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9. My ankle is swollen: I... (think) I have sprained


10 . 1 ... (think) about it and I fancy I have found the answer.

11. As it is raining, I... (not, go) out.

12. Ah, there you are! I hope you ... (not, wait) for me for a long time?

13. ... (anyone here, lose) a silver pencil?

14 . 1 ... (sleep) badly recently, doctor. What can I do about it?

15. 1... (try) to finish this exercise for the last hour. 16.... (your friends, arrive) in South Africa yet?

17.Yes, they ... (arrive) there ten days ago.

18. 1... (order) you to do it at once!

19.Go on, I... (listen) attentively.

20.What... (you, do) when I came in a moment ago?

21. He ... (fish) a long time but hasn't caught even a minnow yet.

22. I ... (wait) for you for ages. Thank heavens you're here at last.

23. As I ... (go) down the street just now, I saw an odd scene.

24. 1 ... (go) to see Uncle Charles quite a lot recently.

25. I ... (go) to see him again on Friday but I was kept late at the office.

26.Uncle Charles ... (make) money ever since he was a boy. He's enormously rich!

27.I'm feeling unwell so I... (not, eat) anything to-


28.I ... (hope) nothing untoward has happened to


29.Our firm ... (make) biscuits ever since the reign of Charles II.

30.Our firm ... (make) the biscuits Wellington ate before the Battle of Waterloo in 1815.



31. Quick, doctor! Aunt Mary ... (just, collapse)! 32. You ... (make) far too many mistakes: you must

do better from now onwards.

33. I ... (not, feel) so happy since last Boat Race night!

34. You ... (come) too late, doctor: the poor girl is dead.

35.1... (stay) in England till next March.

36.1... (stay) at this hotel since last February. 37. ... (you, feel) any better now?

38.1... (cough) so much I didn't hear what you said.

39.You ... (lie)! Stop it, and tell the truth like a man.

40.She ... (try) on hats all the morning and I am bored and hungry!

Упражнение 69. Переведите на английский язык,, употребляя необходимые времена группы Perfect.

1. Почему ты не сделал упражнения? 2. Я так много слышал о вашем городе. 3. Она совсем не из­ менилась. 4. Я перевел текст, теперь я делаю упраж­ нения. 5. Вы когда-нибудь видели этот памятник' 6. Мы еще не закончили работу. 7. Они не встреча­ лись с мая. 8. Где ты был все это время? 9. Я не видел тебя целую вечность. 10. Сколько времени тьз живешь в Москве? — Я живу в Москве с мая. 11. Мь! знаем друг друга два года. 12. Я болею с апреля. 13. Ты должен подождать, пока я выполню работу. 14. Ко­ гда Джейн вышла из комнаты, она вспомнила, чтс забыла книгу на столе. 15. Вчера к восьми вечера oi уже уехал в Лондон. 16. Она сказала, что видела ю накануне. 17. Я напишу письмо до того как ты при: дешь. 18. К концу недели они переведут книгу.



Упражнение 70. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

I ... (feel) rather poorly lately, so this morning at nine I ... (go) to see my doctor. I ... (find) him alone in his waiting-room, where he ... (stand) surveying a pile of well-thumbed magazines. "All alone?" I ... (say). "What ... (you, do) to your patients? ... (you, cure) them all?" "The reason why people ... (not, crowd) into this room now is that on Wednesdays I... (not, begin) consultations here until half-past ten. Such ... (be) my habit for the last twenty-five years." "I'm so sorry I...

(come) too early," I said, "I'll go away and come back later." "Oh, no! I... (prefer) early patients to late ones. In the course of my practice I ... (notice) that the late­ comers ... (be) usually not serious cases. Many people ...

(come) to a doctor for sympathy, you ... (know). They are like a dog that once ... (come) here with a sore paw; I

... (bandage) it for him and while I... (do) this he looked at me with great, lonely eyes. He ... (come) back the next day and every day until his paw was well. I ...

(find) out that his master was dead and a kindly old couple ... (look) after the dog. He ... (miss) his master and ... (want) special sympathy. So, although he was well, he ... (take) to coming to see me two or three times a week. He is old now but he ... (still, come)."

Упражнение 71. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

n I — (work) for my firm for twenty years and up to °w. I... (have) no difficulty in satisfying my employ-



ers, who ... (always, be) very considerate, I... (remem­ ber) how, one day when I was new to the firm, I ...

