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6/Gentzen’s Cut Elimination Theorem And Applications

6.5.1 Interpolants

If a formula of the form A B is valid, then it is not obvious that there is a formula I, called an interpolant of A B, such that A I and I B are valid, and every predicate, constant, and free variable occurring in I also occurs both in A and B. As a matter of fact, the existence of an interpolant

depends on the language. If we don’t allow either the constant or equality


(=), the formula (P P ) (Q Q) is valid, and yet, no formula I as above


can be found. If we allow equality and make the exception that if .= occurs in I, it does not necessarily occur in both A and B, then I = x(x = x) does the job. Alternatively, ¬ (true!) does the job.

Craig’s interpolation theorem gives a full answer to the problem of the existence of an interpolant. An interesting application of Craig’s interpolation theorem can be found in Oppen and Nelson’s method for combining decision procedures. For details, see Nelson and Oppen, 1979, and Oppen, 1980b.

6.5.2 Craig’s Interpolation Theorem Without Equality

First, we consider a first-order language without equality. For the next lemma, we assume that the constant (for false) is in the language, but that is not. Let LK be the extension of LK obtained by allowing the sequent as an axiom. It is easily checked that the cut elimination theorem also holds for LK (see the problems).

During the proof of the key lemma, it will be necessary to replace in a proof all occurrences of a free variable y by a new variable z not occurring in the proof. This substitution process is defined as in definition 6.4.5, but for LK (and LKe) rather than G1nnf . Given a deduction tree T such that y does not occur bound in T , T [z/y] is the result of replacing every sequent Γ ∆ in T by (Γ ∆)[z/y]. Similarly, T [z/c] is the result of substituting a new variable z for all occurrences of a constant c in a proof T . The following technical lemma will be needed.

Lemma 6.5.1 Let Γ ∆ be a sequent and T an LK-proof for Γ ∆. Assume that y is a variable not occurring bound in the proof T . For any variable z not occurring in T , the result T [z/y] of substituting z for all occurrences of y in T is a proof tree. Similarly, if c is a constant occurring in the proof tree T , T [z/c] is a proof tree. The lemma also holds for LKe-proofs.

Proof : Similar to that of lemma 6.4.3.

The following lemma is the key to a constructive proof of the interpolation theorem.

Lemma 6.5.2 Let L be a first-order language without equality, without , and with constant . Given any provable sequent Γ ∆, let (Γ1, Γ2) and (∆1, 2) be pairs of disjoint subsequences of Γ and ∆ respectively, such that

6.5 Craig’s Interpolation Theorem


the union of Γ1 and Γ2 is Γ, and the union of ∆1 and ∆2 is ∆. Let us call < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 > a partition of Γ ∆. Then there is a formula C of LK called an interpolant of < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 > having the following properties:

(i)Γ1 1, C and C, Γ2 2 are LK -provable.

(ii)All predicate symbols (except for ), constant symbols, and variables free in C occur both in Γ1 1 and Γ2 2.

Proof : We proceed by induction on cut-free proof trees. We treat some typical cases, leaving the others as an exercise.

(1)Γ ∆ is an axiom. Hence, it is of the form A → A. There are four

cases. For < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 >=< A, A, , >, C = ; for < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 >

=< , , A, A >, C = ¬ ; for < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 >=< A, , , A >, C = A; For

<Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 >=< , A, A, >, C = ¬A.

(2)The root inference is : right:

Γ , A Γ , B

Γ , A B

Assume the partition is

< Γ1, (∆1, A B), Γ2, 2 >,

the case

< Γ1, 1, Γ2, (∆2, A B) >

being similar. We have induced partitions < Γ1, (∆1, A), Γ2, 2 > and < Γ1, (∆1, B), Γ2, 2 >. By the induction hypothesis, there are formulae C1 and C2 satisfying the conditions of the lemma. Since Γ1 1, A, C1 and Γ1 1, B, C2 are provable,

Γ1 1, A, C1 C2


Γ1 1, B, C1 C2

are provable (using : right), and

Γ1 1, A B, C1 C2

is provable, by : right. Since C1, Γ2 2 and C2, Γ2 2 are provable,

C1 C2, Γ2 2

is provable by : lef t. Then, we can take C1 C2 as an interpolant.


