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Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Text 2. The British Empire


1.What is an empire? In what way is it different from other states? Is there a second meaning of the word? (Give examples)

2.The world has witnessed the rise and fall of many empires. Can you name a few?

3.Think about the history of the Russian Empire. What facts do you remember?

Read the text about the British Empire and point out the stages in Britain’s empire building.

At the beginning of the 20th century the British Empire covered more than one fifth of the land mass of the globe; it had interests on every sea, and was the largest empire the world had ever known. At that time London was the centre of the world, and children learned phrases which expressed in simple terms the “truths” which the British regarded as paramount: The sun never sets on the British Empire; India is the brightest jewel in the Imperial Crown; Britannia rules the waves.

The first stage in Britain’s empire-building began in the reign of Elizabeth I. The colonies in Virginia and New England along the east coast of North America were central to the First British Empire. After the revolt of the thirteen original British colonies in 1776, the flag of the infant United States was raised, which is usually taken as marking the beginning of a second British Empire. Its foundations were laid in 1750–1850, during which Britain acquired India, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and other territories. The colonization of Australia and New Zealand and, later South Africa was mostly settling and cultivating unoccupied lands. In India, a high civilization more ancient than Europe, which became the centre-piece of the second British Empire, the situation was different. It demanded new diplomatic skills. The unwise treatment of Indian soldiers in British pay resulted in revolt in 1847 which quickly became a national movement against foreign rule.

It was India with its strong independence movement that eventually started the disintegration of the British Empire. After 1945 the Empire collapsed in a matter of 20 years, leaving a legacy of British-influenced institutions, (the British Commonwealth of Nations with Queen Elizabeth II as its head) and, in some cases, anti-British feelings.


When you read a text some details are not stated clearly but can be understood (inferred) from the other details which are stated.

1.What do the “truths” about the British Empire tell the reader?

2.How was colonization of India different from that of other territories?

3.How did this affect the future of the British Empire?


1.What relations prevail within the former empire? Why?

2.Is it inevitable that empires eventually collapse?

3.Looking back at ancient and recent history can you point out possible consequences of the disintegration of empires?

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I








Find out the following

1.How are these parts represented in the British Parliament?

2.How much autonomy does the Scottish Parliament have?

3.What are the powers of the National Assembly in Wales and in Northern Ireland?

4.Is there the English Parliament?


Make your conclusion and present it to the class in a 3–5 minute talk.











Ex. 1. Study the Vocabulary List and translate all the examples.



обычно, традиционно, как правило



Customarily, students take two years to complete the Master’s programme.






обычный, привычный



It is customary to serve roast turkey at Thanksgiving.



На День благодарения принято подавать жареную индейку.





custom, n.

обычай; привычка



age-long / local custom древний / местный обычай



to follow / observe a custom соблюдать обычай



Custom is a second nature. = Привычка — вторая натура.





customer, n.

клиент, покупатель





attempt, n.




to make / to give up an attempt



at the first / second / … attempt



an attempt to do / at doing smth



an attempt at smth



He made a weak attempt to justify / at justifying his behavior.



an attempted revolution / crime / etc.





Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


attempt, v.

пробовать, пытаться




to attempt smth / to do smth / doing smth




Very few prisoners attempted to escape from Alcatraz.







succeed, v.

достигать цели, преуспевать, иметь успех




to succeed in life / one’s career / doing smth




If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again




Терпение и труд все перетрут.









success, n.

успех, удача.




to have / achieve success in (doing) smth




great / considerable / little success






Proper planning is the key to success.




I’ve tried to stop smoking several times but without success.




to be a success with smb




This opera has always been a success with the public.



Эта опера всегда пользовалась успехом у широкого зрителя.







Success is never blamed. Победителей не судят.








успешный, удачный, имеющий успех




They are successful in everything they do.





a successful politician / lawyer / businessman / film / business / etc.



Indians fought the settlers, but none of their tactics was successful.






stretch, v.

1. растягивать(ся), вытягивать(ся), удлинять(ся)




Jack stretched (out) his hand and caught the mosquito.






Anna stretched on the bed, watching TV.




to stretch one’s legs размять ноги, прогуляться




2. простираться; продолжаться, длиться




We were caught in a traffic jam that stretched as far as the eye could see.




to stretch for miles




to stretch from Dover to London




to stretch back many / 20 / over 30 years / to the 1970s




The commercial links between Britain and the Muslim world stretch back




a very long time.




