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Экскурсия по Хабаровску (английский текст).docx
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The Museum of Regional Studies The Museum of Forest

1. One of the first exhibits of the museum – the one which has always been kept outdoors – (since 1896)- the Turtle – the tombstone to the Jerchen (Chzurchzen) Prince and military leader Asykui (12 century). It weighs about 6,5 tons. Two legends: 1) anyone who will touch this turtle will get good luck and their bad luck will go as far back as the 12th century; 2) this turtle being a tombstone of a military leader, so any man will become a great warrior just by touching it.

2. The territory of the Russian Far East is three times as large as the territory of Great Britain and 1.5 times bigger than the territory of France.

3. The far Eastern yew-tree is a relic plant and the first representative of conifers on the earth. It grows only here and its life duration is about four hundred years, the tree on display is 15 hundred years old. The yew-tree wood is hard and solid and does not decompose. It is in endangered species book.

4. The bones of mammoth and the bison skull on display testify to the fact that in the Primeval time animal life existed on the territory of the contemporary Russian Far East. The fossilized remains also prove that many centuries ago this area experienced a more favorable climate. The tusk of a mammoth on display was found on the territory of our city, 8 m as deep, in 1961 when the foundation for an apartment house was constructed.

5. Steller sea cow skeleton – a rare exhibit, about 10 museums in the world can boast of.

6. Sea Otter – one of the first exhibits of the museum. 1897. This stuffed animal is more than one hundred years old but its fur still attracts attention. The animal used to be fairly common and known for its fur, the densest of any mammal, said to be the world’s best, (about 160,000 hairs on one square sm), they were hunted until nearly extinct. In Russia they have been protected since 1927.

7. The collection of world day-time tropical butterflies attracts attention. It has been assembled by museum staff since 19 century and numbers over 5 thousand species.

8. Tiger is the biggest among wild cats, reaching the length of 3 m from the tip of its nose up to the hairs on its tail. The Ussury tiger belongs to the group of endangered species. Tigers are very hardy; they withstand hard frost and deep snow and do not fear heat. Tiger is an excellent swimmer and usually preys near water, mostly on hoofed animals. It has very strong paws and can kill a deer with one stroke. The Ussury tigers were hunted until 1947. The unlimited demand and high price on its meat, bones, whiskers, and skins used for producing medications, amulets, and carpets made hunting worth the risk.

9. The museum offers full-scale dioramas of the Khabarovsky krai area landscapes. The diorama “The Cedar and Broad-Leaved Forest” was made by Vysotsky in 1939-41 and reconstructed by Sysoev in 1964-66.