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Speaking Objectives (Grade 1)

Students at the Emerging Phase of language development use language to satisfy social needs and to give simple descriptions of past events. Students begin to provide additional background information when introducing a new topic (e.g., "I went to the store. Look at what I bought."). They name most things in their immediate world and enjoy learning new vocabulary within concrete and high interest experiences. They use simple phrasing to inform, make requests, and meet social and emotional needs. They participate in singing, chanting, and choral speaking activities.  Students in the Emerging Phase approximate adult "grammar" in their speech with some overgeneralizations (e.g., "goed" for went). They pronounce most phonemes correctly (although f, l, s, r, and th are often mispronounced).

Students at the Early Developing Phase are developing confidence as language users. They use simple phrasing to inform, make requests, and meet social and emotional needs. They recognize differences between the language of home and school, and increasingly use language in sustaining social interactions. They engage in imaginative play - talking to themselves and others. They give simple descriptions of past experiences and share information from activity centres, field trips, and informational talks or books heard. They adapt language for making requests, for social control, and for seeking information. They confidently share feelings about books, and show enjoyment and understanding of books through talking, drawing, and dramatization of meaningful parts.  Students at this phase enjoy and participate in language games related to rhyme and alliteration of initial consonant sounds. They repeat short sentences with varying forms. They discriminate and produce rhyming words.

By the end of grade 1, most students use oral language to bring meaning to what they hear, observe, feel, view, and read. They deliver brief recitations and oral presentations about familiar experiences or interests. They guide the listener to understand important ideas by using proper phrasing, pitch, and modulation. They stay on topic when speaking. They use their personal communication styles to convey meaning to others in informal and more formal situations. Students are able to answer questions in complete sentences.  By the end of grade 1, most students give and restate simple two-step directions. They recite poems, rhymes, songs, and stories. They retell stories using a beginning, middle, and end, and by answering who, what, when, where, why, and how. They relate an important event or personal experience in a simple sequence. With teacher support, students use descriptive words when speaking about people, places, things, and events.

By the end of grade 1, most students will:  Foundational Objective: Speak to express thoughts, information, feelings, and experiences in a variety of forms for a variety of purposes and audiences.

  • participate in shared language experiences (e.g., conversations, puppet plays, singing, chanting, finger plays, storytelling, choral speech activities)

  • talk about ideas, experiences, and preferences related to texts and familiar topics

  • share ideas and experiences in large and small groups

  • recognize that speakers have a purpose for speaking

  • make comments, ask and answer questions related to topics under discussion, and ask questions to gather information from others

  • recall and retell directions

  • retell interesting or important aspects of favourite or familiar topics and stories

  • talk about interesting or useful aspects of new learning

  • talk to a familiar audience about topics of interest

  • experiment with the rhythms and sounds of language

Foundational Objective: Learn about and practise the skills and strategies of effective speakers.  Before Speaking:

  • identify personal knowledge related to a topic or experience

  • recognize and use gathered information as a basis for communication

  • organize pictures to express ideas and tell stories

  • choose to speak to and for others when reporting for a group

During Speaking:

  • present information and ideas in complete statements

  • use descriptive words when speaking about people, places, things, and events

  • tell key facts and ideas in own words

  • relate the beginning, middle, and end of a variety of texts

  • make sounds of letters correctly

  • contribute ideas to group work

  • experiment with different word combinations and patterns

  • share information, ideas, and feelings in a brief presentation to a familiar audience

  • use illustrations and other materials to aid presentation

  • take turns sharing information and ideas in groups

  • contribute ideas when creating group products

  • demonstrate respect for values and beliefs of others

  • help others and ask others for help

After Speaking

  • notice audience response

  • listen to feedback from others

  • answer questions from audience

Foundational Objective: Assess personal strengths and set goals for future growth.

  • reflect upon own speaking skills and strategies, including speaking loudly enough for everyone to hear and taking turns

Assessment Techniques for Speaking (Grade 1)

Sample assessment techniques include:

  • developmental checklists and observation notes (p. 124-125)

  • anecdotal records

  • repeat my sentence (p. 127)

  • oral language assessment (p. 128)

  • sharing time assessment (p. 129).

Instructional Suggestions for Speaking (Grade 1)

Sample instructional activities include:

  • engage students in informal conversations and show an interest in what they say

  • encourage students to describe experiences that are important to them by participating in sharing time

  • give students opportunities to use language to create roles in structured play

  • give students opportunities to be engaged in conversations and discussions about things they know and care about

  • support students in developing the language needed for a variety of social situations through modeling appropriate language and engaging students in role playing activities

  • encourage students to experiment with the sounds language makes using finger plays, rhyming games, and tongue twisters

  • sing, chant, and recite poems, songs, and nursery rhymes with students on a daily basis

  • encourage students to use their oral language skills to share their feelings about experiences and various texts

  • have students tell language experience stories

  • provide students with many chances to experiment with oral language for particular purposes and audiences (e.g., structured play, chants)

  • provide frequent opportunities for students to work in pairs or small groups to explore concrete materials, share ideas, and create group products

  • model and discuss social skills (e.g., taking turns, encouraging others, listening, staying on task, asking questions when needed, contributing ideas)

  • have students tell and retell stories

  • provide opportunities for students to deliver recitations and oral presentations

  • provide opportunities for students to plan and present dramatic interpretations

  • provide opportunities for students to give and restate directions

  • use activities such as:

    • role play for social problem solving

    • think-pair-share

    • sharing time and daily news (when, who, what, where, why)

    • retelling

    • chants and sing-alongs

    • felt board stories

    • dramatizations

    • puppets (finger, hand, face).

Соседние файлы в папке (Мосина) teaching speaking