Торговые связи между Британией и мусульманским миром имеют очень




долгую историю.







stretch, n.

участок, отрезок; промежуток времени




There have been a lot of accidents on this stretch of the highway.




During a stretch of many months, I tried many diets and many pills.







decline, v.

1. уменьшаться, идти на убыль




In summer, the number of customers declined from 150 to 50.




The profits of the company have declined by 15 per cent.




to decline in importance




2. приходить в упадок, ослабевать, чахнуть




The fur industry has declined dramatically in the last ten years.




declining morality / health




3. отказываться, отклонять




to decline to do smth




to decline an offer / an invitation




Rob asked Chloe to the dance, but she declined the invitation.







Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


decline, n.

падение, спад



After the revolution, the country has been in decline.



to fall / go into decline приходить в упадок



a significant / dramatic / gradual decline in sales / customers /



prices /rate of unemployment, etc.




6. unite, v.

соединять(ся), объединять (ся)



People of all nationalities united to free their country.



to unite against a common enemy





united, adj.

1. соединенный, объединенный; общий



to make a united effort предпринимать общие / совместные усилия



the United Nations Organization, the United Kingdom, the United States



of America.



United we stand, divided we fall В единстве — сила.



2. дружный



united family





union, n.

союз, объединение



a political / economic union between neighboring countries



Why did the colonists break their union with the British Empire?





unity, n.

единство, сплоченность, согласие



national unity национальное единство



to achieve / destroy / preserve / restore unity between two nations



Can unity among English-speaking countries ever be achieved?



Before Myanmar became a British colony, its people had lived in unity with



each other.

7.separate, v. 1. отделять(ся), разъединять;

[] We are separated by a long distance.

Residents are asked to separate ordinary waste from materials that can be recycled.

2. разлучать; расставаться

Among other things, the Red Cross connects families separated by war.

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman decided to separate after more than ten years of marriage.

separation, n.

1. отделение, разъединение



Many nationalists believe that Quebec’s separation from the rest of Canada



is very possible.



2. разлука, расставание



a long separation



separate, adj.

отдельный, изолированный



separate rooms / entrance / category



After the incident, they went their separate ways and almost became enemies. —



После происшествия их пути разошлись, они стали почти врагами.







Dragons are an inseparable part of the Chinese culture.



inseparable companion неизменный спутник



inseparable union неразрывный союз



inseparable friends неразлучные друзья


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


effort, n.

усилие, попытка




physical / mental effort




big / brave / heroic / remarkable / (un)successful / fruitless effort




joint effort(s)




to make every effort to do smth



to make an effort




He spared no effort to learn languages.




Он не жалел сил на изучение языков.






to do smth with / without effort




All students have put a lot of effort into the performance.




Все студенты вложили много сил в подготовку представления.



легко, без усилий



The police started using mobile cameras in an effort to catch speeding drivers.














sign, v.

подписывать (ся)




to sign a document / a letter / an agreement / etc.




to sign an agreement with smb







sign, n.

признак, свидетельство




to take smth as a sign of smth



to show signs of worry / depression / etc.



He showed no signs of anger.




Он никак не показывал, что сердится.




a sign of the times примета времени









signature, n.

1. подпись




to put one’s signature to the document




2. подписание (документа)




to bring papers for signature




the signature of the treaty







Ex. 2. Fill in the gaps with the correct word. The fi rst letter is given to help you.

1.The old man took his c_______ place at the head of the table.

2.At the concert, I was surprised that celebrities put so much e_______ into a show.

3.He was a s______ lawyer, but he decided to change careers at the age of 40 and become an artist.

4.For kids, s_______ is important, and in a well-organised school children s_______ in gaining new knowledge and skills each day.

5. With a history s_______ing back some 2,000 years Cologne ([]) is one of Germany’s oldest cities.

6.The economy of the country has been harmed by periodic d_______s in oil prices.

7.In 1900, Queen Victoria s_______ the document which u_______ six different colonies as the Federal Commonwealth of Australia.

8.Here the footpath ended, so we had to walk along a s_______ of country road.

9.In the late 1990s, there were still a lot of politicians against a u_______Germany.