6/Gentzen’s Cut Elimination Theorem And Applications

(3)The root inference is : right:

Γ, A[y/x]

Γ, xA

where y does not occur free in the conclusion. Assume the partition is

< Γ1, (∆1, xA), Γ2, 2 >,

the case

< Γ1, 1, Γ2, (∆2, xA) >

being similar. By the induction hypothesis, there is an interpolant C such that Γ1 1, A[y/x], C and C, Γ2 2 are provable. By condition (ii) of the lemma, C cannot contain y, since otherwise y would be in Γ1 1, contradicting the fact that y does not occur free in Γ , xA. Hence,

Γ1 1, xA, C

is provable by : right. Since by the induction hypothesis

C, Γ2 2

is provable, we can take C as an interpolant.

(4) The root inference is : lef t:

A[t/x], Γ

xA, Γ

where t is free for x in A.

This case is more complicated if t is not a variable. Indeed, one has to be careful to ensure condition (ii) of the lemma. Assume that the partition is < ( xA, Γ1), 1, Γ2, 2 >, the case < Γ1, 1, ( xA, Γ2), 2 > being similar. By the induction hypothesis, there is a formula C such that

A[t/x], Γ1 1, C and C, Γ2 2

are provable. First, note that xA, Γ1 1, C is provable by : lef t. If t is a variable z and z does not occur free in xA, Γ ∆, then by : right,xA, Γ1 1, zC is provable, and so is zC, Γ2 2, by : lef t. Since C contains predicate symbols, constants and free variables both occurring in (A[z/x], Γ1) ∆1 and Γ2 2, and z does not occur free in xA, Γ ∆, the formula zC also satisfies condition (ii) of the lemma. If z occurs free in ( xA, Γ1) ∆1, then C can serve as an interpolant, since if it contains z, z is both in ( xA, Γ1) ∆1 and also in Γ2 2 by the induction hypothesis.

6.5 Craig’s Interpolation Theorem


If t is not a variable, we proceed as follows: Let x1, ...xk and c1, ..., cm be the variables and the constants in t which occur in C but do not occur in ( xA, Γ1) ∆1. In the proof of A[t/x], Γ1 1, C, replace all occurrences of x1, ...xk and c1, ..., cm in t and C by new variables z1, ..., zk+m (not occurring in the proof). Let t be the result of the substitution in the term t, and C the result of the substitution in the formula C. By lemma 5.6.1, A[t /x], Γ1 1, C is provable. But now, z1, ..., zk+m do not occur free in xA, Γ1 1, z1... zk+mC , and so

xA, Γ1 1, z1... zk+mC

is provable (by applications of : right and : lef t). But

z1... zk+mC , Γ2 2

is also provable (by applications of : lef t). Hence,

z1... zk+mC

can be used as an interpolant, since it also satisfies condition (ii) of the lemma.

Note that the method used in lemma 6.5.2 does not guarantee that the function symbols occurring in C also occur both in Γ1 1 and Γ2 2.

We are now ready to prove Craig’s interpolation theorem for LK.

Theorem 6.5.1 (Craig’s interpolation theorem, without equality) Let L be a first-order language without equality and without . Let A and B be two L-formulae such that A B is LK-provable.

(a)If A and B contain some common predicate symbol, then there exists a formula C called an interpolant of A B, such that all predicate, constant symbols, and free variables in C occur in both A and B, and both A C and C B are LK-provable.

(b)If A and B do not have any predicate symbol in common, either A → is LK-provable or → B is LK-provable.

Proof : Using the cut rule, it is obvious that → A B is LK-provable i A → B is. Consider the partition in which Γ1 = A, ∆1 = , Γ2 = and ∆2 = B. By lemma 6.5.2, there is a formula C of LK such that A → C and C → B are LK -provable, and all predicate, constant symbols, and free variables in C occur in A and B. If A and B have some predicate symbol P of rank n in common, let P be the sentence

y1... yn(P (y1, ..., yn) ¬P (y1, ...yn)),

where y1, ..., yn are new variables. Let C be obtained by replacing all occurrences of in C by P . Since P is logically equivalent to , it is not di cult

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to obtain LK-proofs of A → C and of C → B. But then → A C and → C B are LK-provable, and the formula C is the desired interpolant.

