7.33 Mб



of sets ( , N).

The identity function on ( , N) extends to a unique

homormophism h from TΣ(N) to A. Define the relations int and stack

= =

on TΣ(N) as follows: For all t1, t2 of sort stack,

t1 int t2 i h(t1) = h(t2),


and for all t1, t2 of sort int,

t1 stack t2 i h(t1) = h(t2).


One can check that is a congruence, and that T (N)/ is isomorphic = Σ =

to A. One can also check that the following holds for all trees X of sort stack and all trees a of sort int:

P OP (P U SH(a, X)) stack X,


P OP (Λ) stack Λ,


T OP (P U SH(a, X)) int a,


T OP (Λ) int ERROR.


The reader is referred to Cohn, 1981, or Gratzer, 1979, for a complete exposition of universal algebra. For more details on many-sorted algebras, the reader is referred to the article by Goguen,Thatcher,Wagner and Wright in Yeh, 1978, or the survey article by Huet and Oppen, in Book, 1980.


2.4.1. Let A and B two Σ-algebras and X a subset of A. Assume that A is the least subalgebra generated by X. Show that if h1 and h2 are any two homomorphisms from A to B such that h1 and h2 agree on X (that is, h1(x) = h2(x) for all x X), then h1 = h2.

2.4.2. Let h : A B be a homomorphism of Σ-algebras.

(a) Given any subalgebra X of A, prove that h(X) is a subalgebra of B (denoted by h(X)).

(b) Given any subalgebra Y of B, prove that h1(Y ) is a subalgebra of A (denoted by h1(Y)).

2.4.3. Let h : A B be a homomorphism of Σ-algebras. Let be the


relation defined on A such that, for all x, y A,

x y if and only if h(x) = h(y).


Prove that is a congruence on A, and that h(A) is isomorphic to


A/ .




2.4.4.Prove that for every Σ-algebra A, there is some tree algebra TΣ(X) freely generated by some set X and some congruence on T (X)


such that T (X)/ is isomorphic to A.

Σ =

2.4.5. Let A be a Σ-algebra, X a subset of A, and assume that [X] = A, that is, X generates A.

Prove that if for every Σ-algebra B and function h : X → B there

is a unique homomorphism h : A

B extending h, then A is freely

generated by X.



2.4.6. Given a Σ-algebra A and any relation R on A, prove that there is a

least congruence containing R.


2.5.1.Do problem 2.4.1 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.2.Do problem 2.4.2 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.3.Do problem 2.4.3 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.4.Do problem 2.4.4 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.5.Do problem 2.4.5 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.6. Do problem 2.4.6 for many-sorted algebras.

2.5.7. Referring to example 2.5.2, prove that the quotient algebra T (N)/


is isomorphic to the stack algebra A.

2.5.8. Prove that the least congruence containing the relation R defined

below is the congruence of problem 2.5.7. The relation R is defined


such that, for all trees X of sort stack and all trees a of sort int:

P OP (P U SH(a, X)) Rstack X,

P OP (Λ) Rstack Λ,

T OP (P U SH(a, X)) Rint a,

T OP (Λ) Rint ERROR.

This problem shows that the stack algebra is isomorphic to the quo-

tient of the tree algebra T (N) by the least congruence containing

Σ =

the above relation.


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∆)[z/y], 274

(A[m/xi])M[s], 164 (Asi )M, 454

(Ai)M, 160

(Ai)i I, 7 (Eis)M, 454 (Ei)M, 160

(s1/x1, ..., sm/xm), 382 (T, A), 276

(M, X), 253 <>, 82

=D, 183

[[V → M ] → BOOL], 159, 454 [n], 7

[x]R, 7

[V → M ], 159, 453 [Vs → Ms], 453 [X], 480

←→E, 286

←→E , 286, 463

, 481, 486


, 32, 147, 449 M, 160, 454, 147

: lef t, 188, 259, 271, 327, 457

: right, 188, 259, 271, 327, 457

s, 449

x : sA, 452 CS, 148, 449 F, 39

FS, 148, 449

L, 148, 449 M, 158

PS, 32, 148, 449 T, 39

V, 148, 449, 147

: lef t, 188, 259, 271, 327, 457

: right, 188, 259, 271, 327, 457s, 449

x : sA, 452

Γ|= A, 42

Γ|= B, 163

Γ∆, 62, 32, 147, 449

: lef t, 63, 111, 187, 258, 270, 457: right, 63, 111, 187, 258, 271, 457M, 160, 454

