

trickle v. 1 drip, drop, dribble, drizzle, run, flow, spill; ooze, seep, leak, exude: The water trickled onto the floor. Blood is trickling from the wound.


--n. 2 drip, seepage, spill, dribble, runnel, runlet, rivulet:


A tiny trickle of saliva appeared at the corner of his mouth.


adj. 1 deceitful, shady, deceptive, shifty, dodgy, artful,


guileful, crafty, duplicitous, shrewd, cunning, dishonest,


devious, sly, wily, slippery, foxy, double-dealing, cheating:


Arthur is a tricky chap and I shouldn't trust him. 2 ticklish,


risky, hazardous, sensitive, delicate, touch-and-go, thorny,


difficult, awkward, complex, complicated, knotty, uncertain,


debatable, Colloq iffy, sticky: It is a tricky decision whether


you tell a patient how ill he really is. 3 unfair, unjust,


unsportsmanlike, deceptive, Colloq trick: There were some


tricky questions in today's exam.


n. 1 knick-knack, trinket, bauble, bagatelle, toy, gewgaw,


nothing, plaything, bˆtise, Colloq doodah: Oh, it's nothing,


just a trifle I picked up in the Seychelles. 2 little, bit,


drop, iota, scintilla, suggestion, dash, dab, pinch, whiff,


mite, whit, jot, tittle, Colloq smidgen or smidgin, US tad: I'd


like a trifle more sugar in my coffee, if you don't mind.


--v. 3 Usually, trifle with. dally (with), flirt (with), wanton


(with), mess about (with), toy (with); play (with), fiddle


(with), dandle, tinker (with), fidget (with): I hated to see


the way he trifled with my sister's affections. While trifling


with this knob, I was able to get Radio Moscow.

trifling adj. trivial, insignificant, unimportant, puny, minor, paltry, slight, petty, inconsequential, frivolous, superficial,


incidental, negligible, commonplace, inconsiderable, shallow,


valueless, worthless, US and Canadian picayune, Colloq piddling:


Their contribution to musical scholarship has been trifling.


adj. 1 neat, tidy, orderly, well-ordered, well-groomed, well


turned out, well-kempt, smart, crisp, dapper, spick and span,


spruce, shipshape (and Bristol fashion), Archaic or dialectal


trig, Colloq natty, US spiffy: Nancy arrived wearing her trim


new flight-attendant's uniform. 2 in good or fine fettle, fit


(as a fiddle), athletic, slim, slender, clean-cut, shapely,


streamlined, compact: Larry looks so trim that I asked him if


he had lost weight. The new convertible model is a very trim


little motor-car.


--v. 3 curtail, shorten, prune, pare, lop (off), crop, bob,


clip, cut, shave, shear, snip, dock; barber: They trimmed the


article by cutting two paragraphs from the end. He had shaved


off his beard and trimmed his moustache. 4 decorate, embellish,


dress up, embroider, adorn, ornament, deck out, caparison,


beautify: When should we trim the Christmas tree?


--n. 5 trimming, edging, piping, purfling, ricrac or rickrack,


embroidery, border, hem, frill, fringe, ornament, ornamentation,


decoration, embellishment, adornment: The skirt was spoilt by a


rather cheap trim round the hem. 6 condition, state, fettle,


health, form, order, fitness, repair, Colloq shape: Sid's car


seemed to be in good trim when I saw it yesterday.


n. threesome, trilogy, triad, triplex, triple, troika,


triptych, triumvirate, triplet, trine, triune, trinity, three:


An interesting trio showed up for dinner.


n. 1 stumble, slip, blunder, false step, misstep, fall: He


sprained his ankle in that trip on the stair. 2 stumble, slip,


blunder, false step, misstep, faux pas, error, mistake,


indiscretion, lapse, slip of the tongue, lapsus linguae,


erratum, oversight; Freudian slip; Slang Brit boob: If it


hadn't been for that one trip, we would have had a perfect


score. 3 tour, journey, excursion, outing, expedition, voyage,


trek, peregrination, jaunt, junket, drive: We took a short


side-trip to visit Khios.

--v. 4 dance, caper, skip, cavort, gambol, frisk, hop, spring:

Joanne came tripping gaily down the Champs •lys‚es. 5 stumble, slip, blunder, misstep, fall (down), tumble, topple, dive,

plunge, sprawl, lurch, flounder, stagger, falter: I tripped on the doorstep and went head over heels. 6 Often, trip up. trap, trick, catch out, unsettle, throw off, disconcert: She has been trying to trip me up and confess to something I didn't do. 7 journey, travel, voyage, visit, tour, trek, sightsee, cruise;

Colloq globe-trot: They have been tripping all over Europe this summer. 8 detonate, set off, trigger, operate, release,

explode, spark off: When he touched the wire, he tripped the charge. 9 Often, trip out. hallucinate, Slang freak out, turn on: There's no talking to him when he's tripping out on coke.

triumph n. 1 victory, conquest, success, achievement, accomplishment, attainment, coup, ascendancy: The discovery of the drug was perhaps the greatest of his many triumphs. 2 exultation,

rejoicing, exulting, elation, delight, rapture, exhilaration, jubilation, happiness, joy, celebration, glory: There was great triumph on winning the World Cup.

