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IM_i_KN_Ikurs / The World Around Us.rtf
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2.8 Match the words and word-combinations in a with their meanings in b:


1 up-to-date a) the people employed by an organization

2 well-equipped b) adapted for a particular purpose

3 staff c) to praise highly

4 to be acquainted with d) to get possession of

5 various e) in current style

6 specialized courses f) detailed discourse

7 bent g) of several kinds

8 to acquire h) natural skill or liking

9 dissertation I) to know slightly

10 to glorify j) supplied with what is needed

2.9 Fill in the correct word(s) from the list below to make up a phrase. Use the words only once.

To depend upon / to get / knowledgeable / to appoint / to choose / to be responsible for / to last / to attend / to have / to join / to acquire / to complete / to receive / to work over

Model:……to receive….… the latest information

1…………………………….. lecturer

2……………………………. opportunities

3……………………………. the latest information

4……………………………. lectures on

5…………………………..... five years of study

6……………………………. a problem

7……………..………….….. knowledge

8…………………………….. a diploma paper

9..…………………………... a university degree

10………….……………..… scientific circles

11…………………………… the latest information

12…………………………... the head of the group

13…………………………… for the attendance

14…………………………… an hour and a half

2.10 Complete the sentences:

1 I study at the University at the faculty of / Institute of……

2 There are many departments at our Institute / faculty:…..

3 The teaching staff of the Institute / faculty consists of……

4 The students have at their disposal……

5 The students are taught many different subjects such as……

6 The students are acquainted with all branches of……

7 The students must attend lectures on……

8 The students do their best to acquire……

9 After completing five years of study the students……

10 Graduates of the Institute / faculty are assigned to……

2.11 Study the information about exams and education:

Take/ do/ sit an exam

resit an exam – take it again because you did badly first time

pass an exam – get the minimum grade (mark) or more

do well in an exam – get a high grade

fail an exam – do not get the minimum grade

do badly in an exam – fail or don’t do as well as expected / as well as you wanted

Before an exam it’s a good idea to revise for it. If you skip classes / lectures, you will probably do badly in the exam.

In universities there are lectures (large classes listening to the teacher and taking notes), seminars (10-20 students actively taking part in discussion etc).

A professor is a senior university academic who is a well-known specialist in his/her subject. University teachers are usually called lecturers.

Correct the mis-collocations in these sentences:

1 I can’t come out. I’m studying. I’m passing an examination tomorrow.

2 Congratulations! I hear you succeeded your examination!

3 You can study a lot of different careers at this university.

4 I got some good notes in my continuous assessment this term.

5 She’s the professor in a primary school.

6 He gave an interesting 45-minutes conference on Goethe.

7 When I was 12, we started having French seminars at school, and I fell in love with the language.

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