10.Most children whose parents s_______ and divorce are of school age.

11.Never s_______ a cheque before you use it.


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

12.If there is any word you don’t understand, you should make an e_______ and think over in what meaning the word is used.

13.A pencil is made of two s_______ pieces of wood which are glued together.

14.When she failed to send a thank-you card, her friend took it as a s____ of ingratitude (неблагодарность).

15.Read and re-read any documents you have to put your s_______ to.

16.Many teenagers begin to smoke in an a_______ to look more adult.

Ex. 3. Translate the following sentences paying special attention to the Active Vocabulary.

1.Marriage is a union between a man and a woman.

2.After the revolution, the economic growth of the country declined.

3.Americans are sure that for more than a century their country has spared no effort to defend and promote democracy around the world.

4.Charles looked at Mr. Taylerson with his customary disbelief.

5.Despite the government’s effort to reach a compromise, the threat of a revolt remains.

6.For Beijing (Пекин), Tibet has been an inseparable part of China since the 13th century.

7.In 1215, King John of England was forced to sign the Magna Carta (Великая хартия вольностей), which gave the people certain rights.

8.I’m glad the festival was a success.

9.Every time you speak make an effort to sound happy.

10.Mobility is the sign of the times. In many organizations employees spend more time on airplanes than at the office.

11.Mountain areas show signs of global warming.

12.Preparation is the key to success in exams.

13.Susan spent £ 3,000 on driving lessons over four years before passing her test at the 29th attempt.

14.Some actors played so well that they succeeded in making everyone hate them.

15.Money separates more friends than it unites.

16.The 13th century in Europe was an era of stability and unity.

17.The criminals were arrested as they attempted to board the flight to Chicago.

18.The end of the Iran-Iraq war led to a decline in exports and to the bankruptcy of two major oilexporting firms.

19.When the first Union Flag (Юнион флаг) was created in 1606, Wales was already united with England and was no longer a separate principality (княжество).

20.We stretched our legs by walking around the airport several times.

Ex. 4. Match a verb in A with a noun in B. Some words can form several collocations.



to achieve

an attempt

to make


to follow

into decline

to go


to fall

a custom

to put

(an) effort

to restore

one’s signature

Use these collocations in sentences of your own.


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 5. For each noun given below fi nd at least four words from the box that can go with it. Some words from the box can go into several groups. Can you continue the lists? Use the expressions in sentences of your own.

a recipe for



of the empire


to observe

according to



on smb’s life

to form

to spare no

to lead to




to have

to create

at the first



the key to





































































Ex. 6. Odd one out. Find in each set one word that does not go with the main one.

SUCCESSFUL: film, lawyer, business, escape, stretch

UNITED: party, nation, unity, family, effort

SEPARATE: file, decline, page, category, rooms

DECLINING: economy, signature, number of…, birth rate, health

INSEPARABLE: part, aspect, friends, stretch, feature

Ex. 7. Short story contest.

Make up a short story (10–12 sentences) with the Active Vocabulary words and present it in class. Don’t read when making your presentation. Choose the best story using the following criteria:

1.interest of the plot;

2.use of the Active Vocabulary (the number of words and their acceptability)

3.grammatically correct sentences.

Ex. 8. Answer the following questions using the Active Vocabulary.

1.Can you name an unsuccessful candidate in the most recent election?

2.Do you agree that our educational system has fallen into decline?

3.How far back into your childhood do your memories stretch?

4.Are there any customs you find strange?

5.Why do you think the birth rate is on the decline in this country?

6.In what countries are there ethnic groups / regions that want to go their separate way?

7.Can you give any tips on how to succeed in exam taking?

8.Have you ever done anything into which you put ‘superhuman’ effort?

9.What arrangements do people customarily make in this country before they get married?

10.Have you ever attempted a dangerous sport?

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I


Ex. 9. a) Read and translate the passage paying special attention to the prepositions and adverbs.

b) Look at the map of Great Britain (in Supplement) and fi nd these places on the map.

The United Kingdom is a wonderful land with diverse scenery. Owing to its geographical position, the country has everything from sandy beaches on the southern coast to dramatic mountains in the North. The United Kingdom is located off the northwestern coast of Europe between the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea. It is separated from the continent by the Strait of Dover and the English Channel, and from the Irish Republic by the Irish Sea and the St George’s Channel; on land the UK borders on Ireland alone.

