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9.8 Distribute the following words into nouns, adjectives and adverbs and then fill in each gap with the suitable word.

convenient, solution, responsibility, differently, applicable, discovery, constantly, assumption, practical, failure




  1. Don’t rely on this information as it’s pure … .

  2. The engineers have to study new developments in engineering … .

  3. It was a very … moment to discuss a new project.

  4. New scientific … make work easier to do.

  5. There were no simple … to this engineering problem

  6. Engineering education developed very … in Europe and the UK.

  7. The previous solution is not … to this particular case.

  8. An engineer has to take … for designing the product itself.

  9. That new engineering project was a complete … .

  10. These results are of … use.

9.9 Fill in the gaps with the suitable derivative of the word given in brackets.

  1. The … (appear) … of modern structures is changing.

  2. The quality of concrete has increased … (consider) … in the last decay.

  3. Concrete strength is connected with its … (durable) … .

  4. The first houses were made … (particular)… of wood.

  5. These columns formed a single … (cylinder)… shape.

  6. Light-weight concrete occupied an important role in … (structure)… engineering.

  7. Plastics are used for the … (develop)… of entirely new uses.

9.10 Give opposites of the following words:

pleasant, honest, sane, patient, legal, friendly, convenient, logical, regular, personal, polite, attractive, to dress, to pronounce, to understand

9.11 Put in each space below a noun made from the adjective in brackets:

1. What's the _______ of that mountain? (high)

2. Don't say anything that may wound his _______. (proud)

3. He did it in a moment of _______. (angry)

4. Nobody knew how Dr Faust had acquired his great _______. (wealthy)

5. The terrorists were sure that they would get onto the plane with _______. (easy)

6. The idea of going through the cemetery alone filled her with _______. (terrible)

7. I don't know how to express my _______ for your help. (grateful)

8. _______ was on his side again. The jury couldn't prove his _______. (lucky, guilty)

9. His _______ as a poet did not come until after his _______. (famous, dead)

10. The _______ soon became unbearable. We were dying of _______. (hot, thirsty)

9.12 Define the part of speech of the following words and translate them into Russian.

differ, different, difference; create, creation, creative, creator; science, scientific, scientist; apply, application; discover, discoverer, discovery; operate, operation; determine, determination, determinative.

9.13 Form adjectives from the following nouns, using the suffixes: -al, -ful, -ous, -у, -able, -ible, -ic, -less, -ish. Translate them into Russian.

reason, beauty, hope, doubt, care, aim, use, desire, boy, success, heart, experiment, form, office, danger, fame, electron, base, nature, cloud, sun, child, Scott, history, home.