--v. 3 Often, triumph over. win, succeed, carry the day, be victorious, gain a victory, take the honours, thrive, dominate, prevail; defeat, beat, rout, vanquish, best, conquer, overcome, overwhelm, subdue: Does justice always triumph? The book is about how man triumphed over pain.

triumphal adj. celebratory, rapturous, jubilant, joyful, glorious, exultant; commemorative: A holiday was declared to celebrate her triumphal entry into the city. This triumphal arch commemorates Trajan's victory over the Dacians.


adj. victorious, successful, conquering, winning; undefeated: The triumphant hero returns tonight!


n. 1 smallness, unimportance, insignificance, meaninglessness, inconsequentiality or inconsequentialness or inconsequence or inconsequentness, trivialness, pettiness, paltriness: I have difficulty coping with the triviality of some of my boss's requests. 2 trifle, technicality, non-essential, small matter, unimportant or insignificant or inconsequential or trivial or petty detail, bˆtise: He tends to get bogged down in

trivialities, unable to see what is important.


v. belittle, denigrate, lessen, minimize, undervalue, depreciate, underestimate, underrate, make light of, laugh off, underplay, dismiss, disparage, misprize, beggar, deprecate, slight, scoff at, scorn, run down, decry, Colloq put down, play

down, pooh-pooh: Edward tends to trivialize the work of others.


n. 1 prize, laurel(s), wreath, cup, award, reward, honour(s),

medal, citation, palm, bays; booty, spoils, Colloq gold, silver,

silverware: He has won trophies for more boat races than I have

participated in. 2 memento, souvenir, token, record, reminder,

remembrance, keepsake: That scar is a trophy of a hand-to-hand

fight near El Alamein.


v. 1 jog, run; bustle, hustle, hurry, hasten, scamper, scoot,

Colloq skedaddle: I trot round the park every morning for exercise. As I need some butter, I'd better trot down to the shop before it closes. 2 trot out. bring out, show, display, exhibit, flaunt, come out with; dredge up, drag out; recite, repeat: Our neighbour trotted out his new lawnmower for us to admire.

--n. 3 jog, lope, single-foot, pace; run: It was a delight to watch the young horses in a fast trot round the track. 4 translation, gloss, interpretation, crib, Colloq US pony, horse: He couldn't read Homer without a trot.

trouble v. 1 bother, upset, anguish, alarm, worry, afflict, agitate, disquiet, discomfit, make uncomfortable, grieve, perturb, discommode, inconvenience, discompose, discountenance, put out, burden, encumber, weigh down: I don't mean to trouble you with my problems, but I have no one else to turn to. 2 annoy,

irritate, irk, vex, bother, plague, pester, torment, harass, hector, harry, provoke, nettle, exasperate, ruffle, Colloq get

or grate on (someone's) nerves, give (someone) a hard time, get under (someone's) skin: Vincent keeps troubling me for advice

on starting a new business. 3 discommode, incommode, impose on, inconvenience, put out, thank: I'll trouble you to turn off the

light when you leave the room. 4 care, be concerned, take the trouble or the time, go to the trouble, bother, exert (oneself), concern (oneself), take pains: He never troubled to find out if

his family was safe.

--n. 5 distress, worry, concern, difficulty, discomfort, unpleasantness, inconvenience, vexation, grief, woe, affliction, disquiet, suffering, tribulation, anxiety, torment, anguish, strife: Her trouble began when her ex-husband stopped paying for child support. How can someone so insignificant cause so much trouble? 6 annoyance, bother, tormenter, irritation, nuisance, nag, heckler, pest, Slang US nudnik: Ever since she lost her job, she's been a trouble to her family. 7 disorder, agitation, row, disturbance, turbulence, tumult, upset, dissatisfaction, unrest, discord, dispute, turmoil, rebellion, revolt, uprising, outbreak, fighting, fight, skirmishing, skirmish: The trouble began when workers refused to allow management to hire replacements. 8 affliction, defect, disability, disease, ailment, illness, sickness, disorder, complaint: With her trouble she ought to see a doctor. 9 in trouble. a in deep trouble, in a mess, in a predicament, in

dire straits, Colloq in a pickle, in hot water, on the spot, in a scrape, Slang Brit in shtook or shtuk or shtuck or schtuck, Taboo slang in deep shit, up shit creek (without (the vestige of) a paddle): They will be in terrible trouble if the bank

forecloses on the mortgage. b unmarried or unwed and impregnated or pregnant or with child or expecting or in a delicate

condition or colloq in a family way: Most of the girls who are in trouble are teenagers.


n. mischief-maker, rabble-rouser, gadfly, firebrand, agent provocateur, stormy petrel, incendiary, gossip-monger, scandalmonger, malcontent, instigator, meddler, agitator: As far as the police were concerned, any protester was, by definition, a troublemaker.


adj. worrisome, worrying, annoying, irksome, irritating, vexatious, bothersome, distressing, difficult, burdensome,

Colloq pestiferous, US and Canadian pesky: We sometimes have to put up with troublesome motor-cycle gangs.

truant n. 1 malingerer, runaway, absentee, delinquent, dodger, shirker, idler, loafer, layabout, Slang Brit skiver, Brit

military scrimshanker: Truants were warned that their parents

would be required to visit the school.