If A and B have no predicate symbols in common, the formula C given by lemma 6.5.2 only contains as an atom. It is easily shown by induction on the structure of C that either → C is LK -provable or C → is LK -provable. But then, using the cut rule, we can show that either A → is LK -provable, or → B is LK -provable. However, since neither A nor B contains and the cut elimination theorem holds for LK , a cut-free proof in LK for either A → or → B is in fact an LK-proof.


Given the formula

(P (a) xQ(x)) ( yS(y) Q(b)),

the formula xQ(x) is an interpolant.

6.5.3 Craig’s Interpolation Theorem With Equality

We now consider Craig’s interpolation theorem for first-order languages with equality. Because cuts cannot be completely eliminated in LKe-proofs, the technique used in lemma 6.5.2 cannot be easily extended to the system LKe. However, there is a way around, which is to show that a sequent S = Γ ∆ is LKe-provable if and only if the sequent Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable, where Se is a certain sequence of closed formulae called the closed equality axioms for Γ ∆.

Definition 6.5.1 Given a sequent S = Γ ∆, the set of closed equality axioms for S is the set Se of closed formulae given below, for all predicate and function symbols occuring in S:






x(x = x)






, ..., yn))

x1... xn y1... yn(x1 = y1

... xn = yn f (x1, ..., xn) = f (y1



, ..., xn) P (y1, ..., yn))

x1... xn y1... yn(x1 = y1

... xn = yn P (x1

Lemma 6.5.3 A sequent S = Γ ∆ is LKe-provable i Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable.

Proof : We sketch the proof, leaving the details as an exercise. First, we show that if S is LKe-provable then Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable. For this, we prove that for every equality axiom Γ ∆ of LKe used in the proof of S, the sequent Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable. We conclude by induction on LKe-proof trees.

6.5 Craig’s Interpolation Theorem


Next, assume that Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable. First, we show that every formula in Se is LKe-provable. We conclude by constructing an LKe-proof of Γ ∆ using cuts on formulae in Se.

We can now generalize lemma 6.5.2 to LKe as follows. Let LKe, be the system obtained by allowing as a constant and the sequent as an axiom.

Lemma 6.5.4 Let L be a first-order language with equality and with constant , but without . Given any LKe-provable sequent Γ ∆, let (Γ1, Γ2) and (∆1, 2) be pairs of disjoint subsequences of Γ and ∆ respectively, such that the union of Γ1 and Γ2 is Γ, and the union of ∆1 and ∆2 is ∆. < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 > is called a partition of Γ ∆. There is a formula C of LKe, called an interpolant of < Γ1, 1, Γ2, 2 > having the following properties:

(i) Γ1 1, C and C, Γ2 2 are LKe-provable.


(ii) All predicate symbols (except for =), constant symbols, and variables free in C occur both in Γ1 1 and Γ2 2.

Proof : By lemma 6.5.3, S = Γ ∆ is LKe-provable i Se, Γ ∆ is LK-provable. Let Se1 be the closed equality axioms corresponding to function and predicate symbols in Γ1 1, and Se2 the closed equality axioms corresponding to function and predicate symbols in Γ2 2. Clearly, Se = Se1 Se2. Consider the partition < (Se1, Γ1), 1, (Se2, Γ2), 2 >. By lemma 6.5.2, there is a formula C such that

Se1, Γ1 1, C and C, Se2, Γ2 2

are LK -provable, and the predicate symbols, constant symbols and free vari-





. e








ables in C occur both in S1


1 and S2



2. By definition of S1

and Se , the

predicate symbols (other than =) in S


are those in Γ

, and








1 2



similarly for Se and Γ2 2.

Furthermore, all formulae in Se and Se


closed, there are no free variables occurring in them. Hence, the predicate symbols, constant and free variables in C occur both in Γ1 1 and Γ2 2.

Using lemma 6.5.3 again, Γ1 1, C and C, Γ2


are LK



2 .


Now, we can replace all occurrence of in C by ¬z(z = z), where z is a



is logically equivalent to

new variable, obtaining a formula C , and since


¬z(z = z), it is easy to obtain LKe-proofs for Γ1

1, C and C , Γ2 2.

