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  1. 8 Pairs of synonyms:

  2. 2 Pairs of antonyms:

  3. all the names of law branches mentioned:

behaviour, civil law, domestic law, penalty, a criminal, to adopt a law, lawmaker, tradition, to follow, civil law, to observe, wrongdoer, legislator, to pass a law, custom, criminal law, private law, international law, punishment, conduct

Exc. 7. Find pairs of words from these two lists

  1. to carry out

1. law/decision

  1. to appoint

2. new elections

  1. to execute

3. the Prime Minister

  1. to pass

4. the state budget

  1. to consider

5. law, document

  1. to approve

6. questions, issues

  1. to announce

7. policy

  1. to form

8. rights, freedoms, legality

  1. to present

9. the Parliament

  1. to ensure

10. government

  1. to dissolve

11. deputy Chairman

Exc. 8. Cross-one out

  1. behaviour, conduct, manners, amendment

  2. monarchy, authority, republic, dictatorship

  3. executive, civil, criminal, international

  4. criminal, wrongdoer, mischief-maker, politician

  5. to adopt, to pass, to vote for, to elect

  6. prescriptive, judicial, executive, legislative

  7. civil law, Case law, administrative law, labor law

  8. customs, traditions, rules, laws

  9. criminal, case, court, parliament

  10. to elect, to vote, to support, to adopt

Text 1.

Task 1. Read and translate the text and answer the questions

  1. What category of law is meant in the text?

  2. What are the main functions of each of the 3 independent branches: legislative, executive and judicial?

The State Body Structure

Russia is a democratic federative law-governed state with a republican form of government. The population of Russia is about 140 million people and the territory is 17 million square kilometers. The Russian Federation consists of 89 constituent entities (republics, krays, oblasts, cities of federal significance, an autonomous oblasts and autonomous okrugs, which have equal rights). The authorities of the constituent entities have the right to pass laws independently from the federal government. These laws are valid on the territory of the appropriate federative division, but they cannot contradict the federal laws. In case of conflicts between federal and local authorities, the President uses consensual procedures to resolve the problem. In the event a consensus is not reached, the dispute is transferred to the appropriate court for its resolution. The Russian President has the right to suspend acts passed by local executive authorities in case that these acts conflict with federal laws of Russia, its international commitments, or if they violate the human and civil rights and freedoms until the issue is resolved by appropriate court.

State power in Russia is carried out by dividing power into three independent branches: legislative, executive and judicial. Legislative power belongs to the Federal Assembly (the Parliament). Executive power belongs to the central and local governments. Judicial power is provided by appropriate judicial system and by civil, administrative and criminal legislation.

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