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Texts for Final Translation

Text 1. Pure and Applied Science (Participles, Gerund)

As students of science you are probably sometimes puzzled by the terms "pure" and "applied" science. Are these two totally different activities, having little or no interconnection? Let us begin by examining what is done by each.

Pure science is primarily concerned with the development of theories (or, as they are frequently called, models) establishing relationships between the phenomena of the universe. When they are sufficiently validated these theories (hypotheses, models) become the working laws or principles of science. In carrying out this work, the pure scientist usually disregards its application to practical affairs, confining his attention to explanations of how and why events occur.

Text 2. Mathematization of Natural Sciences (Participles, Gerund)

Exact science in its generally accepted sense can be referred to as a family of specialized natural sciences, each of them providing evidence and information about the different aspects of nature by somewhat different working methods. It follows that mathematics in its pure sense does not enter into this frame, its object of study, being not nature itself. Being independent of all observations of the outside world, it attempts to build logical systems based on axioms. In other words, it concentrates on formulating the language of mathematical symbols and equations which may be applied to the functional relations found in nature.

This "mathematization", in the opinion of most specialists, is witnessed first in physics which deals with general laws of matter and energy on subatomic, atomic and molecular levels. Further application of these mathematical laws and studies is made by chemistry and results in structural bonds between the elements of matter being established.

Text 3. Automation in the Research Process (Gerund)

Our goal should be automating the routine and thereby leave more time for the creative process.

With that word of caution, let's proceed by arbitrarily dividing research into three stages and examining each stage to find what functions of the research process might be automated without endangering creativity. Stage one includes the dreams, the ideas, the exploratory work, selecting the problem, setting the objective, testing technical feasibility, and searching the literature. Stage two involves planning the experiment, conducting the experiment, checking the alternates, data taking, and data evaluation. Stage three is the solution of the problem — drawing conclusions and making recommendations.

Although there is a great deal of creativity involved in stage one, there are also opportunities for automation. The burden of keeping up with the literature even in one's own restricted field is becoming heavier with each passing year. The mass of reading necessary to make a literature search has increased immensely. Advances in computer technology have made possible storing and quick retrieving essentially all the scientific literature.

Text 4. Forecasting (Infinitive)

To speculate about the future is one of the most basic qualities of man. It involves two aspects: one is to forecast what the future development will be and the other is to determine in what approximate period of time it is going to take place. To make such a prognosis means to learn from the past experience and to extrapolate the knowledge into the future. Recently, however, the rate of change has been so great as to make it difficult to learn from experience, at least as far as the time factor is concerned. To take but one example, a prediction of man's possible landing on the Moon around the turn of the century was made as late as 1961, only 8 years before the actual event! So, to be on the safe side, we had better leave time to take care of itself, and concentrate our attention on what the future may be like.

There is yet another problem involved: are we to accept submissively any possible course of events, or are we to work for a future most suited for most people? The choice is to be made, at different levels, by every individual and by every society.

Text 5. Computer Design (Infinitive)

The design of an automatic computer is not a simple matter. To understand how to use a computer one must fully appreciate its design. Therefore, a brief introduction to the logical design is necessary for the users to understand the underlying idea. To present some background material on theoretical and philosophical aspects of information processing is to give the user more profound understanding of computers' application. From what has been said above, it is clear that a computer may be thought of both as a machine by which to handle information and a machine by which to transform one set of symbols into another. For the user it is a machine to process the information, a way to obtain an output by applying to an input a specified sequence of logical operations. The designer considers a computer to be a device for applying a sequence of logic operations to symbols representing information.

Since mathematical operations are a particular group of logic operations, the consideration of logic operations by definition includes mathematical operations. To appreciate the significance of the conventional character of logic, and to gain some understanding of computer logical design we must consider a few simple games. These games are to illustrate some significant factors.

Text 6. Scientific Attitude (Infinitive, Complex Object)

What is the nature of the scientific attitude, the attitude of the man or woman who studies and applies physics, biology, chemistry or any other science? What are their special methods of thinking and acting? What qualities do we usually expect them to possess?

