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Grammar / Substantivized adjectives. Classification of pronouns

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64 • Parti.Accidence

wooden — 1) made of wood; 2) not showing enough natural expres­ sion, emotion or movement.

She speaks her lines rather woodenly.

3.They have certain typical suffixes, such as -en, -an, -ist, -ic, -ical: wooden, Italian, socialist, synthetic, analytical.

4.Relative adjectives are chiefly used as attributes.

... she was a fair example of the middle American class...

(Dreiser) (ATTRIBUTE)

She had noticed a pretty wooden chain upon Gretel's neck. (Dodge) (ATTRIBUTE)

"Certainly," answered Hilda, looking kindly into the two earnest faces, and wishing from her heart that she had not spent so much of her monthly allowance for lace and finery. (Dodge) (ATTRIBUTE)

The morning was windy and sharp. (Saxton) (PREDICATIVE)

§ 9. Substantivized adjectives.

Substantivized adjectives have acquired some or all of the charac­ teristics of the noun, but their adjectival origin is still generally felt.

Substantivized adjectives are divided into wholly substantivized and partially substantivized adjectives.

Wholly substantivized adjectives have all the characteristics of nouns, namely the plural form, the genitive case; they are associated with articles, i. e. they have become nouns: a native, the natives, a na­ tive's hut.

Some wholly substantivized adjectives have only the plural form: eatables, valuables, ancients, sweets, greens.

Partially substantivized adjectives acquire only some of the cha­ racteristics of the noun; they are used with the definite article. Partially substantivized adjectives denote a whole class: the rich, the poor, the unemployed. They may also denote abstract notions: the good, the evil, the beautiful, the singular, the plural, the future, the present, the past.

Substantivized adjectives denoting nationalities fall under wholly and partially substantivized adjectives.

Wholly substantivized adjectives are: a Russian — Russians, a Ger­ man Germans.

Partially substantivized adjectives are: the English, the French, the Chinese.


§1. The pronoun is a part of speech which points out objects and their qualities without naming them.

§2. Classification of pronouns.

Pronouns fall under the following groups:

(1)personal pronouns: /, he, she, it, we, you, they.

(2)possessive pronouns: my, his, her, its, our, your, their; mine, his, hers, ours, yours, theirs.

(3)reflexive pronouns: myself, himself, herself, itself, ourselves, yourself (yourselves), themselves.

(4)reciprocal pronouns: each other, one another.

(5)demonstrative pronouns: this (these), that (those), such, (the) same.

(6)interrogative pronouns: who, whose, what, which.

(7)relative pronouns: who, whose, which, that, as.

(8)conjunctive pronouns: who, whose, which, what.

(9)defining pronouns: each, every, everybody, everyone, everything, nil, either, both, other, another.

(10)indefinite pronouns: some, any, somebody, anybody, something, anything, someone, anyone, one.

(11)negative pronouns: no, none, neither, nobody, no one, nothing.

There is no uniformity of morphological and syntactical charac-

i С list ics in the groups of pronouns. Some pronouns have the grammati- i il categories of person, gender, case, and number. The categories of person and gender (in the third person singular) exist only in personal Md possessive pronouns.

Pronouns as well as nouns have two cases but whereas some pro­ nouns (e. g. personal pronouns and the relative and interrogative who) hive the nominative (another term is 'subjective') and objective cases, Others (e. g. indefinite pronouns such as somebody, reciprocal pronouns in 11 as one another, negative pronouns such as nobody) have the com­ mon and genitive cases.

11 (шмматика английского языка.

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