(take) French leave in the afternoon to go to see a foot­ ball match. I ... (enjoy) it very much, as my favourite team ... (win) although their rivals ... (put) up a worthy resistance, and I... (encourage) my team in a loud voice when I ... (notice) a tall man who ... (shout) encourage­ ment to the other team. I... (recognize) him after a mo­ ment: he was our Managing Director, I ... (hope) that he ... (not, know) me by sight but only as a name on the firm's paylist, on which I ... (fervently, pray) to re­ main! I... (decide) to creep away to another part of the ground before he might notice me ... (you, ever, be) on a crowded football-ground? Yes? Then you can guess how much chance I ... (have) of creeping away! I ...

(lose) a lot of my interest in the game, especially when I

... (see) the Managing Director's glance wander in my direction. A few days later, while I... (work) overtime in the office, in ... (come) the Managing Director. "What ... (you, do) here at this hour?" he asked. I ...

(explain) that I ... (work) late because we ... (have) im­ portant orders to catch up with. He nodded and he ...

(just, leave) the office when he ... (stop) and ... (say): "I hope you ... (enjoy) Wednesday's match as much as I...


Упражнение 72. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous.

It... (rain) all day today. I... (suspect) it... (always, rain) on Sundays in England. Anyhow, it... (rain) ev­ ery Sunday since I... (arrive) here three months ago. I

... (just, begin) to get used to it but I... (find) it rather monotonous! I ... (live) in a boarding-house in



Bayswater as I ... (not, possess) enough money to stay in a hotel or a flat of my own. However, I... (enjoy) my stay here as I ... (already, have) many opportunities to meet interesting people who ... (come) from all over the world. Like me, they ... (study) English or else they ...

(work) with foreign firms that have branches or agencies here. Some of them ... (live) here for quite a long time but even they ... (not, all, speak) English very well. My friend Peter, for instance, who ... (come) from Basle, and ... (come) here a year ago, ... (still, speak) with a strong Swiss accent. He says this is because he

... (work) long hours with an export-import firm where they ... (speak) little English. Although I ... (be) here only three months, I ... (pick) up enough English to be able to correct Peter frequently, but as I ... (learn) English at school here, I have an unfair advantage over Peter, who is a good fellow, and ... (be) most helpful in showing me about London during the first weeks of my stay.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense



Типичный предлог для Past Perfect Continuous

for. Past Perfect Continuous выражает действие, длившееся в определенный период времени в прошлом до указанного момента или включая этот момент.

Упражнение 73. Переведите на русский язык.

1. Не had been sitting here for 40 minutes when the telephone rang. 2. I had been trying to get him on the phone all day. 3. At eight in the morning we had been driving for six hours. 4. It was clear that they had been gossiping again. 5. He'd probably been brooding over it day and night — he was that sort. 6. We had been walking in the rain for many hours when we saw a house. 7. She had been sitting there for half an hour before it started raining. 8. He had been looking for his glasses for an hour before he realized he had them in his pocket. 9. He had been waiting for her for long time before she came. 10. Tom had been doing his home­ work for an hour when his friend came to see him.

Упражнение 74. Поставьте предложения в вопроси­ тельную и отрицательную форму.

1. I thought you had been working here for five years. 2. John said the children had been playing in the garden since nine o'clock. 3. By that time she had al­ ready been studying at the university for three years. 4. He told me he had been working at his translation since the morning. 5. They had been sleeping for six hours when the noise began. 6. She had finished her work before she went out.



Упражнение 75. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Indefinite, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.

1. He (to work) there some time when that dreadful accident (to happen). 2. He told us they (to live) in this district sinoe they had left Paris. 3. Obviously she was affronted because she (not to be taken) fully into her husband's confidence. 4. The poor woman complained she (to have) trouble with her eldest son for a long time. 5. The waiter assured me that he (to look) for the watch everywhere. 6. They (to walk) in the garden for an hour when the storm broke out. 7. The old lady (to be) sound asleep when the shell exploded. 8. When we (to come) home, we (to find) that someone (to break) into the garage and (to steal) the car. 9. The young girl who (to look) at me ever since I had come into the room, suddenly rose and left. 10. How your boss (to find) out that you (to come) to work so late? 11. By that time the twins already (to sleep) for two hours. 12. When he (to come) back to his native village he (to be told) that his old mother (to die) and his sister (to leave) England and (to go) to the States. 13. We were informed she (to learn) better since we had got her a help. 14. Although she (to feel) very poorly all the day she (to decide) to go out in the evening. 15. When they (to open) the safe, they (to find) that someone already (to take) the docu­ ments:

Упражнение 76. Раскройте скобки, употребляя необ­ ходимые времена группы Perfect.

