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Робоча програма з порівняльної граматики.doc
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1.Theoretical questions:

  1. The dominant morphological and syntactic features distinguishing the structu­ral type of present-day English from the structural type of present-day Ukrainian.

  2. The morpheme as a typological constant in the contrasted languages. Quantita­tive and qualitative correlation of affixal morphemes in English vs. Ukrainian.

  3. Types of inflexional morphemes in the contrasted languages.

  4. "Word classes" vs. the parts of speech in English and Ukrainian.

  5. Isomorphism and allomorphism in the quantitative representation of morphologi­ cal categories and means of their expression in the nominals of the contrasted languages.

  6. Typological characteristics of the noun (classes, functions, morphological cate- gories, singularia and pluralia tantum nouns) in the contrasted languages.

  7. Morphological/structural, categorial, functional and other isomorphic and allo- morphic features of different classes of adjectives in the contrasted languages.

  8. The pronoun. Classes of pronouns. Isomorphic and allomorphic features of English vs. Ukrainian pronouns.

  9. The numeral. Classes of numerals and their isomorphic/allomorphic features in the contrasted languages.

2. Practical Assignments

Exercise I. Contrast the morphological structure of the English and Ukrainian words below. Identify a) the national and b) the international affixal morphemes them:

ablaze, bedew, degrading, illegally, inter­state, non-smoking, linguistically,

dictator­ship, computerization, employee, exeminee, princeling, sissy, cloudlet, drunkard, slug­gard,

commander-in-chief, merry-go-round, fifty-fifty, willy-nilly.

краще, вводити, зім'яти, антитіло, посія­тися, нереально, диктаторство, недокіс чесність, комп'ютеризація, по-новому, дитяточко,

дрібнесенько, козарлюга, І" сище, здоровило, .щонайкращий, якно новіша, якнайбільше; попоходити, по бігати, перекотиполе, Гнидуб, хоч-не-хоч.

Exercise ІІ. State whether the change of vowels and consonants in the following paradigms of English and Ukrainian verbs, nouns, and adjectives are morphological correlations or phonetic oppositions

become — became, break — broke, catch— caught, may — might, take — took, find — found, meet'— met, brother — brethren, .goose — geese, man — men, mouse — mice, woman — women.

Буг— бузький, вовк —вовчий, Львів —

Львова, Острог — острозький сніп —

снопи, грек — грецький

Париж — па-ризький, турок —

турецький, птах —


Exercise ІІІ. Point to the factors facilitating (or otherwise) the identification of the parts of speech in the following English and Ukrainian words/word-forms:

clean, cleaner, cleaning; back, bad, badly;

worse, force, good, goody, better; home, man, manned; psychology, set; before, must, near, round, save, start, waste, zip.

добре, краще, .мати, матір,


лодий, варене/печене; перед


відживаюче, вчений; батьків,


коло, край, перше, береги, береги, кіль-ка, собі; моя/твоя.

Exercise IV. State the difference (if any) in the expression of the category of number and quantity in the following English and Ukrainian nouns:

the North-West, the South-East; advice, business, courage; finance; archives, arms, customs, foliage, scum; brushwood, oil, sil­ver, carp, pike, salmon, swine; bacillae, erra­ta, radii, termini, outskirts, riches, shorts, tongs, savings, victuals, sweepings; the Netherland, the Bahamas.

північний захід/схід, золото,

срібло, борошно, м'ясо;

білизна, збрід, вїниччя, паліччя

, сміття; гамір, гнів; освіта; про­води, вечорниці; висівки, вишкрібки, цінності; помиї, міліція, Бровари, Суми, Чернівці.