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Лабы / 2 / lab.01.by mice / fexchange / fx_iface

8.53 Кб
* file:         fx_iface.h                                                     *
* version:	    0.2.0                                                          *
* author:       d-evil [tmd] (mailto:d-evil.tmd@mail.ru)                       *
* description:  interface (abstract) class for cfx_core                        *
*               interfaces can use only information based on this file and     *
*               must not make any assumptions about any part of realization    *
*                                                                              *
*               most of integer constants are unique                           *
*               cfx_if class uses integer constants in range [1000, 9999]      *
*               the next principle used to group the integers:                 *
*               [1000,1499] - commands for ui                                  *
*               [1500,1999] - commands for core                                *
*               [2000,2099] - states of server                                 *
*               [2100,2199] - states of client                                 *
*               [3000,3499] - errors returned from core to ui                  *
*               [3500,3999] - errors returned from ui to core                  *
*                                                                              *


// program specific headers
#include "fx_const.h"
#include "fx_core.h"

namespace fx_ns {

*  declarations                                                                *

// cfx_if (declaration)
class cfx_core;
class cfx_if {
	// types
	union sfx_data {
		short sh_val;
		unsigned short ush_val;
		int int_val;
		unsigned int uint_val;
		void *pvoid;

		sfx_data(): pvoid(NULL) {}
		sfx_data(short sv) { sh_val = sv; }
		sfx_data(unsigned short usv) { ush_val = usv; }
		sfx_data(int iv) { int_val; }
		sfx_data(unsigned int uiv) { uint_val = uiv; }
		sfx_data(void *pv) { pvoid = pv; }

	struct sfx_addr_info {
		char *host;
		char *addres;
		unsigned short port;
		short family;

	struct sfx_serv_item {
		sfx_addr_info addr;
		int state;
		sfx_data if_data;	// interface can freely use (modify) this field
		sfx_serv_item *prev;
		sfx_serv_item *next;

	struct sfx_clnt_item {
		sfx_addr_info addr;
		int state;
		char *file_name;
		unsigned __int64 total_sz;
		unsigned __int64 done_sz;
		sfx_data if_data;	// interface can freely use (modify) this field
		sfx_clnt_item *prev;
		sfx_clnt_item *next;

	int fuck;

	// ui commands
	// interfaces must return ERC_NO_CMDSUPPORT if command not supported
	// ldata and rdata and returned value are sfx_data
	// i	- int
	// ui	- unsigned int
	// p	- void *
	// s	- short
	// us	- unsigend short

	// command:   CMD_NONE
	// about:     tests UI for connection
	// ldata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: must return OK_OK, otherwise UI will be detached
	static const int CMD_NONE = 1000;

	// command:   CMD_INVALID_CMD
	// about:     used for debuging
	// ldata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: must return ERC_NO_CMDSUPPORT
	static const int CMD_INVALID_CMD = 1001;

	// command:   CMD_ERROR_REPORT
	// about:     error message from core
	// ldata[i]:  fx error id (ERC_ERROR if unknown error)
	// rdata[i]:  windows error code (0 if not available)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_ERROR_REPORT = 1010;

	// command:   CMD_ASK_ACCEPTIC
	// about:     ask to accept incoming connection
	// ldata[i]:  pointer to sfx_addr_info structure
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// result[i]: OK_OK on "ok", OK_CANCEL on "cancel" or error code
	static const int CMD_ASK_ACCEPTIC = 1020;

	// ldata:   pointer to cfx_askfile_struct
	// rdata:   pointer to int to recieve file name length
	// result:  OK_OK if "yes"
	//          OK_CANCEL if "no"
	//          OK_REPEAT if "yes" and buffer is too short
	static const int CMD_ASKFILENAME = 5;
	static const int CMD_ASKFN_OPEN  = 0x0000000F;
	static const int CMD_ASKFN_MSTEX = 0x000000F0; // file must exists
	static const int CMD_ASKFN_CLEAR = 0x00000F00; // file will be cleaned
	struct cfx_askfile_struct {
		char *buf;		// buffer for file name
		int buf_sz;		// buffer size
		int flags;		// flags

	// command:   CMD_US_NEW
	// about:     update servers list (add new server)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_serv_item structure
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_US_NEW = 1040;

	// command:   CMD_US_MODIFY
	// about:     update servers list (modify server data)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_serv_item structure
	// rdata[i]:  bit mask (fields to modify)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_US_MODIFY = 1050;
		static const int CMD_USMF_ADDR = 1;
		static const int CMD_USMF_STATE = 2;

	// command:   CMD_US_KILL
	// about:     update servers list (delete server)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_serv_item structure
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_US_KILL = 1060;

	// command:   CMD_UC_NEW
	// about:     update clients list (add new client)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_clnt_item structure
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_UC_NEW = 1070;

	// command:   CMD_UC_MODIFY
	// about:     update clients list (modify client data)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_clnt_item structure
	// rdata[p]:  bit mask (fields to modify)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_UC_MODIFY = 1080;
		static const int CMD_UCMF_ADDR  = 0x01;
		static const int CMD_UCMF_STATE = 0x02;
		static const int CMD_UCMF_TOTSZ = 0x04;
		static const int CMD_UCMF_DONSZ = 0x08;

	// command:   CMD_UC_KILL
	// about:     update clients list (delete client)
	// ldata[p]:  pointer sfx_clnt_item structure
	// rdata[p]:  not used (must be NULL)
	// return[i]: error code (OK_OK on success)
	static const int CMD_UC_KILL = 1090;

	// states
	static const int ST_SERV_NONE = 2000;
	static const int ST_SERV_LISTENING = 2010;
	static const int ST_SERV_ACCEPTING = 2020;
	static const int ST_SERV_STOPING = 2030;
	static const int ST_SERV_STOPED = 2040;

	static const int ST_CLNT_NONE = 2100;
	static const int ST_CLNT_CONNECTING = 2110;
	static const int ST_CLNT_CANCELED = 2120;
	static const int ST_CLNT_RECVINFO = 2130;

	// virtual functions
	virtual int attach(class cfx_core *core) = 0;
	virtual int run() = 0;
	virtual int detach() = 0;
	virtual sfx_data exec_cmd(const int cmd, const sfx_data ldata, const sfx_data rdata) = 0;

	// functions
	cfx_if(): _core(NULL) {}

	sfx_data cmd_to_core(const int cmd, const sfx_data ldata, const sfx_data rdata);/* {
		if (NULL != _core)
			return 0; //_core->execute_cmd(cmd, ldata, rdata);
			return ERC_CORE_BADCMD;

	// private variables
	cfx_core *_core;

	// private functions
	cfx_core *_get_core() { return _core; }
	void _set_core(cfx_core *const core) { _core = core; }


}	// end of namespace "fx_ns"

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