Since 1776 Americans (to quote) a famous state­ ment from their Declaration of Independence: "All men are created equal." For more than 200 years most Americans (to interpreted) this phrase to include



women. However, many women in the United States? know better. Some of them argue that they (not td achieve) yet political or economic equality with men. (Of course, if you asked the men, some might complainthat women already (to give) to much power.)

Equal rights for women (to be) a live issue in American politics since 1848 when a few women held a women's Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New; York. However, not very much was accomplished there. American women had to wait for 72 years before they were granted the right to vote and many women feel that full equality (not to be) attained yet.

People in the United States consider themselves modern and progressive, but their country was many years behind some other nations in granting women the right to vote in national elections. For example, women in New Zealand (to vote) since 1893 and in Finland since 1906. Women in Norway (to vote) for seven years when American women were finally granted the same right in 1920.

Since 1972 Americans (to be) very conscious of women's determination to achieve equality with men. It was in that year that Congress proposed the ERA — the Equal Rights Amendment. For five years each of the states debated the issue, and by 1977 thirty-five states (to pass) the amendment. Then the drive for passage slowed down. Times gradually (to change) since 1972, and by the constitutional deadline of March 1979 no other states (to pass) the ERA since the term of President Ford. In fact, four states that already (to approve) the amendment later voted to change their vote! Although the time for passage was extended three years, the ERA proposal was still three votes short of the necessary thirty-eight of the fifty states by the 1982 deadline; consequently, the amendment failed to become part of the constitution.



Since this defeat, many women (to discourage). However other women (to work) for so many years for women's rights that they cannot give up so easily. They already (to say) that they will reintroduce the ERA proposal at the next session of Congress. The country (not to see) yet the end of the battle.

Упражнение 77. Раскройте скобки, употребляя гла­ голы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past In­ definite, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Per­ fect Continuous, Past Perfect, Past Perfect Continuous.

1.He ... (live) in Inverness when he was a child.

2.He ... (live) in Inverness when the disaster oc­ curred.

3.He ... (live) in Inverness for many years when the event took place.

4.He admitted that he ... (live) in Inverness at vari­ ous times.

5.1... (never, live) in Inverness, but I do want to go


6.John ... (live) in Birmingham. His job is there.

7.Henry ... (live) in Glasgow at the moment but he hopes to leave soon.

8.1... (live) in London and many other big cities that I hated.

9.When I... (quite, finish), I called for the bill. 1*0.1 ... (finish) and only then did I realize I was in

the wrong restaurant.

11.After I ... (work) for some time, I heard a knock at the door.

12.The house ... (smell) of gas for several days: what can be done about it?

13.I ... (hardly, leave) the house when it began to




14.Who ... (use) my safety-razor? The blade is quite


15.On Saturdays, when we ... (have) lunch, we usually go for a walk.

16."You ... (do) too much recently. Take a rest."

17."Where ... (you, put) my wig? I can't find it anywhere," complained the bald man.

18.Where ... (you, go) when I passed you this morn-


19.... (you, have) your medicine yet?

20.Why ... (you, always, make) such idiotic mis-


21. He explained why the three angles of a triangle

... (equal) a hundred and eighty degrees.

22.1 ... (explain) this for hours: doesn't even one of you understand it now?

23.While I ... (explain) it to you, you have been drawing silly pictures!

24.He ... (chew) gum then, so, of course, he couldn't speak properly.

25.Where ... (you, be) all day today?

26.1... (see) him several times this week.

27.1... (see) him several times earlier this week.

28.On that occasion he ... (look) quite bovine, for he was chewing gum.

29.After I... (be) sick, I felt better.

30."Where have you been?" "I... (swim)."

31.When he ... (shot) the lion, he placed one foot on it, triumphantly.

32.Until last year he ... (never, see) snow on the


33.When I looked out, I found it... (snow) all night.

34.Because he ... (fail), he was most depressed.

35.I ... (work) all the time whereas he had been amusing himself.