Taking C as the interpolant this concludes the proof of the lemma.

Using lemma 6.5.4, Craig’s interpolation theorem is generalized to languages with equality.

Theorem 6.5.2 (Craig’s interpolation theorem, with equality) Let L be a first-order language with equality and without . Let A and B be two L-

formulae such that A B is LKe-provable. Then there exists a formula C


called an interpolant of A B, such that all predicate symbols except =,


6/Gentzen’s Cut Elimination Theorem And Applications

constant symbols, and free variables in C occur in both A and B, and both A C and C B are LKe-provable.

Proof : As in theorem 6.5.1, A B is LKe-provable i A → B is LKe-

provable. We apply lemma 6.5.4 to the partition in which Γ1 = A, ∆1 = ,


Γ2 = and ∆2 = B. This time, because = is available, the result is obtained immediately from lemma 6.5.4.

Remark : As in theorem 6.5.2, our proof does not guarantee that the function symbols occurring in the interpolant also occur in both A and B. However, this can be achieved using a di erent proof technique presented in problem 5.6.7, which consists in replacing function symbols by predicate symbols. Hence, in case of a first-order language with equality, we obtain a

stronger version of Craig’s interpolation theorem, in which all predicate sym-


bols (di erent from =), function symbols, constant symbols, and free variables occurring in the interpolant C of A B occur in both A and B.

In the next section, we give two applications of Craig’s interpolation theorem.


6.5.1.Finish the proof of lemma 6.5.1.

6.5.2.Finish the proof of lemma 6.5.2.

6.5.3.Give a proof for lemma 6.5.3.

6.5.4.Verify that the cut elimination theorem holds for LK , and for LKe, (without essential cuts).

6.5.5.Provide the details in the proof of theorem 6.5.1 regarding the replacement of by y1... yn(P (y1, ..., yn) ¬P (y1, ...yn)).

6.5.6.Show that x¬P (x) Q(b) is an interpolant for

[(R xP (x)) Q(b)] [ x((S P (x)) (S Q(b)))].

6.5.7.Using the proof technique presented in problem 5.6.7, which consists in replacing function symbols by predicate symbols, prove the

stronger version of Craig’s interpolation theorem, in which all predi-


cate symbols (di erent from =), function symbols, constant symbols, and free variables occurring in the interpolant C of A B occur in both A and B.

6.6 Beth’s Definability Theorem


6.6 Beth’s Definability Theorem

First, we consider what definability means.

6.6.1 Implicit and Explicit Definability

Let L be a first-order language with or without equality. Let A1, ..., Am be

closed formulae containing exactly the distinct predicate symbols P1, ..., Pk, Q,



where Q is not =, but some of the Pi

can be =. Assume that Q has rank

n > 0. We can view A1, ..., Am as the axioms of a theory. The question of interest is whether Q is definable in terms of P1, ..., Pk. First, we need to make precise what definable means. Let A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) be the conjunction

A1 ... Am.

A first plausible criterion for definability is that, for any two L-structures A and B with the same domain M , and which assign the same interpretation to the predicate symbols P1, ..., Pk,

if A |= A(P1, ..., Pk, Q)

and B |= A(P1, ..., Pk, Q),

then for every (a1, ..., an) M n,

A |= Q(a1, ..., an)

i B |= Q(a1, ..., an).

The idea is that given any two interpretations of the predicate symbols Q, if these two interpretations make A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) true then they must agree on Q. This is what is called implicit definability.

A seemingly stronger criterion for definability is the following:

Definition 6.6.1 Assume that there is an L-formula D(P1, ..., Pk) whose set of free variables is a subset of {x1, ..., xn} and whose predicate symbols are among P1, ..., Pk, and which contains at least one of the Pi. We say that Q is defined explicitly from P1, ..., Pk in the theory based on A1, ..., Am i the following is provable (or equivalently valid, by the completeness theorem):

→ A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ D(P1, ..., Pk)),

where A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) is the conjunction A1 ... Am.

We can modify the definition of implicit definability so that it refers to a single structure as opposed to a pair of structures, by using a new copy Q of the predicate symbol Q, explained as follows.