To begin with, we expect a successful scientist to be full of curiosity – he wants to find out how and why the universe works. He usually directs his attention towards problems which have no satisfactory explanation, and his curiosity makes him look for the underlying relationships even if the data to be analysed are not apparently interrelated. He is a good observer, accurate, patient and objective. Furthermore, he is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own, since he knows man to be the least reliable of scientific instruments.

And to conclude, he is to be highly imaginative since he often looks for data which are not only complex, but also incomplete.

Text 7. Lobachevsky (Complex Object)

Men of science consider Lobachevsky to be a great mathematician. The whole world knows Lobachevsky to have strictly demonstrated and explained the principles of the theory of parallel lines. We consider him to be a great organizer of popular education, and we know him to have written much on the problems of education.

Lobachevsky was born on December 1, 1792 near Nizhny Novgorod. His father died when he was only a child, leaving the family in extreme poverty. The family moved to Kazan where Lobachevsky was admitted to the gymnasium. We know his progress to have been extremely rapid in mathematics and classics. At the age of 14 he entered the University of Kazan where he is known to have spent 40 years as a student, assistant professor, and finally rector. Under his direction great improvements were made at the University. We know an observatory to have been founded and equipped and a mechanical workshop to have been established.

For 2200 years all the mankind believed Euclid to have discovered an absolute truth. Lobachevsky proved Euclid’s axiom on parallel lines not to be true. He built a new geometrical theory quite different from that of Euclid. We know his ideas to have greatly influenced not only geometry, but mechanics, physics, astronomy as well. Like Galileo, Copernicus and Newton he is one of those who laid the foundation of science.

Text 8. Benjamin Franklin (Complex Subject)

Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) is acknowledged to be the founder of the theory of atmospheric electricity. At the time when theories to explain electricity were neither complete nor well founded the lightning was proved by him to be an electrical phenomenon. He was not the first to think of it but he was the first to prove it. His theory of electricity still appears to hold good. He is acknowledged to have invented a means of protection against the disastrous effects of lightning – the lightning rod. Franklin's theory at first seemed to be misunderstood both in his country and abroad. It is known to have been severely attacked by the leader of French scientists abbé Nollet.

Franklin is recognized to have been a great public figure who did as much as he could for the good of his country. He is known to have been the editor of one of the newspapers enjoying a great popularity with his countrymen. He is sure to be one of the broadest as well as one of the most creative minds of his time.

Text 9. "Would you like your son or daughter to become a scientist?” (Complex Object, Complex Subject)

The questions were asked by the Literary Gazette and a British scientist was reported to answer as follows.

"I would not like my son or daughter to become a scientist of the kind typical in the world today. The development of science has already led to many undesirable consequences and is likely to lead to many more unless great effort is made to control the application of scientific discoveries. If, however, science could be developed in a new way to become a meaningful social activity, I would be glad to see my son or daughter doing science.

So far as the field is concerned, I think there will be a growing tendency for scientists to occupy themselves with problems which affect fairly directly the lives of people. There seems to exist a great need to develop science which deals specially with the problems of how the applications of science affect man. To cite but a few examples, there are such problems as urban development, education and, of course, the prevention of war. If the new knowledge about the world is used for the benefit of man, rather than for death and destruction, the human race can continue to benefit from science for centuries to come.


Test 1. Participles. Absolute Participle Construction. Gerund.

Variant 1

Choose the correct Russian equivalent:

1. He hates criticizing people.

A) Он не любит критиковать людей.

B) Он ненавидит, когда люди его критикуют.

C) Он не любит критику.

D) Его ненавидят те, кого он критикует.

2. The boy writing a letter is my sister's son.

A) Мальчик, которому пишут письмо, – это сын моей сестры.

B) Мальчику написал письмо сын моей сестры.

C) Мальчик пишет письмо сыну моей сестры.

D) Мальчик, который пишет письмо, – это сын моей сестры.