--adj. 2 malingering, runaway, absent, absentee, delinquent, shirking, loafing, Slang Brit skiving: The officer brought in three truant boys found fishing at the lake.

truce n. 1 armistice, cease-fire, suspension of hostilities, lull, moratorium, respite, let-up, intermission, interval, interlude: It looked as if the truce might last. 2 pact, treaty, compact, agreement, cease-fire, armistice: If both sides abide by the truce the war might be over.

truck n. 1 merchandise, commodities, goods, stock, wares, stuff, odds and ends, sundries, junk, rubbish, US trash: There was no one

in the shop and all the truck was stacked in the corner. 2 dealing(s), traffic, business, transaction, trade, commerce, communication, contact, connection, (business or social) relations: She refuses to have any truck with the likes of you.

truckle v. kowtow, be obsequious, toady, defer, bow, scrape, genuflect, salaam, drop to the ground or to (one's) knees or down on

(one's) knees, submit, yield, cower, cringe, grovel, crawl, quail, fawn (on or upon), Colloq butter up, fall all over, lick

(someone's) boots, boot-lick, US apple-polish, Slang suck up to, Taboo slang brown-nose, kiss (someone's) Brit arse or US ass: Just look how Caroline is always truckling to the boss, hoping for favours.

truculent adj. surly, sullen, bad-tempered, ill-tempered, unpleasant, nasty, obstreperous, rude, unpleasant, ferocious, fierce, savage, feral, barbarous, harsh, scathing, virulent, combative, belligerent, antagonistic, bellicose, hostile, contentious, warlike, violent, pugnacious, Colloq scrappy: I don't care enough for this job to endure the boss's truculent attitude a moment longer.


adj. 1 accurate, correct, truthful, faithful, literal,


authentic, veracious, actual, factual, realistic, genuine,


right, valid, unelaborated, unvarnished, unadulterated,


verified, verifiable: Do you swear that this is a true account


of what actually took place? 2 staunch, faithful, devoted,


dedicated, loyal, fast, firm, unswerving, steady, steadfast,


trustworthy, trusty, dutiful, upright, honourable, constant,

unwavering, stable, dependable, sincere, reliable, true-blue: D'Artagnan proved himself to be a true friend. 3 proper, exact, accurate, unerring, correct, precise, right, Slang Brit spot on: It is important that these matters be seen in their true perspective. If this is a true copy of the original, please

sign it.

--adv. 4 truly, truthfully, honestly, accurately, candidly, frankly, sincerely, straightforwardly: Tell me true, do you love me? If the report speaks true, then we must find the culprit. 5 exactly, correctly; geographically: We sail true north to Iceland. 6 come true. come to pass, occur, take, place, happen, be realized, become a reality, be fulfilled: Her

dreams finally came true when she bought a little house in Kent.


n. commonplace, platitude, bromide, axiom, clich‚, maxim: You

can rely on Vera to utter a truism like, 'It's a nice day', on a

warm, sunny day.


adv. 1 truthfully, actually, really, honestly, in fact, in

truth, in actuality, in reality, in all honesty, sincerely, genuinely: Are you truly giving up your job to get married? I truly believed her to be guilty. 2 properly, rightly,

rightfully, justly, legitimately, justifiably, duly, well and truly, accurately: In the circumstances, can we truly condemn him for behaving as he did? 3 definitely, really, actually,

undoubtedly, indubitably, beyond (the shadow of) a doubt, beyond question, without a doubt, indeed, unquestionably, absolutely, positively, decidedly, certainly, surely: I believed her to be

truly guilty. 4 in truth, indeed, really, honestly, sincerely, genuinely, Archaic (yea,) verily, Usually ironic forsooth: I love you, darling, truly I do.

trunk n. 1 main stem, stalk, stock, Technical bole: After the tornado, only the trunks of the trees remained upright. 2 torso, body: All that was found of the corpse was the trunk. 3 chest, locker, foot-locker, box, case, bin, coffer, casket: We found a trunk full of old books in the attic. 4 snout, proboscis: The elephant reached for the food with its trunk. 5

(In US and Canada) luggage compartment, Brit boot: We cannot get all the luggage into the trunk of the car.

trust n. 1 confidence, reliance, faith, conviction, certitude,