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4. Read the text and answer the questions:

Language is a part of culture. To start any business it is important to learn economics as well as foreign languages. If you plan to have business relations with foreign partners, you should learn about their culture, traditions and customs.

Problems in international business relationships are not always caused by language difficulties.

The areas which we must be aware of include body language, gesture, social customs, attitudes to punctuality, dress code and business practice.

It is useful to know, for example, that the British shake hands less often than other European people, that the Americans use first names more often than many other nationalities, and the Japanese think that harmony and consensus are very important.

Norman Ramshaw, the author of ‘A World Guide to Good Manners’ give some examples how to behave with foreign business friends.

  • Greeting and meeting

In the Middle East you must never use the left hand for greeting, eating or drinking. In Japan you should bow the head when you greet somebody. If the Japanese give you their business card, you should receive it with both hands and you must take time to read it carefully. In Thailand you should clasp your hands together and lower your head and your eyes when you greet someone.

  • Eating and drinking

The British are happy to have business lunch and discuss business matters with a drink during a meal; the Japanese prefer not to work while eating. Lunch is a time to relax and get to know one another, and they rarely drink at lunchtime. The Germans like to talk business before dinner; the French like to eat first and talk afterwards. They have to be well fed and watered before they discuss anything.

  • In an office

Taking off your jacket and rolling up your sleeves is a sign of getting down to work in Britain and Holland, but in Germany people regard it as taking it easy. Sometimes the Americans put their feet on the desk while speaking on the telephone. In Japan people would be shocked. Showing the soles of your feet and blowing your nose in public is the height of bad manners for the Japanese.

So, it is very important to learn more about other cultures. We can find out about other cultures by reading and talking to people with experience. When we visit countries, it is important to be good observers and listeners. We should avoid criticising other cultures and realise that we all have similar problems, but different ways of dealing with them.

5. Translate the underlined words in bold type.

6. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it important to learn about other cultures?

2. What areas of culture should a person be aware of to communicate effectively?

3. How can we learn about other cultures?

4. Why should we avoid making criticism when dealing with people from other countries?

7. Make a table about customs and manners in foreign countries.


Customs & Manners


You should bow the head

8. There are some proverbs:

So many countries, so many customs’ or ‘When in Rome , do as the Romans do’. Can you explain their meaning?

9. Project work: Make up an international advertisement of your own company. Follow this plan:

1) Think about the item you would like to advertise.

2) Describe all of its advantages.

3) Make a motto.

Unit 6. Design

1. Read, answer the questions and make a word - map:

a) What do you know about design?

b) Is design important in our life?

c) Would you like to be a designer? Why?

d) Where can you meet or see a designer?

2. Read and translate the text consulting a dictionary.

The design plays a great role in our life and we can say that we live in the world of design.

The design - (from English) - is a project, image, idea, unusual and non-standard activity, intent, plan, purpose, drawing, outline, drawing, pattern, composition and work of art. This is a creative method, process or industrial product oriented on the creation of object that consumer needs.

The design is not an exact science. The design is the vision of the world. When the professionalism of the designer improves, his sphere of activity increases. The designer is able to use computer graphics and to create website, project of apartment, clothes, etc. Future design is a future way of the thinking.

The design surrounds us all over: in the street, at home, at work, inside public places and apartments, in a cafe or in a shop - all that we see around we can call a design.

The design of the interior plays a special, very important role in life of each of us. The figuration of the apartment directly influences our mood and even general state. There is a great variety of public interior design: governmental interiors, institutional interiors, commercial interiors, religious interiors, industrial interiors and special interiors.

Any new technology can change the world, even the relations between people. The design, as mass phenomenon is directed to influence our vision of life. One of the most important role of the design is the social organization of the town life.

Graphic design is the base design in business and trade industry (the development of the branded styles, packing goods, advertising model, figuration of the exhibition stands, television, etc.) One of the golden rules in such business is: any design must satisfy certain consumer needs. The design has to be a part of consumer oriented industry.

The design comprises in our consciousness: mass and prestigious design, popular design, art-design, web-design, graphic design, advertising design, industrial design, design of the newspapers, TV-design, fashion design, art graphite, prototyping, computer graphics, sculpture, metalworking and plastic working and other areas of the design. The designer is obliged to be a high qualified specialist in all spheres of his profession and specialization.

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