3. The experiment having been made, we completed the project.

A) После того как был проведен эксперимент, мы закончили проект.

B) До проведения эксперимента мы закончили проект.

C) Проводя эксперимент, мы закончили проект.

D) Проведение эксперимента завершало наш проект.

4. Books read in childhood seem like old friends.

A) Книги, прочитанные в детстве, кажутся старыми друзьями.

B) Все, кто читает книги в детстве, кажутся старыми друзьями.

C) Все, кому читают книги в детстве, кажутся старыми друзьями.

D) Кажется, что чтение книг в детстве делает нас друзьями.

5. Considered from this point of view the question will be of great interest.

A) Рассмотрение вопроса с этой точки зрения представляет большой интерес.

B) Когда вопрос рассматривали с этой точки зрения, он оказался очень интересным.

C) Рассмотренный с этой точки зрения вопрос будет представлять большой интерес.

D) Рассматривая вопрос с этой точки зрения, они проявили большой интерес.

Choose the correct English equivalent:

6. Проведя измерения, они обработали данные.

A) While making the measurements they processed the data.

B) Before making the measurements they processed the data.

C) Being made the measurements they processed the data.

D) Having made the measurements they processed the data.

7. Она шла медленно, разыскивая Филиппа.

A) She was walking slowly, having looked for Philip.

B) She was walking slowly, looked for Philip.

C) She was walking slowly, looking for Philip.

D) She was walking slowly, being looked for Philip.

8. Пролив – это водное пространство, разделяющее участки суши.

A) A channel is a stretch of water separating land masses.

B) A channel is a stretch of water being separated land masses.

C) A channel is a stretch of water having separated land masses.

D) A channel is a stretch of water separated land masses.

9. Алису не интересует поиск новой работы.

A) Alice is not interested in being looked for a new job.

B) Alice is not interested in having looked for a new job.

C) Alice is interested in not having looked for a new job.

D) Alice is not interested in looking for a new job.

Fill in the gaps:

10. Anyone … to leave early may do so.

A) wishing B) wished

C) having wished D) being wished

11. The results … showed that he was right.

A) obtaining B) having obtained

C) obtained D) been obtained

12. … alone we kept silence.

A) Leaving B) Being left

C) Having left D) Been left

Correct the mistakes (one mistake in each sentence).

13. Slowed down the speed the driver turned the corner.

14. We saw a lot of fascinated paintings at the exhibition.

15. The student having knowing English well, the exam didn’t last long.

Variant 2

Choose the correct Russian equivalent:

1. He hates being criticized.

A) Он не любит критиковать.

B) Он ненавидит, когда его критикуют.

C) Он не любит критиков.

D) Его ненавидят те, кого он критикует.

2. Traveling abroad George took a lot of nice photographs.

A) Путешествуя за границей, Джордж сделал много хороших снимков.

B) Путешествия Джорджа за границей показаны на многих снимках.

C) Прежде чем уехать за границу, Джордж сделал много хороших снимков.

D) Когда Джордж уедет за границу, он сделает много хороших снимков.

3. Man was inventing machines and instruments for making his life easier.

A) Человек, изобретающий станки и инструменты, облегчает свою жизнь.

B) Человек, который изобрел станки и инструменты, облегчил свою жизнь.

C) Человек изобретал станки и инструменты для облегчения своей жизни.

D) Человеку, который изобретал станки и инструменты, облегчили жизнь.

4. Everything written on the blackboard was correct.

A) Все, кто написал на доске, правы.

B) Все, что написано на доске, правильно.

C) Все написанное на доске было правильным.

A) Все пишущие на доске, пишут правильно.

5. We visited one of the largest computer companies producing software.

A) Нас посетила крупная компьютерная компания, создающая программное обеспечение.

B) Мы посетили одну из крупнейших компьютерных компаний, производящих программное обеспечение.

C) Наше посещение крупнейших компьютерных компаний, производящих программное обеспечение, было полезным.

D) Одна из крупнейших компьютерных компаний производит программное обеспечение для нас.

