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3.Reasons for making such an invention

4.Benefits for a society

Start with the following phrase:

Dear friends I am here to tell you a story of one of the greatest inventions in the mankind.

Task 4

Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Active vocabulary of the lesson

1.От студентов требуется выбрать специализацию к концу второго года обучения в университете.

2.Степень бакалавра присуждается студенту, который успешно окончил 4-х летний курс обучения в университете.

3.Диссертация – это оригинальное научное исследование, которое должен провести студент для получения степени Доктора наук.

4.Я хочу учится в Американском университете, потому что у меня будет возможность самому выбирать предметы для изучения.

5.Университеты в США управляются президентом или ректором.

6.Каждому учебному курсу обучения в университете приписывается определенная ценность, которая выражается в кредитных единицах.

7.Лекции этого профессора посещаются многими студентами.

8.По окончании семестра студенты сдают письменные экзамены.

9.Американское высшее образование ценится во всем мире.

10.В США 1964 университета и 1416 двухгодичных колледжей.

Discussion. Study abroad

Task 1

Answer the following questions. The phrases given below may be of some help to you.

1.What are the reasons people go away to study? to see the world,

to seek for better education,

to have an international diploma, to change the place of living,

to have fluency in English, to advance one’s career, etc.

2.What problems can someone who is studying abroad face? level of English language is not enough to study for a degree program, large fees to pay,


unknown cultural environment, another system of Higher education, to be homesick, etc.

3. Would you like to study in a foreign country? Why (not)?

Task 2

Present your opinion in the form of an essay. The beginning is given to you but you may think of your own first sentence

Study abroad

It is common knowledge that more and more overseas students are seeking a university education in an English–speaking country. What are the reasons people go away to study?

Task 3

Find the information in the Internet and prepare an opinion essay on one of the topics

1.Education as the means of a successful career.

2.The art of studying at college.

3.Obsolete features of “modern” system of education.

4.Education as the process of acquiring knowledge.

Smile with us

Given the task of writing a composition about what they would do if they had a million dollars, all children in the class except Willy were busily writing away.

The teacher, becoming aware of his idleness, said severely,

“Willy, don’t you know that you are supposed to tell what you would do if you had a million dollars?”

“Well,” said the boy, lazily leaning back on his chair, “this is exactly what I would do if I had a million dollars.”

Lesson 5. Value of Higher Education

Task 1. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

What can higher education give to the individual and what can an educated individual give to the society he lives in?


Active Vocabulary

Task 1

Pronounce the active vocabulary of the lesson after the teacher

1. value

– ценность

2. society

– общество

3. to make a choice

– делать выбор

4. to be based on

– основываться на

5. needs

– потребности

6. wants

– желания

7. to take into account

– принимать во внимание

8. foundation

– фундамент, основание

9. to recognize

– осознавать

10. to participate

– принимать участие

11. properly

– надлежащим образом

12. an asset

– капитал, имущество

13. to open up

– сделать доступным

14. job market

– рынок труда

15. to be restricted to

– быть ограниченным

16. occupation

– профессия

17. confidence

– уверенность

18. life situation

– жизненная ситуация

19. to express oneself

– выразить себя

20. to deal with

– иметь дело с

21. to gather knowledge

– накапливать знания

22. ambiguous

– двусмысленный

23. material possessions

– материальное имущество

24. to measure

– измерять

25. to pursue

– искать, добиваться

Task 2

Match the Russian word combinations with their English equivalents.


принимать участие

a. to make a choice


делать выбор

b. to take into account


воспользоваться преимуществом

c. to pursue


рынок труда

d. to be based on


выразить себя

e. to gather knowledge


накапливать знания

f. job market


иметь дело с

j. to participate


основываться на

h. to take full advantage of


искать, добиваться

i. to express oneself


принимать во внимание

j. to deal with


Task 3

Read and translate the sentences. Try to explain the meaning of the words and word combinations in bold

1.What kind of person can be called a confident one?

2.Can we measure the value of education?

3.It often happens in life that our needs do not correspond to our abilities.

4.He has a lot to show but it is very difficult for him to express himself.

5.She doesn’t take into account people differences. It results in her loneliness.


Task 1

Try to answer the following questions using your background knowledge

1.Why is higher education important nowadays?

2.What possibilities does it give to the graduates?

3.Is it necessary to go the university in order to be an educated person?

4.Should the higher education of an individual relate to the needs of the society he lives in?

5.Can you define the personal and societal value of higher education?


