.pdfМинистерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное агентство по образованию Южно-Уральский государственный университет Кафедра английского языка
Ш143.21-9 В689
К.Н. Волченкова
Учебное пособие
к электронному учебнику «English for Teachers»
Челябинск Издательство ЮУрГУ
ББК Ш143.21-923
Одобрено учебно-методической комиссией факультета лингвистики.
И.Р. Пономарева, О.А. Солопова.
Волченкова, К.Н.
Английский язык: Учебное пособие к электронному учебнику «English for Teachers» / К.Н. Волченкова. – Челябинск: Изд-во ЮУрГУ, 2008. – 151 с.
Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 и 2 курсов гуманитарных специальностей. Цель пособия – развитие готовности студентов к профессионально ориентированной речи с целью ее дальнейшего использования, как в профессиональной, так и в непрофессиональной деятельности.
Учебное пособие содержит 15 уроков, каждый из которых включает в себя:
zпроблемное задание «Мозговой штурм»;
zпрофессионально ориентированную лексику урока;
zлексико-грамматические упражнения;
zвведение в тему занятия, представляющее собой набор коммуникативных упражнений;
zграмматический материал и языковые упражнения, направленные на автоматизацию грамматических навыков;
zразговорный текст и упражнения для его обсуждения;
zтемы для группового и парного обсуждения;
zразговорную лексику;
zупражнения для самостоятельной работы.
Учебное пособие является частью электронного учебно-методического комплекса, в состав которого кроме него входят электронный учебник «English for Teachers» и методические рекомендации для преподавателей.
Учебное пособие может быть использовано как для аудиторной работы под руководством преподавателя, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.
Lesson 1. Succeeding in college ........................................................... |
4 |
Lesson 2. Higher Education in Russia ................................................ |
15 |
Lesson 3. Higher Education in Great Britain ..................................... |
26 |
Lesson 4. Higher Education in the USA ............................................. |
36 |
Lesson 5. Personal and societal value of higher education ................ |
47 |
Lesson 6. |
My study ............................................................................. |
58 |
Lesson 7. |
My future profession .......................................................... |
67 |
Lesson 8. |
Innovations in education .................................................... |
75 |
Lesson 9. |
Distance education ............................................................. |
82 |
Lesson 10. What does psychology study? .......................................... |
88 |
Lesson 11. How does psychology study things? ................................ |
98 |
Lesson 12. Does your memory serve you right? .............................. |
107 |
Lesson 13. What kind of person are you? ........................................ |
116 |
Lesson 14. What is effective communication? ................................. |
126 |
Lesson 15. How to make up an effective presentation? ................... |
138 |
Brainstorming activity
Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it.
How do you think what a student should have in mind to succeed in university? Example: To succeed in university a student needs to be hardworking.
Active Vocabulary
Listen and pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher.
1. |
advisor (n) |
– консультант |
2. |
communicate with |
– общаться с |
3. |
concentration (n) |
– сосредоточенность |
4. |
confidence (n) |
– уверенность |
5. |
consider (v) |
– рассматривать |
6. |
deadline (n) |
– крайний срок |
7. |
employment situation |
– ситуация на рынке труда |
8. |
experienced student |
– студент старшекурсник |
9. |
foreign student |
– студент-иностранец |
10. |
generate loyalty |
– лояльно относиться |
11. |
good career foundation |
– хорошая основа для создания карьеры |
12. |
hand in (v) |
– сдавать |
13. |
have personality problems – иметь личные проблемы |
14. |
“major” subject |
– основной предмет |
15. |
natural talent |
– природный дар |
16. |
pay attention to |
– обращать внимание на |
17. |
pay the fee |
– платить за обучение |
18. |
prepare for (examinations) – готовиться к экзаменам |
19. |
requirement (n) |
– требование |
20. |
respect the Rules |
– уважать правила |
21. |
self-discipline (n) |
– самодисциплина |
22. |
self-organization (n) |
– самоорганизация |
23. |
source for information |
– источник информации |
24. |
strong motivation |
– высокая мотивация |
25. |
succeed in (v) |
– преуспевать в чем–либо |
26. |
term paper |
– курсовая работа |
27. |
tremendous (a) |
– огромный |
1. Match the words to make job titles.
1. university |
a. tutor |
2. personal |
b. teacher |
3. driving |
c. trainer |
4. volleyball |
d. instructor |
5. private |
e. lecturer |
6. primary school |
f. coach |
4 |
2. The following data shows how a group of British students responded to the question: “What are the most important factors for success in a university?”
natural talent |
4% |
concentration |
5% |
high IQ |
9% |
confidence |
14% |
being organized |
17% |
being disciplined |
22% |
motivation |
29% |
Use the following phrases to express your agreement or disagreement.
