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Living in Madrid

I = Interviewer

K = Kate Leigh

I Kate, you've lived in Spain for a long time now, haven't you?

К Mm. About eight years.

I So you know it well enough to compare living in Spain and living in London?

К Well, I can compare living in Madrid with living in London ...

I Ah, yes, all right...

К ... not quite the same thing.

I So what are the main differences?

К I think the first one is the time of day that things happen. People get up later, and start work later. I start at ten, and lunchtime is much longer. Everything closes for about three hours. Then, at five, people go back to work.

I And what time do they finish?

К About seven or eight. Then they go out, and they go to bed incredibly late - about one or two in the morning.

I Do they have a siesta?

К No, not in Madrid. Well, only in summer, because in summer work hours change because it's so hot. Everyone works from eight thirty to three, then has lunch, then a siesta, and then goes out.

I So office hours change?

К Everything changes, on the first of June.

I For how long?

К Until the fifteenth of September.

I How did you find the differences of time when you first went out?

К Very difficult, because I was hungry all the time! I wanted to eat at about eight o'clock, but eating is very different in Spain. People eat all day. They have snacks in the morning, maybe an omelette and a beer, and then have their main meal at lunchtime, and then tapas, which are lots of little dishes, in the evening.

I So that's what you do now?

К Oh, yes. I like it. The Spanish think that the English eat very little!

I And what about the people?

К Well, this is the second big difference. People live in the streets, they live much

more outdoors, so you see them more, and it's easier to get to know them.

I So you think it's true that the English are cold?

К No, but they live differently. Madrid is a lot smaller than London, and people live in the centre. It's not like London where people live in houses in the suburbs. In Madrid people live in flats in the centre, so it's natural to be out on the streets most of the time.

I And how do you find living in Madrid?

К I think it's nicer. It's a lot cheaper, and shops are open longer. I find it safer. I can be out in the streets at all hours, and there's never any problem. The family is still very important. I think people are more caring to other people, if you see what I mean.

I Mm. Anything else about the people?

К Er... They are terrible drivers! There are a lot more accidents - road accidents. And this is strange, because the public transport system is very good and very cheap, but people like to use their car.

I There's an Underground, isn't there?

К Mm, with a flat rate fare, so you get ten tickets for about two pounds.

I That's very good. Are you thinking of coming back to England?

К Er ... sometime, but not yet! The weather's much better, and I like living in a southern European atmosphere!

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