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МО.ТОБИС / Схема анализа текста 1

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Схема анализа текста

  1. The text under the analysis is (was) written by…

The text I am to analyze was written by…

  1. It is a social, psychological, detective, humorous, historical, science-fiction, documentary etc. ….. story -type of story

  2. A summary of the story (or you can render the story in the process of analyzing it).

  3. The main idea of the story is ….

The message of the author is …

The moral of the story is …

The purpose of the author was to describe, to explain, to express, the idea that ….

The author meant (wants) to …

He wants us to understand that …

  1. The main trope(s) in the story that support (and emphasize) the main idea are ….+ explanations why they are used, what effect they create.

The author used … tropes and figures of speech to describe, to explain, to express, the idea that etc.…

Other tropes and figures of speech (you should understand the difference between a trope and a figure of speech, see book by V.Y. Zadornova - tropes which are based on the 'transfer' of meaning, when a word (or a combination of words) is used to denote an object which is not normally correlated with this word, and figures of speech whose stylistic effect is achieved due to the unusual arrangement of linguistic units, unusual construction or extension of utterance.)

  1. If it is possible, enumerate different layers of tropes and figures of speech: phonetic (alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia,), lexical (various repetitions – anaphora, anadiplosis, epistrophe, symploce, epizeuxis, antonomasia, synecdoche etc.), syntactic (anastrophe, anticlimax, antithesis, bathos, climax, zeugma etc.)

  2. Find out semantic fields of important words: nouns describing things, verbs describing actions, adjectives describing feelings and sensations, etc. +Remember to explain their purpose in the given text.

  3. A conclusion: about the author’s style, summarize the tropes mentioned and what effect they create in the given story.

Схема анализа текста

  1. The text under the analysis is (was) written by…

The text I am to analyze was written by…

  1. It is a social, psychological, detective, humorous, historical, science-fiction, documentary etc. ….. story -type of story

  2. A summary of the story (or you can render the story in the process of analyzing it).

  3. The main idea of the story is ….

The message of the author is …

The moral of the story is …

The purpose of the author was to describe, to explain, to express, the idea that ….

The author meant (wants) to …

He wants us to understand that …

  1. The main trope(s) in the story that support (and emphasize) the main idea are ….+ explanations why they are used, what effect they create.

The author used … tropes and figures of speech to describe, to explain, to express, the idea that etc.…

  1. Other tropes and figures of speech (you should understand the difference between a trope and a figure of speech, see book by V.Y. Zadornova –

tropes which are based on the 'transfer' of meaning, when a word (or a combination of words) is used to denote an object which is not normally correlated with this word, and

figures of speech whose stylistic effect is achieved due to the unusual arrangement of linguistic units, unusual construction or extension of utterance.)

  1. If it is possible, enumerate different layers of tropes and figures of speech: phonetic (alliteration, assonance, onomatopoeia,), lexical (various repetitions – anaphora, anadiplosis, epistrophe, symploce, epizeuxis, antonomasia, etc.), syntactic (anastrophe, anticlimax, antithesis, bathos, climax, etc.)

  2. Find out semantic fields of important words: nouns describing things, verbs describing actions, adjectives describing feelings and sensations, etc. +Remember to explain their purpose in the given text.

  3. A conclusion: about the author’s style, summarize the tropes mentioned and what effect they create in the given story.

Анализ это объяснение замысла автора и средств, которые он использовал (она использовала) и результата, который получился.

Не перечисляйте просто тропы и фигуры речи, даже с примерами. Нельзя говорить: там еще есть эпитеты и метафоры… Я нашла еще и анафору и т.д.

Если упомянули тропы, объясните, зачем они использованы, какой эффект создают, почему автор использовал именно их. Докажите на примерах, что эти средства создают такой эффект.

Речь должна быть красивой, по возможности, сложной. Необходимо разнообразить предложения; используйте разные конструкции, синонимы. Рассуждайте, приводите примеры, аргументы, в таком случае, часто приходит спонтанная мысль, которая бывает интересной и глубокой.

Анализ – дело субъективное, выражения: I think, to my mind, in my opinion, I believe, I feel, it seems to me, it seems to be … etc. будут очень кстати.

Можно сделать так: разделить все найденные в тексте тропы на фонетические, лексические, синтаксические и разбирать их по очереди.

Лучше сделать так: Выбрать самые важные из использованных тропов и сказать, к какой категории они относятся – лексические они или фонетические или синтаксические. И для чего они использованы. Чего автор с их помощью достигает.

Необходимо понимать разницу между юмором и иронией. (touch of irony).




Anadiplosis – catch repetition

Anaphora – the beginning

Epistrophe – the ending is repeated.

Epizeuxis – immediate repetititon of a word for the sake of emphasis

Alone, alone, all, all alone

Alone on a wide, wide sea.

Ploce – repetition without any strict regularity.

Polyptoton – repetition of root morphemes.

Polysyndeton –

Chiasmus – repetition of the syntactical pattern in a reverse word-order.

Swans are geese – geese are swans.