Agreement |
Disagreement |
I quite agree with the survey. |
I’m afraid I have to disagree with the survey. |
Я вполне согласен с опросом. |
К сожалению, мне придется не |
согласиться с опросом. |
I agree with the survey in principle. |
I couldn’t disagree more with it. |
В принципе я согласен с |
Никак не могу согласиться с этим. |
опросом. |
I agree with the survey in a sense. |
With all respect, I disagree. |
Я согласен с опросом в |
При всем уважении к Вам, я не согласен. |
некотором смысле. |
I partly agree with the survey. |
I disagree with the survey on every point. |
Я частично согласен с опросом. |
Я не согласен с опросом по всем пунктам. |
Example: I agree with the survey whole-heartedly. Motivation is the most important factor of success as it is very difficult to teach a student if he doesn’t want to study.
3.Look again at the factors enumerated in Task 2 and choose those you think you have: natural talent, concentration, high IQ, confidence, self-organization, selfdiscipline, strong motivation.
4.Can you give a clear answer to the question:
“Why did I enter the university?” Look at the typical answers the students usually give and agree or disagree with them.
1.I entered the university because my parents want me to have a higher education.
2.To enter the university was my decision. I want to get a higher education to get a well-paid job.
3.Entering the university is a very good alternative to serving in the army.
4.I entered the university as I feel the inner desire to improve myself through study, to realize my talents and to enlarge my knowledge about the world I live in.
5.I entered the university, as I understand that nowadays it is impossible to make a career without higher education.
6.I entered the university because I want to become a scientist and devote my life to pure science.
7.I entered the university to acquire some practical skills that will help me to find my place in the world and to create something new in the sphere of my interests.
Grammar: Verbs “to be” and “to have”. Word order. Simple Tenses.
1.Insert the right form of the verb “to be”.
1.She ____ a teacher.
2.Peter and Tom ____ absent today.
3.I ____ a primary school teacher.
4.The weather ____ very cold yesterday.
5.I ____ an engineer in five years.
6.What film ____ on in the cinema today?
7.My brothers ____ drivers.
8.Our teacher ____ from Great Britain.
9.Ann ____ 18 years old two years ago. 10. Where ____ you last Monday?
11.She ____ a student if she studies hard at school.
2.Insert the right form of the verb “to have”.
1.He ____ enough confidence to enter the university.
2.My mother ____ a well-paid job.
3.We ____ two lectures every day.
4.They ____ a tutorial last Wednesday.
5.Most of my classmates ____ higher education in five years.
6.Our grandmother ____ a house in the country.
7.She ____ a car next year.
8.We ____ laboratory classes yesterday.
9.Pete ____ a diploma of a Specialist in Engineering.
10.They ____ a lot of work to do.
3.Open the brackets and put the appropriate form of the verbs “to be” and “to have”.
1.Ann (to have) three exams to pass last term.
2.Don’t pay attention to his rudeness he (to have) some personality problems and can’t hold himself together.
3.Peter (to have) enough confidence in his abilities to enter the university.
4.Who has told you the results of the entrance exams? – I (to have) some reliable sources of information.
5.Everybody (to have) his own personality traits and he must choose the course of study that corresponds his abilities.
6.I can’t communicate with her. She (to be) such an arrogant person.
7.We (to be) very good at studying foreign languages.
8.What (to be) your college major?
9.Ron (to be) an experienced student. It (to be) his third year of studying at the university.
10.The right choice of the college major (to be) a good career foundation.
4.Put the words given below into the right order to make up a sentence.
1.Natural, is, talent, the, of, factor, critical, success.
2.In, universities, higher, Western, all, the, is, free, not, education.
3.A, pays, foreign, about, student, for, higher, education, 25, dollars, thousand, every year.
4.Do, college, you, know, the rules, this, has?
5.Motivation, role, process, an important, plays, into, the educational.
6.A, teacher, among, good, loyalty, the students, generates.
7.She, the survey, does, agree, with, not.
8.All, on time, be, the fees, must, paid.
5.Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple Tense. Remember that some of them are irregular.
Last year I _____ (to spend) my holidays in Great Britain. It _____ (to be) a
wonderful time! I _____ (to meet) quite a number of new people and many of them
_____ (to become) my friends. I _____ (to have) the opportunity to visit famous museums and art galleries such as British museum and National gallery. We _____ (to see) the glorious Buckingham Palace, _____ (to make) photos of the world–known Big Ben, _____ (to eat) fish and chips in an English pub, _____ (to listen) to the story of the Tour of London, _____ (to see) a film in one of London cinemas.
But England is famous not only for its historical places. It is a picturesque country. Our English friends _____ (to show) us another England – the England of parks, gardens and moors with wild ponies. This _____ (to be) the most exciting and unforgettable trip in my life. I _____ (to fall) in love with the country and since my coming back I dream to visit it again.
6.Open the brackets and put the verbs into one of the Simple Tenses.
1.Dick (to enter) Oxford university in 2003. Now he is a sophomore student.
2.After every three months of study we (hand in) our term papers.
3.Susan (not to know) what exams she has to pass this term.
4.A university lecturer in Western universities (to deliver) 3 or 4 lectures a week.
5.Usually people (to consider) the employment situation before choosing their future careers.
6.Leading universities (to do) everything possible to provide their students with all the necessary facilities.
7.Nick (not to like) to prepare for examinations.
