Medicine. General Information
Read and translate the following definitions:
Medicine: Science of diagnosing, treating, and preventing disease. The word also refers to any drug used to treat an illness or injury.
Physician or Doctor: Person trained and licensed to practice medicine; one who treats the entire body is a general practitioner (G.P.) .
Surgery: medical specialty of cutting into, or performing operative procedures on the patient. A doctor who does this is a surgeon.
Acupuncture: Method of curing illness or relieving pain by inserting needles into the body at certain points; originally developed by the Chinese.
Epidemic: Contagious disease which spreads rapidly throughout large portions of the population. The bubonic plague is a famous example of an epidemic which ravaged Europe in the Middle Ages. Modem medical science has found means of preventing most epidemics.
Skeleton: Bony framework of the body, including the spinal column, the rib cage, the skull, and the bones of the arms and legs.
Anatomy: Science of the structure of organisms, including the human body; can be studied by dissecting, or cutting into organisms.
Pharmacy: Store where medicines are sold, especially by prescription; also known as a drugstore or an apothecary. Licensed pharmacists prepare medications, selling certain
drugs only when they are prescribed by a physician.
Disease: Pathological condition which causes abnormal body functions and presents certain symptoms or signs; can be caused by a germ, such as a bacterium or a virus.
Drug: Substance used to treat illness. Antibiotics, such as penicillin and tetracycline, are familiar examples. Microscope: Instrument which uses a series of lenses to produce magnified images of objects too small to be seen well by the eye alone. Laboratory technicians use microscopes to analyze specimens of blood, urine, and tissue.
Diagnosis: Identification of a disease or ailment after careful examination and analysis. A doctor always diagnoses the patient's ailment before treatment. Communicable disease: Disease m which the causative organism factor can be transmitted from one person to another, the common cold is the most familiar example. Family Practice: A certified primary care specialty emphasizing general medical care for the entire family.
Biopsy: Portion of tissue removed from the living body by an operation and examined to aid in diagnosing a disease.
X-ray: Form of radiation used to create photographic images of bones and internal organs and, in some cases, to treat them when they are diseased; overexposure can be dangerоus.
Nurse: Person trained to care for the sick, infirm, or injured, often under the direction of a doctor.
Patient: Person who is undergoing medical treatment for
sickness or injury.
Health insurance: Form of protection against the high costs of health care. Payment of a premium guarantees medical coverage to the insured person.
Hospital: Place where medical and surgical care is provided for sick and injured persons.
First aid: Emergency medical treatment given when professional medical advice is not available.
1 Answer the given questions:
1 What is another name for a doctor? 2 What is the term for a sick or injured person under medical care? 3 What is the method of curing disease that was developed in China? 4 What term describes a disease that spreads widely and rapidly? 5 Define a skeleton. 6 What is the study of the structure of organisms called? 7 Give three names for a place to buy prescription drugs. 8 A doctor cannot cure an illness unless he has made a diagnosis. What is it? 9 Name one familiar communicable disease. Do you know others? 10 How can x-rays help doctors make more accurate diagnoses? 11 What does a nurse do? 12 What is a patient? 13 What is the purpose of health insurance? 14 What is a hospital used for? 15 What is a disease? 16 What is an antibiotic? Name some. 17 Who uses a microscope? What can it do? 18 When is a first aid given? 19 Explain the term medicine. 20 Name the medical specialty that involves operations.
2 Translate the following words and phrases in written form:
лікар; лікувати; хірургія; процедура; хворий; заразна хвороба; чума; різати; попередження хвороби; аптека; прописувати (ліки); мікроб; речовина; наука; діагностика; лікування; пошкодження; голка; скелет; кістка;череп; рентген; ребро; застуда; хребет; нездоров′я; внутрішні органи; лікування; медична сестра; зразки крові, сечі, тканини; дати професійну пораду; перша допомога; небезпечний; страхування.
Supplementary reading. First aid. What shoud I do?
1 - What should I do if someone's clothes catch fire?
- First of all, put out the fire by wrapping the victim in a coat or blanket, by turning him over on the ground in dirt or sand, or by putting water over him. Next, check to see if the person is breathing and his heart is beating. Then, call or ask someone to call an ambulance.
2 - What should I tell the person who answers the phone about the burn victim?
- First, say that someone has been burned. Tell the person that the victim is breathing and that you can feel a pulse. Next, give your name and the exact location where the ambulance should go. Include the address, building
and room or apartment number. Stay calm and answer all questions.
3 - What should I do if a person stops breathing?
- First, turn the person on his back. Then lift his head back, open his mouth, and be certain that his tongue has not fallen in his throat. Next, squeeze his nose closed and cover his mouth with your mouth. Breathe into his mouth until his chest raises up. Blow into his mouth three times; then check to see if he is exhaling. Change the position of his head if no air comes out and try again. Blow into his mouth about 12 times a minute. Don't stop this procedure until the victim can breathe by himself or an ambulance arrives.
4 - What should I do if the person's heart stops beating?
- Place both your hands on the victim's chest and apply firm pressure, then release. Again apply pressure and release. Work with a continuous sequence of pressure and release until the heart starts to beat again.
5 - What should I do for giving first aid for a broken ankle?
- First you make the injured person comfortable and carefully take off his shoe or boot. Don't twist the ankle during this procedure. Second, bend a magazine or newspaper into a U shape. Place the magazine or newspaper under the foot and along the sides of the injured ankle. Third, tie the magazine or newspaper around the lower leg with a long narrow piece of cloth or nylon stocking to make a firm support around the ankle. Do not allow the accident victim try to walk on a broken ankie.
Carry him to the doctor.
Read the text, after you have read it:
indentify and describe how your bones, muscles, skin, and nervous system help keep you healthy
discuss how body parts work for digestion, circulation, and respiration.