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Контрольная работа по английскому языку для студентов заочной формы обучения


  1. Вставьте much, many, few, little.

  1. He isn`t very popular. He has few friends.

  2. Ann is very busy these days. She has little free time.

  3. Did you take many photographs when you were on holidays?

  4. The museum was very crowded. There were too many people.

  5. Most of the town is modern. There are few old buildings.

  6. I`m not very busy today. I haven`t got much to do.

  1. Вставьте some, any, no или их производные.

  1. There were some of my friends there.

  2. There is no water in the kettle: they have drunk it all.

  3. I haven`t seen him anywhere.

  4. I know the place is somewhere about here, but I don`t know exactly where.

  5. Do you really think that anybody visits this place?

  6. Have you ever seen any of these pictures before?

  1. Вставьте необходимые модальные глаголы: сan, could, be able to, must, have to, should.

  1. My grandfather was a very clever man. He could speak five languages.

  2. I can`t see you on Friday, but I will be able to meet you on Saturday morning.

  3. It is late. I should go now.

  4. You really must work harder if you want to pass the exams. Или You should really work harder if you want to pass the exams. (Зависит от того, что хочет донести говорящий.)

  5. George can`t come out with us this evening. He has to work.

  6. She is a really nice person. You should meet her.

  7. I think the government should do more to help homeless people.

  8. Sandra can drive but she hasn`t got a car.

4. Раскройте скобки употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple, Future Simple.

  1. I am writing an English exercise now.

  2. He came home late yesterday.

  3. Do you go to school every day?

  4. We expect you to go to London next summer.

  5. I always go to the Altai Mountains to visit my relatives there.

  6. Don`t make noise! Father is working.

  7. I bought a very good book last Tuesday.

  8. She will send a letter to her friend tomorrow.

  1. Прочитайте текст, переведите на русский язык и ответьте на вопросы.

My life without money

Heidemarie Schwermer, a 63-year-old German woman, has lived without money for the last ten years, and has written a book about her experiences called “My life without money”.

At the age of 54 Heidemarie gave up her job as a psychotherapist, gave away all her money and her flat and threw away her credit cards. Today, apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes and a coat) and a few personal belongings, she doesn`t own anything.

It all began as a one-year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund she set up a ‘swapping circle’ where people swap services without using money, for example, a haircut for a mathematics class. To prove that this could work, she decided to give up using money for a year. But when the year ended she continued and has not used money since then.

At first she house-sat for friends who were on holidays. She stayed in their house in return for watering the plants and looking after their animals. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there. She also ‘work’ as a psychotherapist. ‘Before I treated very wealthy people, but now I help anyone who turns up. Sometimes they give me something in return, but not always’.

Heidemarie says, ‘I can live thanks to my contacts. A lot of people who know me understand what I`m doing and want to help me. When I need a bus ticket, for example, or a new tube of toothpaste, I think, “Who can I ask? What can I give them in return?” If I want to go to the cinema, I might offer to look after somebody`s children for the afternoon.

It is one of the mistakes of our society that most people do something they don`t like just to earn money and spend it on things they don`t need. Many people judge you according to how much you earn. In my opinion, all jobs are equally important. You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as a person. That`s my message.’

So what did she do with all the money she earned from the sales of the book ‘My life without money?’

‘I gave it all away…’

Моя жизнь без денег

Хайдемэри Швемер 63-летняя уроженка Германии живет без денег последние десять лет и написала книгу о своем опыте под названием «Моя жизнь без денег». В возрасте 54 лет Хайдемари бросила работу в качестве психотерапевта, раздала все свои деньги и свою квартиру и выбросила свои кредитные карты. Сегодня кроме некоторой одежды (три свитера, две юбки, две пары обуви и пальто) и нескольких личных вещей, ей не принадлежит ничего.

Всё это началось как однолетний эксперимент. В своем родном городе Дортмунде она создала круг обмена, где люди обмениваются услугами без использования денег, например, стрижка за урок математики. Чтобы доказать, что это может работать, она решила отказаться от использования денег на целый год. Но когда год закончился, она продолжила и с тех пор не использует деньги.

Сначала она приглядывала за домами друзей, которые были в отпуске. Она оставалась в их домах в обмен на полив растений и уход за их животными. На данный момент она пребывает в студенческом общежитии, где она может спать, принимать душ, или использовать компьютер в обмен на приготовление пищи для молодых людей, которые там живут. Кроме того она работает в качестве психотерапевта. «Прежде я лечила очень состоятельных людей, но теперь я могу помочь любому, кто обратиться. Иногда они дают мне что-нибудь взамен, но не всегда».

Хайдемари говорит: «Я могу жить благодаря моим контактам. Многие люди, которые знают меня, понимают, что я делаю, и хотят помочь мне. Когда мне нужен билет на автобус, например, или новый тюбик зубной пасты, я думаю: «Кого я могу спросить? Что я могу дать им взамен? Если я хочу пойти в кино, я вполне могу предложить присмотреть за чьими-нибудь детьми в течение дня.

Это одна из ошибок нашего общества, что большинство людей делают то, что им не нравится, просто чтобы заработать деньги и потратить их на то, что им не нужно. Многие люди судят о вас по тому, сколько вы зарабатываете. На мой взгляд, все работы одинаково важны. Вы можете заработать не много денег, но вы можете значить много как личность. Это моё послание».

Итак, что же она сделала со всеми деньгами, которые получила от продажи книги «Моя жизнь без денег»? «Я их все отдала…»


  1. What was Heidemarie job?

  2. What possessions does she have now?

  3. How did the experiment start?

  4. Where has she lived since the experiment started?

  5. Does she still work?

  6. What does she do when she needs something?

  7. What is she trying to show with her experiment?

  8. What did she do with the money she earned from her book?

  9. What do you think of Heidemarie?

  1. Heidemarie used to be a psychotherapist before she gave away all her money and her flat, and credit cards and decided to live without money.

  2. Today, apart from a few clothes (three sweaters, two skirts, two pairs of shoes and a coat) and a few personal belongings, she doesn`t own anything.

  3. It all began as a one-year experiment. In her home city of Dortmund she set up a ‘swapping circle’ where people swap services without using money, for example, a haircut for a mathematics class.

  4. At first she house-sat for friends who were on holidays. At the moment she is staying in a student residence where she can sleep, have a shower or use a computer in return for cooking for the young people who live there.

  5. Yes she does. She still works as a psychotherapist.

  6. When she needs a bus ticket, for example, or a new tube of toothpaste, she thinks, who she can ask? What can she give them in return?” If she wants to go to the cinema, she might offer to look after somebody`s children for the afternoon.

  7. With this experiment she is trying to show people that there is no need to do what you don’t want to do and spend money on things you don’t really need. You may not earn a lot of money but you may be worth a lot as a person. That`s her message.

  8. She gave it all away.

  9. I think Heidemarie is great. On one hand, her idea is awesome and she is a very brave lady! Not many people would ever decide to experiment like that. On the other hand, I hardly believe she would give up her money, house and credit cards if she was Russian and lived in Russia. Our people have a different mentality to Germans. She would have no support here and would drop this idea without even starting the experiment. In our country the chances of serving in such conditions are close to zero. But then again, she did it and keeps doing it these days, so way to go, Heidemarie, and good luck!