The capital and the largest city, London, is in the southeast, on the River Thames, England’s longest river. Besides Great Britain, the biggest island, which is about 1,000 miles long from north to south, the United Kingdom contains a number of small islands. These include the Isle of Wight, which lies off England’s southern coast; Anglesey, off the northwestern coast of Wales; the Hebrides archipelago to the west of Scotland, consisting of the Inner and the Outer Hebrides, and others.


in the north = на севере


to the north (of) = к северу (от)


north of = к северу (от)

c) Find in the text the English equivalents of the following word combinations:

у южного побережья Англии

на юго-востоке

географическое положение

на южном побережье

граничить с …

с севера на юг

к западу от Шотландии

у северо-западного побережья

d) Translate the following prepositional phrases.

на западном побережье

располагаться / находиться на севере

между скалами

к северу

к югу от острова

в Атлантическом океане

с запада на восток

у восточного побережья

на юге

на юго-востоке

вдоль горной цепи


Ex. 10.

a) Describe the geographical location of Russia using the words and phrases from A and place names from B. Use prepositions where necessary.



along the southern border

to cover

Asian neighbours

to run ___ north ___ south

European neighbours ___ the northwest

to separate European and Asian Russia

___ east ___ west

to stretch

geographically separated ___ the rest of Russia

___ the east ___

____ the European part of the country

___ the west


Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I








North Korea




the Baltic


the Black Sea


the Caspian Sea


the Caucasus Mountains


the Ural Mountains (the Urals)



b) Describe the geographical location of some country and have your partner guess its name.

Ex. 11. Treasure hunt. Rules of the game.

Captain Hook (the teacher) has been caught by Peter Pan’s gang (the students) who ask him questions to find out where he hid the treasures. Captain Hook is uncooperative and refuses to give the information the gang (the students) need. Using the map, ask as many yes / no questions as possible. Make use of prepositional phrases.


1.Is the treasure / it on the island?

2.Have you hidden the trunk / the treasure / it in the south of the island?

Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World


Chapter 1. Unit 1. Across the English Speaking World

Английский язык для международников и регионоведов. Часть I

Ex. 12. Translate the sentences using the Active Vocabulary.

1.В 80-е годы XX в.3 дефицит стал приметой времени.

2.В конце каждой страницы было оставлено место для подписи и даты.

3.Его шутки явно не имели успеха.

4.К трем годам он без труда считал до 100.

5.После войны экономика страны пришла в упадок.

6.Джексон снова отклонил приглашение на брифинг.

7.Как только она выздоровела, она решила вернуться к привычной жизни.

8.Решить эту проблему можно только совместными усилиями.

9.Ситуация была настолько серьезной, что Фрэнк даже не пытался шутить.

10.Философия неотделима (use cannot) от истории философии, их обязательно нужно изучать вместе.

11.Ревность (jealousy) — неизменная спутница любви.

12.Этот участок дороги будет закрыт для автомобилей из-за ремонтных работ.

13.Правительство готово приложить все возможные усилия, чтобы достичь прекращения огня (ceasefire).

14.Вы всегда соблюдаете обычаи других стран, когда путешествуете?

15.Мы должны создать объединенный фронт борьбы с терроризмом.

16.«Сохранение единства НАТО всегда было важным для его членов», заявила г- жа Майерс на брифинге.

17.В библиотеке существует отдельный зал для профессоров.

18.Мы приложим все усилия, чтобы сохранить согласие между народами нашей страны.

19.Брак — это неразрывный союз двух людей.


Ex. 13. Group the following words from Text 1 (Reading 2) according to the part of speech. Which component of the word (the prefi x, the root, or the suffix) shows its part of speech?

























Ex. 14. Forming adjectives. Analyze the following patterns. Form adjectives from the words below using the appropriate suffix and explain how the resulting adjective is connected with the original verb. Pay attention to the spelling changes.

Suggest what nouns these adjectives can go with.

Pattern 1

N. + -(ic)al


connected with or belonging to

a continent










Pattern 2

N. + -ish

a) English

a) belonging to some nationality

b) boyish

b)looking / behaving like a boy (typical of)













3 In English, Arabic numerals and not Roman numerals are used to refer to centuries, for example, the 21st century, the 20th century, etc.


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