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Приложение 2.

Национальный доход

  1. Y = -81,5201*t + 1,02521*K - 15,0404*L

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: Y


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


t -81,5201 12,0714 -6,75316 0,0000

K 1,02521 0,0810081 12,6556 0,0000

L -15,0404 3,26953 -4,60016 0,0001


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 4,1425E8 3 1,38083E8 16406,99 0,0000

Residual 227236,0 27 8416,14


Total 4,14478E8 30

R-squared = 99,9452 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 99,9411 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 91,7395

Mean absolute error = 74,6925

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,917233

  1. Y = 1824,6 + 0,828784*K - 34,2471*L

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: Y


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


CONSTANT 1824,6 470,897 3,87473 0,0006

K 0,828784 0,0900878 9,19973 0,0000

L -34,2471 10,3633 -3,30464 0,0027


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 3,19998E7 2 1,59999E7 1100,08 0,0000

Residual 392695,0 27 14544,3


Total (Corr.) 3,23925E7 29

R-squared = 98,7877 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 98,6979 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 120,6

Mean absolute error = 95,69

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,796217

  1. Y = 0,493348*K + 5,41587*L

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: Y


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


K 0,493348 0,0305361 16,1562 0,0000

L 5,41587 1,98151 2,7332 0,0107


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 4,13866E8 2 2,06933E8 9482,17 0,0000

Residual 611055,0 28 21823,4


Total 4,14478E8 30

R-squared = 99,8526 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 99,8473 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 147,727

Mean absolute error = 118,95

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,894944

  1. log(Y) = 1,54775*log(K) - 1,15702*log(L)

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: log(Y)


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


log(K) 1,54775 0,247761 6,24695 0,0000

log(L) -1,15702 0,470283 -2,46026 0,0203


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 1989,07 2 994,537 595448,34 0,0000

Residual 0,0467665 28 0,00167023


Total 1989,12 30

R-squared = 99,9976 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 99,9976 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 0,0408685

Mean absolute error = 0,0311553

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,668808

  1. log(Y) = 1,45972*log(K) - 0,98451*log(L) - 0,00156419*t

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: log(Y)


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


log(K) 1,45972 0,245185 5,95355 0,0000

log(L) -0,98451 0,466069 -2,11237 0,0440

t -0,00156419 0,000916215 -1,70723 0,0993


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 1989,08 3 663,026 424110,80 0,0000

Residual 0,04221 27 0,00156333


Total 1989,12 30

R-squared = 99,9979 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 99,9977 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 0,039539

Mean absolute error = 0,0309468

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,711192

  1. log(Y) = 0,312631 + 1,42791*log(K) - 0,997875*log(L)

Multiple Regression Analysis


Dependent variable: log(Y)


Standard T

Parameter Estimate Error Statistic P-Value


CONSTANT 0,312631 0,198691 1,57345 0,1273

log(K) 1,42791 0,253205 5,63936 0,0000

log(L) -0,997875 0,469385 -2,12592 0,0428


Analysis of Variance


Source Sum of Squares Df Mean Square F-Ratio P-Value


Model 2,53157 2 1,26578 797,79 0,0000

Residual 0,0428384 27 0,00158661


Total (Corr.) 2,5744 29

R-squared = 98,336 percent

R-squared (adjusted for d.f.) = 98,2127 percent

Standard Error of Est. = 0,0398323

Mean absolute error = 0,0311788

Durbin-Watson statistic = 0,72019

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