Choose the correct English equivalent:

6. Находясь в городе, он навестил друзей.

A) Being in the town he visited his friends.

B) To be in the town he visited his friends.

C) Having been in the town he visited his friends.

D) Be in the town he visited his friends.

7. После того как их пригласили на праздник, они начали готовить свое выступление.

A) Having been invited to the party, they began to prepare their show.

B) Have been invited to the party, they began to prepare their show.

C) Having invited to the party, they began to prepare their show.

D) Been invited to the party, they began to prepare their show.

8. Реакция – это процесс, который приводит к химическим изменениям веществ.

A) A reaction is a process having resulted in chemical changes of substances.

B) A reaction is a process resulting in chemical changes of substances.

C) A reaction is a process being resulted in chemical changes of substances.

D) A reaction is a process resulted in chemical changes of substances.

Fill in the gaps:

9. Do you know the student … towards us?

A) come B) coming

C) having been come D) being come

10. … the matter he encountered many difficulties

A) Being considered B) Considering

C) Considered D) Having been considered

11. I cannot understand the instructions … in the manual.

A) being giving B) given

C) giving D) gave

12. Who is responsible for … this room?

A) being cleaned B) cleaned

C) cleaning D) having been cleaned

Correct the mistakes (one mistake in each sentence).

13. The answer receiving from the traveling agency was surprising.

14. The procedure having discussed, the meeting started.

15. The lecture was so bored that she fell asleep.

Test 2. Infinitive. Complex Object. Complex Subject. Infinitive or Ving.

Variant 1

Choose the correct English equivalent:

1. Он пришел первым.

A) He came the first.

B) He came first.

C) He was the first coming.

D) He was the first to come.

2. Проблема, которую надо решить, сложная.

A) The solved problem is difficult.

B) The solving problem is difficult.

C) The problem having solved is difficult.

D) The problem to be solved is difficult.

3. Я огорчился, узнав о его визите.

A) I was sorry to know about his visit.

B) I was sorry having known about his visit.

C) I was sorry to be known about his visit.

D) I was sorry to have been known about his visit.

4. Мы договорились встретиться с ними.

A) We agreed meeting them.

B) We agreed to meet them.

C) We agreed to be met them.

D) We agreed to have met them.

5. Он притворился, что не знает ответ на мой вопрос.

A) He pretended didn’t know the answer to my question.

B) He pretended not knowing the answer to my question.

C) He pretended not to know the answer to my question.

D) He pretended not know the answer to my question.

Choose the correct Russian equivalent:

6. The general aim of this work is to increase the productivity.

A) Главная цель этой работы – повышение производительности.

B) Мы работаем над тем, чтобы повысить производительность.

C) Главная цель – работать над повышением производительности.

D) Работа в целом должна повысить производительность.

7. They are proud to have done their work in time.

A) Они горды тем, что делают свою работу в срок.

B) Ими гордятся, потому что они сделали свою работу в срок.

C) Они горды тем, что сделали свою работу в срок.

D) Они гордились тем, что работа выполняется в срок.

8. The aim of our research work is to find the necessary data.

A) Наше целевое исследование заключается в нахождении необходимых данных.

B) Результат нашей исследовательской работы – это формирование необходимых данных.

C) Цель нашей исследовательской работы заключается в том, чтобы определить все необходимые данные.

D) Результат нашей исследовательской работы – это определение всех необходимых дат.

9. Can you give me something to relieve the headache please?

A) Вы не могли бы избавить меня от головной боли?

B) Дайте мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь от головной боли.

C) Вы можете избавить меня от головной боли?

D) Не подскажете, как избавиться от головной боли?

Fill in the gaps:

10. Would you mind … the door, please?

A) close B) closing

C) to close D) to be closed

11. ... the book in time you may need some help.

A) Translating B) To be translated

C) To translate D) Translate

12. I’d like … an appointment.

A) make B) to make

C) making D) to be made

13. The experimental results are not easy ….

A) interpret B) interpreted

C) to be interpreting D) to interpret

14. I prevented them from … the same mistake.

A) make B) being made

C) having made D) making

15. The writer is reported … his new book.

A) published B) to have published

C) publishing D) to be published

Correct the mistakes (one mistake in each sentence).

