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УМК англ. яз. / УМП _начин_Step up.doc
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13. Complete the sentences. Use me / he / him / she / her / they / them / us / it

Example: Who is that woman? Why are you looking at her?

  1. “Do you know that boy?” “Yes, I study with ___ “.

  2. Where are the tickets? I can’t find ___ .

  3. I can’t find my keys. Where are ____ ?

  4. We’re going to the canteen. You can come with ___ .

  5. I have got a new computer. Do you want to see ___ ?

  6. Maria likes music. ___ plays the piano.

  7. I’m talking to you. Please listen to ___ .

  8. Where is Anna? I want to talk to ___ .

  9. You can take these CDs. I don’t want ___ .

  10. We have two dogs. We like ___ .

14. Replace underlined words with the personal pronoun

1. Peter helped the schoolboys to translate the text. 2. Mother asked Mary to wash the plates. 3. My friend writes a letter to his sister. 4. Jane took three books from the library. 5. His cousins live in Moscow. 6. Our grandfather and grandmother will come tomorrow. 7. Anna does her home task every day. 8. Paul likes reading. 9. The students have a training at the gymnasium. 10. In the evening all the members of our family get together.

15. Finish the sentences in the same way

Example: We invited her to stay with us at our house.

  1. He invited us to stay with _______________ house.

  2. They invited me to stay with _______________ house.

  3. I invited them _______________________________ .

  4. She invited us ______________________________ .

  5. Did he invite him ____________________________ ?

16. Complete the sentences in the same way

Example: I gave him my address and he gave me his.

  1. I gave her ____ address and she gave me _____ .

  2. He gave me ____ address and I gave him _____ .

  3. We gave them ____ address and they gave us _____ .

  4. She gave him ____ address and he gave her ____ .

  5. You gave us ____ address and we gave you ____ .

  6. They gave you ____ address and you gave them ____ .

17. Look at the picture. The Smiths, Mary and David, are going on holiday with their children, Sue and Peter. They have four new suitcases, a red one, a blue one and two brown ones for the children. They must take them from the bus. Fill in the gaps with the possessive pronouns

David: Now, this is my suitcase, isn’t?

  1. Mary: No, it is not _____ , it’s _____ . I have the red one. ____ is blue.

  2. David: Yours? Well, where is _____ ?

  3. Peter: Here’s _____ , Daddy, this blue one here.

  4. Sue: No, that’s not ____ . It’s this one.

  5. David: Ah, good. Yes, this one is ____ . Now, where are _____ , children?

  6. Mary: _____ are brown, David. I think they are over there.

  7. David: I see… These ones?

  8. Sue: No, Daddy. Those are not ____ . They’re too big. These ones here are ____ .

  9. David: Good. Now we have all _____ .One, two, three…. Where is Mummy’s?

  10. Sue: You are holding ____, Daddy.

David: Oh yes, how silly of me!

18. Study the table present simple









do not work












does not work



Does she


Present Simple (Indefinite) употребляется для выражения постоянных состояний; повторяющихся и повседневных действий, а также непреложных истин и законов природы.

Слова, указывающие на время Present Simple:

Every day / week / month / year (каждый день, каждую неделю, месяц, год);

Often (часто), seldom (редко), always (всегда), usually (обычно), never (никогда).

Example: I seldom watch TV. – Я редко смотрю телевизор.

She likes to read. – Ей нравится читать.

They don’t go to the cinema. – Они не ходят в кино.

Does he go to the university? – Он ходит в университет?