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Grammar / Indefinite Pronouns

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Indefinite Pronouns many — much; few —little

1. Many and few are used before countable nouns in the plu­ral, much and little – before uncountable nouns.

I have very many English books. I have so few French books.

He has very much work to do. He has very little free time.

2. Many and much are generally used in interrogative and negative sentences.

Have you many English books in your library? I haven’t much work to do today.

3. In affirmative sentences many, much, few, little are usually preceded by very, too, so, how in spoken English.

There are very many flowers in the garden this year. There is so little snow in the street this winter.

4. In affirmative sentences much and many are very often re­placed by the expressions a lot of, plenty of; a great deal of

in spoken English.

There are a lot of (plenty of) flowers in the garden. We have a lot of (plenty of, a great deal of) work to do.

5. In affirmative sentences little and few are usually replaced by not much, not many.

There is not much snow in the street. (Instead of There is little snow in the street.)

There aren't many chairs in this room. (Instead of There are few chairs in this room.)

6. Little and few may be used with the Indefinite article. In this case a little means немного, a few — немного, несколько.

I've got a little free time. He has a few friends in Moscow.

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