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Раздел IV

Контрольные задания

IV. Вместо пропусков вставьте подходящее слово или словосочетание:

  1. The role ... in Russian pace economy is diminishining consumption

  2. The ... of National objective development must be clearly shift formulated. the public

  3. The ... of production sector growth is being discussed at

the conference.

  1. The ... of basic commodities is steadily increasing.

  2. The recent years have seen ... to market economies in many countries.

V. Найдите однокоренные слова для следующих слов: to develop, to restrict, investment, competitive, nation.

Вариант 4

I. Прочитайте и устно переведите весь текст. Пере­пишите и письменно переведите абзацы 1, 2, 3.

The Economy of Great Britain

1. Britain was a pioneer in the industrial revolution and has retained a manufacturing base of fundamental importance to the economy (accounting for some 25 per cent of gross domestic product - GDP) in spite of a rapid growth in the services sector (nearly two-thirds of GDP).

Petroleum and natural gas now account for 4 per cent of GDP and agriculture for 2 per cent (supplying more than half country's food). Britain has become self-sufficient in oil with the development of resources in the continental shelf under the North Sea. Although this has brought great economic benefits, it has contributed to problems of economic adjustment: the external value of sterling is partially influenced by the position in the international oil market, and this may cause strains in Britain's international trade.

2. The economy is based largely on private enterprises but has some major publicly owned industries (notably coal, steel, gas, electricity and railways) and a few joint enterprises. The Government is reducing the size of the public sector, returning parts of the steel, transport, telecommunications



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