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Projection Utility

Shapefiles of type MultiPoint are not projected by the utility. Workaround: Convert the shapefile from MultiPoint to Point using MultiPoint.AsList or PolyLine.Explode before projecting (since PolyLine inherits from MultiPoint). A sample script can be found in ArcView's help for the PolyLine.Explode request.

The fieldname FeatureID is reserved and will not appear on the output shapefile. Workaround: Make the shapefile a theme in ArcView, then open its table and alias or hide the field, then save your shapefile to a new shapefile.

DBase III format for .dbf files allows numeric fields a maximum precision of 19. The utility will display this error if it encounters numeric fields with a precision higher than 19: "An unknown error occurred in writing shapefile."


1) Use the Projector! extension.

2) Modify the data in ArcView (hide the fields and save to a new shapefile) before processing with the Projection Utility.

Turning off virus checkers greatly improves the performance of the Projection Utility.

In some cases, specifying the GeoTransformation on the command line may cause the data to move in the opposite direction.

Workaround: Perform the GeoTransformation using the interface (wizard).

Sdts Utilities

Shortcuts to the SDTS utilities are provided in the ArcView program group. The executables installed in the \bin32 directory, must be run from a command prompt.


To display information to the screen about a shapefile using the ShapeDXF program, the program must be run from a Command Prompt. To list information about a shapefile in a text file, you can use the ShapeDXF shortcut found in the ArcView GIS Program group. See the ArcView GIS online Help for more information about the ShapeDXF program.


-Access number fields with decimals are being padded with extra zeros in ArcView GIS.

-The "*" character does not provide access to all available tables in the database in ArcView GIS Version 3.1 and remains a known limit for 3.2.

Views and Themes

-Using extended image formats (ImgDLL)

This information will help you properly use the extended image formats:

1. When an image theme is added using ImgDLL, ArcView will ask the external DLL for a zero size image. This is necessary to set up the ImgDLL structure. This image is not used. The DLL should pass back a small image.

2. When ImgDLL asks the external DLL for an image for a view extent that does not overlap the image, it still needs to pass back an image. A small image of the extent of the image should be passed back.

-Manage Data Sources does not support data sources with spaces in their names.

-Drawing a 1-bit TIFF (non-TIFF 6.0) with the TIFF 6.0 extension loaded causes drawing and memory problems. Workaround: change the image's legend to Grayscale.

-Spatial indexes for read-only data (such as shapefiles that are on a CD) are written to the current working directory. If the current working directory does not have write access, the files are written to the temporary (TEMP or /tmp) directory. The index file names are converted to an 8.3 naming convention if necessary, and have a .fbn/.fbx suffix. For example, the temporary spatial index files for a shapefile on a CD called Backgrnd.shp are called backgr1.fbn and backgr1.fbx. These files are deleted when you exit ArcView GIS.

-You may need to set the default printer to a valid printer to use the IMAGINE extension.

-If Image Analysis Version 1.0 is installed but the extension is not loaded, displaying a MrSID image may result in a "Error calling unlink for file C:\TEMP\ximg2.bil" type of error message. This occurs when you have both the MrSID Image Support extension and either the IMAGINE Image Support or TIFF 6.0 Image Support extension loaded at the same time and have installed the Image Analysis extension.

You can avoid this error by turning off the IMAGINE Image Support or TIFF 6.0 Image Support extensions or by displaying MrSID images as a "Image Analysis Data Source" via the Image Analysis extension.

This issue will be resolved in the next version of the Image Analysis extension.

Crystal Reports for ESRI

-ArcView GIS 3.2a will install Seagate Crystal Reports 7.0 for ESRI. If you have Crystal Reports 6.0 installed, the Crystal Reports setup will display a dialog asking if you'd like to replace your previous version. You should respond “Yes” to continue with the installation.

-To run Seagate Crystal Reports on both operating systems of a dual boot machine (i.e., on both Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 98), you must install the software under both operating systems. After you have installed Crystal Reports under one of the operating systems, during the installation on the other operating system, the Crystal Report's installation will inform you that an earlier version of Seagate Crystal Reports currently exists and asks you if you wish to replace it with the new version. You must respond yes and proceed with the installation to install Crystal Reports in both operating systems.

-If the full Crystal Reports software is not installed, selecting Launch Crystal Reports from the Project File menu (with the Report Writer extension loaded) results in an error message.

Sample Extensions

There is a conflict between the ADRG and the sample DIGEST raster image extension when both extensions are loaded. The ADRG extension will attempt to load ASRP images due to the same .img file extension of the image files. Therefore, the ADRG and ASRP extensions should not be loaded at the same time.

  1. New Projection Utility FAQs

Q: Why isn’t my coordinate system is not listed in the utility?

A: Contact POSC (Petrotechnical Open Software Corporation) about getting your coordinate system added to their model. POSC is a consortium of oil and gas companies. This utility uses a model developed by POSC which simplifies the various pieces that compose a coordinate system. A related organization, EPGS (European Petroleum Survey Group), has compiled a large set of coordinate systems and the objects needed to define them. Coordinate systems defined by EPSG/POSC are added to the Projection Engine (on which the utility is built) on a regular basis.

Contact them on the web at:


Q: I added some extensions to the projutil.txt file. Why don’t my output shapefiles draw in ArcView?

A: Did you accidentally add the spatial index extensions (sbx and sbn) to this file? You do not want the old spatial index files copied over – the utility will generate new spatial indexes for the output shapefiles. Remove sbx and sbn from projutil.txt, and reproject your shapefiles. They should now draw in ArcView.

Q: What does the Projection Utility do during initialization?

A: Here is a breakdown list of what happens. The list is divided into two parts:

Before the form is loaded

While the form is visible

Part 1: Before the form is loaded (before the wizard is visible)

1. Check to see if the utility is running from a valid ArcView installation

2. Parse the command line

3. Determine if there are command line errors. If there are errors, ask user if they want to run the wizard or not

4. If Quiet mode (-Q) was specified, do final checks and begin Quiet mode processing

Part 2: While wizard is loading and while splash panel is visible

5. Save command line parameters before Loading wizard

6. Load/Create the MapObjects map object

7. Load Resource Strings for wizard

8. Initialize wizard appearance (which buttons are on, or off, etc.)

9. Set a background timer to accomplish the rest of the initialization steps (while form is visible)

At this point, the wizard initialization is complete and the splash screen becomes visible, but the controls on the wizard have not be initialized yet. The remaining tasks now deal with filling in the controls on wizard steps.

10. Turn off Buttons, Hide/Show Advanced tabs

11. Create/Initialize the GeoTransformation description collection

12.Fill in the MapObjects list controls (updating the progress bar after each control)

a. Move some controls into correct position

b. Create ListView control on Step 1

c. Fill each MapObjects list control (16 controls

[This is where most of the time is spent.]

13. Turn off the Progress bar, turn on the Step 1 panel buttons, go to the first panel

Соседние файлы в папке arcview 3.2a