16. You should to find another solution.

17. I don't want going out tonight. I'm too tired.

18. What makes you to think so?

19. I saw him to lock the door.

20. He is likely coming tonight.

Variant 2

Choose the correct English equivalent:

1.Говорят, что он пишет новую книгу.

A) He is said writing a new book.

B) He is said to be written a new book.

C) He is said to have written a new book.

D) He is said to write a new book.

2. Он хочет, чтобы работа была сделана немедленно.

A) He wants the work to do at once.

B) He wants the work to be done at once.

C) He wants the work doing at once.

D) He wants the work to have done at once.

3. Мы пошли в наш музей, чтобы посмотреть картины.

A) We went to our museum to look at the pictures.

B) We went to our museum looking at the pictures.

C) We went to our museum so that looking at the pictures.

D) We went to our museum to have looked at the pictures.

4. Я пригласила наших друзей поехать с нами.

A) I invited our friends to go with us.

B) I invited our friends going with us.

C) I invited that our friends will go with us.

D) I invited our friends to be gone with us.

5. Они продолжали обсуждать вопрос.

A) They continued to discussing the matter.

B) They continued to be discussed the matter.

C) They continued discuss the matter.

D) They continued to discuss the matter.

Choose the correct Russian equivalent:

6. This information is believed to be of great importance for these engineers.

A) Полагают, что эта информация представляет большую важность для этих инженеров,

B) Эта важная информация предназначается для этих инженеров.

C) Инженеры полагают, что эта информация представляет большую важность.

D) Эта информация представляет большую важность для инженеров.

7. They wanted to introduce a new system.

A) Им бы хотелось, чтобы внедрили новую систему.

B) Хотелось бы, чтобы новая система была внедрена.

C) Они хотели внедрить новую систему.

D) Они хотели, чтобы новая система была внедрена..

8. This firm is reported to be conducting negotiations for the purchase of new equipment.

A) Разговоры, что эта фирма покупает новое оборудование, верны.

B) Эта фирма сообщила, что ведет переговоры о покупке нового оборудования.

C) Нам сообщили, что эта фирма купила новое оборудование.

D) Говорят, что эта фирма ведет переговоры о покупке нового оборудования.

9. We want this meter to be tested under severe conditions.

A) Мы хотим, чтобы этот измерительный прибор испытали в тяжелых условиях.

B) От нас хотят, чтобы мы испытали этот измерительный прибор в тяжелых условиях.

C) Мы хотим испытать этот измерительный прибор в тяжелых условиях.

D) Мы хотели испытать этот измерительный прибор в тяжелых условиях.

Fill in the gaps:

10. I promised … in time.

A) to come B) having come

C) come D) to be coming

11. I saw him yesterday. He seems … weight.

A) to losing B) to have lost

C) to lost D) being lost

12. He is very good at … languages.

A) to learn B) learn

C) being learnt D) learning

13. John insisted on … for the meal.

A) to pay B) having paid

C) paying D) being paid

14. Automation is one of the ways … productivity.

A) being increased B) to increase

C) increase D) to be increased

15. He was clever enough … any question.

A) to answer B) answering

C) to be answered D) answer

Correct the mistakes (one mistake in each sentence):

16. I'm not quite ready yet. Do you mind to wait a little?

17. They heard a baby to cry in the middle of the night.

18. I’d like coming to your wedding but I'm afraid I can't.

19. When I was a child, my parents made me to go to bed early.

20. I can't to afford to go out tonight. I haven't got enough money.


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  4. Руцкая В.Ф. Практическая грамматика английского языка. – Минск: Вышэйшая школа, 1989.

  5. Шанаева Н.В. Основные грамматические трудности в английском языке. – Новосибирск: Наука, 1989.

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Елена Георгиевна Брунова

Елена Юрьевна Шутова