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2. Put the verbs in brackets into an appropriate verb form. Be ready to explain your choice.


Ask hundreds of people what they 1 _____ (plan) to do on a certain day in August next year, or the year after, and there 2 _____ (be) only one reply. Provided of course that the people you 3 _____ (ask) belong to the Elvis Presley Fan Club. Although the King of Rock and Roll 4 _____ (die) nearly two decades ago, his fans have been meeting every year since then outside his home in Memphis, Tennessee, to show respect for the singer they 5 _____ (love) so much. Fans like Jean Thomas, from Catford in South East London. Jean 6 _____ (visit) Gracelands, the house where Elvis 7 _____ (suffer) his fatal heart attack, twice in the past five years. ‘The first time I 8 _____ (borrow) the money from my Mum, as I 9 _____ (not/work) then. But two years ago I got married and since then I have been working in my husband Chris’s garage. Chris and I 10 _____ (go) together last year, and we 11 _____ (think) of spending two or three months in the USA next year. I 12 _____ (always/want) to visit some of the places where Elvis 13 _____ (perform). Like Las Vegas for example. ‘ Jean says that Elvis 14 _____ (be) her obsession ever since she (19) ……. (be) ten years old, and she 15 _____ (own) every single one of his records, good and bad.


The actress Vanessa Kemp 1 _____ (disappear). Yesterday she 2 _____ (fail) to arrive at the Prince Charles Theatre in London’s West End for her leading role in the comedy ‘Don’t look now!’. Ms Kemp, who 3 _____ (live) in Hampstead, 4 _____ (leave) home at four o’clock yesterday afternoon for the theatre, a journey she had made several times the week before. Two people who 5 _____ (walk) past her home at the time 6 _____ (see) her leave. But no one 7 _____ (see) her since then. At half past seven she still hadn’t arrived at the theatre. At eight o’clock the theatre manager 8 ____ (have to) break the news to the audience, who 9 _____ (wait) patiently for the play to start. Since yesterday, theatre staff and friends 10 _____ (try) to contact Ms Kemp, but they 11 _____ (have) no success so far. The police 12 _____ (take) the matter seriously, but they 13 _____ (believe) that she 14 _____ (be) in any danger. Her friends all 15 _____ (want) to hear from her soon.


Sunday is the day we usually 1 _____ (go out) for a drive. I 2 _____ (learn) to drive at the moment so sometimes my husband Bob 3 _____(let) me drive the car. However, last Sunday something 4 _____ (happen) which 5 ____ (make) him change his mind. Bob have been driving for almost ten years and he is very proud of the fact that he 6 _____ (never/ have) an accident.

We had just left the house. I 7 ______ (drive) along the road quite slowly, when we 8 _____ (hear) a terrible crashing sound. Something 9 _____ (fall) off the roof of the car, then 10 _____ on the bonnet. When we 11 _____, we 12 _____ (see) that it 13 _____ (be) a bucket of water! I had cleaned the car before we 14 _____ (set off) and had left it on the roof! Bob says that in future he 15 _____ (do) the driving and the cleaning!


Last month, I 1 _____ (apply) to graduate school. I had been thinking about doing this for a long time, and I finally 2 _____ (do) it. Before I 3 _____ (send) my application, I had called the school because I 4 _____ (want) to talk to the head of the department about the program I was interested in. She 5 _____ (work) on her department’s budget when I 6 _____ (call), but she said that she could talk to me for a few minutes. Half an hour later, we 7 _____ (talk)! Today 8 _____ (be) Thursday. I 9 _____ (sit) at my desk trying to concentrate on my writing. Worrying about my application 10 _____ (make) me crazy. I must think about something else. What’s that? The doorbell 11 _____ (just/ring). Maybe it 12 _____ (be) the mailman … I 13 _____ (be) in.! I 14 _____ (make)! I was accepted! Graduate school, here I come! I 15 ____ (be) in school for another two years.


We are gathered here today to celebrate a commencement, not just an ending of this phase of your studies. True, your studies at this level 1 _____ (end) : You 2 _____ (finish) your academic programs. Congratulations! And now consider the word commencement. “To commence” 3 _____ (mean) “to begin”, and now you 4 _____ (embark) on the beginning of the rest of your lives.

At this time last year, what 5 _____ (do) ? You had just finish your semester examinations, and you 6 _____ (probably/relax) a bit before starting a summer trip or job. You 7 _____ (probably/look) forward to the end of your college studies. Look how far you 8 _____ (go) in just one year!

And year from now, what do you think you will be doing? Some of you will be in school again, studying for a more advanced degree. Many of you will be working in your chosen areas. But all of you 9 _____ (remember) your days here at South state University. You’ll remember your professors, your friends, your classes: all of you will have benefited greatly from your years here at one of the greatest academic institutions in the world. I know a woman who 10 _____ (begin) college rather late in life – at age forty-five. Before this time, she had been raising a family and working as a secretary in an accountant’s office at the same time. While she 11 _____ (work), her boss, the accountant, noticed what a quick and eager mind she 12 _____ (possess), and encouraged her to apply to the university and finally to attend. At first, she resisted the idea. She 13 _____ (work) day long and 14 ______ (be) so tired at night that she would fall into bed right after dinner. She couldn’t imagine an additional commitment, and she 15 _____(think) she would have to continue working to support herself and her family…

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