Definition 6.6.2 Let P1, ..., Pk, Q, Q be distinct predicate symbols, and let A(P1, ..., Pk, Q ) be the result of substituting Q for Q in A(P1, ..., Pk, Q). We say that Q is defined implicitly from P1, ..., Pk in the theory based on A1, ..., Am i the following formula is valid (or equivalently provable):

A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) A(P1, ..., Pk, Q )

x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ Q (x1, ..., xn)),


6/Gentzen’s Cut Elimination Theorem And Applications

where A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) is the conjunction A1 ... Am.


Let L be the language with equality having 0 as a constant, S as a unary function symbol, + .as a binary function symbol, and < as a binary predicate symbol. Let A(=, <) be the conjunction of the following closed formulae:


(S(x) = 0)

. .

x y(S(x) = S(y) x = y)


x(x + 0 = x)


x y(x + S(y) = S(x + y))

x(0 < Sx)

. .

The predicate symbol < is not definable implicitly from = and A(=, <). Indeed, we can define two structures A and B with domain N, in which 0, S and + receive the same natural interpretation, but in the first structure, < is interpreted as the strict order on N, whereas in the second, we interpret < as the predicate such .that for all x, y N, x < y i x = 0. Both A and B are models of A(=, <), but < is interpreted di erently.


On the other hand, if we add to A(=, <) the sentence


x y(x < y ≡ z(y = x + S(z))),


then D = z(y = x + S(z)) defines < explicitly.

6.6.2 Explicit Definability Implies Implicit Definability

It is natural to ask whether the concepts of implicit and explicit definability are related. First, it is not di cult to see that explicit definability implies implicit definability. Indeed, we show that if

A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ D(P1, ..., Pk))

is valid, then A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) defines Q implicitly. For if A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) A(P1, ..., Pk, Q ) is valid in any model A, then

x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ D(P1, ..., Pk)) andx1... xn(Q (x1, ..., xn) ≡ D(P1, ..., Pk))

are valid in A, and this implies that

x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ Q (x1, ..., xn))

6.6 Beth’s Definability Theorem


is valid in A.

The fact that explicit definability implies implicit definability yields a method known as Padoa’s method , to show that a predicate Q is not definable explicitly from P1, ..., Pk in the theory based on A1, ..., Am:

Find two structures with the same domain and assigning the same interpretation to the predicate symbols P1, ..., Pk, but assigning di erent interpretations to Q.

However, it is not as obvious that implicit definability implies explicit definability. But this is the case, as shown by Beth’s theorem. The proof given below that uses Craig’s interpolation theorem even gives the defining formula D(P1, ..., Pk) constructively.

6.6.3 Beth’s Definability Theorem, Without Equality

First, we consider the case of a first-order language without equality.

Theorem 6.6.1 (Beth’s definability theorem, without equality) Let L be a first-order language without equality. Let A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) be a closed formula containing predicate symbols among the distinct predicate symbols P1, ..., Pk, Q, where Q has rank n > 0. Assume that Q is defined implicitly from P1, ..., Pk by the sentence A(P1, ..., Pk, Q).

(a)If one of the predicate symbols Pi actually occurs in A(P1, ..., Pk, Q), then there is a formula D(P1, ..., Pk) defining Q explicitly from P1, ..., Pk.

(b)If none of the predicate symbols P1, ..., Pk occur in A(P1, ..., Pk), then either

|= A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) x1

... xnQ(x1, ..., xn) or

|= A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) x1...

xn¬Q(x1, ..., xn).

Proof : Assume that


A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) A(P1, ..., Pk, Q )


x1... xn(Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ Q (x1, ..., xn))

is valid. Since A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) and A(P1, ..., Pk, Q ) are closed,

A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) A(P1, ..., Pk, Q ) (Q(x1, ..., xn) ≡ Q (x1, ..., xn))

is also valid. This formula is of the form (A B) (C ≡ D). It is an easy exercise to show that if (A B) (C ≡ D) is valid, then (A C) (B D) is also valid. Hence,

(1) (A(P1, ..., Pk, Q) Q(x1, ..., xn)) (A(P1, ..., Pk, Q ) Q (x1, ..., xn))