, 32, 147, 449

: lef t, 63, 111, 187, 258, 271, 457: right, 63, 111, 187, 258, 271, 457M, 160, 454



h, 22

v(A), 40


=, 147


=s, 449 |=, 42 |= Γ, 162

|= Γ ∆, 85 |= A, 42, 162

|= A1, ..., Am → B1, ..., Bn, 65, 188

¬, 32, 147, 449

¬: lef t, 63, 111, 187, 259, 457

¬: right, 63, 111, 187, 259, 457

¬M, 160, 454, 45, 58

xR, 7

, 32, 147, 288, 293, 449

D(Ai)i I, 184 i I Ai, 183

, 48, 106, 176T , 107

, 126, 32, 147, 449

: lef t, 63, 111, 187, 258, 457: right, 63, 111, 187, 258, 457M, 160, 454

, 49, 177, 66

Γ ∆, 66, 85

A/ , 482


A/R, 7

A[C/B], 326

A[s1/x1, ..., sn/xn], 342

A[t/x], 155

A B, 48 Asi , 450

A1, ..., Am, ... → B1, ..., Bn, ..., 82

AM, 160, 455 AM[s], 161 AM[v], 455 Ai, 149 atomic(A), 83 AV AIL0, 198 AV AILi, 207

BOOL, 39, 449 BV (A), 154

C(t), 193


C . , 450


C, 32, 149, 450 cA, 478, 483 cM, 159, 453


C , 32, 149, 450

C , 32, 149, 450

C=. , 149

C¬, 32, 149, 450

C , 32, 149, 450 Cf , 148, 450

CP , 149, 450

CON GRU EN T , 471

CTΣ, 17 D(t), 193 Ds, 459 Des(S), 99 dom(R), 5

dosubstitution, 70, 385

E(B , H), 368

E(C, H), 368 Eis, 450

Ei, 149 EQ1,0, 239 EQ1,i, 239 EQ2,0, 239 EQ2,i, 239 EQ3,0, 239 EQ3,i, 239 ex, 374, 375

exp(m, n, p), 279

f◦ g, 6

f(X), 6

f: A → B, 5

f1(Y ), 6

fA, 478, 483 fM, 159, 453 fiA, 340

F IN D, 471

F ORM0(i), 199

F ORML, 149, 451 F V (A), 154

F V (t), 153 G(C), 463 graph(f ), 5 hu, 483 H, 39

H , 39

H , 39

H¬, 39

H , 39

HA, 45




Hnand, 56


T [z/y], 274, 288

Hnor, 56


t1[u ← t2], 15

HX, 39



tM, 160, 454

HT , 345


tM[s], 160

IA, 6



tM[v], 454

lef t, 384


TΣ, 17


LK − {cut}, 111

T ERM (C), 463


− {


, 259

(C) , 463






M (P, G), 439


, 451

M u, 453


T ERM0, 198, 207

M S, 459


T ERM1, 199

N U M ACT , 208

T ERML, 148

PM, 159, 453

T ERM S, 207, 239

Pu, 462



U N ION , 471

P ROP , 32


U S(A), 357

P ROPL, 173

v : PS → BOOL, 39

QF (A), 326

v |= A, 41

R ◦ S, 5


v |= A, 41

R , 8



v[i], 462


R+, 8



variable, 384

R1, 6



X+, 19


range(R), 5

X+, 18, 19

RC, 239





A/ =, 482, 487

right, 384


B0, 106


S(C), 463


BL, 178


s[t/x], 155


BPROP , 50

s[xi := a], 160

BT , 107


Se, 292



CSs, 449

SK(A), 358

HS, 195, 232

t(T ERM0), 199

LS, 194


T (L, V), 450

LX, 253


t/u, 15



M |= Γ, 162

t[s1/y1, ..., sn/yn], 285, 342

M |= A, 162

T [t/y], 274


M |= A[s], 162

T [z/c], 288


Vs, 449