Task 1

Read and translate the text. Enumerate its main ideas

Value of Higher education

Our society was designed to give individuals the chance to make choices based on their own needs and wants. Certainly the needs of the society as a whole must be taken into account but the foundation remains the individual. People must have the ability to recognize their own needs and the needs of the overall society. In order to participate properly they must understand the rules of the game. Such sophistication does not come naturally; it must be taught. This cannot be done without proper education.

What is the value of higher education for the individual?

Sometimes it is difficult to see the exact value of your education. However finishing university is an asset that everyone with the opportunity should take full advantage of. Just finishing higher school alone opens up thousands more opportunities for individuals. When entering a specific field within the job market, it is often required that the applicant has a higher school diploma. Therefore, many times without the higher school diploma, a person is restricted to a smaller number of occupations for which they are qualified for. Higher school teaches students to learn. It gives them a background in many different subjects and methods of learning. An understanding of how the world works is a very important skill for a person who is living in our world today.

A higher school education gives student the experience and the confidence that they will be able to use in many life situations. Attending higher school gives students


opportunities to express themselves and to learn about other people and their ideas. Having the knowledge obtained in higher school often gives people confidence later in life when they are dealing with the public. It can give a person confidence in the way that they view their abilities later in life.

In order for society to advance our society must be educated. As a higher school education is free, people should take advantage of the wonderful opportunity that they are and try to gather all the knowledge that they possibly can.

Years ago I saw a poster that depicted a mansion situated on a cliff overlooking the ocean. There were several expensive automobiles in the garages. At the bottom was a phrase stating “The Value of Education.” This simple statement is wonderfully ambiguous: does it mean that an education is valuable because it will enable one to get such luxury, or that an education will help one to understand that life is not really about such material possessions?

My view is that the value of education is best measured by what graduates do with their lives.

Task 2

Answer the questions using the information in the text

What is important to take into account while choosing the occupation?

1.What are the advantages of having a higher school diploma?

2.What is the main function of any higher school?

3.What skills and opportunities does the higher school give to students?

4.What does the society need educated individuals for?

Task 3

Can you comment the last sentence of the text? What does it imply?

Vocabulary practice

Exercise 1

Fill in the correct word from the list below: proper, wants, value, to pursue, possessions, ambiguous, properly, job, to make, life. Consult the text if necessary

1.an __________ statement

2.material __________

3._____ situation

4.________ gathering knowledge

5.________ choices

6.exact ______

7.____ market

8.needs and ______

9.to participate _______

10._______ education


Exercise 2

Insert the prepositions where necessary

1.to take _____ account

2.to be based ___

3.value __ education

4.to take full advantage ___

5.to open ___

6.to be restricted ___

7.to be qualified ___

8.to deal ____

9.to express ____ themselves

Exercise 3

Make up 15 sentences with the word combinations from Exercises 1 and 2

Grammar exercises

Exercise 1

Ask Yes/No questions to the following statements

Example: Phil studies at the faculty of Engineering.

Does Phil study at the faculty of Engineering?

1.Individuals make choices based on their own needs.

2.The students are writing an exam paper.

3.Last year Ann entered the university.

4.They were watching TV when the thunderstorm began.

5.Next weekend his parents shall spend in Italy.

6.Kate will be dealing with her term paper tomorrow at 5.

7.We have taken the full advantage of the knowledge got at the university.

8.My sister had already left for Paris when I came to visit her.

9.By 2008 he will have completed the course of study at the university.

10.She has completely expressed herself in her work.

Exercise 2

Ask Special questions to the underlined words

Example: I want to get a good education. – What do you want?

1.The aim of education is to give people the possibility to understand their needs.

2.There is an opinion that in modern society material values dominate over the cultural ones.

3.He decided to become a teacher because he thinks it is one of the possibilities to influence on history.

4.Kevin participated in the competition and won the prize.

5.It is difficult to measure the value of education.

6.She expresses herself in music.

7.The work has been done properly.


8.All the values of speed were calculated.

9.He took advantage of the opportunity and entered Stanford University.

10.Kelly has obtained enough knowledge in graduate school to become a qualified engineer.

Exercise 3

Match question tags with the appropriate statement

Example: It isn’t cold, is it?


This statement is ambiguous,

a. does he?


We have passed all the exams, b. aren’t they?


She is writing a book.

c. isn’t it?


He doesn’t know the answer,

d. isn’t she?


Nothing can stop us,

e. can it?


Ann has posted the letter,

f. haven’t we?


They have never been to Paris, g. will they?


Kate doesn’t like this professor,

h. has she?


They won’t tell anyone,

i. have they?


They are working hard,

j. does she?

