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The Challenge of External Communication

Communicating externally is far more challenging than communicating internally, mainly because when members are communicating with people outside the organization, not only are they representing themselves as individuals, but also the organization as a whole.

Subsequently, whenever members place a telephone call; send an advertisement, business letter, or e-mail; or conduct a face-to-face meeting on the organization’s behalf, these members are making an impression that can possibly mean either success or failure for the organization.

Developing Good Business Communication Skills

In today’s electronic age, with all its gadgetry, for example, cell phones, fax machines, iPods, Blackberries, and computers, information is transmitted at the speed of light. Such electronic devices, however, are only as effective as the humans operating them, which is why members of an organization must possess proficiency in writing, speaking, listening, and reading.

  • Writing skills are important because the majority of organizational correspondence is through the written word, in the form of letters, announcements, proposals, reports, memos, and perhaps case studies.

  • Speaking is important because members must be able to express ideas verbally in a way that will both clearly get points across and hold the interest of listeners. Additionally, members might be called upon to conduct presentations to management, existing customers, or prospective clients.

  • Listening is important because, as Lee Iacocca maintained, “The ability to listen — or the ability to tune in to the needs and objectives of clients, customers, and colleagues — is the one skill that can make the difference between a mediocre company and a good company” (Zimmer & Camp, p. 17).

  • Reading is important because members of an organization must be able to interpret information correctly; moreover, they must be able to proofread their own written communications in order to ensure their messages will be properly interpreted.

In summary, the reality is that members of an organization can possess brilliant ideas for company growth and expansion, product development, or groundbreaking innovations, but unless they can get those ideas across to management, existing customers, and/or potential clients, those ideas will come to nothing and, in the end, get the organization absolutely nowhere.

Read more at Suite101: Business Communication Skills: The Importance of Good Communication in Organizations | Suite101.com http://carol-rzadkiewicz.suite101.com/business-communication-skills-a158048#ixzz1oA15AVb7

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