8.I (to chose) my major next year. Now I am not ready to make a choice.
9.There is no free education in Western Europe but they (to have) a developed
system of grants and loans.
10. Last year three students of the university were expelled because they (no to respect) the Rules.
1. Read and translate the text.
To succeed in an American college, a student must be organized. The college will have a department with advisors who can help the student to structure the best program. It is then depends on the student to take four or more courses at once, write and hand in term papers on time, and prepare for examinations.
Pay Attention to People Differences.
Difference is the word to remember when communicating with professors and their requirements. They'll all be different. It is important to have a good knowledge of what the individual professors are looking for, which professors are difficult to communicate with or have personality problems, which professors are well loved or generate a lot of loyalty among the students. The more experienced students can be helpful sources for this information.
Respect the Rules.
Throughout a college student's career, he or she must pay careful attention to deadlines, university regulations and the paperwork the university bureaucracy requires. Fees should be paid on time. Lack of attention to paperwork and deadlines can cause tremendous problems, especially for foreign students.
Choose Courses with Care.
Another part of college success is the choice of a “major” subject. It should be an area the student is happy with. It is important to consider the employment situation after college, or whether or not graduate study is planned. Advance planning will give the college student a good career foundation.
2. What are the main factors of success for an American student? Give the main ideas of the text.
Vocabulary practice
1.Fill in the correct word from the list below.
Tremendous, subject, courses, situation, term, program, loyalty, people, problems
1._______ problems
2.to take _______
3.to structure ______
4.______ papers
5.______ differences
6.personality ______
7.to generate ______
8.employment ______
9.major ______

2.Insert the right prepositions. Make up sentences with the expressions.
1.to succeed ___
2.to depend ___
3.to hand ___
4.to prepare ___
5.to pay attention ___
6.to communicate ___
7.to look ___
8.___ time
9.to generate loyalty ___
3.Match phrases in column A with their translation in column B.
сдавать курсовые работы вовремя готовиться к экзаменам общаться с профессорами лояльно относиться к студентам студенты старших курсов полезные источники информации уважать правила крайний срок сдачи чего–либо плата за обучение
основной предмет, специализация
major subject
to generate loyalty among the students fee
experienced students
to prepare for examinations
to communicate with the professors to hand in term papers on time useful sources for information deadline
to respect the rules
4. Consult the dictionary to find the meaning of the following words and their derivatives. Then insert the words into the gaps.
To communicate, communication, communicative, to succeed, success, successful, to confide, confidence, confident, to prepare, preparation, preparatory, to respect, respect, respectful.
To communicate, communication, communicative
1.He is a very interesting person ___________ with.
2.Computer is one of the widespread means of __________.
3.You may ask our teacher any question you are interested in. He is always ready to answer. He is very _______.
To succeed, success, successful
1.Leonardo de Caprio is a _______ actor. He starred such in films as Titanic and Romeo and Juliet.
2.This business will be a ______ if we make a set of right decisions.
3.He needs to be confident _______ in studies.
To confide, confidence, confident
1.________ people are people who believe in their abilities and make others believe in them..
2.I trust this man and I can _____ all my secrets to him.
3.She doesn’t have enough ______ to win in the competition.
To prepare, preparation, preparatory
1.He always ______ for the classes.
2.Some ________ work should be done before we start the experiment.
3.________ for the exams is very important for a student.
To respect, respect, respectful
1.Our teacher ______ the opinions of the students.
2.This man is a very ________ one. He treats all the people equally.
3.To deserve the ______ from your colleagues you need to be a highly qualified specialist.
1.Discuss in groups of four the factors Russian students should keep in mind to succeed in university? Give your opinion using the following phrases.
I think that… |
Я думаю, что ….. |
I believe that… |
Я полагаю, что ….. |
I suppose that … |
Я полагаю, что ….. |
As I see it ….. |
На мой взгляд ….. |
That’s the way I see it. |
Таково мое мнение. |
Example: I think that a Russian student should keep in mind that he is responsible for the education he gets and that nobody will do things for him or instead of him. That’s the way I see it.
2. Ask for the opinions of other members of your group using the following phrases. Practise these phrases before using them in speech.
What do you think about…? |
Что ты думаешь о…? |
What’s your opinion…? |
Каково твое мнение о…? |
What is your point of view |
Какова твоя точка зрения на проблему? |
on the problem?
Example: – That’s the way I see the problem. And what do you think about it? – I think that a Russian student should develop the ability to study that is to search for knowledge and not just take the ready knowledge.
Problem solving
These are the Rules every student should follow. Discuss in groups of four: what rules seem quite reasonable and what rules seem quite absurd? What rules are impossible to follow, especially for Russian students?
1.Rule 1 Students must respect the rules.
2.Rule 2 Students must hand in term papers on time.
3.Rule 3 Students must be always ready for the lesson.
4.Rule 4 Students must respect their professors and never argue with them.
5.Rule 5 Students must spend 4 hours a day in the library.
6.Rule 6 Students must not discuss the professor personality and style of teaching otherwise they will be expelled (отчислены).