Discussion Task 1

What are the things among the enumerated below that will be difficult for you to live without? Make up a list of things in the order of importance and explain your choice. Compare it with your partner’s list


Happiness of your relatives Well-paid job

A good family Safety Self-realization

Usefulness for the society you live in Wealth

Spiritual wealth Fame

Start your explanations with the following phrase

In the first place of my preference list I placed …. . I have chosen it because I think that ….

Then use the following logical connectors of order.

Secondly, in the third place, the fourth in the list is, further I placed, then, after that, finally.


Task 2

Make up a dialogue Student A

You have a sister/brother who doesn’t want to get a higher education. What arguments will you use to persuade him/her that higher education is essential nowadays?

Student B

You don’t want to get a higher education, as you don’t want to spend 5 years of your life studying at some higher institution. You strongly believe that it is impossible to acquire the necessary practical skills by writing lectures and working at seminars.

Homework Task 1

Match synonyms and make up sentences with the word expressions in column B

Column A

Column B

1. to take into account

a. to take part

2. to recognize

b. to achieve

3. to participate

c. to realize

4. occupation

d. to develop

5. to make choice

e. not clear

6. to advance

f. to have to do with

7. to deal with

g. to choose

8. ambiguous

h. to seize the opportunity

9. to take advantage of

j. to pay attention to

10. to pursue

i. profession

Task 2

Translate from Russian into English

1.Когда человек выбирает профессию ему необходимо учитывать интересы общества, в котором он живет.

2.Социальный заказ общества это потребность в подготовке специалистов в определенной области знаний.

3.Выбор человека должен основываться на его личных интересах.

4.Не все выпускники школы готовы сделать сознательный выбор.

5.В чем же ценность высшего образования для человека?

6.Ценность высшего образования заключается не в количестве полученных знаний, а в умении думать и анализировать.

7.Высшее учебное заведение дает человеку знания, опыт профессиональной деятельности и уверенность в том, что эти опыт и знания пригодятся ему в реальных жизненных ситуациях.

8.Образование может помочь человеку понять себя и выразить себя в выбранной профессии.


9.Люди должны воспользоваться прекрасной возможностью получения высшего образования, хотя поступить в вуз становиться тяжелее с каждым годом.

10.Ценность образования измеряется тем, помогло ли оно человеку найти свою дорогу в жизни.

Task 3

Ask all the possible questions to the following sentences

Example: He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old.

1.Did he choose his occupation when he was 12 years old? (Yes/No question)

2.He chose his occupation when he was 12 years old, didn’t he? (Tag question)

3.Did he choose his occupation or hobby when he was 12 years old? (Alternative question)

4.Who chose the occupation at the age of 12? (Wh-question)

5.What did he do when he was 12 years old? (Wh-question)

6.What did he choose when he was 12 years old? (Wh-question)

7.When did he choose his occupation? (Wh-question)

Task 4

Ask questions starting with the following question–words







7.How much

8.How long


Task 5

Read the statement. What does it imply? Try to explain its meaning in your own words

The aim of education is the knowledge not of fact, but of values.

William Inge

Task 6

Prepare a talk about the prevalence of values over the actions we perform and things we do in our life


Task 7

Choose one of the expressions below and write an Argumentative Essay where you are to express your agreement or disagreement with the chosen statement about the purpose of education. Do not forget to give your arguments to support your point of view

1.Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it Marian Wright

2.Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Will Durant

3.The aim of education should be to teach us rather how to think, than what to think

rather to improve our minds, so as to enable us to think for ourselves, than to load the memory with thoughts of other men. Bill Beattie

Lesson 6. South Ural State University

Task 1. Brainstorming activity

Discuss the following question and give all the possible answers to it

What are the pros and cons of studying at the South Ural State University?

Active Vocabulary

Task 1

Listen and repeat the word expressions after the speaker

1. branch

– филиал

2. a regional campus

– областное отделение

3. a linguistic center

– лингвистический центр

4. a gifted child center

– центр одаренного ребенка

5. to be keen on

– страстно увлекаться

6. an “Applicant” center

– центр “Абитуриент”

7. postgraduate education

– аспирантура

8. an assistant professor

– доцент

9. Open Institute

– Институт Открытого образования

10. e-subscriptions

– электронная подписка на журналы

11. open access

– открытый доступ

12. to exploit

– использовать

13. to introduce

– внедрять

14. to prolong

– продлять

15. multimedia information complexes – мультимедийные информационные



16. a digital control language laboratory– лингафонный кабинет

17. a code gram set

– набор кодаграм

18. to be noted for

– быть известным за

19. to account for

– объяснять, являться причиной